Spin all you want, but those ARE THE FACTS. Your crying about Trump in 2019, who have a 90% approval rating among Republicans, doesn't have a damn thing in common with what the Dems just did to their primary voters. Not even close.
This is more pathetic from you than the normal pathetic garbage you lie about.
1) I don't give a damn about the Republicans or what they do. I can't imagine caring for 1 second what a damn Republican does. It has nothing to do with me. So I don't care. I was pointing out that the Republican Party rigged the 2020 primaries to make sure Donald Trump had no one that could possibly run against him- a candidate at the time that had less than a 35% approval rating with Americans. They even tried to rig the 2016 primaries- and Donald Trump said they did- against him- but you are too ignorant to understand it- even when your GOD repeatedly said they were rigging against him in the primaries.
2) Why you care about what Democrats do is hilarious though.
3) Joe Biden took himself out of the presidental race. The Democrat Party couldn't force him to do anything.
As Politico reported last night, Biden's 2 closest advisors met with him at his home Friday and Saturday and showed him new internal polling that showed him losing pace fast from the poor results he had even a few months ago. That convinced him he couldn't win. Then he did the only right thing and bowed out.
you lying and pretending that the Democrat party forced him out or made him quit is the screeching from a nut job (you).
Biden had every right to drop out and has done so. It's a political party- and their rules are what matters. It's not as if this is the law.
But thanks for your genuine and deep concern about Democrat primary voters (who overwhelmingly wanted Biden to drop out). Lie to yourself but when you lie here, I'll call you out on it.

New poll finds that most Democratic voters want Biden to drop out of the race
A new poll found that most Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race following his dismal debate performance.