Paul Mooney died yesterday. Didn't see it...

Now I know why he was on constant rotation. I'm not a huge fan of his. Too much white bashing
I think it's important to look at it from Mooney's perspective. He was a black man born in 1942 Louisiana. He probably saw and heard some disgustingly racist things before he moved to California. It may have been better out there, but I think it's safe to assume he faced his share of racism in California as well.

My point is, he spent his formative years and much of his adulthood in a country that saw him as lesser than, and actively sought to keep him in his place. So I have to give him a break when it comes to his jokes about white people and the United States.
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I listen to a lot of comedy on XM. I immediately turn the channel when Paul Mooney is on. Some hispanics are picking up on the white trashing.

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