We just lost power here in Aiken

It's raining here in Lancaster pretty hard. Can see wind at tops of trees is really blowing but ground level is not so bad. Lights flickered a few minutes ago.
Just had power restored after ten hours in northern orangeburg county.
My power used to go out often over the years during storms. Duke Power came to the neighborhood a few years ago and did a remarkable tree trimming job around the electric cables. Been a lot better since then.

just got a text from one of my nephews inTallahassee. He been out of power since 2 pm yesterday. He does have a generator and a 55 gallon gas drum.
Back on the grid 12 hours later at 7:15 pm. Most of the town didn't lose power. Just my luck. I was getting pretty frustrated with SCEG today. It's not typical for us to lose power during storms and if we do it's usually very brief. This storm knocked some limbs down and produced heavy rain but I couldn't believe a 12 hour power outage. In Florida of course I can understand power outages for days because it was a Cat 4 hurricane but not by the time it got here being a tropical storm. Oh well had to vent.
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