When you Defund and make the Police a little hesitant to make arrests, you can expect this.
Columbia and Richland County police haven't been defunded. They've got equipment that would make the military of a small country jealous.
Columbia and Richland police arrest a LOT of people.
Instead of working on bail reform, or attacking sentencing issues, our conservative legislature spent a lot of time this year arguing about culture war issues so they can gin up their rubes for the election.
Florence County: Deonte Hamilton, who was charged with firing a gun into a building this year, was charged in October 2019 with voluntary manslaughter and released on a $7,500 surety bond, according to court records. According to authorities, Hamilton was in a fight where a gun was fired and killed Keith Kevin Larry.
The following day, he was charged with assault/attemped murder and given a $7,500 bond, according to court records.