Tanner as AD...

We should always have a nation wide search for our top positions and AD and head coach fall into that category. We should interview several candidates and make an attempt to get most qualified. We should not have to hire folks that have not held the position elsewhere and proven themselves first.

When you are going to have surgery do u let the nice kid that just got out of school do it as his first patient or do u seek a professional that has been doing that surgery successfully for some time?
Not good so far for football, baseball and basketball.
I respectfully disagree. Basketball is improving at a good rate. I believe Martin is on the right track. Baseball had a strong year last year. I hope we're not saying that anything less than a CWS win is a failure.
I still think it is too early to deem football (the program) as a failure. Yes, this year has been a disappointment, but we have lots of young talent on the team that will contribute in the years to come. If we can close this recruiting season strong, I believe we have lots to look forward to in 2018. I imagine Georgia fans are feeling worse than we are at this point with Richt's early success at Miami and their loss to Vandy yesterday.
Not good so far for football, baseball and basketball.
Too soon to tell on football, but it will be the defining moment of Tanner's tenure.

For basketball, Frank was hired by Hyman, and he has improved the program greatly over the last few years. Need to get to the tournament though.

Baseball had a transition from Tanner's style and coaching to Holbrook's style and coaching. It seems as though they finally made progress last season.

Need to win a game in Hoover, make a Super again, and do something that Holbrook has not done, protect our field in the postseason.

In all three, the jury is still out, but we will be getting the results, or lack there of, soon.
Tanner didn't hire Martin and Staley so right now its only football and baseball on Tanner.
It was a defining moment in his tenure, and CWM was the result. The opinions on that have been discussed ad nauseum and we know how most people feel about the hire after a 50-day search, with a nice head start. Will has to work out, he'll likely be here as long as Tanner is, barring a total meltdown(s) on the sidelines, or the field. All signs point to him working out ok, but 11+ wins, who honestly sees that? Tanner was sweating this inevitable hire from day one, and that's likely why he persuaded SOS to stay when he should've been gone a season earlier. A seasoned, proactive AD would've been licking his chops when he knew SOS was considering leaving (if he didn't boot him first) because despite our downward trend, this is the best job in the conference in my biased opinion. Excellent recruiting options in every literal direction, facilities are the best they've ever been (and improving), the money is coming in like crazy, and Gamecock Club memberships (were) at least at the highest level ever. And, while SOS used to say LSU and UGA were the top SEC jobs, we don't expect 10+ wins (we should) every year. UGA fired a guy for that, hopefully it keeps blowing up in their face. Anyway, coaches should've been lined up from here to Tennessee for the job, and they probably were. The search was bungled, we all know it, CWM was the easy hire, who else was actually going to hire him as a HC? He's here for awhile,he has to work out, nothing else to say.

Baseball was another "easy hire", and it's not entirely Tanner's fault, and ironically it's much like his hiring as AD, a large majority of the fan base supported the "obvious" hire(s). Think for even a second if football had even won 1 MNC in 2013, and then we hired a HC that had us out of a bowl in a few years. CWS every year is not totally expected, but winning and hosting a Regional is, and winning the Super is not a stretch either for us. Coaches know you can win it all here, its been done. All the CCH supporters know that the program is trending downward, and has been since Maryland, yeah, we get top recruits, yeah, injuries suck, win anyway. We expect the best from the Yardcox, we definitely should, we are a Top 3 program and job, and that is not my biased opinion.

I will say regardless of what coaches CRT did or didn't hire that are kicking tail in other sports (Staley, Shelley Smith, etc...) the department as a whole seems to give excellent support to all programs, and several of our facilities are at the top, or improving. The T&F project is just one in work as we speak, and it's going to be awesome!

Go Cocks!
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If Frank doesn't make the postseason this year, I think there is a good chance he is gone. Chad is a little bit trickier. He hosted a SR last year, so making a regional would probably be enough for this next season.
The question is who will Tanner actually fire? So far through four years, it appears he's been more concerned with keeping current coaches happy. I'm good with Frank. Chad has shown improvement but we stink in the postseason.That has got to end. 2017 will be one of his best chances. Better take advantage. Imo, in the next 2 years (17-18) the baseball team needs to make Omaha, the basketball team needs to make the big dance and football team needs to be going to bowls/winning 8+ a year or Tanner needs to go.
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Where is Hyman these days? All the facilities improvements were born from his master plan. We need another Hyman pronto.

With the money coming from TV contracts, all power 5 ADs are spending money on facilities improvements. No AD should get credit for spending other people's money.
With the money coming from TV contracts, all power 5 ADs are spending money on facilities improvements. No AD should get credit for spending other people's money.
You can find plenty of Power Five schools that lag behind other schools in the Power Five with respect to developing infrastructure. So you can't discount the role of the AD. And that's before you ever get to the personnel responsibilities.
I respectfully disagree. Basketball is improving at a good rate. I believe Martin is on the right track. Baseball had a strong year last year. I hope we're not saying that anything less than a CWS win is a failure.
I still think it is too early to deem football (the program) as a failure. Yes, this year has been a disappointment, but we have lots of young talent on the team that will contribute in the years to come. If we can close this recruiting season strong, I believe we have lots to look forward to in 2018. I imagine Georgia fans are feeling worse than we are at this point with Richt's early success at Miami and their loss to Vandy yesterday.
2014 & 15 also...
Where is Hyman these days? All the facilities improvements were born from his master plan. We need another Hyman pronto.
He was all business and took emotion out of his decisions. I know a lot of people hated to pay more for GC but it had to be done. I am not sure the bar is being raised anymore. You are either going forward or backward.
First of all Hyman hired some of these coaches and outside the business deals, he was not good. Remember, he loved Darin Horn. It is too early to say some of these coaches are failures and despite not making the tournament, Frank has made the basketball arena feel like a real college game again. Also has improved the number of wins each year for the team. Tanner has done alright to me. Go back tot Spurrier first four years. People here thought that was a failed experiment. Patience.
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First of all Hyman hired some of these coaches and outside the business deals, he was not good. Remember, he loved Darin Horn. It is too early to say some of these coaches are failures and despite not making the tournament, Frank has made the basketball arena feel like a real college game again. Also has improved the number of wins each year for the team. Tanner has done alright to me. Go back tot Spurrier first four years. People here thought that was a failed experiment. Patience.

Muschamp may be great. Hopefully he is. He would not have been hired by any of the schools we are trying to catch as head coach that is for sure. If he was such a hot commodity why didnt Tanner make a push for Muschamp when we all wanted him for defense instead of HOKE
Muschamp may be great. Hopefully he is. He would not have been hired by any of the schools we are trying to catch as head coach that is for sure. If he was such a hot commodity why didnt Tanner make a push for Muschamp when we all wanted him for defense instead of HOKE
He did...that's how he came to know Muschamp and became impressed with him.
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Tanner didn't drop the required another person's okay. Lets just say our defensive staff didn't go through a complete overhaul with Hoke.
That was ridiculous not to have a complete overhaul after 2014.. only demoting one position coach and bringing in the Hoke the Joke..
That was ridiculous not to have a complete overhaul after 2014.. only demoting one position coach and bringing in the Hoke the Joke..
Agree. But Hoke was Spurrier's DC at UF and the one he wanted to hire when he first came to USC. With regards to the rest of the staff...hard to fire friends and admit you were wrong in their selection, especially when you don't know how long you want to stay as coach.
Agree. But Hoke was Spurrier's DC at UF and the one he wanted to hire when he first came to USC. With regards to the rest of the staff...hard to fire friends and admit you were wrong in their selection, especially when you don't know how long you want to stay as coach.

Agreed. That is why this buddy system chit has to stop.
First of all Hyman hired some of these coaches and outside the business deals, he was not good. Remember, he loved Darin Horn. It is too early to say some of these coaches are failures and despite not making the tournament, Frank has made the basketball arena feel like a real college game again. Also has improved the number of wins each year for the team. Tanner has done alright to me. Go back tot Spurrier first four years. People here thought that was a failed experiment. Patience.
No AD is perfect if you measure them solely on their coaching hires. But, Hyman inherited a broke mess. He also inherited a program that incredibly had NEVER developed a master plan. He also inherited a program with extremely low self esteem. And, he did a magnificent job.
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