Watkins arrested

But do you really believe Kamala, now known as Asshat #2 is something to crow about? Like are you dying to see Asshat #2 in office because you think she will do a great job or just because you hate Asshat #1 (and maybe all things Republican?) that much? I can see the latter maybe but not the former, no way, no how. There is almost nothing to like about her, although I guess Montel thought it was okay for a little while?

My advice is find a good writein like Donald Duck maybe.

Have you ever seen me post on here about being excited about Harris? I am glad she is the nominee instead of Biden. If that is "excitement," then count me in. But I don't think I make posts about how excited I am about her. As I have said numerous times, her opponent is Donald Trump. It's not as if she's facing an honorable person, or a consistent person.

It's not a matter of being excited about her for me. I wouldn't be excited for any politician because I simply don't look to politicians for most anything that would make me excited for them. That's probably why I have so much trouble understanding the Trump worship that some enjoy.

I think Harris is fine personally. I have no issue with her. She seems like a good person. Her husband's ex-wife likes her and publicly supports her as a person and has said so. Harris didn't break up their marriage. Her now husband did that on his own before he met her. Her step-children (adults now) are close to her and have voiced nothing but praise for her. That's terrific as that is not always the case in such situations. So, I actually think that is a good thing and a good sign.

I think the personal insults slung at her are silly- like her dating Montel Williams for short period of time, or Willie Brown in 1994. I really don't understand attacking someone for dating someone. That doesn't make sense to me.

I don't think it would be fair to attack you for someone you dated 25-30-35 years ago for a short period of time. It seems like it makes more sense to attack her for a policy position and stick to that instead of attacking her for who she dated before she was married.

Especially given Trump's long history of adultery and dozens and dozens of accusations of sexual impropriety and his own admissions of grabbing women between their legs. So, no- I don't understand attacking her for dating someone 30 years ago given Trump's comparative history. But that's me.

I don't hate all things Republican- or at least traditional Republican. I do hate Trump's version.

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