WBB...that is it.

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It is amazing how people will flip on someone when they don’t do everything in lock step with their views. Just 2-3 years ago, Dawn was the only person in sports who got it when she was about the only athletic coach who would dare take her team the White House. How was she thanked for that? Our National Championship team didn’t even get an invitation. I didn’t agree with Dawn’s view on the White House issue. However, I respected her leadership and vision for the program enough to ride with whatever decisions she chose to make. We don’t know all the particulars of this anthem protest, but Dawn has earned that respect to ride with her vision of the program. If we can’t do that, someone else will in about 15 minutes.
So you agree the thread should remain ublocked?

Ok I’ll play since I consider you a really smart dude and your posts are well thought out . So my question ... What’s the point ?? If I come out and say I fully support the protests and state the various reasons why I feel that way how do you think that “discussion” is gonna go?? You read the posts and you see the venom and hate on both sides . Do you think a civil discussion is ever going to take place on this forum with wildly different political and moral opinions without it turning into name calling childishness?? Again , I totally respect your opinion and mean no disrespect. I can’t say the same for a few other folks on here .
It is amazing how people will flip on someone when they don’t do everything in lock step with their views. Just 2-3 years ago, Dawn was the only person in sports who got it when she was about the only athletic coach who would dare take her team the White House. How was she thanked for that? Our National Championship team didn’t even get an invitation. I didn’t agree with Dawn’s view on the White House issue. However, I respected her leadership and vision for the program enough to ride with whatever decisions she chose to make. We don’t know all the particulars of this anthem protest, but Dawn has earned that respect to ride with her vision of the program. If we can’t do that, someone else will in about 15 minutes.

great...she can move the hell on.
Ok I’ll play since I consider you a really smart dude and your posts are well thought out . So my question ... What’s the point ?? If I come out and say I fully support the protests and state the various reasons why I feel that way how do you think that “discussion” is gonna go?? You read the posts and you see the venom and hate on both sides . Do you think a civil discussion is ever going to take place on this forum with wildly different political and moral opinions without it turning into name calling childishness?? Again , I totally respect your opinion and mean no disrespect. I can’t say the same for a few other folks on here .

I think the point is that the views and opinions associated with sitting during the anthem is openly voiced and allowed. What appears to be the case is when there is any disagreement, even though it’s our team doing it, the thread is locked and shut down.

What good does it do discussing it? If we aren’t going to discuss, what good is the demonstration to begin with? Isn’t that what the goal is? Discussion? Why then does the media censor one side of the discussion?

I believe it’s not about a discussion at all. It’s a lecture.
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You know you you don’t HAVE to bow your head and be silent during the invocation either, you just look like a tool if you don’t. Kind of like refusing to stand during the country’s national anthem. It’s only been a tradition at sporting events for the past 100 years.
I think the point is that the views and opinions associated with sitting during the anthem is openly voiced and allowed. What appears to be the case is when there is any disagreement, even though it’s our team doing it, the thread is locked and shut down.

What good does it do discussing it? If we aren’t going to discuss, what good is the demonstration to begin with? Isn’t that what the goal is? Discussion? Why then does the media censor one side of the discussion?

I believe it’s not about a discussion discussion at all. It’s a lecture.

Actually I agree with you 100% . You see this , You can acknowledge it . Read half the posts in the thread or any other threads this week regarding this issue . Many don’t and have no desire to even listen or try to see where the other side is coming from . That’s the problem .
great...she can move the hell on.
......and the whole country will be laughing at us. I don’t care if no one goes to the game. Dawn stays. Heck, we lose money on the sport anyway. May as well win and get some positive exposure for our University. Frankly, I think it is time for the boycotts to stop on both sides. America is not going to move forward as long as we are boycotting each other. However, we can only do that if we learn to live with each other’s differences.
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Actually I agree with you 100% . You see this , You can acknowledge it . Read half the posts in the thread or any other threads this week regarding this issue . Many don’t and have no desire to even listen or try to see where the other side is coming from . That’s the problem .

I do agree. But I do feel some discussion is better than no discussion. I know as a conservative, I believe the main frustration is our view isn’t heard at all these days. If the discussion were truly open, maybe we’d get somewhere. I don’t believe it is. Not yet. The message weve heard lately is “just be quiet and listen” or “you’ll never know what it’s like”. Ok...what are we supposed to do with that??? Where’s that getting us?
Actually I agree with you 100% . You see this , You can acknowledge it . Read half the posts in the thread or any other threads this week regarding this issue . Many don’t and have no desire to even listen or try to see where the other side is coming from . That’s the problem .
Do you think they really want equality?
Actually I agree with you 100% . You see this , You can acknowledge it . Read half the posts in the thread or any other threads this week regarding this issue . Many don’t and have no desire to even listen or try to see where the other side is coming from . That’s the problem .

If you spit in my face i have a tendency to not hear you.
Actually I agree with you 100% . You see this , You can acknowledge it . Read half the posts in the thread or any other threads this week regarding this issue . Many don’t and have no desire to even listen or try to see where the other side is coming from . That’s the problem .

Again it is not our responsibility to understand where anyone is "coming from" as fans. Just like any other product or service, we can choose to buy or not.
Its a bad business decision to alienate a large percentage of the fan base.
Even if one agrees with this BS action, it should be obvious to all that it can only hurt the program
then don’t come to my school and represent me if you plan on spitting in my face. Their meals are paid for, their room and board is paid for, their medical is paid for, their transportation is paid for, their tutors are paid for. Take that crap elsewhere. Ray Tanner has no balls apparently.
Again you want it your way but refuse to hear anyone else. I don’t like the sitting at all and think it truly has lost any and all affect other than make people angry. I do think there are other things they can do but if they meet with political leaders are you going to pay attention? No. This is the only way they can get anyone to remotely hear them. Again please know I don’t like it either but I do want to try and hear what they are saying.
Again you want it your way but refuse to hear anyone else. I don’t like the sitting at all and think it truly has lost any and all affect other than make people angry. I do think there are other things they can do but if they meet with political leaders are you going to pay attention? No. This is the only way they can get anyone to remotely hear them. Again please know I don’t like it either but I do want to try and hear what they are saying.
What do they want?
Again you want it your way but refuse to hear anyone else. I don’t like the sitting at all and think it truly has lost any and all affect other than make people angry. I do think there are other things they can do but if they meet with political leaders are you going to pay attention? No. This is the only way they can get anyone to remotely hear them. Again please know I don’t like it either but I do want to try and hear what they are saying.
What do they want?

I think the point is that the views and opinions associated with sitting during the anthem is openly voiced and allowed. What appears to be the case is when there is any disagreement, even though it’s our team doing it, the thread is locked and shut down.

What good does it do discussing it? If we aren’t going to discuss, what good is the demonstration to begin with? Isn’t that what the goal is? Discussion? Why then does the media censor one side of the discussion?

I believe it’s not about a discussion discussion at all. It’s a lecture.
They were locked down because the threads were during the Thanksgiving Holiday and Beckham didn’t feel like refereeing it. I don’t blame him on that. Sometimes, our emotions cause us to have poor timing. I am sure Mods are not paid much to be pouring over these threads. Sometimes, we need to give them a break and let things go.
I do agree. But I do feel some discussion is better than no discussion. I know as a conservative, I believe the main frustration is our view isn’t heard at all these days. If the discussion were truly open, maybe we’d get somewhere. I don’t believe it is. Not yet. The message weve heard lately is “just be quiet and listen” or “you’ll never know what it’s like”. Ok...what are we supposed to do with that??? Where’s that getting us?

I agree . I have no political leaning one way or another so I speak from a pretty neutral platform . I can totally see where you feel that your views are not being heard or acknowledged because it’s true the media is biased as hell . I can also say that the way you feel right now is the way many people have felt for 100 years or more and I think it’s reached a boiling point on both sides . I can say coming from an interracial family that I’ve seen it and lived it . It’s just a fact the things that are being brought to the surface by the protests are happening everyday . We can stick our heads in the sand and ignore it or do something about it rather than screaming at each other . Dawn is just supporting her what her players believe and that’s what any good leader should do . Just as she supports the one player who chose to stand . If you ask me that’s what a true leader does .
Again you want it your way but refuse to hear anyone else. I don’t like the sitting at all and think it truly has lost any and all affect other than make people angry. I do think there are other things they can do but if they meet with political leaders are you going to pay attention? No. This is the only way they can get anyone to remotely hear them. Again please know I don’t like it either but I do want to try and hear what they are saying.

What exactly are they saying? I’ve been hearing we need to listen, yet I then hear we’ll never know what it’s like to be them. That’s about it. What exactly is the goal of all of this? Defund the police? That fell apart. Less police brutality? We know that’s not reported accurately by the media.

Seems to me the goal of all of this is to make everyone think the way they think. That’s it. Where am I missing the point? I’m sorry, but I don’t think every person shot by a police officer was innocent as they are portrayed. It’s all unfortunate and sad. That doesn’t mean the cops weren’t within their rights to use force in some cases. In all cases? Absolutely not...and most reasonable people agree with those.

So what’s the goal? Vote Trump out? I believe that was one goal. Probably the main goal. Yet somehow more African-Americans voted for him this time than last time. They didn’t buy into the media garbage.

Please, I’ve been waiting for months to hear the goal of these demonstrations. What’s the purpose of all this??
I could care less about women's basketball in normal times. But since Dawn has decided to be a BLM torch bearer, and is fine with letting the team disrespect the national anthem, I not only don't care, they have become an embarrassment to the university. Ray could score some points with the masses he sorely needs if he would put a stop to this foolishness.
sure, piss off the only coach we have in any major sport that’s worth a damn, great idea. Listen, I don’t like protesting during the anthem either, but this isn’t the hill we need to die on.
No other good reason to be excited about major Gamecock sports programs.

That is where we are...pulling for equestrian, bass fishing, tennis, and the list goes on.

But as it relates to major sports programs,
WBB is the only saving grace. Get on the ladies team if you aren’t there already.

Otherwise, it’s an absolute dumpster fire..
JMO but if they continue to refuse to honor the National Anthem I don't care how many games they win. Enough is enough.
I can’t believe some of y’all. So, you want our very successful African-American coach to force other African-Americans, or other ethnic groups for that matter, to not protest if they want to? If you are a coach with any sense in this climate, not going to happen. This is not the 60’s where you kick people off the team for failing to hold the patriotic line.
I can’t believe some of y’all. So, you want our very successful African-American to force other African-Americans, or other ethnic groups for that matter, to not protest if they want to? If you are a coach with any sense in this climate, not going to happen. This is not the 60’s where you kick people off the team for failing to hold the patriotic line.

Uh yes.
The fans dont want to see it or hear it. Its a business not a soapbox.
I would like to wear shorts and a T shirt to call on my customers but, if i did, i would likely lose business.
Not sure why thats so difficult to comprehend
sure, piss off the only coach we have in any major sport that’s worth a damn, great idea. Listen, I don’t like protesting during the anthem either, but this isn’t the hill we need to die on.

So you agree with thumbing your nose at the greatest country the world has ever seen, to make the women's basketball program? Now I could care less if they never played another game in normal times. But I would have the same stance with any sport. And yes, that is a hill I will die on. And shame on you if the women's basketball hill is more important to you.
I can’t believe some of y’all. So, you want our very successful African-American coach to force other African-Americans, or other ethnic groups for that matter, to not protest if they want to? If you are a coach with any sense in this climate, not going to happen. This is not the 60’s where you kick people off the team for failing to hold the patriotic line.
She not only allows it she encourages it. Is she a coach or a political organizer. Took her ten years to allow a white player on the team. That should tell you everything you need to know. If I white coach did that they would be run out of town.
I can’t believe some of y’all. So, you want our very successful African-American coach to force other African-Americans, or other ethnic groups for that matter, to not protest if they want to? If you are a coach with any sense in this climate, not going to happen. This is not the 60’s where you kick people off the team for failing to hold the patriotic line.

no one gives a sh;$& about race, spitting in our face? Yes. Take your race baiting elsewhere. No one cares and it has zero role.
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