Watkins arrested

But do you really believe Kamala, now known as Asshat #2 is something to crow about? Like are you dying to see Asshat #2 in office because you think she will do a great job or just because you hate Asshat #1 (and maybe all things Republican?) that much? I can see the latter maybe but not the former, no way, no how. There is almost nothing to like about her, although I guess Montel thought it was okay for a little while?

My advice is find a good writein like Donald Duck maybe.

Have you ever seen me post on here about being excited about Harris? I am glad she is the nominee instead of Biden. If that is "excitement," then count me in. But I don't think I make posts about how excited I am about her. As I have said numerous times, her opponent is Donald Trump. It's not as if she's facing an honorable person, or a consistent person.

It's not a matter of being excited about her for me. I wouldn't be excited for any politician because I simply don't look to politicians for most anything that would make me excited for them. That's probably why I have so much trouble understanding the Trump worship that some enjoy.

I think Harris is fine personally. I have no issue with her. She seems like a good person. Her husband's ex-wife likes her and publicly supports her as a person and has said so. Harris didn't break up their marriage. Her now husband did that on his own before he met her. Her step-children (adults now) are close to her and have voiced nothing but praise for her. That's terrific as that is not always the case in such situations. So, I actually think that is a good thing and a good sign.

I think the personal insults slung at her are silly- like her dating Montel Williams for short period of time, or Willie Brown in 1994. I really don't understand attacking someone for dating someone. That doesn't make sense to me.

I don't think it would be fair to attack you for someone you dated 25-30-35 years ago for a short period of time. It seems like it makes more sense to attack her for a policy position and stick to that instead of attacking her for who she dated before she was married.

Especially given Trump's long history of adultery and dozens and dozens of accusations of sexual impropriety and his own admissions of grabbing women between their legs. So, no- I don't understand attacking her for dating someone 30 years ago given Trump's comparative history. But that's me.

I don't hate all things Republican- or at least traditional Republican. I do hate Trump's version.
"Upon Ashlyn's return", Staley said, "Ashlyn has a great voice in the locker room." This quote appeared in today's State paper. My take is that Dawn expects her to rejoin the team probably sooner than later.

Todd Rutherford continues to say "we believe once everybody has a full grasp of what happened this will end up being a misunderstanding". If that is the case I'm sure some of you WBB and Dawn haters will be upset.
Watkins did not attend the White House celebration of the Lady G's National Championship and neither did Feagin. She was too busy with the 3x3 World Cup team who won gold. Feagin was honored as MVP on that team.
Watkins did not attend the White House celebration of the Lady G's National Championship and neither did Feagin. She was too busy with the 3x3 World Cup team who won gold. Feagin was honored as MVP on that team.
I think Feagin will really show out this year. This is her senior year and she’ll want some WNBA attention for the upcoming draft next April.
"Upon Ashlyn's return", Staley said, "Ashlyn has a great voice in the locker room." This quote appeared in today's State paper. My take is that Dawn expects her to rejoin the team probably sooner than later.

Todd Rutherford continues to say "we believe once everybody has a full grasp of what happened this will end up being a misunderstanding". If that is the case I'm sure some of you WBB and Dawn haters will be upset.
I think a deal is already done. The victim will likely be getting some of Watkins’ NIL bucks.
Have you ever seen me post on here about being excited about Harris? I am glad she is the nominee instead of Biden. If that is "excitement," then count me in. But I don't think I make posts about how excited I am about her. As I have said numerous times, her opponent is Donald Trump. It's not as if she's facing an honorable person, or a consistent person.

It's not a matter of being excited about her for me. I wouldn't be excited for any politician because I simply don't look to politicians for most anything that would make me excited for them. That's probably why I have so much trouble understanding the Trump worship that some enjoy.

I think Harris is fine personally. I have no issue with her. She seems like a good person. Her husband's ex-wife likes her and publicly supports her as a person and has said so. Harris didn't break up their marriage. Her now husband did that on his own before he met her. Her step-children (adults now) are close to her and have voiced nothing but praise for her. That's terrific as that is not always the case in such situations. So, I actually think that is a good thing and a good sign.

I think the personal insults slung at her are silly- like her dating Montel Williams for short period of time, or Willie Brown in 1994. I really don't understand attacking someone for dating someone. That doesn't make sense to me.

I don't think it would be fair to attack you for someone you dated 25-30-35 years ago for a short period of time. It seems like it makes more sense to attack her for a policy position and stick to that instead of attacking her for who she dated before she was married.

Especially given Trump's long history of adultery and dozens and dozens of accusations of sexual impropriety and his own admissions of grabbing women between their legs. So, no- I don't understand attacking her for dating someone 30 years ago given Trump's comparative history. But that's me.

I don't hate all things Republican- or at least traditional Republican. I do hate Trump's version.
Not sure I attacked her for dating Montel, just mentioned it in passing. Every little thing ever said or done by candidates is scrutinized and attacked by both sides today and by their respective media lapdogs which is likely contributing to the fact that we have two absolute zeros to choose from. Who in their right mind would want it??
Not sure I attacked her for dating Montel, just mentioned it in passing. Every little thing ever said or done by candidates is scrutinized and attacked by both sides today and by their respective media lapdogs which is likely contributing to the fact that we have two absolute zeros to choose from. Who in their right mind would want it??

I don't want it. But most people clearly do so here we are.
If everyone I saw that got into some late night fisticuffs in college had been charged by police, my dorm would have been half empty.

Please. Watkins was dating a minor (her own words) and, based on the report, beat the minor because she thought she had cheated on her. If the cops show up and file a report which reads like that one, someone is getting charged.

Whatever - But this was either a payoff, celebrity justice, or a combination thereof.
Sure—lots of battered spouses take the abuse and then make up. This is a “Diddy-style” lover’s spat. I’m thinking the victim is smart enough to get the NIL money. I know I would.
We don’t even know if both of them consider themselves a couple or dating. One might, one might not. Not unusual.

I can hear it now:

“She thinks we were dating but we aren’t and I’ve never thought we were. She lost her temper, I lost mine and that’s all there was to it”

Likely plea to disturbing the peace or something that isn’t a big deal and back to playing near the start of the season.. Not unusual, happens all the time in plea negotiations.

Look at all the DUI cases in South Carolina that get settled before court as “careless” or “reckless driving”
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We don’t even know if both of them consider themselves a couple or dating. One might, one might not. Not unusual.

I can hear it now:

“She thinks we were dating but we aren’t and I’ve never thought we were. She lost her temper, I lost mine and that’s all there was to it”

Likely plea to disturbing the peace or something that isn’t a big deal and back to playing near the start of the season.. Not unusual, happens all the time in plea negotiations.

Look at all the DUI cases in South Carolina that get settled before court as “careless” or “wreckless driving”

Watkins openly stated she was dating the individual is was a minor.

The report stated Watkins was jealous.

Watkins clearly beat this woman.

They aren't going to make a report like that if she didn't.

What does a DUI Case have to do with any of this?

DUI Cases that are dismissed do not involve violence towards another individual.

It's a miracle you're able to exist in this world on your own.
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Watkins openly stated she was dating the individual is was a minor.

The report stated Watkins was jealous.

Watkins clearly beat this woman.

They aren't going to make a report like that if she didn't.

What does a DUI Case have to do with any of this?

DUI Cases that are dismissed do not involve violence towards another individual.

It's a miracle you're able to exist in this world on your own.
I’m thinking that the UFO an Air Force pilot shot down the other day was probably his mothership.
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Watkins openly stated she was dating the individual is was a minor.


I read it the first time I said

We don’t even know if both of them consider themselves a couple or dating. One might, one might not. It's not unusual for two people to view things differently.

They aren't going to make a report like that if she didn't.

What does a DUI Case have to do with any of this?

DUI Cases that are dismissed do not involve violence towards another individual.

It's a miracle you're able to exist in this world on your own.

The police report is going to reflect what the officers wrote down at the time. Police reports aren't the final word in court. Everyone knows this if they read or have any experience in court.

A specific DUI case has nothing to do with this case - except as examples of routine cases that are pleaded down every single day in court in South Carolina- after the police report says the person was clearly drunk or smelling of alcohol, etc. This is routine. In fact, it's routine even when the person takes a breathalyzer test and the results indicate impairment.

in Charleston County, about 54 percent of people facing a DUI charge for the first time did not end up getting convicted of that crime. Instead, the charges are either dismissed entirely, or the defendant and prosecutor’s office agree to a plea bargain. In exchange for a guilty plea, the prosecution agrees to reduce the charge, typically reckless driving.

It's a miracle you are able to function at all. The above is common sense and routine in South Carolina.
Watkins openly stated she was dating the individual is was a minor.

To be considered domestic violence of any degree under South Carolina law there are two important elements that must be met:

  1. Required Relationship: You and the victim must be married, live together, previously have lived together and/or share a child.
  2. Injury: You must have injured, or threatened to injure, the victim. These two requirements are very important and apply to all four types of domestic violence in South Carolina.

The age of consent in South Carolina is 16. So, her being a minor (under 18) might make someone mad, but it might not matter to the court, depending on various factors.

As I have said, no one here knows enough to know if this will be an issue at all in court where it matters or if it will eventually be dismissed, pleaded down to nothing, or something else.

Referring to the police report is interesting but might not be an issue at all with respect to pleading it out.
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To be considered domestic violence of any degree under South Carolina law there are two important elements that must be met:

  1. Required Relationship: You and the victim must be married, live together, previously have lived together and/or share a child.
  2. Injury: You must have injured, or threatened to injure, the victim. These two requirements are very important and apply to all four types of domestic violence in South Carolina.

The age of consent in South Carolina is 16. So, her being a minor (under 18) might make someone mad, but it might not matter to the court, depending on various factors.

As I have said, no one here knows enough to know if this will be an issue at all in court where it matters or if it will eventually be dismissed, pleaded down to nothing, or something else.

Referring to the police report is interesting but might not be an issue at all with respect to pleading it out.

The letter of the law is only one factor.

Let's be honest -- if a male does all of the above to a woman under 18 who is not a student, he's not going to skate on these charges.

Public perception alone would bury him.

I don't believe a woman would either if she didn't have Dawn Staley in her corner.

I can promise you this -- If Watkins has another brush with the law, she'll be gone in an instant and all of the media will be re-examining the case and Staley's role in great detail.
I read it the first time I said

We don’t even know if both of them consider themselves a couple or dating. One might, one might not. It's not unusual for two people to view things differently.

The police report is going to reflect what the officers wrote down at the time. Police reports aren't the final word in court. Everyone knows this if they read or have any experience in court.

A specific DUI case has nothing to do with this case - except as examples of routine cases that are pleaded down every single day in court in South Carolina- after the police report says the person was clearly drunk or smelling of alcohol, etc. This is routine. In fact, it's routine even when the person takes a breathalyzer test and the results indicate impairment.

in Charleston County, about 54 percent of people facing a DUI charge for the first time did not end up getting convicted of that crime. Instead, the charges are either dismissed entirely, or the defendant and prosecutor’s office agree to a plea bargain. In exchange for a guilty plea, the prosecution agrees to reduce the charge, typically reckless driving.

It's a miracle you are able to function at all. The above is common sense and routine in South Carolina.

Dave, give up the DUI reference. A DUI charge is not a violent incident unless they run into someone.
The letter of the law is only one factor.

Let's be honest -- if a male does all of the above to a woman under 18 who is not a student, he's not going to skate on these charges.

Public perception alone would bury him.

I don't believe a woman would either if she didn't have Dawn Staley in her corner.

I can promise you this -- If Watkins has another brush with the law, she'll be gone in an instant and all of the media will be re-examining the case and Staley's role in great detail.

pure conjecture. Has nothing to do with this case.
Dave, give up the DUI reference. A DUI charge is not a violent incident unless they run into someone.
Once again, I mentioned DUI because it's a routine charge that is pleaded down every single day in court even if the police report indicates clear impairment.

Felony DUI's are also pleaded down and it's not totally unusual in South Carolina. Of course, this case had nothing do with a DUI.

But you mentioned the police report and what it said. I responded by saying that might not matter in court or in pleadings. Police reports aren't the final arbiter of anything in court or even out of court.

If this turns out to be her only offense, it's a no-brainer this will be plea bargained away- which isn't unusual.
Let's be honest -- if a male does all of the above to a woman under 18 who is not a student, he's not going to skate on these charges.

Public perception alone would bury him.

A male fighting with another male would likely not get any serious publicity other than some joking around and fans mad that police didn't let them settle it themselves like "they did in the old days"

This situation is a case of two females. The only people talking about it anymore is a few people on here. No one else cares.

The player is suspended and Staley isn't talking about it until the court issues are settled which is perfectly fine because there is nothing else to say about it.
The letter of the law is only one factor.

Let's be honest -- if a male does all of the above to a woman under 18 who is not a student, he's not going to skate on these charges.

Public perception alone would bury him.

I don't believe a woman would either if she didn't have Dawn Staley in her corner.

I can promise you this -- If Watkins has another brush with the law, she'll be gone in an instant and all of the media will be re-examining the case and Staley's role in great detail.

Why are you on a USC sports forum with so much hate for our coach and player? Having lied to us about having a USC MIB implies that you coveted that degree but fell short. Redirecting your frustrations of failure against the most successful sports program in our history is your way of getting back.
Why are you on a USC sports forum with so much hate for our coach and player? Having lied to us about having a USC MIB implies that you coveted that degree but fell short. Redirecting your frustrations of failure against the most successful sports program in our history is your way of getting back.

Fowl - We're talking about life stuff on a website. It has zero consequences in terms of this case. I'm not angry at all about the fact she got off. It's the hypocrisy which I'm noting. Does it make me more of a "Gamecock" if I mindlessly cheer?
A male fighting with another male would likely not get any serious publicity other than some joking around and fans mad that police didn't let them settle it themselves like "they did in the old days"

This situation is a case of two females. The only people talking about it anymore is a few people on here. No one else cares.

The player is suspended and Staley isn't talking about it until the court issues are settled which is perfectly fine because there is nothing else to say about it.

No one cares because the news cycle has moved on. It doesn't change the facts surrounding the case though. Once again, if this had been a male athlete at USC, he would be facing charges and be suspended - if not kicked off the team.
I'm glad she got off but I agree with Ward Jr. that a male athlete would not get the same treatment based on what occurred. Dawn's cries for equality were more than answered in this case.

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