Miss SC title goes to USC student

you are misinformed, skippy

alumna is a Latin word meaning a woman graduate or former student of a school, college, or university

this word is for a singular female graduate

Uh-oh, he went and used the skippy word to discuss Latin.
That's just so gangster, gotta love it.

This is why message boards are great. This.
Clemson grad here. Very pretty girl. Good luck to her. And I learned something about the word derivations of alumnus that I didn't know. I never knew an "alumna" was a singular female graduate. Learned something new at 70 years old. Not bad. That was a lot to take in though. Now I need a nap...
Clemson grad here. Very pretty girl. Good luck to her. And I learned something about the word derivations of alumnus that I didn't know. I never knew an "alumna" was a singular female graduate. Learned something new at 70 years old. Not bad. That was a lot to take in though. Now I need a nap...
Glad you come to a USC site to be educated! Have a great day and Fourth!

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