New Stadium Improvements

JGH 35

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2013
After hearing so much buzz about the new landscaping and improvements to the stadium I decided to ride out there at lunch to see it before the game tomorrow. I agree that it looks great and is asthetically pleasing, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw it is "how is this going to work"? Most of the space is now gone and contains grass and landscaping. It is as if they built this like a park just for viewing with no thought whatsoever as to how they are going to move people in, out, and around the stadium. The walkways around are tiny and cannot possibly accomodate the mass of humanity that converges on the stadium before and immediately after the games. This project is just like every other one undertaken by this University. They give no thought at all to logistics, only to asthetics. The same is true with all the construction below the Coliseum. Now that they have used the parking lots for more buildings where do they think people will park. It is just amazing that so little thought goes into these massive and very expensive projects.

My advice for those going to the game tomorrow is to leave early and get to the stadium a little earlier than you normally do as this is going to be a huge mess. Also, don't be in a hurry to leave after the game because you aren't likely to go anywhere fast.
Everything is looking nice overall, but it does bother me that there is now an extra fence around the stadium which will create bottlenecks if there aren't enough open gates during influx and efflux. It really depends on how the games go...congestion peaks for close games where everyone stays until the end.

About parking, I really don't know what people expect. We have so many people who drive their own vehicle, and so many large SUVs, but more land is not being made unless you're Hawaii. Valuable real estate needs to be used for campus, not endless parking. The best long-term solutions require huge investment up front. I have seen some urban university campuses with underground parking even under the main square! You can't even notice the thousands of cars and ugly parking structures from the campus, and might not know they exist if you don't drive, yet they are always conveniently close.
You have always had to go through the turnstiles and or gates to get in. It is much better this way and there are ample entrances. They are all around the stadium as before.....this will not inhibit human traffic flow....just direct it.....I didn't see any thing that caused alarm but until game day we can only guess. Seems well thought out to me.
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Can we actually have one or two games before we render it a disaster?.........Good grief how some people will go out of their way to find something to moan and complain about....

Based on attendance figures at the CLA parking has not been an issue and I have no idea how a "BIG SUV" takes up anymore space than a Prius when the size of the parking spots are the same.....
Sidewalks vs 80k people cutting through a parking lot? Hmmm, I can't imagine which will be more efficient.

Guaranteed OP was in an underground bunker with 2 decades worth of packaged food for Y2K.
So you think somehow taking away 2/3 of the area that could previously be used to move foot traffic and redirecting 80,000+ people down narrow side walks is somehow going to improve traffic. What the hell have you been smoking?
You do understand they will be parking across the road in the new parking lot....There weren't 80,000 parking spots around the stadium and never have been....

You also realize I (very important) have less chance getting run over immediately outside the stadium now as well I hope....

Also those guys in the Grey uniforms with the funny looking hats are SC TROOPERS....I am sure they will, just as they always have, be holding up traffic at random intervals so the crowds from the parking lot can make their way onto the grounds around the stadium....

At this point I am curious if you have ever attended a game at either venue cause you obviously don't know how the system works.....
Previously the area was full of cars. There were no sidewalks or defined pathways for the 80k people exiting the game. Everyone would cut through all the cars and the drunks driving the cars would try to leave with 80k people zigzaging out of the parking lot. Logistically, it was a nightmare and we're lucky more people didn't get killed or seriously injured.

Now, the foot traffic has to be narrowed down to some degree because everyone will be crossing the streets to get back to their parking lots. You can't just leave the area open all the way around unless you close down the streets for game day which would make traffic even more of a nightmare.

The fence around the stadium is no more restrictive than exiting the stadium itself and will allow for people who are standing to the side waiting to meet up with other people to be completely out of the way instead of standing inside the stadium in everyone's way.

All in all they did a great job. And if there are any unforeseen problems they can be easily rectified without disrupting parking for the big donors.
You do understand they will be parking across the road in the new parking lot....There weren't 80,000 parking spots around the stadium and never have been....

You also realize I (very important) have less chance getting run over immediately outside the stadium now as well I hope....

Also those guys in the Grey uniforms with the funny looking hats are SC TROOPERS....I am sure they will, just as they always have, be holding up traffic at random intervals so the crowds from the parking lot can make their way onto the grounds around the stadium....

At this point I am curious if you have ever attended a game at either venue cause you obviously don't know how the system works.....

Not sure what you are talking about. You are not addressing anything that this thread is about. It's not talking about cars, parking, crossing roads, or troopers. It is about the foot traffic around the stadium and getting in and out of the stadium. And FYI I am a Platinum Spur donor and have had club level seats for over 10 years. I not only attend the games but usually attend a couple of away games as well. I was at Kentucky last year for that 4th quarter debacle. I also have season tickets to the basketball games and attend every one. I would bet I know far better than you how the traffic works.
So you think somehow taking away 2/3 of the area that could previously be used to move foot traffic and redirecting 80,000+ people down narrow side walks is somehow going to improve traffic. What the hell have you been smoking?

You do realize that hundreds of automobiles use to occupy this area. This should actually improve the pedestrian flow and greatly reduce the chance of serious accidents and/or property damage.
Not sure what you are talking about. You are not addressing anything that this thread is about. It's not talking about cars, parking, crossing roads, or troopers. It is about the foot traffic around the stadium and getting in and out of the stadium. And FYI I am a Platinum Spur donor and have had club level seats for over 10 years. I not only attend the games but usually attend a couple of away games as well. I was at Kentucky last year for that 4th quarter debacle. I also have season tickets to the basketball games and attend every one. I would bet I know far better than you how the traffic works.

Ahhhhh, now we get the real reason for the post....took ya spot did they???? I knew I smelled a rat......
I drove by last weekend. Looks terrific, and I saw nothing that concerned me about the foot traffic. In fact, on the North and West side it will be a ton better now that there's no more cars. I don't know for a fact, however, but I envision they will block off parts of GRB because the line to enter the stadium will be at the outer gate rather than right at the stadium, especially where the students entry is. There was never a ton of room between the North side and GRB. Now there will be even less. But once inside the outer gate, the amount of space is luxurious.
One thing is for sure, you won't have to worry about 80,000 people being at the game tomorrow so it might be awhile before we get to see how capacity crowds are handled with the new improvements.
Not sure what you are talking about. You are not addressing anything that this thread is about. It's not talking about cars, parking, crossing roads, or troopers. It is about the foot traffic around the stadium and getting in and out of the stadium. And FYI I am a Platinum Spur donor and have had club level seats for over 10 years. I not only attend the games but usually attend a couple of away games as well. I was at Kentucky last year for that 4th quarter debacle. I also have season tickets to the basketball games and attend every one. I would bet I know far better than you how the traffic works.
If you are not thinking about cars, parking, crossing roads, and troopers when you are talking about foot traffic around the stadium and getting in and out of the stadium then you are not thinking about logistics.
Ah-ha! Got him! LOL!
No, but nice try. I have a spot in a gated lot near the stadium. I'm concerned about the foot traffic. I have to walk around the stadium from the east side to get to the west side. Even with the empty spaces and all that room to walk the last couple of years it is quite crowded. I am afraid it is going to revert back to the way it was when we had all those cars parked all around the stadium. We will see tomorrow though. Perhaps we can compare notes on Monday and see how everyone thinks it worked out?
After hearing so much buzz about the new landscaping and improvements to the stadium I decided to ride out there at lunch to see it before the game tomorrow. I agree that it looks great and is asthetically pleasing, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw it is "how is this going to work"? Most of the space is now gone and contains grass and landscaping. It is as if they built this like a park just for viewing with no thought whatsoever as to how they are going to move people in, out, and around the stadium. The walkways around are tiny and cannot possibly accomodate the mass of humanity that converges on the stadium before and immediately after the games. This project is just like every other one undertaken by this University. They give no thought at all to logistics, only to asthetics. The same is true with all the construction below the Coliseum. Now that they have used the parking lots for more buildings where do they think people will park. It is just amazing that so little thought goes into these massive and very expensive projects.

My advice for those going to the game tomorrow is to leave early and get to the stadium a little earlier than you normally do as this is going to be a huge mess. Also, don't be in a hurry to leave after the game because you aren't likely to go anywhere fast.
There will now be more gates to enter the stadium so there should not be bottlenecks waiting at the gates.
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I have had to navigate around loud ass motor homes, cars, trucks and ambulances...and an array of people just meandering around the stadium before the landscaping. I will take my chances with the new entrances and beautiful pathways with no chance of someone backing over me or smelling exhaust over the before. If you have attended games you KNOW this is much wouldn't have a had worries before.
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No, but nice try. I have a spot in a gated lot near the stadium. I'm concerned about the foot traffic. I have to walk around the stadium from the east side to get to the west side. Even with the empty spaces and all that room to walk the last couple of years it is quite crowded. I am afraid it is going to revert back to the way it was when we had all those cars parked all around the stadium. We will see tomorrow though. Perhaps we can compare notes on Monday and see how everyone thinks it worked out?

Imo, it looks great and it will make exiting from the stadium easier, safer and quicker. Score one for aesthetics and safety.
After hearing so much buzz about the new landscaping and improvements to the stadium I decided to ride out there at lunch to see it before the game tomorrow. I agree that it looks great and is asthetically pleasing, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw it is "how is this going to work"? Most of the space is now gone and contains grass and landscaping. It is as if they built this like a park just for viewing with no thought whatsoever as to how they are going to move people in, out, and around the stadium. The walkways around are tiny and cannot possibly accomodate the mass of humanity that converges on the stadium before and immediately after the games. This project is just like every other one undertaken by this University. They give no thought at all to logistics, only to asthetics. The same is true with all the construction below the Coliseum. Now that they have used the parking lots for more buildings where do they think people will park. It is just amazing that so little thought goes into these massive and very expensive projects.

My advice for those going to the game tomorrow is to leave early and get to the stadium a little earlier than you normally do as this is going to be a huge mess. Also, don't be in a hurry to leave after the game because you aren't likely to go anywhere fast.

grass will take a beatin 'but lets see........
Only on this forum would there be complaints from posters on $15 million improvement to WB BEFORE the poster even sees it during a game. Gheeez.


They didn't take your space to make the improvements LOL
Only on this forum would there be complaints from posters on $15 million improvement to WB BEFORE the poster even sees it during a game. Gheeez.

we have people who were raised on a rag, sadly that's all they ever will know.....believe their granddaddy's must have bitched when polio vaccine was introduced.
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No, but nice try. I have a spot in a gated lot near the stadium. I'm concerned about the foot traffic. I have to walk around the stadium from the east side to get to the west side. Even with the empty spaces and all that room to walk the last couple of years it is quite crowded. I am afraid it is going to revert back to the way it was when we had all those cars parked all around the stadium. We will see tomorrow though. Perhaps we can compare notes on Monday and see how everyone thinks it worked out?
Yes, that would be the smart thing to do vs. complaining about the situation before we've even had an actual home game.
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After hearing so much buzz about the new landscaping and improvements to the stadium I decided to ride out there at lunch to see it before the game tomorrow. I agree that it looks great and is asthetically pleasing, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw it is "how is this going to work"? Most of the space is now gone and contains grass and landscaping. It is as if they built this like a park just for viewing with no thought whatsoever as to how they are going to move people in, out, and around the stadium. The walkways around are tiny and cannot possibly accomodate the mass of humanity that converges on the stadium before and immediately after the games. This project is just like every other one undertaken by this University. They give no thought at all to logistics, only to asthetics. The same is true with all the construction below the Coliseum. Now that they have used the parking lots for more buildings where do they think people will park. It is just amazing that so little thought goes into these massive and very expensive projects.

My advice for those going to the game tomorrow is to leave early and get to the stadium a little earlier than you normally do as this is going to be a huge mess. Also, don't be in a hurry to leave after the game because you aren't likely to go anywhere fast.
Sure. It was better for traffic with hundreds of cars and trucks parked all around the stadium and everyone having to weave through vehicles. Sure thing. And not to mention the stadium now has God forbid some green space now, guess we should go back to the concrete and pavement atmosphere with fans having to weave through and around vehicles. Yeah, that was better....not. Fail.
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The Springs-Brooks concourse is beautiful, wonderfully-designed and meticulously scaled for the easy-flow and management of several thousands of fans in excess of its current seating. Consultants to the most popular sports and theme park venues in the world were involved in brainstorming, designing and planning its layout ... no, it's not a wide-open Moscow's 'Red Square' but who would want that anyway? Good grief! Once it matures it will be even more impressive, cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter and appealing year-round. There are ample entry's and exits, wonderful places to 'step away' from the 'general' pedestrian flow to meet, greet or wait for friends or family - lots of helpful (and attractive, well thought-out) directional signage ... numerous 'unique' and interesting 'extras' inside ... I realize it's primarily a FOOTBALL venue but I'd call it a grand-slam HOME RUN.

Even 'little things' (discrete lighting - hidden speakers, attractive [FUNCTIONAL] waste containers) were carefully chosen. Surfaces where hands will go were sanded and smoothed - colors (and contrasts) were targeted, the dang place is absolutely FIRST CLASS.

Just my $ .02 cents.
Can we actually have one or two games before we render it a disaster?.........Good grief how some people will go out of their way to find something to moan and complain about....

Based on attendance figures at the CLA parking has not been an issue and I have no idea how a "BIG SUV" takes up anymore space than a Prius when the size of the parking spots are the same.....

BGF.........Bitching Gamecock Forum
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Not sure what you are talking about. You are not addressing anything that this thread is about. It's not talking about cars, parking, crossing roads, or troopers. It is about the foot traffic around the stadium and getting in and out of the stadium. And FYI I am a Platinum Spur donor and have had club level seats for over 10 years. I not only attend the games but usually attend a couple of away games as well. I was at Kentucky last year for that 4th quarter debacle. I also have season tickets to the basketball games and attend every one. I would bet I know far better than you how the traffic works.

Dude ain't fooling me....He is one of the one's that has been trying to run the rest of us over for the last 10 years or so......

Covered up his special spot with bricks and grass and made him walk from across the street to the stadium and he ain't happy.........
Now you will enter at the outer gate, not the stadium. There are plenty of gates to enter so the limes should be smaller. On the west side there will no longer be TV trucks that take up an enormous amount of the walking space. Leaving the west side the last few years after games has been nothing but a bottleneck, this should work better.
Taters will have a fit when they visit in November.....I can see them at Lowes or Home Depot now picking up some brick pavers and chain link fencing to go around Darth Valley
Going out on a limb here - from what I've read and heard from fans, man -

You guys have knocked it out of the park this year - getting multiple green spaces in play for Saturdays pre and post-game. Kudos - no sh8t.

Everybody wants good spaces to do their thing before and after the game - and you guys have addressed that. Big ups. You needed that, given the conference comparisons. Not talking 'us vs them', I mean 'who has the best digs in your shitty SEC conf' (had to add 'shitty')'.

Go girls - Yah done good.

Why don't you go ride the short bus around your crappy full uniform & pads? Jealous much?
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Oh good god. why don't you take a long walk, on a short pier.

Hehehe. Poor tater. Another one on ignore, until he gets banned...and has to create yet another user name, so he can post on his rival's board.

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No, but nice try. I have a spot in a gated lot near the stadium. I'm concerned about the foot traffic. I have to walk around the stadium from the east side to get to the west side. Even with the empty spaces and all that room to walk the last couple of years it is quite crowded. I am afraid it is going to revert back to the way it was when we had all those cars parked all around the stadium. We will see tomorrow though. Perhaps we can compare notes on Monday and see how everyone thinks it worked out?
You are missing the fundamental improvement that has been done that alleviates your concern. By creating a way to walk around the stadium from within the gates, you are no longer restricted to having to enter the stadium on "your side" of the stadium. In your case, you will be able to enter on the East side (which has MUCH more room now to maneuver) then walk around to the West Side. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by your options.
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I count a total of 32 gates and entrances. That should provide adequate access to and exit from WB:

In the pic below, outside of the east stands, the sidewalk width looks to be about the width of a 2-lane road, maybe 20 to 25 feet? Not having to be concerned with dodging tailgaters, I anticipate significant improvement in pedestrian access and convenience.