Dawn S

Democrats are being exposed for the rats they are.

The party that claims they want to "save Democracy" is willing to let George Clooney and wealthy donors try to override 14 million primary voters. Dems are about to find out how big a narcissistic , slimy, vindictive, lying, self-centered ahole Joe Biden really is.


That makes no sense.

Numerous polls of Democrats, including internal polling show the majority of Democrats want to nominate someone other than Biden.

Given that both political parties highly manipulate the primaries, often giving primary voters few choices when an incumbent is involved, the idea that they are "overriding" primary voters seems silly.

If Democrats felt that they were being held hostage by wealthy donors, all the polls of Democrats wouldn't show they want another choice as nominee.

This is actually a great thing- a good middle finger to the parties and the way they run primaries.
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Good grief. Stop posting nonsense. No one with half a brain is defending what is going on at the border under this administration.

I wasn't defending what is happening at the border. I was correcting your lying where you said Biden tore down the border wall (didn't happen).

and posted the Supreme Court decision regarding the border wire.
That makes no sense.

Numerous polls of Democrats, including internal polling show the majority of Democrats want to nominate someone other than Biden.

Given that both political parties highly manipulate the primaries, often giving primary voters few choices when an incumbent is involved, the idea that they are "overriding" primary voters seems silly.

If Democrats felt that they were being held hostage by wealthy donors, all the polls of Democrats wouldn't show they want another choice as nominee.

This is actually a great thing- a good middle finger to the parties and the way they run primaries.

The only "polls" that count are the voting polls, not some random polls Dems are trying to use to subvert the will of their votes. You are a moron if you think our leaders should be picked by random polls. That makes ZERO sense, since many are questionable to begin with.
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Congress 100% does need to fix the immigration and asylum system. The entire program needs an overhaul. That's why we are in a situation where one President can do something (and be stopped by various courts) and another President can do something else (and be stopped by various courts).

Not many Democrats and Republicans in Congress would disagree that Congress has to reform the system.

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall, a Republican, "The immigration system needs a 21st century overhaul. Congress has tried for almost 20 years but we've all failed. In the absence of reform, now we are relying on executive orders and that's no way to fix anything."

Virginia Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat, "It's one of the major failures of many Congresses. We all know we need to basically start over but few are willing to do the work it will take. Democrats have failed. Republicans have failed. We can't keep kicking the can down the road but it seems like we will do just that. "

The Supreme Court disagrees with you- not only this court- but previous courts - who have specifically said that border policy is a function of the federal government.

Sorry, Gamecock Scoop pretend lawyer. But SCOTUS disagrees with your legal opinion.

They 100% don't need to do anything. I don't give a shit what you or anybody else thinks "needs" to be fixed. I think it is perfectly fine as it is, and until Congress agrees it needs to be "fixed" and changes are made in Congress, the laws should be enforced as they are.

The ONLY failure is enforcement. And don't count on this Supreme Court sticking with previous rulings. They have already allowed it to stay in place while lower courts rule. If it gets back there again, be prepared for another butt hurt of Roe vs Wade proportions.
That's not a surprise. Same thing happened to Trump and his hotel properties.

While he was President, his Washington hotel earned 4 million dollars from foreign governments. That money dried up as soon as he lost.

His troubled DC hotel lost about $70 million when he was President (although Trump reported in federal disclosures that the hotel earned about $150 million while he was in office). But bank and loan documents released proved that was a lie.

LOL. $4 million in hotel rooms over 4 years. That is meaningless chump change. Only an idiot would think Trump is doing favors for hotel room stays. lol

Clintons were dealing with HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars. $140 million from Russians alone.
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This is actually a great thing- a good middle finger to the parties and the way they run primaries.

And parties? No, party. The Democratic party.

In 2016, the Republican establishment DID NOT want anything to do with Trump. The Republican voters did. And voter got what they wanted. Exactly the opposite with Democrats. Their entire process is rigged to allow the superdelegates to override the voters. It's about what the Dem elites and donors want, not the voters. And George Clooney, of course. That is an indisputable fact at this point.
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The only "polls" that count are the voting polls, not some random polls Dems are trying to use to subvert the will of their votes. You are a moron if you think our leaders should be picked by random polls. That makes ZERO sense, since many are questionable to begin with.

Well, that's not true. Several corrections that are worth noting given your misconceptions (which, to be fair, are shared by a number of people who don't know how the process works).

1) A voter in a primary is not electing the nominee of the party. They are electing a delegate for a nominee and that delegate can- and is free to- change their mind. A delegate, under long established rules since 1984, is only "pledged" to a candidate. That rule is known as Rule 13.j They aren't bound to a candidate. Biden himself has said the delegates are "free to vote their conscience."

2) The party nominating convention has a process for someone else other than the "top vote getter" in the primaries to be nominated. That's because anything can happen and the party has to be able to have alternatives to various "what if this happened" scenarios.

3) I didn't say "our leaders should be picked by random polls." That has nothing to do with a party convention. That doesn't apply to a nominating convention process as all that is selected at a party convention is a nominee.

4) As I correctly posted before, primaries run by political parties are highly manipulated. Democrats canceled primaries in a number of states this year, giving Democrat and unaffiliated voters no options. That's because political parties don't have to offer options. This is the same thing Republicans did in 2020.

5) There is no requirement that "leaders" be selected by - or approved by- one of the two major political parties.
They 100% don't need to do anything. I don't give a shit what you or anybody else thinks "needs" to be fixed. I think it is perfectly fine as it is, and until Congress agrees it needs to be "fixed" and changes are made in Congress, the laws should be enforced as they are.

They do. and I don't give a shit what you think about it. (as if that needed to be said)

I'm glad to quote numerous Republicans and Democrats who know what the hell they are talking about regarding the issue as opposed to you- who knows nothing. The laws we have aren't adequate to address the concerns of the current system, or the current business concerns of the immigration system.

To fail to fix the broken system is to admit you want Presidents to issue various executive orders - which aren't actual law- to try to shore up huge holes in the system. - That's illogical and stupid.

It's exactly why, under Trump, the courts put a stop to many of his executive orders on immigration, and under Biden, the courts have put a stop to many of his - all saying Congress needs to authorize it by law- not by Presidential dictate.
LOL. $4 million in hotel rooms over 4 years. That is meaningless chump change. Only an idiot would think Trump is doing favors for hotel room stays. lol

Clintons were dealing with HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars. $140 million from Russians alone.

That's just one hotel.

No, I don't think $4 million dollars from foreign governments is "chump change" for one hotel, especially when some of the former officials have said they felt like they had to stay there if they were meeting with Trump to curry favor- because he would ask where they stayed. (Not to mention requiring the secret service to stay at his properties when they travelled- even though it was much more expensive).

Trump's son in law got a $2billion investment form the Saudis. Makes $140 million look like amateur hour.
And parties? No, party. The Democratic party.

In 2016, the Republican establishment DID NOT want anything to do with Trump. The Republican voters did. And voter got what they wanted. Exactly the opposite with Democrats. Their entire process is rigged to allow the superdelegates to override the voters. It's about what the Dem elites and donors want, not the voters. And George Clooney, of course. That is an indisputable fact at this point.
My God, the comparison is so stupid. Are you 14 years old? You just proved my point.

The primary process is manipulated by the parties. In 2016, the Republican Party was shoving Jeb Bush at everyone. It took a damn lying maniac to overcome the manipulation - a manipulation Trump complained about constantly.

You talk about George Clooney as if the Republican Party process isn't dominated by 2 specific super PACS and a handful of Billionaires in New York and California.

Then 4 years later, Trump and the Republican Party canceled numerous primaries freezing out any candidate that wanted to seriously take him on. Same thing the Democrats did with Biden in 2024 in many states.

That's manipulating the process - regardless if the candidate is someone you like and support.

You are one reason this screwed up process is never fixed. You support it when it promotes someone you like instead of having integrity and realizing the process is manipulated and screwed up and no way to elect a President.

That's why we have 2 damn fools as candidates who are too damn old for anything.
My God, the comparison is so stupid. Are you 14 years old? You just proved my point.

The primary process is manipulated by the parties. In 2016, the Republican Party was shoving Jeb Bush at everyone. It took a damn lying maniac to overcome the manipulation - a manipulation Trump complained about constantly.

You talk about George Clooney as if the Republican Party process isn't dominated by 2 specific super PACS and a handful of Billionaires in New York and California.

Then 4 years later, Trump and the Republican Party canceled numerous primaries freezing out any candidate that wanted to seriously take him on. Same thing the Democrats did with Biden in 2024 in many states.

That's manipulating the process - regardless if the candidate is someone you like and support.

You are one reason this screwed up process is never fixed. You support it when it promotes someone you like instead of having integrity and realizing the process is manipulated and screwed up and no way to elect a President.

That's why we have 2 damn fools as candidates who are too damn old for anything.

The Captured Party is once again breaking the law to get their way.

They could have held a competitive primary.

Had this occurred, Biden’s obvious, long recognized, issues would have come to light.

Instead, they dismissed all criticism of Biden as a "far right wing conspiracy theory." (aka: the truth 3-months in advance)

As usual, they want a bailout after a screw up.
My God, the comparison is so stupid. Are you 14 years old? You just proved my point.

The primary process is manipulated by the parties. In 2016, the Republican Party was shoving Jeb Bush at everyone. It took a damn lying maniac to overcome the manipulation - a manipulation Trump complained about constantly.

You talk about George Clooney as if the Republican Party process isn't dominated by 2 specific super PACS and a handful of Billionaires in New York and California.

Then 4 years later, Trump and the Republican Party canceled numerous primaries freezing out any candidate that wanted to seriously take him on. Same thing the Democrats did with Biden in 2024 in many states.

That's manipulating the process - regardless if the candidate is someone you like and support.

You are one reason this screwed up process is never fixed. You support it when it promotes someone you like instead of having integrity and realizing the process is manipulated and screwed up and no way to elect a President.

That's why we have 2 damn fools as candidates who are too damn old for anything.

Kennedy would be the perfect candidate to a true liberal in any other time period.

He would have a very good shot of beating Trump one-on-one in a debate and at the polls.

Instead, we now have "new age" liberals/progressives who favor:

+ Wall Street
+ The Military Machine
+ Stoking Wars (Urkaine/NATO & Iran)
+ Censorship
+ Illegal Use of the DOJ
+ Attempting to Imprison Political Opponents
+ Mandates (Lying and try to force bad experimental drugs on the masses - including kids)
+ Leaving Americans Behind (Afgan)
+ Massive Overspending pushed mostly foreign and corporate interests
+ Inflation
+ Corrupt Border Policies
+ etc. etc etc.

Anyone who considered themselves a liberal pre-Obama and still endorses the party today is not thinking for themselves and/or has serious mental deficits.
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Kennedy would be the perfect candidate to a true liberal in any other time period.

He would have a very good shot of beating Trump one-on-one in a debate and at the polls.

Instead, we now have "new age" liberals/progressives who favor:

+ Wall Street
+ The Military Machine
+ Stoking Wars (Urkaine/NATO & Iran)
+ Censorship
+ Illegal Use of the DOJ
+ Attempting to Imprison Political Opponents
+ Mandates (Lying and try to force bad experimental drugs on the masses - including kids)
+ Leaving Americans Behind (Afgan)
+ Massive Overspending pushed mostly foreign and corporate interests
+ Inflation
+ Corrupt Border Policies
+ etc. etc etc.

Anyone who considered themselves a liberal pre-Obama and still endorses the party today is not thinking for themselves and/or has serious mental deficits.
This is an absolute fact. My liberal friends usually go silent when I bring this up to them. That or "he's a conspiracy theorist!" Did CNN tell you that because the guy has been right about everything I've seen?

The real reason why they try to label and degrade him is because he's prepared to stop enriching all of the people on your list which reads like the most "far right" conservative agenda ever put together.

Just because they hang a rainbow flag doesn't mean they aren't in bed with the worst of the worst. The rainbow flag in this case serves as a false flag for true dummies.
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This is an absolute fact. My liberal friends usually go silent when I bring this up to them. That or "he's a conspiracy theorist!" Did CNN tell you that because the guy has been right about everything I've seen?

The real reason why they try to label and degrade him is because he's prepared to stop enriching all of the people on your list which reads like the most "far right" conservative agenda ever put together.

Just because they hang a rainbow flag doesn't mean they aren't in bed with the worst of the worst. The rainbow flag in this case serves as a false flag for true dummies.

I'm not sure what this references but Kennedy is a bad joke more than a serious candidate. At present, he has almost no actual campaign arm. He makes Joe Biden's 2020 campaign look robust.

Kennedy's own family doesn't support him- even some that aren't involved in politics. Will he get some support? Sure. He's a Kennedy and some will vote in protest of our two lousy political parties and lousy candidates like Trump/Biden, and whoever replaced Biden

He is a conspiracy theorist. That doesn't mean every view of his is a conspiracy theory. His views are all over the place- and he has no support in Congress.

and quite frankly, he's impossible to listen to- especially for independents and folks that just don't know much about him. A lot of running for President is entertainment. I feel sorry for RFK every time I hear him speak just like I did Biden.

Folks like Kennedy have always been a bit popular, until they get all the focus of the media, and all the focus of the opposing party. They usually then melt and melt bad.

Kennedy has actually benefitted from the media being mildly interested in him and mildly critical - but then they move on to Biden or Trump. He's never been the focus.

I always laugh at the people that take his campaign seriously, when he can go weeks without doing anything at all in terms of campaigning. Recently he was on NPR for an interview, which he screwed up by attacking the host for not asking to interview him before, and the host told him he had tried to interview him 2-3 times before but his campaign had turned him down.
I'm not sure what this references but Kennedy is a bad joke more than a serious candidate. At present, he has almost no campaign. He makes Joe Biden's 2020 campaign look robust.

Kennedy's own family doesn't support him- even some that aren't involved in politics.

He is a conspiracy theorist. That doesn't mean every view of his is a conspiracy theory. His views are all over the place- and he has no support in Congress.

and quite frankly, he's impossible to listen to- especially for independents and folks that just don't know much about him. A lot of running for President is entertainment. I feel sorry for RFK every time I hear him speak just like I did Biden.

Folks like Kennedy have always been a bit popular, until they get all the focus of the media, and all the focus of the opposing party. They usually then melt and melt bad.

Kennedy has actually benefitted from the media being mildly interested in him and mildly critical - but then they move on to Biden or Trump. He's never been the focus.

I always laugh at the people that take his campaign seriously, when he can go weeks without doing anything at all in terms of campaigning. Recently he was on NPR for an interview, which he screwed up by attacking the host for not asking to interview him before, and the host told him he had tried to interview him 2-3 times before but his campaign had turned him down.
You sound exactly like a CNN reporter. Kennedy was right about the vaccines, the side effects, and Fauci.

What are the other conspiracies?

They are intentionally blocking him because these corporations own the media and they don't want him screwing up their business models and exposing their corruption.
My God, the comparison is so stupid. Are you 14 years old? You just proved my point.

The primary process is manipulated by the parties. In 2016, the Republican Party was shoving Jeb Bush at everyone. It took a damn lying maniac to overcome the manipulation - a manipulation Trump complained about constantly.

You talk about George Clooney as if the Republican Party process isn't dominated by 2 specific super PACS and a handful of Billionaires in New York and California.

Then 4 years later, Trump and the Republican Party canceled numerous primaries freezing out any candidate that wanted to seriously take him on. Same thing the Democrats did with Biden in 2024 in many states.

That's manipulating the process - regardless if the candidate is someone you like and support.

You are one reason this screwed up process is never fixed. You support it when it promotes someone you like instead of having integrity and realizing the process is manipulated and screwed up and no way to elect a President.

That's why we have 2 damn fools as candidates who are too damn old for anything.

You are a clown. They didn't manipulate anything for Jeb. Jeb didn't even finish in the top 4. Republican voters didn't want him, and they listened to the voters.

And nobody was coming close to Trump in 2020 because he had a 50 POINT LEAD. lol
They do. and I don't give a shit what you think about it. (as if that needed to be said)

I'm glad to quote numerous Republicans and Democrats who know what the hell they are talking about regarding the issue as opposed to you- who knows nothing. The laws we have aren't adequate to address the concerns of the current system, or the current business concerns of the immigration system.

To fail to fix the broken system is to admit you want Presidents to issue various executive orders - which aren't actual law- to try to shore up huge holes in the system. - That's illogical and stupid.

It's exactly why, under Trump, the courts put a stop to many of his executive orders on immigration, and under Biden, the courts have put a stop to many of his - all saying Congress needs to authorize it by law- not by Presidential dictate.

The only reason you and other worthless liberals think it is "broken" is because you want open borders. That's your fix. Open it up, just like Biden did day one. "Fixed" to you is wide open.

NOTHING is broken but enforcement of the actual laws we have in place. We have everything we need to secure the border on the books right now. Lying Dems just refuse to enforce them.
Democratic coup is complete. Biden went out like a bitch. I bet he has tens of millions in "book deals" lined up now.

George Clooney and the money donors = Democratic party. They might as well not even have primaries anymore. lol
You sound exactly like a CNN reporter. Kennedy was right about the vaccines, the side effects, and Fauci.

What are the other conspiracies?

They are intentionally blocking him because these corporations own the media and they don't want him screwing up their business models and exposing their corruption.

He wasn't.

1) Kennedy repeatedly said fraud was why George W Bush beat John Kerry in 2004. He's proposed various theories on this and they've changed over time. All of his claims are nuts.

2) Says Sirhan Sirhan didn't kill his father. Again, Kennedy's theories on this and the murder have changed over the years. Sirhan's own lawyers have argued he was hypnotized when he killed Kennedy but that he kileld him. Of course Rosie Grier and Rafer Johnson witnessed Sirhan kill him. Grier's comments were always consistent.

"We were running to see if we could stop all the violence that was going on and then we saw Sirhan with the gun so I went and pulled him up on a table. George Plimpton had been struggling with the gun hand and I just wrenched it out of Sirhan's hand and put it in my pocket. Later on Rafer Johnson asked me if I had it and I gave it to him."

There are so many, it takes too much time to post about - and it's a waste of time over this reject who won't and can't win anything.​
You are a clown. They didn't manipulate anything for Jeb. Jeb didn't even finish in the top 4. Republican voters didn't want him, and they listened to the voters.

And nobody was coming close to Trump in 2020 because he had a 50 POINT LEAD. lol

They sure did manipulate in favor of Jeb. But Jeb was so poor, it didn't work. Even Trump accused the party of manipulating things.

You better check with your cult leader before disagreeing with him.
He wasn't.

1) Kennedy repeatedly said fraud was why George W Bush beat John Kerry in 2004. He's proposed various theories on this and they've changed over time. All of his claims are nuts.

2) Says Sirhan Sirhan didn't kill his father. Again, Kennedy's theories on this and the murder have changed over the years. Sirhan's own lawyers have argued he was hypnotized when he killed Kennedy but that he kileld him. Of course Rosie Grier and Rafer Johnson witnessed Sirhan kill him. Grier's comments were always consistent.

"We were running to see if we could stop all the violence that was going on and then we saw Sirhan with the gun so I went and pulled him up on a table. George Plimpton had been struggling with the gun hand and I just wrenched it out of Sirhan's hand and put it in my pocket. Later on Rafer Johnson asked me if I had it and I gave it to him."

There are so many, it takes too much time to post about - and it's a waste of time over this reject who won't and can't win anything.​
So what? Does any of this sound egregious in comparison to Hillary, Biden, and Obama's records? Instead of media talking points, you should look at his 40 year legal record of beating the same individuals who have been trying to block his presidential run. Just recently he saved many adults and children from getting that toxic and useless experimental shot. He also exposed the corrupt compensation scheme that set it in motion. Bravo to him.
The only reason you and other worthless liberals think it is "broken" is because you want open borders. That's your fix. Open it up, just like Biden did day one. "Fixed" to you is wide open.

NOTHING is broken but enforcement of the actual laws we have in place. We have everything we need to secure the border on the books right now. Lying Dems just refuse to enforce them.

1) Don't want open borders. That's a stupid, ignorant comment.

2) I want it fixed just like Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Roger Marshall, John Cornyn, John Thune, Lindsey Graham, Steven Miller (Trump's Senior advisor), Mike Johnson (Speaker of the House), and a host of others who have all said numerous times that immigration needs a Congressional fix.

3) I can only chalk your last point up to ignorance. There aren't 3 people in Congress that think the immigration system doesn't need modern rules for the 21st century.

" I'd like to see major changes to the Green Card system within our current immigration laws and move to more of a points-based system. Our current immigration laws don't prioritize what we need. I've proposed an immigration bill that aims to make the U.S. immigration system more competitive through rewarding immigrants who speak English, have financial stability and demonstrate useful skills, among other factors. This would be a major change but one that is long overdue and there are many Democrats who have said they would cosponsor such a bill. It would also end chain migration, a problem our current law allows." Senator Tom Cotton, Republican, Arkansas
So what? Does any of this sound egregious in comparison to Hillary, Biden, and Obama's records? Instead of media talking points, you should look at his 40 year legal record of beating the same individuals who have been trying to block his presidential run. Just recently he saved many adults and children from getting that toxic and useless experimental shot. He also exposed the corrupt compensation scheme that set it in motion. Bravo to him.

I think not believing the man who clearly killed your own father and making up lies about what happened is a damn big problem.

If that was Kennedy's only problem, it MIGHT be able to be explained away.

But I'm not going to waste time talking about someone that has no chance in the world. Benny Hill has just as much of a chance.

and a man whose environmental views and goals would make right wingers consider lighting dynamite under their own homes should he be able to implement even 10% of them.
I think not believing the man who clearly killed your own father and making up lies about what happened is a damn big problem.

If that was Kennedy's only problem, it MIGHT be able to be explained away.

But I'm not going to waste time talking about someone that has no chance in the world

and a man whose environmental views and goals would make right wingers consider lighting dynamite under their own homes should be able to implement even 10% of them.

Have you ever heard his explanation for why he believes this? It's pretty damn solid.

Your uncle is the most popular President of all time and is killed by our government.

You don't believe he's earned the right to question the narrative they push on the public about your father's death?
Have you ever heard his explanation for why he believes this? It's pretty damn solid.

Your uncle is the most popular President of all time and is killed by our government.

You don't believe he's earned the right to question the narrative they push on the public about your father's death?

Dave has proven over and over again he can't think for himself or perform any deductive reasoning on any level.

Now he's trying to make up for this with AI answers that he passes off as his own.

He's likely go down in flames in November with the Captured Party and be totally clueless as to why it happened.
Have you ever heard his explanation for why he believes this? It's pretty damn solid.

Your uncle is the most popular President of all time and is killed by our government.

You don't believe he's earned the right to question the narrative they push on the public about your father's death?

I've heard several versions of it. He's changed it over the years several times. But no, it's not very solid. He says things Sirhan's own lawyers have refused to claim.

The government didn't kill John Kennedy. Some wanted to I am sure just like in any administration, but too much incompetence is always a problem. But it's a gold mine for the conspiracy nuts.

I saw today Republican Senator Ron Johnson was floating a conspiracy theory that there were possibly 3 shooters in Pennsylvania. The nuts are always going to be able to promote the crazy because they never have to prove it- and the people that believe that shit never make them prove it.

I believe he can do what he wants- without me having to give permission or acknowledge his right to do whatever he wants.

I, in no way, have to believe anything he says about anything.
They sure did manipulate in favor of Jeb. But Jeb was so poor, it didn't work. Even Trump accused the party of manipulating things.

You better check with your cult leader before disagreeing with him.

Bullshit. Of course Jeb was a front runner to begin with, since both his father and brother had both been President. But the voters spoke, and they got who they voted for. Republican leadership absolutely did NOT try to change it despite the fact that every poll had him losing to Hillary and nobody in the Republican leadership wanted Trump.

Dems, on the other hand, shunned anybody that tried to primary Biden. Biden won the primary easily. And don't give me any bullshit about his health declining since then. He's been dumber than a rock for a long time. And if he were winning now, NONE of this would be happening. There is a reason we had the earliest debate in history. Dems wanted to test him and had a plan to replace him if they wanted, to hell with what their voters wanted. Now big donors, Hollywood, and superdelegates will decide for them. So much for that "saving Democracy" line of lies.
Breaking News: Biden already forgot that he dropped out and is holding a "Stop the Steal" rally at the White House tonight. LOL
Bullshit. Of course Jeb was a front runner to begin with, since both his father and brother had both been President. But the voters spoke, and they got who they voted for. Republican leadership absolutely did NOT try to change it despite the fact that every poll had him losing to Hillary and nobody in the Republican leadership wanted Trump.

Dems, on the other hand, shunned anybody that tried to primary Biden. Biden won the primary easily. And don't give me any bullshit about his health declining since then. He's been dumber than a rock for a long time. And if he were winning now, NONE of this would be happening. There is a reason we had the earliest debate in history. Dems wanted to test him and had a plan to replace him if they wanted, to hell with what their voters wanted. Now big donors, Hollywood, and superdelegates will decide for them. So much for that "saving Democracy" line of lies.

you are too ignorant of history and simply don't know what you are talking about

In January 2019, the Republican National Committee voted to endorse Donald Trump, a year before the 1st primary. The support was designed to "scare off any potential primary challenger in 2020."

In Feb 2019, before any other Republican candidates had decided to run against Trump and the Republican Party voted to throw their "undivided" support to Donald Trump. At the time, Trump's approval rating was 34%. This was the first time in history the Republican Party has expressed their support of a candidate, including an incumbent, before the primary season.

Your problem is you are a hypocrite. You are too busy pointing your fingers to realize that your own damn side has done the same thing.

Dems, on the other hand, shunned anybody that tried to primary Biden.

Biden won the primary easily. And don't give me any bullshit about his health declining since then. He's been dumber than a rock for a long time. And if he were winning now, NONE of this would be happening. There is a reason we had the earliest debate in history. Dems wanted to test him and had a plan to replace him if they wanted, to hell with what their voters wanted. Now big donors, Hollywood, and superdelegates will decide for them. So much for that "saving Democracy" line of lies.

1) Correct- just like Republicans and Trump

2) Biden won easily because he had no competition by design- just like Republicans in 2020.

3) His health and being "dumb" or smart are separate things. One can be in poor health and smart. One can be in poor health and dumb. One can be in great health and smart, and great health and dumb.

4) We had the earliest debate because Biden was struggling in the polls and stubbornly over-estimated himself and that blew up in his face. As poor as Trump was, Biden was much worse.

5) "Dems" didn't decide on a debate or a test. That was the Biden campaign and Biden himself that chose that strategy.

6) Nominees for President are chosen at the convention, not by voters during primaries. That's not new.
I've heard several versions of it. He's changed it over the years several times. But no, it's not very solid. He says things Sirhan's own lawyers have refused to claim.

The government didn't kill John Kennedy. Some wanted to I am sure just like in any administration, but too much incompetence is always a problem. But it's a gold mine for the conspiracy nuts.

I saw today Republican Senator Ron Johnson was floating a conspiracy theory that there were possibly 3 shooters in Pennsylvania. The nuts are always going to be able to promote the crazy because they never have to prove it- and the people that believe that shit never make them prove it.

I believe he can do what he wants- without me having to give permission or acknowledge his right to do whatever he wants.

I, in no way, have to believe anything he says about anything.
You have to be one of the last standing who believes what comes out of Washington, Intel Agencies, and mainstream media is the gospel.

Look how long it took them to admit the following: (Paleo Cock's list)

Saudi involvement in 9/11
WMDs in Iraq
Origins of COVID
Hunter Laptop
Vaccine Efficacy & Safety

But there's no way Kennedy could be correct even though he's just correctly called out Fauci and the vaccine?

Open your mind a little to the possibility these same characters could be lying once again.
You have to be one of the last standing who believes what comes out of Washington, Intel Agencies, and mainstream media is the gospel.

Look how long it took them to admit the following: (Paleo Cock's list)

Saudi involvement in 9/11
WMDs in Iraq
Origins of COVID
Hunter Laptop
Vaccine Efficacy & Safety

But there's no way Kennedy could be correct even though he's just correctly called out Fauci and the vaccine?

Open your mind a little to the possibility these same characters could be lying once again.

Who is to say I believe what comes out of Washington or Intel agencies or any of your other usual boogey men?

I don't have to believe everything they say, and I sure don't believe nut jobs like Robert Kennedy or any of the fools online parroting nonsense to pad their bank accounts.

My mind is plenty open. I just always disagree with the crap you push because you have zero credibility.
Kamel Toe Harris, the chick who sucked her way into position and corrupt/benghazi serial killer lady. What a shit show the Dems are

I think she turned down Trump's sexual advances- the ones he frequently tried on numerous women- including married women that turned him down.


Always funny to see a Trump cult member claiming moral superiority when their God isn't morally superior to anyone alive.
Who is to say I believe what comes out of Washington or Intel agencies or any of your other usual boogey men?

I don't have to believe everything they say, and I sure don't believe nut jobs like Robert Kennedy or any of the fools online parroting nonsense to pad their bank accounts.

My mind is plenty open. I just always disagree with the crap you push because you have zero credibility.
You sound mentally shot. Go get some rest.
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you are too ignorant of history and simply don't know what you are talking about

In January 2019, the Republican National Committee voted to endorse Donald Trump, a year before the 1st primary. The support was designed to "scare off any potential primary challenger in 2020."

In Feb 2019, before any other Republican candidates had decided to run against Trump and the Republican Party voted to throw their "undivided" support to Donald Trump. At the time, Trump's approval rating was 34%. This was the first time in history the Republican Party has expressed their support of a candidate, including an incumbent, before the primary season.

Your problem is you are a hypocrite. You are too busy pointing your fingers to realize that your own damn side has done the same thing.

That's just a flat out f'ing lie. In 2016, the Republican party had a primary. The leaders didn't like the results. And they still gave the voters what they voted for. Even when it looked like he was going to lose, they didn't force the voter's choice out and try to install someone else. That's exactly what the Dems just did to Biden.

Spin all you want, but those ARE THE FACTS. Your crying about Trump in 2019, who have a 90% approval rating among Republicans, doesn't have a damn thing in common with what the Dems just did to their primary voters. Not even close.
That's just a flat out f'ing lie. In 2016, the Republican party had a primary. The leaders didn't like the results. And they still gave the voters what they voted for. Even when it looked like he was going to lose, they didn't force the voter's choice out and try to install someone else. That's exactly what the Dems just did to Biden.

Spin all you want, but those ARE THE FACTS. Your crying about Trump in 2019, who have a 90% approval rating among Republicans, doesn't have a damn thing in common with what the Dems just did to their primary voters. Not even close.

As I have said, you are too ignorant to discuss this topic intelligently.

Fox News, April 11, 2016: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out at what he called the party's "rigged" delegate selection rules on Monday.

The New York billionaire, who has been outmaneuvered in a series of recent state meetings to select national convention delegates, said the process was set up to protect party insiders and shut out insurgent candidates.

"The system is rigged, it's crooked," Trump said on Fox News on Monday, alleging that, for example, the Colorado Republican Party was denying voters a voice in the process. "The people out there are going crazy, in the Denver area and Colorado itself, and they're going absolutely crazy because they weren't given a vote. This was given by politicians - it's a crooked deal."

Trump then accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz, of trying to steal delegates in South Carolina and do the same thing in Colorado with the help of the Republican Party.

Guy Short, a Cruz backer in Colorado who was elected as a Republican national convention delegate for the sixth time, disputed Trump's allegations. "Donald Trump is a liar," Short told Reuters in an email.

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