New Stadium Improvements

You pulled out a quote that is most definately NOT a disparaging remark. It was not maligning nor degrading to anyone. I made a comment about a general well known fact in regard to planning at USC. It would have been disparaging if I had named someone and/or villified them. This has been a much discussed topic for dozens of years by many students, faculty, and staff of the University. I personally know a number of employees at the University that have no where to park. Many of them have to walk 4 to 6 blocks regardless of inclement weather to get from their cars to their places of work. This is simply poor planning. Incidently, one of those parking lots is now under construction for a building so that 4 to 6 blocks is now even further for some people.
It most DEFINITELY(note correct spelling) is a disparaging remark. You were belittling, discrediting, and blaming USC for a lack of planning, not just with this project, but EVERY project that USC takes on. All of those adjectives are the very definition of disparaging. I'd link it and cut and paste for you but I'm frankly getting tired of how defiantly ignorant you are acting.

I find it hilarious that you are criticizing USC for parking when we JUST BUILT A DAMN GIANT PARKING LOT DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE FRICKIN' FOOTBALL STADIUM!!!!

As for parking downtown, what do you expect when our campus is in the middle of the capital city of a state? Parking has ALWAYS been scarce. So what, is USC supposed to shut down and not function as a normal university? Besides, parking is available if you are so obese and out of shape you can't walk a few blocks. You just have to pay a little more for it. Or you can take a shuttle.

To say that is poor planning is again, completely ignorant. What are they supposed to do, magically create more space for parking out of thin air?

The bottom line is you were a complete and utter asshole about this situation. Not only that, you were WRONG. The logistics(your word, hope you know what this one actually means) were very well thought out and this is a huge improvement for the vast majority of fans that attend football games. Sorry I'm not sorry you have to walk a few blocks now to get there. But honestly, you probably could use the exercise. If for nothing else, to improve the blood flow to your brain.
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It most DEFINITELY(note correct spelling) is a disparaging remark. You were belittling, discrediting, and blaming USC for a lack of planning, not just with this project, but EVERY project that USC takes on. All of those adjectives are the very definition of disparaging. I'd link it and cut and paste for you but I'm frankly getting tired of how defiantly ignorant you are acting.

I find it hilarious that you are criticizing USC for parking when we JUST BUILT A DAMN GIANT PARKING LOT DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE FRICKIN' FOOTBALL STADIUM!!!!

As for parking downtown, what do you expect when our campus is in the middle of the capital city of a state? Parking has ALWAYS been scarce. So what, is USC supposed to shut down and not function as a normal university? Besides, parking is available if you are so obese and out of shape you can't walk a few blocks. You just have to pay a little more for it. Or you can take a shuttle.

To say that is poor planning is again, completely ignorant. What are they supposed to do, magically create more space for parking out of thin air?

The bottom line is you were a complete and utter asshole about this situation. Not only that, you were WRONG. The logistics(your word, hope you know what this one actually means) were very well thought out and this is a huge improvement for the vast majority of fans that attend football games. Sorry I'm not sorry you have to walk a few blocks now to get there. But honestly, you probably could use the exercise. If for nothing else, to improve the blood flow to your brain.

Now THAT is a disparaging comment. See the difference? Very classy! You are revealing your true character - or lack thereof. It is obvious that you are incapable of having a civil and rational discussion about a topic without resorting to such low class childishness.

It is also obvious you are having trouble focusing on the subject matter, or else have a problem with reading comprehension when you try to relate off campus parking at the football stadium to the discussion of parking on campus. The two have nothing to do with each other. With your comment "...what do you expect when our campus is in the middle of the capital city..." it is also apparent that you know nothing about real estate development. Just take a look at every major development in downtown Columbia over the past 25 or 30 years. If there was not ample parking in close proximity the Developers incorporated parking decks in the development plan to assure there would be adequate parking, as this is a very vital component of real estate development . It's just not the problem you want to make it out to be. It is expensive to do so, but that isn't the problem here. If the University can purchase millions of $ worth of property is has no current need for (again there is the planning issue) just to keep a quarry from expanding, it obviously has the money to provide adequate parking for its students, faculty, and staff. Again, this isn't something I just made up. Perhaps you have had your head buried in the sand, but this has been an ongoing discussion for years. Its not new!!! Also, my commenting on it is not disparaging to anyone.
Now THAT is a disparaging comment. See the difference? Very classy! You are revealing your true character - or lack thereof. It is obvious that you are incapable of having a civil and rational discussion about a topic without resorting to such low class childishness.

It is also obvious you are having trouble focusing on the subject matter, or else have a problem with reading comprehension when you try to relate off campus parking at the football stadium to the discussion of parking on campus. The two have nothing to do with each other. With your comment "...what do you expect when our campus is in the middle of the capital city..." it is also apparent that you know nothing about real estate development. Just take a look at every major development in downtown Columbia over the past 25 or 30 years. If there was not ample parking in close proximity the Developers incorporated parking decks in the development plan to assure there would be adequate parking, as this is a very vital component of real estate development . It's just not the problem you want to make it out to be. It is expensive to do so, but that isn't the problem here. If the University can purchase millions of $ worth of property is has no current need for (again there is the planning issue) just to keep a quarry from expanding, it obviously has the money to provide adequate parking for its students, faculty, and staff. Again, this isn't something I just made up. Perhaps you have had your head buried in the sand, but this has been an ongoing discussion for years. Its not new!!! Also, my commenting on it is not disparaging to anyone.

If USC or the state had purchased 700 additional acres around campus 75 years ago, we wouldn't have expensive land purchasing issues today. However, real estate speculators and big landowner interests in the city blocked that from happening. Oh! Did I fail to mention Clemson interests that fought USC's expansion, academically and physically, since Tillman Tech's vile inception?
That is absolutely not true. I never made any disparaging comments directed toward any poster on this board and you know damn good and well I did not. It is one thing to have differing opinions and viewpoints, but it is altogether different to make up lies. If you are going to continue to do that I suggest you refrain from posting at all.

The point is that you tried to "belittle" the project and the staff/university about the project before you ever experienced what they had done.

You admit so in your own post as you attempt to make an apology after actually attending the game and the venue.....

The fact that you didn't expect some to get irritated because you decided to post your views on the project before ever seeing how it actually worked is concerning......

This is a great country....your entitled to your views....but when you make them known without having facts then you should expect the results you got.....

In the future I might say something like "some aspects of the project give me concern but I will see how it works out before forming an opinion and then calling someone out on it"

Also don't come here calling people out about a "rational" discussion when you tossed out being "rational" in your original post to begin with. There was noting "rational" in your moan and grown session because there hadn't yet been an event at the venue for which you could have based any "rational" discussion.

You invited this on yourself. I see you tried to walk it back but maybe you should just say "I was wrong" and move on from it.......

Just a thought
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If USC or the state had purchased 700 additional acres around campus 75 years ago, we wouldn't have expensive land purchasing issues today. However, real estate speculators and big landowner interests in the city blocked that from happening. Oh! Did I fail to mention Clemson interests that fought USC's expansion, academically and physically, since Tillman Tech's vile inception?
If we'd have moved the school to Camden in the 1960s like some wanted, we wouldn't have these issues.
I count a total of 32 gates and entrances. That should provide adequate access to and exit from WB: Facts

In the pic below, outside of the east stands, the sidewalk width looks to be about the width of a 2-lane road, maybe 20 to 25 feet? Not having to be concerned with dodging tailgaters, I anticipate significant improvement in pedestrian access and convenience.