To all grammar, punctuation and spelling police...


Jan 11, 2004
Clarkdale, AZ
...and this includes myself. I never correct anyone on this board because I'm far from perfect (and really what difference does it make?), but it drives me crazy when I hear supposed "professionals" such newscasters and commentators misuse simple English (please don't start on Todd and Tommy, this isn't what this thread is about). It also drives me crazy when a world-renowned school of journalism such as The University of South Carolina allows ridiculous punctuation mistakes to make it to the air on the Muschamp show. Did anyone else notice the athlete of the week today? He was from Union, K.Y.! Seriously? Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive due to the fourth quarter ass whoopin' we got yesterday, but come on! Where are the editors and spell checkers? This portion of the show was produced days if not weeks in advance and inserted into the show. It's not like they were in a hurry to finish it up as I'm sure they were with Todd's and Will's portions.

OK, I feel better. Back to licking my wounds!
It bothers me, too. Especially game announcers and newsmen who say-for he and I. Our country spends more on education than any other country but look at our product. USA used to be No.1 in science and math until lieberals got control of our school system.
It bothers me, too. Especially game announcers and newsmen who say-for he and I. Our country spends more on education than any other country but look at our product. USA used to be No.1 in science and math until lieberals got control of our school system.

Not only "he and I" but "me and I". As my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teacher always said, just finish the sentence and you will know whether to use ME or I. Or is that "weather"????? LMAO! I actually had a DIRECTOR of Human Relations that wrote policies that used "weather" instead of "whether". I brought it to her attention and she said I was wrong and told me to "look it up, I know how to spell weather". I just walked away.
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Well, I corrected a poster on here recently for saying lay for lie. Felt bad about that later but understand your frustration with the just terrible grammar that is ever present on the airwaves. Our grammar and high school education in English must be so poor these days that by the time students reach college level the professors just give up on teaching them basic grammar.
It is a national embarrassment. Have known many Arabs and Africans who speak much better English than the typical American. Shameful.
It bothers me, too. Especially game announcers and newsmen who say-for he and I. Our country spends more on education than any other country but look at our product. USA used to be No.1 in science and math until lieberals got control of our school system.

Why teach science when 40% of the country doesn’t believe in it?
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It bothers me, too. Especially game announcers and newsmen who say-for he and I. Our country spends more on education than any other country but look at our product. USA used to be No.1 in science and math until lieberals got control of our school system.
I hate it when the pronouns "they" and "their" are used to refer to an individual.
from today:

in the event that anyone is "wondering in the wilderness"

"whenever" is the corrupted use of the word "when," often used by those less educated or those surrounded by less educated people
The use of "myself" instead of "me" drives me crazy. As well as ending just about every location based sentence with "at."

That's just where we're at as a country I guess.
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The use of "to" when it should be "too" drives me bat crap crazy. "Your" and "You're" are a close second.....but I have to be honest:

Lately it's people who are using tablets or phones to respond and don't bother to proof read before they post and the auto correct changes words that doesn't even make any sense.
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People who have bad grammar often have awful opinions. Sorry, that's usually not a coincidence. You look at comments on an article on Facebook, and usually the biggest morons really struggle communicating. Even if they know how to spell, use punctuation, etc., not doing it indicates that they don't understand how good grammar makes people take you more seriously.

People struggle with "their", "lose", and "alumni". Nothing worse than a proud Carolina "alumni".
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People who have bad grammar often have awful opinions. Sorry, that's usually not a coincidence. You look at comments on an article on Facebook, and usually the biggest morons really struggle communicating. Even if they know how to spell, use punctuation, etc., not doing it indicates that they don't understand how good grammar makes people take you more seriously.

People struggle with "their", "lose", and "alumni". Nothing worse than a proud Carolina "alumni".
an apparent alumnus posts here with the screen name USCALUMNI
Along the same line of my original post, several years ago, I kept noticing that the weekly coach’s basketball show always showed the graphic “South Carolina v.s. Insert Name”. I ignored it until I could ignore it no longer. I emailed Liz McMillan (sp?) and it was corrected the next week.

By the way, since I started this post, I’m wayyyyy paranoid to post anymore! :confused:
The use of "myself" instead of "me" drives me crazy.
I hate seeing where someone "lead the team" instead of "led the team". Maybe they are heavy like lead. By the way, it has become standard practice to put the period after the quotation mark. For years it was the other way which made no sense.
I hate seeing where someone "lead the team" instead of "led the team". Maybe they are heavy like lead. By the way, it has become standard practice to put the period after the quotation mark. For years it was the other way which made no sense.

I believe this depends on whether the quote has a period or not. If quoting part of a sentence it would be quotation marks and then a comma or a period. But if the quote was the end of the sentence, it would contain the period from the quote and end the sentence. Unless the sentence that was quoting wasn’t completed and then it would be period, quotation marks, then comma. I believe but I’m certainly no English major.

I just thought I’d respond to the most entertaining thread on the board right now.
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I had to spend the better half of my business career drafting interoffice memos, MOP's (Methods & Procedures), interdepartmental service agreements, agreements between inter company and outside vendors , and region wide documents.
There were drafts, reviews, additions, deletions, corrections, and last minute amendments. So with all that said, when I come on the board I tend to relax and try to keep most of my posts simple and to the point
I realize some may have the viewpoint that this may be viewed as lazy or lax, but for me this is a vehicle for entertainment. However, I do understand what many of you are referring to.
I had to spend the better half of my business career drafting interoffice memos, MOP's (Methods & Procedures), interdepartmental service agreements, agreements between inter company and outside vendors , and region wide documents.
There were drafts, reviews, additions, deletions, corrections, and last minute amendments. So with all that said, when I come on the board I tend to relax and try to keep most of my posts simple and to the point
I realize some may have the viewpoint that this may be viewed as lazy or lax, but for me this is a vehicle for entertainment. However, I do understand what many of you are referring to.
who axed?
I had to spend the better half of my business career drafting interoffice memos, MOP's (Methods & Procedures), interdepartmental service agreements, agreements between inter company and outside vendors , and region wide documents.
There were drafts, reviews, additions, deletions, corrections, and last minute amendments.
What evil did you do in a past life?
Our grammar and high school education in English must be so poor these days that by the time students reach college level the professors just give up on teaching them basic grammar.
It is a national embarrassment. Have known many Arabs and Africans who speak much better English than the typical American. Shameful.

Reminded me of an old I Love Lucy episode, where Lucy and Ethyl wanted to become refined and learn to speak properly.

TEACHER: There are two words I don't want to ever hear, under any circumstances. One is SWELL and the other is LOUSY.

LUCY: OK, what are they?

Ok, so it's funnier when Lucy says it.