Dawn S

My God....

Congress didn't pass it. The House passed it.

No idea what "This threat by Biden can be pushed through" means.

It's already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. Here is the 1996 law

It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner
Last time I checked, the House was part of Congress. I'm not sure why you keep flashing that law.

If the Senate passes the SAVE Act, Biden said he will veto it and allow the illegals voting access.

If the Senate doesn't pass it, it will be because of the Democrats and their total corruption.

I think you already know this though.
Last time I checked, the House was part of Congress. I'm not sure why you keep flashing that law. If the Senate passes the SAVE Act, Biden said he will veto it.

If the Senate doesn't pass it, it will be because of the Democrats and their total corruption. I think you already know this though.

Saying Congress passed it isn't true. That is a lie. Clearly, Congress hasn't passed it.

Passing a law that makes something illegal that is already illegal is a stupid political stunt. Of course you support it.

You wrote "Are you saying you don't believe this threat by Biden can be pushed through? "

I don't know what the hell that means. Clearly, he can veto anything he chooses if Congress actually does pass it (which you said they had done, but actually they haven't done).

He doesn't have to push it through anything.
Last time I checked, the House was part of Congress. I'm not sure why you keep flashing that law.

If the Senate passes the SAVE Act, Biden said he will veto it and allow the illegals voting access.

If the Senate doesn't pass it, it will be because of the Democrats and their total corruption.

I think you already know this though.

But there's noooo way they cheated in 2020. Just ask Fanni.

Gerogia is having to completely revamp their system for this year's vote.

Saying Congress passed it isn't true. That is a lie. Clearly, Congress hasn't passed it.

Passing a law that makes something illegal that is already illegal is a stupid political stunt. Of course you support it.

You wrote "Are you saying you don't believe this threat by Biden can be pushed through? "

I don't know what the hell that means. Clearly he can veto anything he chooses. He doesn't have to push it through anything.
I just said the House passed it and the Senate probably will shortly. If they don't, you know what that means.

You might need to AI the Save Act and see if Biden can veto and get back to us.
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Actually, you said..

Why did Congress pass the SAVE Act?

and I said they didn't. I said that because they didn't.

It won't become law because it's a silly political stunt. But, it doesn't matter.

It's already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
If the Senate passes the SAVE Act, Biden said he will veto it and allow the illegals voting access.

If Biden gets the opportunity to veto it, non-citizens will be in the exact spot they are now per federal law.

It will be illegal for them to vote.

He didn't say it will "allow the illegals voting access"

No amount of lying from you will change that fact.
If Biden gets the opportunity to veto it, non-citizens will be in the exact spot they are now per federal law.

It will be illegal for them to vote.

He didn't say it will "allow the illegals voting access"

No amount of lying from you will change that fact.
Why do you believe there was a vote?

Why do you believe Biden said he would veto if there's no significance?

Why do you believe all but 5 Democrats voted against the SAVE Act?

Do you like being connected to a party who does this?
Why do you believe there was a vote?

Why do you believe Biden said he would veto if there's no significance?

Why do you believe all but 5 Democrats voted against the SAVE Act?

Do you like being connected to a party who does this?

1) I've already called it a political stunt. Nothing new about those in an election year.

2) Because there is no need for yet another law that doesn't do anything.

3) Because it doesn't do anything

4) I don't like political stunts. I'm proud of anyone that fights against such a stupid stunt.

Why do you support an effort to pass a law that doesn't do anything? It's really stupid. I feel sorry for you (again)
1) I've already called it a political stunt. Nothing new about those in an election year.

2) Because there is no need for yet another law that doesn't do anything.

3) Because it doesn't do anything

4) I don't like political stunts. I'm proud of anyone that fights against such a stupid stunt.

Why do you support an effort to pass a law that doesn't do anything? It's really stupid. I feel sorry for you (again)

This makes no sense at all.

If there wasn't a threat of illegals skewing the vote, Congress would never waste their time on this and Biden certainly wouldn't weigh in on something that could obviously cost him votes.

Try again.
1) I've already called it a political stunt. Nothing new about those in an election year.

2) Because there is no need for yet another law that doesn't do anything.

3) Because it doesn't do anything

4) I don't like political stunts. I'm proud of anyone that fights against such a stupid stunt.

Why do you support an effort to pass a law that doesn't do anything? It's really stupid. I feel sorry for you (again)

Dave, it's looking like your privates might be in jeopardy again.

You have no one but your own corrupt party to blame for this.
This makes no sense at all.

If there wasn't a threat of illegals skewing the vote, Congress would never waste their time on this and Biden certainly wouldn't weigh in on something that could obviously cost him votes.

Try again.

So far, Congress hasn't. The Republican led House has.

yeah- Congress never wastes their time on anything. LOL Political parties never waste time on anything for political purposes. Good Lord.......

President's issue veto threats all the time.

Anyway, this is stupid. Just can't take you seriously with statements like "Congress would never waste their time on..." LOL

That is comedy gold right there.

I'm sorry you've backed yourself into the corner supporting a law just because Republicans want to pass a law making something that is already illegal- illegal again.

That's nuts.
So far, Congress hasn't. The Republican led House has.

yeah- Congress never wastes their time on anything. LOL Political parties never waste time on anything for political purposes. Good Lord.......

President's issue veto threats all the time.

Anyway, this is stupid. Just can't take you seriously with statements like "Congress would never waste their time on..." LOL

That is comedy gold right there.

Dave, you conveniently skipped the part about Biden weighing in on something that would anger most Americans - including his base.
In unrelated news, two South Carolinians were sentenced to federal prison this week.

A U.S. District Court judge appointed by Donald Trump sentenced 30-year-old Thomas Andrew Casselman, of Oconee County, S.C., to 40 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and ordered him to pay $2,000 in restitution. He pleaded guilty to a felony count of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers in March.

Casselman, an unemployed mechanic, went to Washington DC to attend the "Stop The Steal" rally. Then made his way to the US Capitol. He taunted police officers with a copy of the U.S. Constitution. Video showed him stepping forward and deploying a canister of oleoresin capsicum-based spray (bear spray) in close range of several officers, spraying them in the face as they grappled with the crowd.

Evidence showed that Casselman later bragged about his participation and interfering with officers. Casselman then tried to hide his participation by cutting his hair, deactivating his social media accounts and deleting text messages and photos. Casselman also made other concerning queries after January 6 that reflected an interest in conspiracy theories, terrorist groups, and bomb-making, evidence showed.

Casselman's defense attorney said in a defense memo to the judge that her client had come to Washington because he “believed the Constitution was being subverted, and he believed that because “the President... told him so.”


Tyler Dykes, of Bluffton, 26, was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison Friday morning. Dykes, who was in the Marines at the time, ripped protective shields out of the hands of multiple police officers and used them to force his way through the crowd into the US Capitol building. Dykes was dismissed form the Marines with an Other Than Honorable Discharge for his actions.

Dykes also carried a lit torch and performed the Nazi salute (caught on video) with the torchbearers at the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., and was charged with burning an object with the intent to intimidate, convicted and served time in prison. A photo of Dykes inside the Capitol showed him giving a Nazi salute. Dykes denied giving the salute but it was captured on video.

Court evidence showed before the riot that "Dykes frequented various Telegram channels, discussed allegations of voter fraud and various extremist sentiments. Some of the groups promoted violence related to Jan. 6, 2021 and advocated violent government overthrow which Dykes supported. Many of the discussions included quotations from Hitler."

Dykes came to Washington on Jan. 6 with two friends, and they attended then-President Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally before the riot. The two friends did not join Dykes in the actions at the Capitol.

Dykes was an honor roll student in high school and an Eagle Scout. He was accepted into Cornell University but dropped out after one year to join the Marines.

His lawyers wrote that he had lost most of his friends due to his actions on January 6th and had also lost the computer business he started, stating it would take him many years to build back the trust of friends and family. He deeply regrets his actions.
In unrelated news, two South Carolinians were sentenced to federal prison this week.

A U.S. District Court judge appointed by Donald Trump sentenced 30-year-old Thomas Andrew Casselman, of Oconee County, S.C., to 40 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and ordered him to pay $2,000 in restitution. He pleaded guilty to a felony count of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers in March.

Casselman, an unemployed mechanic, went to Washington DC to attend the "Stop The Steal" rally. Then made his way to the US Capitol. He taunted police officers with a copy of the U.S. Constitution. Video showed him stepping forward and deploying a canister of oleoresin capsicum-based spray (bear spray) in close range of several officers, spraying them in the face as they grappled with the crowd.

Evidence showed that Casselman later bragged about his participation and interfering with officers. Casselman then tried to hide his participation by cutting his hair, deactivating his social media accounts and deleting text messages and photos. Casselman also made other concerning queries after January 6 that reflected an interest in conspiracy theories, terrorist groups, and bomb-making,”

Casselman's defense attorney said in a defense memo to the judge that her client had come to Washington because he “believed the Constitution was being subverted, and he believed that because “the President... told him so.”


Tyler Dykes, of Bluffton, 26, was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison Friday morning. Dykes, who was in the Marines at the time, ripped protective shields out of the hands of multiple police officers and used them to force his way through the crowd into the US Capitol building. Dykes was dismissed form the Marines with an Other Than Honorable Discharge for his actions.

Dykes also carried a lit torch and performed the Nazi salute (caught on video) with the torchbearers at the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., and was charged with burning an object with the intent to intimidate, convicted and served time in prison. A photo of Dykes inside the Capitol showed him giving a Nazi salute. Dykes denied giving the salute but it was captured on video.

Court evidence showed before the riot that "Dykes frequented various Telegram channels, discussed allegations of voter fraud and various extremist sentiments. Some of the groups promoted violence related to Jan. 6, 2021 and advocated violent government overthrow which Dykes supported. Many of the discussions included quotations from Hitler."

Dykes came to Washington on Jan. 6 with two friends, and they attended then-President Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally before the riot. The two friends did not join Dykes in the actions at the Capitol.

Dykes was an honor roll student in high school and an Eagle Scout. He was accepted into Cornell University but dropped out after one year to join the Marines.

His lawyers wrote that he had lost most of his friends due to his actions on January 6th and had also lost the computer business he started, stating it would take him many years to build back the trust of friends and family. He deeply regrets his actions.

Zoom out, Mr. Minuta. Your mind is not your own.
It's already illegal to just walk into our country so the border is secure right?

Just walk into the country? That's illegal. Passing another law making it illegal again won't help.

Just like passing another law making kidnapping illegal is worthless given it's already illegal.

Passing additional laws to make things illegal that are already illegal is stupid and only a political stunt.

As I mentioned much earlier and will quote here again, "If Republicans and Democrats at the state level want to prosecute and prove someone registered illegally (Or I'll add here - voted illegally), they should bring those cases to court. Absolutely."

Why can’t she just coach basketball and stop with her political bullshit……
Exactly right. Dawn is a representative of the University of SC and should be representing all fans, all alumni, and RT needs to stop it. She should not be causing all this division and hate amongst the fans, coach basketball, stop the social warrior divisive bullcrap. Back before she starting winning here, she wouldn’t have dared to speak out like this, but now that she’s winning, she knows nobody will shut her down, she can do anything she chooses and RT will remain silent. Well, enough, she is paid to represent the university, everybody, not just leftist democrats. She praised BLM, and joined her team for a BLM rally and parade downtown, right in the middle of all the riots around the country. If a player disagrees with her pollical activism, would they feel welcomed on her team, would they have felt pressured to go to the parade, or protest against the national anthem? She has set up an environment on her team where no conservative player would ever be welcomed, where I work that's is called an “harassing environment”. She cancelled a game with BYU without ever getting the facts, over a supposed racial incident, an incident that never happened! She always jumps in where race is concerned, that’s the only time she jumps in, and that is wrong. So, when it was proven that the allegations at BYU were completely false, she never, ever gave a true apology or offered to make the game up. There are many other examples of her divisive rhetoric being spewed while at USC, all with racial overtones, and it’s often while she is “on the clock”, after a game etc. She is representing our university and we as alumnus should demand she stop the hate. Go run for a political office if you want to spew your rhetoric, not what we hired you for, stop dividing our fans. This post should not have been necessary, but it was, because she refuses to stay in her lane as a coach. If you want to foolishly tell Obama that a former first lady is qualified to be president, then tell him in private, just coach. There is a dual system of justice, if you are a Democrat, you can say or do anything you choose, without repercussions. Remember just a few years back when Ok ST football coach Mike Gundy was crucified and humiliated in public for wearing a freakin’ OAN T-shirt on a weekend fishing trip? He had to apologize over and over again, and many players left the team, over a T shirt for a TV station .... he never even spoke a word like Dawn, just wore a T-shirt.
And why bring Kamala Harris into the women’s locker room last season? Enough of the political shenanigans.
So, all you that support Dawn and her free speech while coaching and representing USC, I assume you would be perfectly fine with Beamer or any other USC coach bringing up in a press conference that they supported Donald Trump, and announce they had called Donald Trump to give him some political advice, maybe suggest who a good VP might be. Or maybe join the team during the work day for a conservative rally at the state house? You good with that? And you would be fine with Beamer bringing J.D Vance into the men’s locker room to give a pep talk to the team just before the election?? Nm, we already know the answer to that.
Exactly right. Dawn is a representative of the University of SC and should be representing all fans, all alumni, and RT needs to stop it. She should not be causing all this division and hate amongst the fans, coach basketball, stop the social warrior divisive bullcrap. Back before she starting winning here, she wouldn’t have dared to speak out like this, but now that she’s winning, she knows nobody will shut her down, she can do anything she chooses and RT will remain silent. Well, enough, she is paid to represent the university, everybody, not just leftist democrats. She praised BLM, and joined her team for a BLM rally and parade downtown, right in the middle of all the riots around the country. If a player disagrees with her pollical activism, would they feel welcomed on her team, would they have felt pressured to go to the parade, or protest against the national anthem? She has set up an environment on her team where no conservative player would ever be welcomed, where I work that's is called an “harassing environment”. She cancelled a game with BYU without ever getting the facts, over a supposed racial incident, an incident that never happened! She always jumps in where race is concerned, that’s the only time she jumps in, and that is wrong. So, when it was proven that the allegations at BYU were completely false, she never, ever gave a true apology or offered to make the game up. There are many other examples of her divisive rhetoric being spewed while at USC, all with racial overtones, and it’s often while she is “on the clock”, after a game etc. She is representing our university and we as alumnus should demand she stop the hate. Go run for a political office if you want to spew your rhetoric, not what we hired you for, stop dividing our fans. This post should not have been necessary, but it was, because she refuses to stay in her lane as a coach. If you want to foolishly tell Obama that a former first lady is qualified to be president, then tell him in private, just coach. There is a dual system of justice, if you are a Democrat, you can say or do anything you choose, without repercussions. Remember just a few years back when Ok ST football coach Mike Gundy was crucified and humiliated in public for wearing a freakin’ OAN T-shirt on a weekend fishing trip? He had to apologize over and over again, and many players left the team, over a T shirt for a TV station .... he never even spoke a word like Dawn, just wore a T-shirt.
And why bring Kamala Harris into the women’s locker room last season? Enough of the political shenanigans.
So, all you that support Dawn and her free speech while coaching and representing USC, I assume you would be perfectly fine with Beamer or any other USC coach bringing up in a press conference that they supported Donald Trump, and announce they had called Donald Trump to give him some political advice, maybe suggest who a good VP might be. Or maybe join the team during the work day for a conservative rally at the state house? You good with that? And you would be fine with Beamer bringing J.D Vance into the men’s locker room to give a pep talk to the team just before the election?? Nm, we already know the answer to that.
Fire Calvi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly right. Dawn is a representative of the University of SC and should be representing all fans, all alumni, and RT needs to stop it. She should not be causing all this division and hate amongst the fans, coach basketball, stop the social warrior divisive bullcrap. Back before she starting winning here, she wouldn’t have dared to speak out like this, but now that she’s winning, she knows nobody will shut her down, she can do anything she chooses and RT will remain silent. Well, enough, she is paid to represent the university, everybody, not just leftist democrats. She praised BLM, and joined her team for a BLM rally and parade downtown, right in the middle of all the riots around the country. If a player disagrees with her pollical activism, would they feel welcomed on her team, would they have felt pressured to go to the parade, or protest against the national anthem? She has set up an environment on her team where no conservative player would ever be welcomed, where I work that's is called an “harassing environment”. She cancelled a game with BYU without ever getting the facts, over a supposed racial incident, an incident that never happened! She always jumps in where race is concerned, that’s the only time she jumps in, and that is wrong. So, when it was proven that the allegations at BYU were completely false, she never, ever gave a true apology or offered to make the game up. There are many other examples of her divisive rhetoric being spewed while a

How about using paragraphs?

First, Presidents and Vice Presidents meet all sorts of teams, etc- including when they visit places. Long, long tradition of that. Singling out Dawn or VP Harris seems strange.

Some context is in order for the folks that seem to think Dawn Staley is unique. She's, in fact, following in a well worn tradition. Just a small sampling

Joe Paterno once spoke at the Republican National Convention. The popular coach openly campaigned for Republican candidates for years, and also made his conservative opinions well known.

Dean Smith. The well known Liberal coach was a strong advocate for desegregation in the 1960s and fought for similar efforts in a North Carolina that wasn't really open to it. Coach Smith was also a well known volcal opponent of the Vietnam War and the death penalty. He campaigned hard for Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt, the first black student admitted to Clemson University and Charlotte's first black mayor against Jesse Helms, known for his segregationist views. In 1964, Smith famously joined a local pastor and a black North Carolina theology student to integrate The Pines, a Chapel Hill restaurant. In 1965, Smith helped Howard Lee, a black graduate student at North Carolina, purchase a home in an all-white neighborhood.

Bill McCartney spent most of his career at Colorado clashing with student groups over politics. While acting as head coach, he was a vocal opponent of abortion. McCartney joined groups on campus in protesting or supporting various political issues. In 1992, McCartney, called gay people an "abomination" while he was openly campaigning against a Colorado state amendment to the constitution that would have protected gay people in Colorado from discrimination. He also famously handed out bibles on campus with the university logo on them, which wasn't approved by his employer. McCartney was cheered and promoted in conservative circles including on national radio shows like the Rush Limbaugh program.

Rick Majerus was well known as a supporter of Democrat candidates. His dad was a famous union organizer in Wisconsin and a big Democrat supporter. Rick followed in most of his footsteps. He appeared at a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton when he was competing against Obama. His bosses said he was free to exercise his rights to free speech like any other employee or member of the community and that one person's opinion wasn't the opinion of an entire university.

Mike Leach regularly talked politics in his press conferences. He campaigned for Donald Trump in Washington State and appeared at a rally where he spoke. He was lauded in conservative circles (still is at times even now) often receiving credit from conservatives who said some version of, "He tells it like it is and doesn't care what people think"

His bosses released several statements over the years saying that "faculty and employees had a right to free speech and that one person's opinion is not necessarily the opinion of the school or anyone else. (That seems to be completely fair- and common sense)

Lou Holtz - The well known Republican has backed a number of political measures over the years, including during his coaching career. In April 2020, Lou Holtz joined Clemson coach Tommy Bowden in marching 120 miles to protest the flying of the Confederate Flag atop the South Carolina state house, an effort that angered some Republican state senators who were fighting to keep the flag flying over the state house dome.

Holtz and Bowden were joined by South Carolina basketball coach Eddie Fogler and Clemson basketball coach Larry Shyatt. Tommy Bowden, Clemson's football coach, said he was there to "Do what was right" and that his university supported his effort.

"I felt it was important to be here. It's just one person expressing one opinion that the flag needs to come down," Fogler said. "We're trying to do our part to get their attention," said Fogler, who was one of the first coaches to speak out against the flag.

He (Lou Holtz) told me, it's important to do what's right and this is what's right for South Carolina." - Charleston Mayor Joe Riley
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Exactly right. Dawn is a representative of the University of SC and should be representing all fans, all alumni, and RT needs to stop it. She should not be causing all this division and hate amongst the fans, coach basketball, stop the social warrior divisive bullcrap. Back before she starting winning here, she wouldn’t have dared to speak out like this, but now that she’s winning, she knows nobody will shut her down, she can do anything she chooses and RT will remain silent. Well, enough, she is paid to represent the university, everybody, not just leftist democrats. She praised BLM, and joined her team for a BLM rally and parade downtown, right in the middle of all the riots around the country. If a player disagrees with her pollical activism, would they feel welcomed on her team, would they have felt pressured to go to the parade, or protest against the national anthem? She has set up an environment on her team where no conservative player would ever be welcomed, where I work that's is called an “harassing environment”. She cancelled a game with BYU without ever getting the facts, over a supposed racial incident, an incident that never happened! She always jumps in where race is concerned, that’s the only time she jumps in, and that is wrong. So, when it was proven that the allegations at BYU were completely false, she never, ever gave a true apology or offered to make the game up. There are many other examples of her divisive rhetoric being spewed while at USC, all with racial overtones, and it’s often while she is “on the clock”, after a game etc. She is representing our university and we as alumnus should demand she stop the hate. Go run for a political office if you want to spew your rhetoric, not what we hired you for, stop dividing our fans. This post should not have been necessary, but it was, because she refuses to stay in her lane as a coach. If you want to foolishly tell Obama that a former first lady is qualified to be president, then tell him in private, just coach. There is a dual system of justice, if you are a Democrat, you can say or do anything you choose, without repercussions. Remember just a few years back when Ok ST football coach Mike Gundy was crucified and humiliated in public for wearing a freakin’ OAN T-shirt on a weekend fishing trip? He had to apologize over and over again, and many players left the team, over a T shirt for a TV station .... he never even spoke a word like Dawn, just wore a T-shirt.
And why bring Kamala Harris into the women’s locker room last season? Enough of the political shenanigans.
So, all you that support Dawn and her free speech while coaching and representing USC, I assume you would be perfectly fine with Beamer or any other USC coach bringing up in a press conference that they supported Donald Trump, and announce they had called Donald Trump to give him some political advice, maybe suggest who a good VP might be. Or maybe join the team during the work day for a conservative rally at the state house? You good with that? And you would be fine with Beamer bringing J.D Vance into the men’s locker room to give a pep talk to the team just before the election?? Nm, we already know the answer to that.
Absolutely yes to all of them. Why the hell not? Even better would be if they brought Condoleeza Rice in. That would be Nirvana. She's Kamala Harris with a brain and speaking skills. Would have made a great prez. Why does everything have to be so black and white (literally and figuratively)?
How about using paragraphs?

First, Presidents and Vice Presidents meet all sorts of teams, etc- including when they visit places. Long, long tradition of that. Singling out Dawn or VP Harris seems strange.

Some context is in order for the folks that seem to think Dawn Staley is unique. She's, in fact, following in a well worn tradition. Just a small sampling

Joe Paterno once spoke at the Republican National Convention. The popular coach openly campaigned for Republican candidates for years, and also made his conservative opinions well known.

Dean Smith. The well known Liberal coach was a strong advocate for desegregation in the 1960s and fought for similar efforts in a North Carolina that wasn't really open to it. Coach Smith was also a well known volcal opponent of the Vietnam War and the death penalty. He campaigned hard for Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt, the first black student admitted to Clemson University and Charlotte's first black mayor against Jesse Helms, known for his segregationist views. In 1964, Smith famously joined a local pastor and a black North Carolina theology student to integrate The Pines, a Chapel Hill restaurant. In 1965, Smith helped Howard Lee, a black graduate student at North Carolina, purchase a home in an all-white neighborhood.

Bill McCartney spent most of his career at Colorado clashing with student groups over politics. While acting as head coach, he was a vocal opponent of abortion. McCartney joined groups on campus in protesting or supporting various political issues. In 1992, McCartney, called gay people an "abomination" while he was openly campaigning against a Colorado state amendment to the constitution that would have protected gay people in Colorado from discrimination. He also famously handed out bibles on campus with the university logo on them, which wasn't approved by his employer. McCartney was cheered and promoted in conservative circles including on national radio shows like the Rush Limbaugh program.

Rick Majerus was well known as a supporter of Democrat candidates. His dad was a famous union organizer in Wisconsin and a big Democrat supporter. Rick followed in most of his footsteps. He appeared at a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton when he was competing against Obama. His bosses said he was free to exercise his rights to free speech like any other employee or member of the community and that one person's opinion wasn't the opinion of an entire university.

Mike Leach regularly talked politics in his press conferences. He campaigned for Donald Trump in Washington State and appeared at a rally where he spoke. He was lauded in conservative circles (still is at times even now) often receiving credit from conservatives who said some version of, "He tells it like it is and doesn't care what people think"

His bosses released several statements over the years saying that "faculty and employees had a right to free speech and that one person's opinion is not necessarily the opinion of the school or anyone else. (That seems to be completely fair- and common sense)

Lou Holtz - The well known Republican has backed a number of political measures over the years, including during his coaching career. In April 2020, Lou Holtz joined Clemson coach Tommy Bowden in marching 120 miles to protest the flying of the Confederate Flag atop the South Carolina state house, an effort that angered some Republican state senators who were fighting to keep the flag flying over the state house dome.

Holtz and Bowden were joined by South Carolina basketball coach Eddie Fogler and Clemson basketball coach Larry Shyatt. Tommy Bowden, Clemson's football coach, said he was there to "Do what was right" and that his university supported his effort.

"I felt it was important to be here. It's just one person expressing one opinion that the flag needs to come down," Fogler said. "We're trying to do our part to get their attention," said Fogler, who was one of the first coaches to speak out against the flag.

He (Lou Holtz) told me, it's important to do what's right and this is what's right for South Carolina." - Charleston Mayor Joe Riley

The difference is that all of these listed above would have some substance beyond "he's so cool."

Dave, you said you were going to provide actual policy reasons why you believe Biden is doing a good job?

You also can't seem to explain why Democrats won't go to a Voter ID system so we can put the election cheating to bed?
  • Like
Just walk into the country? That's illegal. Passing another law making it illegal again won't help.

Just like passing another law making kidnapping illegal is worthless given it's already illegal.

Passing additional laws to make things illegal that are already illegal is stupid and only a political stunt.

As I mentioned much earlier and will quote here again, "If Republicans and Democrats at the state level want to prosecute and prove someone registered illegally (Or I'll add here - voted illegally), they should bring those cases to court. Absolutely."
Care to explain why 10 million have come across the border during the Biden administration and why they were even using wire cutters to ensure their safe passage while Texas Officials were begging them to stop? Now that's illegal.
  • Like
Care to explain why 10 million have come across the border during the Biden administration and why they were even using wire cutters to ensure their safe passage while Texas Officials were begging them to stop? Now that's illegal.

Same reason over a million came in during 2019 alone in the Trump Administration- our border is a mess- has been a mess.

You've seriously confused enforcement with whether something is illegal or not.

It's illegal for a non-citizen to vote. It's a felony in every state. Passing another law that says it's illegal is really stupid just like advocating for South Carolina to pass a law next year that says you can't break into my house would be really stupid.

Nothing you ever post is going to change the absolute fact that it is currently 100% illegal for non-citizens to vote or even try to vote.
Same reason over a million came in during 2019 alone in the Trump Administration- our border is a mess- has been a mess.

You've seriously confused enforcement with whether something is illegal or not.

It's illegal for a non-citizen to vote. It's a felony in every state. Passing another law that says it's illegal is really stupid just like advocating for South Carolina to pass a law next year that says you can't break into my house would be really stupid.

Nothing you ever post is going to change the absolute fact that it is currently 100% illegal for non-citizens to vote.
During Trump, there was just over 700,000 in 4 years which was below average and he was building a wall that Biden tore down.

Biden is well over 9 million (most ever) and was flying them in at night and cutting wire.
During Trump, there was just over 700,000 in 4 years which was below average and he was building a wall that Biden tore down.

Biden is well over 9 million (most ever) and was flying them in at night and cutting wire.
That's number isn't true. Biden didn't tear down any wall. He paused construction in some places (not in others) but obviously didn't order any of the wall to be torn down.

You just lie way too much.


Yes, border crossing encounters are way up under Joe Biden.

It's too bad Congress hasn't fixed this problem in the last 40 years so Presidents don't get to pick and choose.

But we are getting way off the subject at this point.
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That's number isn't true. Biden didn't tear down any wall. He paused construction in some places (not in others) but obviously didn't order any of the wall to be torn down.

You just lie way too much.


Yes, border crossing encounters are way up under Joe Biden.

It's too bad Congress hasn't fixed this problem in the last 40 years so Presidents don't get to pick and choose.

But we are getting way off the subject at this point.
So halted versus tearing down....Why he was flying people in, cutting wire, and allowing 9 million in this country?
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So halted versus tearing down....Why he was flying people in, cutting wire, and allowing 9 million in this country?

He halted most of it. Not all of it.

Biden expanded pathways for people to claim asylum.

States aren't allowed to create border policy or put up their own measures and the Supreme Court allowed them to

Giving you a history lesson is a tiring for a Saturday morning.

and now my wife and I am off to help a friend with his new boat. Back later this evening.
He halted most of it. Not all of it.

Biden expanded pathways for people to claim asylum.

States aren't allowed to create border policy or put up their own measures and the Supreme Court allowed them to

Giving you a history lesson is a tiring for a Saturday morning.
Good grief. Stop posting nonsense. No one with half a brain is defending what is going on at the border under this administration.
In unrelated news, two South Carolinians were sentenced to federal prison this week.

A U.S. District Court judge appointed by Donald Trump sentenced 30-year-old Thomas Andrew Casselman, of Oconee County, S.C., to 40 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and ordered him to pay $2,000 in restitution. He pleaded guilty to a felony count of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers in March.

Casselman, an unemployed mechanic, went to Washington DC to attend the "Stop The Steal" rally. Then made his way to the US Capitol. He taunted police officers with a copy of the U.S. Constitution. Video showed him stepping forward and deploying a canister of oleoresin capsicum-based spray (bear spray) in close range of several officers, spraying them in the face as they grappled with the crowd.

Evidence showed that Casselman later bragged about his participation and interfering with officers. Casselman then tried to hide his participation by cutting his hair, deactivating his social media accounts and deleting text messages and photos. Casselman also made other concerning queries after January 6 that reflected an interest in conspiracy theories, terrorist groups, and bomb-making, evidence showed.

Casselman's defense attorney said in a defense memo to the judge that her client had come to Washington because he “believed the Constitution was being subverted, and he believed that because “the President... told him so.”


Tyler Dykes, of Bluffton, 26, was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison Friday morning. Dykes, who was in the Marines at the time, ripped protective shields out of the hands of multiple police officers and used them to force his way through the crowd into the US Capitol building. Dykes was dismissed form the Marines with an Other Than Honorable Discharge for his actions.

Dykes also carried a lit torch and performed the Nazi salute (caught on video) with the torchbearers at the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., and was charged with burning an object with the intent to intimidate, convicted and served time in prison. A photo of Dykes inside the Capitol showed him giving a Nazi salute. Dykes denied giving the salute but it was captured on video.

Court evidence showed before the riot that "Dykes frequented various Telegram channels, discussed allegations of voter fraud and various extremist sentiments. Some of the groups promoted violence related to Jan. 6, 2021 and advocated violent government overthrow which Dykes supported. Many of the discussions included quotations from Hitler."

Dykes came to Washington on Jan. 6 with two friends, and they attended then-President Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally before the riot. The two friends did not join Dykes in the actions at the Capitol.

Dykes was an honor roll student in high school and an Eagle Scout. He was accepted into Cornell University but dropped out after one year to join the Marines.

His lawyers wrote that he had lost most of his friends due to his actions on January 6th and had also lost the computer business he started, stating it would take him many years to build back the trust of friends and family. He deeply regrets his actions.
Now, it’s time to do the BLM and Summer of Love movement/members. Oh wait….
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That's number isn't true. Biden didn't tear down any wall. He paused construction in some places (not in others) but obviously didn't order any of the wall to be torn down.

You just lie way too much.


Yes, border crossing encounters are way up under Joe Biden.

It's too bad Congress hasn't fixed this problem in the last 40 years so Presidents don't get to pick and choose.

But we are getting way off the subject at this point.

Congress doesn't need to "fix" anything. The only thing that needs fixing the enforcement of the existing laws by Demorats. Nothing in the Constitution states that border security is the sole responsibility of the Feds. States are allowed to protect their sovereignty and citizens when the lying Demorats refuse to do their job and stop an invasion that they hope can turn into Demorat voters in the future.
Democrats are being exposed for the rats they are.

The party that claims they want to "save Democracy" is willing to let George Clooney and wealthy donors try to override 14 million primary voters. Dems are about to find out how big a narcissistic , slimy, vindictive, lying, self-centered ahole Joe Biden really is.

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Now, it’s time to do the BLM and Summer of Love movement/members. Oh wait….

Shamar Betts of Champaign, Illinois was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a $1.5 million dollar fine. At a shopping mall, Betts broadcast himself on Facebook Live as people around him took items from an Old Navy, boasting that he had “started” the riot.

It’s a common refrain from some of those charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and their Republican allies: The Justice Department is treating them harshly because of their political views while those arrested during last year’s protests over racial injustice were given leniency.

Court records tell a different story.

An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison

Congress doesn't need to "fix" anything. The only thing that needs fixing the enforcement of the existing laws by Demorats. Nothing in the Constitution states that border security is the sole responsibility of the Feds. States are allowed to protect their sovereignty and citizens when the lying Demorats refuse to do their job and stop an invasion that they hope can turn into Demorat voters in the future.

Congress 100% does need to fix the immigration and asylum system. The entire program needs an overhaul. That's why we are in a situation where one President can do something (and be stopped by various courts) and another President can do something else (and be stopped by various courts).

Not many Democrats and Republicans in Congress would disagree that Congress has to reform the system.

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall, a Republican, "The immigration system needs a 21st century overhaul. Congress has tried for almost 20 years but we've all failed. In the absence of reform, now we are relying on executive orders and that's no way to fix anything."

Virginia Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat,
"It's one of the major failures of many Congresses. We all know we need to basically start over but few are willing to do the work it will take. Democrats have failed. Republicans have failed. We can't keep kicking the can down the road but it seems like we will do just that. "

The Supreme Court disagrees with you- not only this court- but previous courts - who have specifically said that border policy is a function of the federal government.

Sorry, Gamecock Scoop pretend lawyer. But SCOTUS disagrees with your legal opinion.
Expect Clinton Foundation donations to skyrocket again if so. Funny how donations plummeted after she lost.

That's not a surprise. Same thing happened to Trump and his hotel properties.

While he was President, his Washington hotel earned 4 million dollars from foreign governments. That money dried up as soon as he lost.

His troubled DC hotel lost about $70 million when he was President (although Trump reported in federal disclosures that the hotel earned about $150 million while he was in office). But bank and loan documents released proved that was a lie.


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