OT , what do other drivers do that drives you crazy ?*

Lack of anticipation at traffic lights. There is no reason that once a light turns green that cars 3-10+ spots back from the light sit perfectly still for 4-15 seconds.
Solution: all traffic lights should be accompanied by a countdown-timer. Drivers would have a visual reminder that the red light is about to change and to prepare to drive. This would help alleviate drive-time traffic in town.
I notice this happens when they are texting, instead of watching the light. Many times had to honk the horn. Millinials and younger are most guilty.
Lack of anticipation at traffic lights. There is no reason that once a light turns green that cars 3-10+ spots back from the light sit perfectly still for 4-15 seconds.
Solution: all traffic lights should be accompanied by a countdown-timer. Drivers would have a visual reminder that the red light is about to change and to prepare to drive. This would help alleviate drive-time traffic in town.

In many parts of Europe, drivers are prompted that the light is about to change from red to green -- the yellow light comes on for about a second before the light changes from red to green. Of course this works well in Europe, but would probably be worthless in the U.S. since drivers in Europe are MUCH better than here. There, they they pay attention and use common sense.
Bingo and double bingo!

Driving continuously in the left lane. The left lane is a passing lane...once you have passed, are supposed to slide back to right lane. If folks would make that a habit, a good bit of traffic would be alleviated. European drivers are good at this. For some reason, Americans aren't.

It really chaps me when a cop is a permanent left lane driver. You would think that, of anyone, cops would understand highway driving theory.
In many parts of Europe, drivers are prompted that the light is about to change from red to green -- the yellow light comes on for about a second before the light changes from red to green. Of course this works well in Europe, but would probably be worthless in the U.S. since drivers in Europe are MUCH better than here. There, they they pay attention and use common sense.

When I was stationed in Germany back in late 80s early 90s we were told the Germans have to pay an insane amount of money for drivers education before they're allowed to take the drivers test. They take it seriously.

Here, sometimes it seems like all you need is a pulse to get your license.
Idiots who dont understand wtf "merge" means.
Its not my responsibility to slow down or speed up or even move over to allow another vehicle on the highway. Its your responsibility to blend into the traffic flow at a speed which doesnt disrupt the flow.
And another thing, its called a deceleration lane for a reason. Slow down there, not a quarter mile before the exit.
Im done.

This times 1,000 . One of my commutes takes me through four seriously busy interchanges on I-95 and folks trying to get on just keep on coming whether there's room for them or not.

That, and then you get those clowns who are five or six cars back in line of folks trying to get on the interstate and they decide to jump out ahead of everybody. I actually saw one guy do that and he sideswiped another guy and then floored it. Some young white dude with a beard in a beat up Toyota Corolla with a Salt Life sticker on it.
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Ok this one is a big one for me ... When traffic is backed up and you wave somebody and let them cut in and they don’t at least wave back . Burns me up . One of these days I’m gonna T-Bone somebody just for this . If Judge asks why I’m gonna say “ I let them cut in and they didn’t smile and wave back”. If you guys think it’s bad on the roads then imagine spending 100+ days a year on the water . The level of idiotic is not even measurable .
I hear you. Lack of acknowledgement is a human law violation. We live in a society for crying out loud.

Lack of turn signal is bad. Signaling left and turning right, or vice versa, is even worse.
I am in San Fran this week with my family. Motorcycles are out of control! At least 15 times on our visit to Stanford, Motorcycles passed between myself and the car beside me during slow and normal traffic. One slight move by a motorist and the cyclist is pushing up daisies.

On a side note, Stanford athletic facilities are insane. Particurally for the non-revenue sports

It's legal there. They call it white lining.
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From the “No good deed shall go unpunished department”:

You’re in a line of cars at a red light. Being the Good Samaritan, you let a person who’s turning right get into traffic in front of you.

When the light changes, the person you let in front of you dawdles around, and the light changes back to red. He/she initially slows down to stop, then suddenly accelerates to get through the intersection. By this time the light is completely red, and you’ve lost all your forward momentum by slowing down; in good conscience you can’t run the red light.

This happened to me earlier this week....:mad:
Another thing that burns me up are overly aggressive and generally just rude drivers . People who tailgate and lay on the horn . I have a teenage driver who is just learning and a few weeks ago we had a guy in a new Mercedes tailgate her and started laying on the horn and screaming obscenities. It really traumatizes her He then flew past us ( on a double line ). Well about a mile later he pulled into a mini mart . So naturally I told my daughter to pull in so “I could grab a drink”. Let’s just say by the time I got to his car he refused to even get out or roll his window down . Not to mention he was about 5’6 and weighed about a buck sixty . He was much quieter at that moment and he ended up going to another mini mart without getting out of his car . And yes I set a terrible example for my kid on how to handle an adverse situation but maybe this DB will think twice about being a jerk on the road next time . Probably not . I think it’s a society issue . Very easy to be a tough guy behind the wheel or keyboard and smart phone . Different story when the person is in your face .
Another thing that burns me up are overly aggressive and generally just rude drivers . People who tailgate and lay on the horn . I have a teenage driver who is just learning and a few weeks ago we had a guy in a new Mercedes tailgate her and started laying on the horn and screaming obscenities. It really traumatizes her He then flew past us ( on a double line ). Well about a mile later he pulled into a mini mart . So naturally I told my daughter to pull in so “I could grab a drink”. Let’s just say by the time I got to his car he refused to even get out or roll his window down . Not to mention he was about 5’6 and weighed about a buck sixty . He was much quieter at that moment and he ended up going to another mini mart without getting out of his car . And yes I set a terrible example for my kid on how to handle an adverse situation but maybe this DB will think twice about being a jerk on the road next time . Probably not . I think it’s a society issue . Very easy to be a tough guy behind the wheel or keyboard and smart phone . Different story when the person is in your face .
No judgement from me.....

It’s been about 15 years now, but one morning a former co-worker instigated a road rage incident. I never did learn exactly what he did, but the other driver followed him into our workplace and basically kicked his ass, or to be more correct, worked over his face pretty good.

The police were called to investigate but as far as I know the other guy never got caught.

People can be crazy.... I tell myself that if I’m ever in that kind of situation I’m going find a very public location before I stop the car. That way if the other jackhole still wants to fight there will be plenty of witnesses.
Another thing that burns me up are overly aggressive and generally just rude drivers . People who tailgate and lay on the horn . I have a teenage driver who is just learning and a few weeks ago we had a guy in a new Mercedes tailgate her and started laying on the horn and screaming obscenities. It really traumatizes her He then flew past us ( on a double line ). Well about a mile later he pulled into a mini mart . So naturally I told my daughter to pull in so “I could grab a drink”. Let’s just say by the time I got to his car he refused to even get out or roll his window down . Not to mention he was about 5’6 and weighed about a buck sixty . He was much quieter at that moment and he ended up going to another mini mart without getting out of his car . And yes I set a terrible example for my kid on how to handle an adverse situation but maybe this DB will think twice about being a jerk on the road next time . Probably not . I think it’s a society issue . Very easy to be a tough guy behind the wheel or keyboard and smart phone . Different story when the person is in your face .

Be careful approaching folks in their vehicle..
Perception is reality and being approached while in your vehicle no matter how much the guy is a douchebag,, he could claim he was in fear and do something stupid..
I have to remind myself of this constantly when dealing with people i’d like to drag outta their car and The struggle is real..
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I cannot stand the Left lane ryderz,, the “you will move when i have to yield” guy,, the “let me pull out in front of you and there is nobody behind u” guy,, mr lets not use cruise control and constantly pass u and then slow down guy,, “i will under no circumstances pass this cop cause I probably dont have insurance” guy, “left lane holding up traffic until 100 yards before my exit then i cut over to the exit” guy,,, swift vs jb hunt drag races,,,
Let me stop..
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In many parts of Europe, drivers are prompted that the light is about to change from red to green -- the yellow light comes on for about a second before the light changes from red to green. Of course this works well in Europe, but would probably be worthless in the U.S. since drivers in Europe are MUCH better than here. There, they they pay attention and use common sense.

Yes, they are so much better drivers than Americans... really??


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People who pass me on the highway, get in front of me, then slow down, making me turn my cruise control off.

I drive long distances often. Every trip I encounter at least one person that is constantly passing me, getting over...and they’ll slow down about 10 MPH over time. I’ll have to pass them...on cruise control and staying same speed and I’ll watch them fall further behind. Then, a minute or two they come. And the process will go on and on and on.

I also can’t stand when someone rides just off your bumper in the other lane. When you need to get over you have nowhere to go but they won’t speed up.

I have a ton of them. It’s been mentioned but the delay at stop lights is huge, especially making left turns on busy roads. The other was stopping at a light and leaving 2-3 car lengths in between. There is one light here that always gets backed up about 1/4 mile but has a right turn lane that is pretty long. I’ll point out every time that if the cars (usually 5-6 of them would pull up, I would’ve easily had made the turn lane rather than having to sit through a long light. All of these I attribute to texting. People want to just stop fast to look at their phones. And when looking they don’t look up. I’ve sat through left green arrows two three cars behind someone that didn’t go. By the time we blew the horn and every one else made did, they were only car to go.

Main issue with people today is they don’t understand that when you are driving, you must dedicate 100% of your attention to it. Not the phone, the jams, the sights. Drive your freaking car.
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Another thing that burns me up are overly aggressive and generally just rude drivers . People who tailgate and lay on the horn . I have a teenage driver who is just learning and a few weeks ago we had a guy in a new Mercedes tailgate her and started laying on the horn and screaming obscenities. It really traumatizes her He then flew past us ( on a double line ). Well about a mile later he pulled into a mini mart . So naturally I told my daughter to pull in so “I could grab a drink”. Let’s just say by the time I got to his car he refused to even get out or roll his window down . Not to mention he was about 5’6 and weighed about a buck sixty . He was much quieter at that moment and he ended up going to another mini mart without getting out of his car . And yes I set a terrible example for my kid on how to handle an adverse situation but maybe this DB will think twice about being a jerk on the road next time . Probably not . I think it’s a society issue . Very easy to be a tough guy behind the wheel or keyboard and smart phone . Different story when the person is in your face .

The dehumanizing effect (affect?) of machines. Nobody I know would think of cutting in on a line of people waiting, but let there be a line of cars trying to get off an exit or something, and dozens of folks instead of pulling up at the back of the line will go around and cut in at last minute.
I've always thought if people in a crowded store acted the way they act behind the wheel there would be a fistfight every five minutes.
Sadly, more people are starting to behave that way, tho.

On a green light the driver turns right only to immediately turn left into the corner gas station. Of course they can’t because of backed up traffic at their red light. So they back traffic up.
GO THROUGH THE LIGHT, then turn right!
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Tailgating me. If I'm on a backroad and someone is on my bumper I encourage them to pass me. I also do not like big rigs anywhere near my bumper.
I grind my teeth and start swearing when there is a car tailgating me. I expect kids to do it but some of the ones that do it are adults. As far as semi-trailer trucks, I try to stay away from them period. You do not know if that driver has been driving for 16 straight hours and is about to fall a sleep at the wheel. Also, I always fear that one of the tires on the semi-trailer truck will blow out and the tire will go through one of my windows on the car.
I dont understand why some people stop 2 or 3 car lengths behind somebody at a stop sign or red light. It happened to me today. Dang traffic is backed up enough on 29 in Taylors at 5:30.
Pull out in front of me then turn off right after....grrrrr
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What do other drivers do that drives you crazy ?

Those idiots who turn on those God Damn blue, flashing lights just after closing time

I am in San Fran this week with my family. Motorcycles are out of control! At least 15 times on our visit to Stanford, Motorcycles passed between myself and the car beside me during slow and normal traffic. One slight move by a motorist and the cyclist is pushing up daisies.

On a side note, Stanford athletic facilities are insane. Particurally for the non-revenue sports
That is called Lane splitting and the Communist Republic of California says it is legal and will ticket YOU if you impede their progresses. I think it is an insane death wish. The first time you experience it, it scares the crap out of you
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I haven't heard anyone mention the one that gets me and my wife to go from calm to psychoville in less than a heartbeat.

It's when it's basically 5 o'clock traffic and you're turning at an intersection....but the idiots going straight pull into the intersection WELL AFTER THEIR LIGHT HAS TURNED YELLOW...and then it turns red, and there they sit, in the middle of the intersection and literally blocking you from turning.

I particularly enjoy when *WE* are the first ones at the light to turn. When the schmucks are just sitting there blocking me from turning.... I floor it and act as if I'm going to hit them, and at the same time, I lay on the horn. (We also removed the standard horn in our car and replaced it with what sounds exactly like a train's horn)

People move in a hurry now. The look of sheer panic on their faces calms me right down. That and double birds to their idiotic faces.
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Idiots who dont understand wtf "merge" means.
Its not my responsibility to slow down or speed up or even move over to allow another vehicle on the highway. Its your responsibility to blend into the traffic flow at a speed which doesnt disrupt the flow.
And another thing, its called a deceleration lane for a reason. Slow down there, not a quarter mile before the exit.
Im done.

The problem is that people merging think they MUST get in front of a car that is already on the interstate at cruising speed. It seems to not occur to them that they can also merge in behind a car already on the interstate.
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I am in San Fran this week with my family. Motorcycles are out of control! At least 15 times on our visit to Stanford, Motorcycles passed between myself and the car beside me during slow and normal traffic. One slight move by a motorist and the cyclist is pushing up daisies.

On a side note, Stanford athletic facilities are insane. Particurally for the non-revenue sports

That’s actually a good thing. We have too many dumbasses in this Country (especially San Francisco) so I applaud and encourage their own efforts to reduce their ranks.
Pull out in front of me, then turn at the next intersection.
Was gonna post that. Then they pokey ass in front of you after breaking their neck to pull out in front of you. Happened to me today.:mad:
you're in the left turn lane at a stop light and the light turns green but the driver in front of you just sits there....they don't pull forward so that you and maybe even the car behind you might have a shot at making it through the stop light. This one thing gums up the works of traffic and probably delays people for thousands of hours cumulatively in the world everyday and there's no good reason for it. Also when the guy in the left turn lane across from you didn't pull far enough to the left in his lane so you might be able to see around him to tell if anything is coming before you make your turn.
Idiots who dont understand wtf "merge" means.
Its not my responsibility to slow down or speed up or even move over to allow another vehicle on the highway. Its your responsibility to blend into the traffic flow at a speed which doesnt disrupt the flow.
And another thing, its called a deceleration lane for a reason. Slow down there, not a quarter mile before the exit.
Im done.
I somewhat agree but have to say that it's always your responsibility to do the reasonable thing move over if there's no good reason not to. Totally agree on the deceleration lane thing.
Looking at their phone on the road. Swerving and driving way too fast while looking at the stupid thing. Whatever it is can wait, I promise.
18 wheelers that are in the left lane of the interstate during rush hour traffic. It happens daily around here. If stop and go on the interstate isn't agonizing enough, now we have this asshat that takes 1/4 mile to get up to 30mph.
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I personally hate driving in the fast lane and having another car on my bumper pressuring me to go faster. Then once I finally have the opportunity to move to the slow lane that same car all of sudden drives the speed limit waiting for another car to push the speed limit with.