Spurriers Comment Yesterday


Active Member
Dec 2, 2014
Spartanburg SC
STEVE SPURRIER -- “I got three more years on my contract and it pays pretty good, so we’re not planning on tossing in the towel.”

What do you make of this?
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This is it for him. He's out of here. Easy to say that he will not toss in the towel now. After this season continues to unravel and finish with a 5-7 or 4-8 record, he is done. Wouldn't be surprised to hear him announce his retirement before the last game or two.
To be honest, I didn't like it. I was talking with some friends last night & was telling them that it feels like we're right back where we were before the season when we lost recruits over the "2-3 more years" comment he made. Everyone knows his time is coming to an end at SC, but to cap it off with "it pays pretty good so we're not throwing in the towel." Really coach? WTH does money have to do with it? 4 million plus a year is 'pretty good'? Really? It makes it seem like he's gonna finish out his contract just to collect checks. I mean seriously, the call-in show was going well & there was no need to finish the show with that statement. Maybe I'm reading too much into it & I hope I am, but what about our future recruits? The guys from the 2016-2018 classes. Are they gonna sign up to come here when they have no idea who their next HC will be? I had faith in our near future & want to be optimistic but this just seems like another setback. In my opinion we need a HC in waiting now. We can't afford not to have one at this point. Anyway, that's just my two cents.
Me thinks fans are guilty of over-analyzing everything that comes out of the man's mouth. If any change will be made, it won't be made until after the season anyway, so how about we just quit moping and cheer for our team each game to try to make something out of the season. Constructive criticism of course is always good, but speculation and bad mouthing the team does nothing.

If anything, Spurrier is the master of stating the obvious/truth. He in fact does have 3 years on his contract. Don't read too much into it. When/if he wants to say something about his future, I'm sure he will. There will not be any discussions of contract beyond that time right now while team is in season anyway. I agree, IF he decides to hang it up after this year, which I don't think he will, then the best time to do it would be in late November.

Go Gamecocks!
HC in waiting rarely works out well (Muschamp at Texas?). Plus, what head coach from another program is going to say he's the HC in waiting for next year at SC? Zero.
You're all reading too much into it.... I read somewhere that the average head coach remains at 1 University for 3 years on average. So most new recruits have no guarantee that the coach will remain their coach for the entire college career. My take on what Spurrier said, is that he's got 3 years remaining on his current contract and he's got no plans of quitting. You guys are starting to look for the negative side of everything the man says.
Say what you want, but the recruits are the main ones that hang on each word he says. Those exact words are what ran several guys off from us. So you can give him a pass if you want, but he needs to shut his mouth if he didn't mean it.
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Sounds like Spurrier benignly answered yet another, "How long are you going to coach?" question.
I am asking a sincere question so please do not think that I am trying to be offensive. I'm almost 70 so the rivalry hatred has no appeal to me. If you were in a job where you had 3 years left on your contract at $4M per year, both of your sons had families and worked for your company and would be terminated if you quit, one of your daughters and her family moved to the city where you work, your other daughter moved 1 hour away, you are perfectly contented with your life, neighborhood, and golf club then why in the world would you quit? Would you not wait and force the company to fire you so you could collect $12M?
I am asking a sincere question so please do not think that I am trying to be offensive. I'm almost 70 so the rivalry hatred has no appeal to me. If you were in a job where you had 3 years left on your contract at $4M per year, both of your sons had families and worked for your company and would be terminated if you quit, one of your daughters and her family moved to the city where you work, your other daughter moved 1 hour away, you are perfectly contented with your life, neighborhood, and golf club then why in the world would you quit? Would you not wait and force the company to fire you so you could collect $12M?

What he said ^^^^^^^
You're all reading too much into it.... I read somewhere that the average head coach remains at 1 University for 3 years on average. So most new recruits have no guarantee that the coach will remain their coach for the entire college career. My take on what Spurrier said, is that he's got 3 years remaining on his current contract and he's got no plans of quitting. You guys are starting to look for the negative side of everything the man says.

The problem with this statement is that is coming off the heels of the 2-3 year comment. It sounds like he is back on that plan again... that statement started a chain reaction with us losing 9 recruits last year. Now you come out and say, yeah my contract is for three more years and I will make $12 million dollars and it pays "pretty good"?!?!?!

My issue is why even make that comment? Why give others firepower against us in recruiting?

According to many, the call-in show was fine until he made this statement. Why do we as a program continue to shoot ourselves in the foot??!?!!
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Do any of yall have any suggestions on how to answer these how long are you going to coach questions? Maybe he needs a political adviser! Haha
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Say what you want, but the recruits are the main ones that hang on each word he says. Those exact words are what ran several guys off from us. So you can give him a pass if you want, but he needs to shut his mouth if he didn't mean it.
See this is what I'm saying as well. We already know how many years are left on his contract. Every time he's mentioned it we've taken a hit on future recruits. Nobody is saying anything about that & acting like it doesn't matter is being quite naive.
I am asking a sincere question so please do not think that I am trying to be offensive. I'm almost 70 so the rivalry hatred has no appeal to me. If you were in a job where you had 3 years left on your contract at $4M per year, both of your sons had families and worked for your company and would be terminated if you quit, one of your daughters and her family moved to the city where you work, your other daughter moved 1 hour away, you are perfectly contented with your life, neighborhood, and golf club then why in the world would you quit? Would you not wait and force the company to fire you so you could collect $12M?
We already know his previous comment on this cost us several recruits and now he goes and says this publicly again? I am sorry. I appreciate all he has done for the program but he just killed us on the recruiting AGAIN, at a time when we desperately need to bring in some strong recruits to get things moving again. Though I have no illusions that he will, he needs to get out of the way and move on out. We are in more trouble now than we were last Saturday night. Unbelievably STUPID comment. Sorry, but I am done with Spurrier. I cannot believe after what happened before he would go and do this again. Astounding. Its as if he is trying to damage things further.
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The problem with this statement is that is coming off the heels of the 2-3 year comment. It sounds like he is back on that plan again... that statement started a chain reaction with us losing 9 recruits last year. Now you come out and say, yeah my contract is for three more years and I will make $12 million dollars and it pays "pretty good"?!?!?!

My issue is why even make that comment? Why give others firepower against us in recruiting?

According to many, the call-in show was fine until he made this statement. Why do we as a program continue to shoot ourselves in the foot??!?!!
I'm with you brother. This is exactly the way I see it. There's nothing wrong with being objective when the time is necessary
I'm with you brother. This is exactly the way I see it. There's nothing wrong with being objective when the time is necessary

Again, we know how long SOS contract is good for... psssttt so does other schools/recruiters- they know SOS isn't going to sign a new deal for five more years. His coaching career is coming to a close, but don't bring the match and the gasoline to the building known as Carolina Football...
At this point, I am nervous that the few decent guys we have committed to us might start looking elsewhere pretty soon...
The first time was a slip up that cost us recruits. He knew it did and still waited too long to respond. Then he has an 'enemy' news conference where he says " Don't believe them I am here for a long time. I told them not to name the field after me for at least 6 more years." Tells a recruit ..."come here and I will stay as long as you are here.." All of these things to insure recruits and the media he is here for a longer time that the 2 to 3 years. He damn knew it....had to make up for it....knew it was a time bomb and what in the Hell does he do ????? He says something stupid again.....I have had it ! He has been great for the program....the operative words there are "has been". That can no longer be said...
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No matter what he says people are going to take issue with it. The team is losing so as long as it is people are gonna freak out over every word that comes from his mouth. I swear if the man said he was hungry people would make an issue out of the dietary situation for the program. Ridiculous.
No matter what he says people are going to take issue with it. The team is losing so as long as it is people are gonna freak out over every word that comes from his mouth. I swear if the man said he was hungry people would make an issue out of the dietary situation for the program. Ridiculous.

85 do you not find an issue with the comment? This is the same comment that cost us 9 recruits last year... Nobody is forcing him to bring up that his contract is for three more years... Nobody is making him say the 2-3yr comment. I have supported SOS the whole time, but his decisions/comments as of late should worry SC fans.
No matter what he says people are going to take issue with it. The team is losing so as long as it is people are gonna freak out over every word that comes from his mouth. I swear if the man said he was hungry people would make an issue out of the dietary situation for the program. Ridiculous.
It's not the losing...that doesn't help....but it's the idiotic statements that he has already had to deal with and he says it again. He is burying the program with his stupid quips that are subject to be taken out of context. He didn't learn anything....we had a bad year but the recruiting was doing OK...then the 2 to 3 year deal and it went to crap and now it will stay there. There is no turning back now !
I'm not a huge fan of his answer, but he has to answer the question. No matter what he says someone here will be upset by it. All the man said is his contract is good for 3 more years. He didn't say whether or not his intention was to resign or leave at the end of his contract. Many of you are assuming that he said he is leaving after the current contract expires, but he didn't say that. He simply stated what is already known, "I got 3 more years on my contract".
It was a dumb response. It makes it sound like he is just here for the money. I don't want to believe that is true though.
Ok, so Spurrier is pretty smart. If he is, then he can see that we cannot recruit to keep up in the SEC with what we see on the field right now. Then he had better get off the golf course and start recruiting his arse off and go hire at least three stellar recruiters who are going to be outworked by no one and get some talent in here. Go pay Jay Graham $1 million a year just to recruit.
This is it for him. He's out of here. Easy to say that he will not toss in the towel now. After this season continues to unravel and finish with a 5-7 or 4-8 record, he is done. Wouldn't be surprised to hear him announce his retirement before the last game or two.
So you're saying he should commit to staying longer than his contract because??????
You are familiar with the term "contract?"

When his contract is up, he'll be gone, win, lose or draw.

You should be happy he solidified it for you that he's going to be here through the end of his contract.
That will give you and all the other fair weather fans a chance to "scout" a new HBC for us..
Ok, so Spurrier is pretty smart. If he is, then he can see that we cannot recruit to keep up in the SEC with what we see on the field right now. Then he had better get off the golf course and start recruiting his arse off and go hire at least three stellar recruiters who are going to be outworked by no one and get some talent in here. Go pay Jay Graham $1 million a year just to recruit.
That sounds excellent & all except there's one huge problem, he's not gonna fire his own son to make that happen.
That sounds excellent & all except there's one huge problem, he's not gonna fire his own son to make that happen.

I wonder if he is too blind to see Jr.'s shortcomings or sees it but refuses to make the changes we need to get better?? I mean anyone but Mangus on THIS staff should not be recruiting coordinator. Mangus by far is best recruiter we have. So if all of us see it, why doesnt he?
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This is it for him. He's out of here. Easy to say that he will not toss in the towel now. After this season continues to unravel and finish with a 5-7 or 4-8 record, he is done. Wouldn't be surprised to hear him announce his retirement before the last game or two.
Where are you finding 4-5 wins at? I see two more and tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
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I wonder if he is too blind to see Jr.'s shortcomings or sees it but refuses to make the changes we need to get better?? I mean anyone but Mangus on THIS staff should not be recruiting coordinator. Mangus by far is best recruiter we have. So if all of us see it, why doesnt he?
Chances are he does see their shortcomings, but would he ever demote or fire his son Jr who has 7 kids might I add? That would be a tall order. That's why many fans have a right to believe that things won't get better. We obviously need to make some staff changes but Spurrier is too nice of a guy to replace his sons with better qualified people. It is what it is
Where are you finding 4-5 wins at? I see two more and tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
This is true. I don't care that UCF is 0-3. They lost two games by 1 point. & you KNOW they will play their best to try & get back at us for beating them 2 yrs ago down in FL. They know we've already lost at home to KY so I'm sure their coach will be telling them that they can do the same thing. We need to come out & jump on them fast. If we don't we may find ourselves in a dogfight early in the game. All of that said, I hope Nunez plays well & kicks UCF's ass!
Chances are he does see their shortcomings, but would he ever demote or fire his son Jr who has 7 kids might I add? That would be a tall order. That's why many fans have a right to believe that things won't get better. We obviously need to make some staff changes but Spurrier is too nice of a guy to replace his sons with better qualified people. It is what it is

7 kids?? Damn. Not sure it's him being a nice guy or just what was stated above, nepotism. But is it at the expense of the program? Not just Jr. but other assistants like Ward, Adams, Botkin etc.
That sounds excellent & all except there's one huge problem, he's not gonna fire his own son to make that happen.

What about letting him focus on just being WR coach rather than recruiting coordinator? He wouldnt have to fire him then. I know it's not going to happen but is it fair to put in his son when someone already on staff is much more qualified?? I know it wouldnt change drastically though because the other teams are still going to use his age and the 2-3 year comments against us.
7 kids?? Damn. Not sure it's him being a nice guy or just what was stated above, nepotism. But is it at the expense of the program? Not just Jr. but other assistants like Ward, Adams, Botkin etc.
We definitely need staff changes but I don't see how that ever happens while Spurrier is still here. On the other hand I'm hoping he gave Hoke the power to bring in his own staff after this season.
What about letting him focus on just being WR coach rather than recruiting coordinator? He wouldnt have to fire him then. I know it's not going to happen but is it fair to put in his son when someone already on staff is much more qualified?? I know it wouldnt change drastically though because the other teams are still going to use his age and the 2-3 year comments against us.
True indeed I agree. He could bring in a recruiting coordinator or give the reins to someone else, but with him leaving in a couple years, I doubt he wants to go through the trouble of changing things up. That's why some fans believe he's just gonna coast until he decides to leave.
This whole thread has taken the good feeling from Nunez starting right out of my mind. We are sunk if Spurrier doesn't retire. The nail was driven yesterday with his remarks about not knowing where Skai was lining up to the 3 year contract quip. He is taking us down to protect his sons and friends on staff. That's how I see it.
I agree that putting in Nunez is one thing that excites me about tomorrow's game. I HOPE he leaves him in to get reps and not get an itchy trigger finger and put Orth back in. I know he mentioned it other day at press conference. I really like Nunez.
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