Dawn S

Spin all you want, but those ARE THE FACTS. Your crying about Trump in 2019, who have a 90% approval rating among Republicans, doesn't have a damn thing in common with what the Dems just did to their primary voters. Not even close.

This is more pathetic from you than the normal pathetic garbage you lie about.

1) I don't give a damn about the Republicans or what they do. I can't imagine caring for 1 second what a damn Republican does. It has nothing to do with me. So I don't care. I was pointing out that the Republican Party rigged the 2020 primaries to make sure Donald Trump had no one that could possibly run against him- a candidate at the time that had less than a 35% approval rating with Americans. They even tried to rig the 2016 primaries- and Donald Trump said they did- against him- but you are too ignorant to understand it- even when your GOD repeatedly said they were rigging against him in the primaries.

2) Why you care about what Democrats do is hilarious though.

3) Joe Biden took himself out of the presidental race. The Democrat Party couldn't force him to do anything.

As Politico reported last night, Biden's 2 closest advisors met with him at his home Friday and Saturday and showed him new internal polling that showed him losing pace fast from the poor results he had even a few months ago. That convinced him he couldn't win. Then he did the only right thing and bowed out.

you lying and pretending that the Democrat party forced him out or made him quit is the screeching from a nut job (you).

Biden had every right to drop out and has done so. It's a political party- and their rules are what matters. It's not as if this is the law.

But thanks for your genuine and deep concern about Democrat primary voters (who overwhelmingly wanted Biden to drop out). Lie to yourself but when you lie here, I'll call you out on it.

As I have said, you are too ignorant to discuss this topic intelligently.

Fox News, April 11, 2016: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out at what he called the party's "rigged" delegate selection rules on Monday.

The New York billionaire, who has been outmaneuvered in a series of recent state meetings to select national convention delegates, said the process was set up to protect party insiders and shut out insurgent candidates.

"The system is rigged, it's crooked," Trump said on Fox News on Monday, alleging that, for example, the Colorado Republican Party was denying voters a voice in the process. "The people out there are going crazy, in the Denver area and Colorado itself, and they're going absolutely crazy because they weren't given a vote. This was given by politicians - it's a crooked deal."

Trump then accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz, of trying to steal delegates in South Carolina and do the same thing in Colorado with the help of the Republican Party.

Guy Short, a Cruz backer in Colorado who was elected as a Republican national convention delegate for the sixth time, disputed Trump's allegations. "Donald Trump is a liar," Short told Reuters in an email.

So delegate selection by Republicans is somehow comparable to 14 million people voting for Biden and giving him ALL the delegates to win the nomination and then George Clooney and the Dem elite overriding all of them and picking who they want?

You are the dumbest person on the internet. Galactically ignorant.
This is more pathetic from you than the normal pathetic garbage you lie about.

1) I don't give a damn about the Republicans or what they do. I can't imagine caring for 1 second what a damn Republican does. It has nothing to do with me. So I don't care. I was pointing out that the Republican Party rigged the 2020 primaries to make sure Donald Trump had no one that could possibly run against him- a candidate at the time that had less than a 35% approval rating with Americans. They even tried to rig the 2016 primaries- and Donald Trump said they did- against him- but you are too ignorant to understand it- even when your GOD repeatedly said they were rigging against him in the primaries.

2) Why you care about what Democrats do is hilarious though.

3) Joe Biden took himself out of the presidental race. The Democrat Party couldn't force him to do anything.

As Politico reported last night, Biden's 2 closest advisors met with him at his home Friday and Saturday and showed him new internal polling that showed him losing pace fast from the poor results he had even a few months ago. That convinced him he couldn't win. Then he did the only right thing and bowed out.

you lying and pretending that the Democrat party forced him out or made him quit is the screeching from a nut job (you).

Biden had every right to drop out and has done so. It's a political party- and their rules are what matters. It's not as if this is the law.

But thanks for your genuine and deep concern about Democrat primary voters (who overwhelmingly wanted Biden to drop out). Lie to yourself but when you lie here, I'll call you out on it.

LOL. Delusion fool. They FORCED him out. Cut off his money and publicly embarrassed.

You have to be the dumbest person in the universe to believe he just suddenly had a change of mind and quit on his own. LOL.

And again, if you think ANYBODY could have taken it from Trump in 2020, you are an idiot. You saw what happened this year. Nobody even came close. Nobody had to "rig" anything like the Dems do. Republicans let voters decide.
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So delegate selection by Republicans is somehow comparable to 14 million people voting for Biden and giving him ALL the delegates to win the nomination and then George Clooney and the Dem elite overriding all of them and picking who they want?

You are the dumbest person on the internet. Galactically ignorant.

"delegate selection" I like how you try to gently phrase it

while Trump was accusing party officials of "rigging" the election and party against him. LOL. At least your hypocrisy is front and center.

George Clooney, the Dem elite and a majority of Democrats wanted Joe Biden to drop out of the race- and he did.

The Democrat Party primaries ran from January 23 to June 8, 2024. They were not competitive, and nearly every primary resulted in low turnout. About 16 million Democrats voted in the primaries. (In 2020, over 30 million did).

Then on June 27th, the disaster of a debate occurred and all polling showed a majority of Democrats wanted President Biden to drop his campaign. The polling has been consistent- and only increasing in the percentage of Democrats that want someone else.

There is NO Democrat uprising wanting Joe Biden to stay in the race.

As I said, your "honest" concern for Democrats and the Democrat party is noted. It's a bald face lie, but that's who you are.

as much as you hate it (because it makes your lies look worse, the polling is clear)

LOL. Delusion fool. They FORCED him out. Cut off his money and publicly embarrassed.

You have to be the dumbest person in the universe to believe he just suddenly had a change of mind and quit on his own. LOL.

And again, if you think ANYBODY could have taken it from Trump in 2020, you are an idiot. You saw what happened this year. Nobody even came close. Nobody had to "rig" anything like the Dems do. Republicans let voters decide.

1) They can't force anyone out. The rules don't allow it.

2) Donors aren't required to give their money. There is no law that says anyone has to donate to a candidate. That's not forcing anyone. That's not force. That's simply withholding money.

3) Of course he quit on his own, when he realized he couldn't win. There is already extensive reporting on his decision and why he made it. You are just making up crap out of your own damn imagination.

Of course no one could have taken it from Trump in 2020. The party made sure that was impossible- and parties can do that. They set their own rules. Jus like in 2016 they tried to set rules that made it hard for Trump to win. That's what political parties do. They set their own rules. They can break their own rules. That's the way it works.

You are a liar., mainly lying to yourself. That's your problem.

Early Saturday, Biden told senior aides it was “full steam ahead” for the campaign. But by later that evening, he had changed his mind following a long discussion with his two closest aides.

Steve Ricchetti, who’s been with Biden since his days in the Senate, drove to see the president at his house on the Delaware shore on Friday. Mike Donilon arrived on Saturday. The two men, both of whom had been by Biden’s side during key decisions about whether to seek the presidency in 2016 and 2020, sat at a distance from the president, still testing positive for Covid, and presented damning new information in a meeting that would hasten the end of Biden’s political career.

In addition to presenting new concerns from lawmakers and updates on a fundraising operation that had slowed considerably, they carried the campaign’s own polls, which came back this week and showed his path to victory in November was gone, according to five people familiar with the matter, who, like others interviewed for this article, were granted anonymity to discuss private conversations. Biden asked several questions during the exchange.

It wasn’t that the president had grown tired of the drip of defections from within his own party — although he had. Rather, it was that Biden himself was finally convinced of what so many other Democrats had come to believe since his poor debate performance last month: He couldn’t win.

When the campaign commissioned new battleground polling over the last week, it was the first time they had done surveys in some key states in more than two months, according to two people familiar with the surveys.

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1) They can't force anyone out. The rules don't allow it.

2) Donors aren't required to give their money. There is no law that says anyone has to donate to a candidate. That's not forcing anyone. That's not force. That's simply withholding money.

3) Of course he quit on his own, when he realized he couldn't win. There is already extensive reporting on his decision and why he made it. You are just making up crap out of your own damn imagination.

Of course no one could have taken it from Trump in 2020. The party made sure that was impossible- and parties can do that. They set their own rules. Jus like in 2016 they tried to set rules that made it hard for Trump to win. That's what political parties do. They set their own rules. They can break their own rules. That's the way it works.

You are a liar., mainly lying to yourself. That's your problem.

Early Saturday, Biden told senior aides it was “full steam ahead” for the campaign. But by later that evening, he had changed his mind following a long discussion with his two closest aides.

Steve Ricchetti, who’s been with Biden since his days in the Senate, drove to see the president at his house on the Delaware shore on Friday. Mike Donilon arrived on Saturday. The two men, both of whom had been by Biden’s side during key decisions about whether to seek the presidency in 2016 and 2020, sat at a distance from the president, still testing positive for Covid, and presented damning new information in a meeting that would hasten the end of Biden’s political career.

In addition to presenting new concerns from lawmakers and updates on a fundraising operation that had slowed considerably, they carried the campaign’s own polls, which came back this week and showed his path to victory in November was gone, according to five people familiar with the matter, who, like others interviewed for this article, were granted anonymity to discuss private conversations. Biden asked several questions during the exchange.

It wasn’t that the president had grown tired of the drip of defections from within his own party — although he had. Rather, it was that Biden himself was finally convinced of what so many other Democrats had come to believe since his poor debate performance last month: He couldn’t win.

When the campaign commissioned new battleground polling over the last week, it was the first time they had done surveys in some key states in more than two months, according to two people familiar with the surveys.

LOL. And a month ago Biden was a vibrant, energetic President that was running circles around his staff and they couldn't even keep up with him.

Bet you believe that stupidity too. LOL. I've got rocks in my yard smarter than you.
1) They can't force anyone out. The rules don't allow it.

I absolutely love this -- "The rules don't allow it."

Have you seen how these corrupt clowns have been operating for the last 3.5 years?

You think they care about the rules?

Now they are scrambling b/c if they lose power they become targets for their flagrant and anti-Democratic actions.

Gomer just might be the most gullible individual I've ever come across.
This is more pathetic from you than the normal pathetic garbage you lie about.

1) I don't give a damn about the Republicans or what they do. I can't imagine caring for 1 second what a damn Republican does. It has nothing to do with me. So I don't care. I was pointing out that the Republican Party rigged the 2020 primaries to make sure Donald Trump had no one that could possibly run against him- a candidate at the time that had less than a 35% approval rating with Americans. They even tried to rig the 2016 primaries- and Donald Trump said they did- against him- but you are too ignorant to understand it- even when your GOD repeatedly said they were rigging against him in the primaries.

2) Why you care about what Democrats do is hilarious though.

3) Joe Biden took himself out of the presidental race. The Democrat Party couldn't force him to do anything.

As Politico reported last night, Biden's 2 closest advisors met with him at his home Friday and Saturday and showed him new internal polling that showed him losing pace fast from the poor results he had even a few months ago. That convinced him he couldn't win. Then he did the only right thing and bowed out.

you lying and pretending that the Democrat party forced him out or made him quit is the screeching from a nut job (you).

Biden had every right to drop out and has done so. It's a political party- and their rules are what matters. It's not as if this is the law.

But thanks for your genuine and deep concern about Democrat primary voters (who overwhelmingly wanted Biden to drop out). Lie to yourself but when you lie here, I'll call you out on it.

LOL! A Democuck and referring to “RIGGING”. Hahahhahahahahaha
Now THAT is how you pull off an insurrection. Bring in the big donors and Hollywood elites. Get the media in line to back you up. Set the target up for failure. Everybody wondered why we were having the earliest debate ever. Look for a moment of weakness, and then everyone pile on at one time and install the chosen one that one person voted for. The coup is complete.

Well done, Democrats. Long live Democracy.
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Now THAT is how you pull off an insurrection. Bring in the big donors and Hollywood elites. Get the media in line to back you up. Set the target up for failure. Everybody wondered why we were having the earliest debate ever. Look for a moment of weakness, and then everyone pile on at one time and install the chosen one that one person voted for. The coup is complete.

Well done, Democrats. Long live Democracy.
She has lower ratings than Bidumb did. She blows, literally!
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LOL. And a month ago Biden was a vibrant, energetic President that was running circles around his staff and they couldn't even keep up with him.

Bet you believe that stupidity too. LOL. I've got rocks in my yard smarter than you.

If anyone thought he was a vibrant President a month ago, they were playing political games. Who the hell believed it?

We got two damn old candidates- and one dropped out. Now we have 1 old one.

Just like Trump's people said he always knew more than everyone in the room about every subject they discussed. LOL

Political people lie, especially when they are covering for a President.

Ever heard of Iran-Contra?
Now THAT is how you pull off an insurrection. Bring in the big donors and Hollywood elites. Get the media in line to back you up. Set the target up for failure. Everybody wondered why we were having the earliest debate ever. Look for a moment of weakness, and then everyone pile on at one time and install the chosen one that one person voted for. The coup is complete.

Well done, Democrats. Long live Democracy.

Yeah, it was just big donors - LOL

As Dan Abrams said today on his Sirius show to a caller - Republicans and Trumpers seem to be the only ones upset that Biden dropped out. LOL

Your lies are pretty silly.

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She has lower ratings than Bidumb did. She blows, literally!

It will be interesting to see how things progress now that she's campaigning, Polls will likely be all over the place.

Harris holds edge over Trump in new Reuters/Ipsos poll​

BY JARED GANS - 07/23/24 2:46 PM ET

It will be interesting to see how things progress now that she's campaigning, Polls will likely be all over the place.

Harris holds edge over Trump in new Reuters/Ipsos poll​

BY JARED GANS - 07/23/24 2:46 PM ET

Harris “holds” edge over Trump? She literally polled LOWER than Icecream guy……
If anyone thought he was a vibrant President a month ago, they were playing political games. Who the hell believed it?

We got two damn old candidates- and one dropped out. Now we have 1 old one.

Just like Trump's people said he always knew more than everyone in the room about every subject they discussed. LOL

Political people lie, especially when they are covering for a President.

Ever heard of Iran-Contra?
Trump doesn’t act old.

Biden acts very old.
Trump doesn’t act old.

Biden acts very old.

He not only acts old- he is old.

He confuses names, mispronounces words, gets the names of former advisors wrong all the time. Not to mention the times he gets names right, but thinks they are leading countries they aren't leading.

That's what- late 70s people do.
She is Buddying up with Jill Biden to accompany her at the Paris Olympics... WOW,, She may just be taking this a little far??

Of course she is- which makes perfect sense.

If Melania Trump had asked a coach of ours to accompany her delegation to the Olympics and they turned her down, right wingers would throw their blood pressure medicine and SlimFast bars across the room.
Imagine being a Democrat loser and believing all the pandering BS, while propping up Biden that he’s fine and nothing is wrong with him. LMFAO! COMMUNIST SHIT
Imagine being a Republican loser and believing all the pandering BS, while propping up Trump that he's fine and nothing is wrong with him. LMFAO! COMMUNIST SHIT
Harris “holds” edge over Trump? She literally polled LOWER than Icecream guy……

Polls say all sorts of things. I posted one that was released yesterday.

Beating a very unpopular Donald Trump is not that impressive. If she ends up losing to a very unpopular Donald Trump, then she loses. Obviously, very possible.

But only a liar pretends Donald Trump is popular.

Polls say all sorts of things. I posted one that was released yesterday.

Beating a very unpopular Donald Trump is not that impressive. If she ends up losing to a very unpopular Donald Trump, then she loses. Obviously, very possible.

But only a liar pretends Donald Trump is popular.

Dee, you talk too much and make too many back to back to back posts. It takes me more time to scroll past your posts than it should. 🙂
If the Kleptocracy finds some devious novel method to push a Kindergarten Teacher (who no one seems to like) through as their new cardboard cutout "President", this country will be totally shot.

Doubt it will happen and also have doubts she'll even be the nominee in the end. However, it would be total mayhem.

We are shocked. LOL

She doesn't like you either.

....and he knows this as the self-appointment medium to Dawn Staley.

If you're ever wondering "What would Dawn do? What would Dawn say?" -- which so many of us are -- Dave is available daily in the Columbia burbs to sort those hard pressing questions out in real time.

He accepts Mastercard, Visa, and Propaganda.
I would bet my bank account that, “if she were white and Republican”, none of this would be tolerated by the University.

If she were white and Republican, she could give a political speech every day and appear on Sean Hannity's tv show 4 days a week and you've be celebrating that "she gives her opinions and doesn't care what anyone thinks"

and accuse those that don't like it of being snowflakes. Instead, you disagree with her and whine about her incessantly.
If she were white and Republican, she could give a political speech every day and appear on Sean Hannity's tv show 4 days a week and you've be celebrating that "she gives her opinions and doesn't care what anyone thinks"

and accuse those that don't like it of being snowflakes. Instead, you disagree with her and whine about her incessantly.
Kamala for President! Who gives a shit because Joe is senile! Who cares that she locked up my blacks than Amistad! We don’t even care that her family owned slaves! Kamalalmfao will help da black communities. Day 1 of Kamalala would be seeing how far you can deepthroat a banana.
If she were white and Republican, she could give a political speech every day and appear on Sean Hannity's tv show 4 days a week and you've be celebrating that "she gives her opinions and doesn't care what anyone thinks"

and accuse those that don't like it of being snowflakes. Instead, you disagree with her and whine about her incessantly.
Get ****ed! Mr. I have a boat that gets 1.4mpg, I visit Commiefornia, I am a liberal cuck, I met and talked with Sanford, I love Bernie/Biden. You are a ****ing nut job and belong to Stanford/UCLA/USCW
Dems were literally trying to kick her off the ticket a year ago. Didn't even want her as VP for Joetato. Said she was a drag on the ticket.
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If she were white and Republican, she could give a political speech every day and appear on Sean Hannity's tv show 4 days a week and you've be celebrating that "she gives her opinions and doesn't care what anyone thinks"

and accuse those that don't like it of being snowflakes. Instead, you disagree with her and whine about her incessantly.

I personally believe Staley has toned down over the past couple of years.

However, if she wasn't a media darling and winning at a high level (i.e. Susan Walvius), the University would definitely taken action for some of her previous stances on social issues.

There's no way they desire that type of national attention and neither do most fans.

But she's winning and that's a panacea for all kinds of ills. It's also the reason you follow her as closely as you do.
If she were white and Republican, she could give a political speech every day and appear on Sean Hannity's tv show 4 days a week and you've be celebrating that "she gives her opinions and doesn't care what anyone thinks"

and accuse those that don't like it of being snowflakes. Instead, you disagree with her and whine about her incessantly.
Or be on The View! Maybe, target conservatives and blast some ideological/idiot talking MSM cuck point.