My mother had colon cancer in 2008. She went through chemo and won the battle. in 2012 I was watching the Carolina-Clemson game with her and she kept complaining about everything we did. "Of course we missed that catch", "Of course they ran for 4 yards", "Of course he kicked it out of bounds." Even though we were winning, she found fault in every... single... play. I remember thinking "I can never watch another football game with her." As they say, be careful what you wish for. We didn't know it at the time but the cancer had come back. We lost her 4 months later.
Get checked, and then keep getting checked. It's your life that you're gambling with and unlike a $100 bet on the Gamecocks, you can't just chalk it up as a loss and move on.
Get checked, and then keep getting checked. It's your life that you're gambling with and unlike a $100 bet on the Gamecocks, you can't just chalk it up as a loss and move on.