Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Your posts suggest a young immature person who hasn't had the benefit of life experiences. After my induction into the US Army I stood in line with several hundred soldiers and received pneumatic injections of vaccines in both arms and we never questioned what they were far. All we knew was that everyone got the jungle shots whether the destination was Nam or not. With your distrust and questioning of authority I'm afraid you wouldn't last very long in the military. Be thankful the draft is no longer in effect. I know at my age the COVID vaccine and subsequent boosters saved my life. I can say the same for my daughter who has immune deficiency disorder. COVID is again on the rise but it's not as deadly this time thanks to the vaccines and their effect on herd immunity. Vaccines have always been a part of my life and in elementary school we had mass vaccinations. I remember the typhoid fever shots that caused half the school to be sick for a day. Last time I checked typhoid fever is no longer a threat in the US thanks to the vaccine. All the youth in my small town stood in line for hours one Sunday afternoon anxious to get their polio shot. Thanks to that vaccine polio has been eradicated. You will go much further in life if can learn to be more trusting of others and rid yourself of paranoid feelings regarding institutions and authority figures. No one is out to get you my friend.

The only criminal candidate I know of is Trump and I never voted for him.

I had the same experience at then Fort Benning when I volunteered for the Army. They just randomly injected us with vaccines without even saying what they were.

Not a single Soldier complained. That’s why I had so little respect for the Soldiers who refused the covid vaccines. To no surprise, when I got into a combat zone the Soldiers who refused the vaccines were the ones most afraid.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

You lost me when you mentioned the losers and suckers thing. You probably are still among those who believe the Charlottesville thing, the Russian dossier thing, and that there’s nothing on Hunter’s laptop. When you ignore reality and believe discredited lies you automatically lose every argument.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

This mentality is how you end up still voting for these criminals.

Sure DeeDave - I'll call the same people who are perpetuating the fraud and ask them if it's true. :)

This level of thinking is how you end up taking 5 toxic boosters before a "conspiracy theorist" saves your life by outing the entire operation of deception and fraud.

Your posts suggest a young immature person who hasn't had the benefit of life experiences. After my induction into the US Army I stood in line with several hundred soldiers and received pneumatic injections of vaccines in both arms and we never questioned what they were far. All we knew was that everyone got the jungle shots whether the destination was Nam or not. With your distrust and questioning of authority I'm afraid you wouldn't last very long in the military. Be thankful the draft is no longer in effect. I know at my age the COVID vaccine and subsequent boosters saved my life. I can say the same for my daughter who has immune deficiency disorder. COVID is again on the rise but it's not as deadly this time thanks to the vaccines and their effect on herd immunity. Vaccines have always been a part of my life and in elementary school we had mass vaccinations. I remember the typhoid fever shots that caused half the school to be sick for a day. Last time I checked typhoid fever is no longer a threat in the US thanks to the vaccine. All the youth in my small town stood in line for hours one Sunday afternoon anxious to get their polio shot. Thanks to that vaccine polio has been eradicated. You will go much further in life if can learn to be more trusting of others and rid yourself of paranoid feelings regarding institutions and authority figures. No one is out to get you my friend.

The only criminal candidate I know of is Trump and I never voted for him.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I grew up with windmills ( aka wind turbines ) dotting the farms between Newberry and Columbia. If you don't know what they are check out the one next to Boozer Shopping Center. The new windmill turbines are all over California and many other states. You should travel more so you would know more about their existence. It's a fact that for two months this year wind power produced more electricity than coal. That's quite an accomplishment and speaks volumes about our country eventually weaning itself from fossil fuel. But it probably doesn't matter to you based upon your distrust of modern science. Are you still taking dog worm medicine or encouraging others to do so? As I recall Trump thought bleach injection might be the cure. Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The strain that caused our pandemic either came from a lab in China or crossed over to humans via a Chinese animal market. We don't know for sure but maybe a conspiracy theory fits you better. I'll be getting my covid booster, RSV and flu shot when they arrive at Publix next month. My unvaccinated neighbors have finished their fourth round of the COVID virus. Their son has had it so often he's developed a blood disorder. Like you they're also vaccine denier. Fauci retired as he's way past 80 but he may still be around in an advisory capacity. I didn't realize he was awarded the medal of freedom. I guess it's good that we don't know each other, otherwise I would have some empathy for you. I guess your life would be less interesting if you, like so many average folks, watched the nightly news and read the State Paper. I advise you to stay away from NBC, CBS, ABC, ETV as they would be boring to you as they all say the same thing. I bet if The State Paper was renamed The Deep State that would get your attention. :)
“Wind produced more power than coal”

Not in Russia, China, and India. China is building coal power plants faster than we build wind and solar power plants.

BTW, I was vaccinated and also just recovered from my fourth bout of covid. My daughter was never vaccinated and has never had covid. I’m sure she’s had it but never experienced symptoms from it.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump could do a great deal of damage by executive order and sadly the only checks would be through the courts. He also has immunity in the performance of any activity construed as job related. When he says "you won't have to vote for me again" he means he plans to stay in power. I don't understand how anyone can vote for a person who wants to throw out the constitution and states he will be a dictator from day one. When I entered the army I took an oath to support and defend the constitution. It's similar to the President's Oath of Office but it means nothing to him. He disrespects military service by calling us losers and suckers. He only cares for himself and said as much during one of his rallies. "I don't care about you, I only want your vote". I truly believe Trump is the greatest threat to our democracy since WWII.
You lost me when you mentioned the losers and suckers thing. You probably are still among those who believe the Charlottesville thing, the Russian dossier thing, and that there’s nothing on Hunter’s laptop. When you ignore reality and believe discredited lies you automatically lose every argument.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Don't you get tired of trying to cover for Trump? We all know what he said and we know what he meant. Your attempt at damage control is a waste of bandwidth.
I know that Watson will take me to task for saying this. But that's OK, There are some good moderate conservatives out there. Chris Sununu is a potential star, imho. Trump is just not one of them. And something is wrong with Trump. He tweeted last night calling Josh Shapiro the "overrated Jewish Governor". The other week he attacked Republican Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia. Both these Governors are very popular in their states. Both Pennsylvania and Georgia are critical swing states that he needs. There are a lot of Republicans who are publicly supporting Harris. Do I have doubts about Harris? Absolutely. In a primary, I would have voted for either Shapiro or Andy Beshear. Yes, both are liberals. But they are moderate liberals.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

The full "dictator" comments that you are the left keep LYING about:

“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday.

Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling

Not "dictator from day one". It was a tongue and cheek comment about fixing the border and gas prices immediately.

But he should know better at the point. The left is nothing but a lie. Inflation is transitory. The border is secure. Joe is sharp as a tack.

It's like the left eats lies and their bodies turn them in riboflavin.
Don't you get tired of trying to cover for Trump? We all know what he said and we know what he meant. Your attempt at damage control is a waste of bandwidth.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Well, that's a lie.

First, Trump didn't even propose any infrastructure bill until he's been in office over a year- despite saying he would roll one out almost immediately after taking office. Then, when Senators and House leadership were getting ready to work on actual legislation during Trump's self proclaimed "infrastructure week" Trump blew it up by saying if he was going to be investigated by Congress, he wasn't going to work with anyone on it.

In 2019, Democratic leadership reached an agreement with Trump on a $2 trillion dollar infrastructure program. Both the White House and Democrat leadership announced they had the basics of an agreement.

Democrat leadership said Trump had stated he would recommend how to pay for it and they would proceed to negotiate. But Trump never did release a plan. That angered not only Democrats, but many Republicans.

Biden got it done because he compromised. That's not my opinion, that's the opinion of the Senators that voted for the bill.

and given your awful memory- I'll remind you of how Biden got it done by quoting a Republican Senator- one of Trump's allies- Kevin Cramer of North Dakota.

Mr. Biden also dispatched top legislative aides and members of his Cabinet to reach out to lawmakers in both parties. Senator Kevin Cramer, Republican of North Dakota, said he received repeated calls from Jennifer Granholm, the secretary of energy, and legislative staff members — “always very gently and respectfully” — to discuss the emerging deal and “take my temperature” before he voted to advance the measure.

Multiple senators said the president and his team spent hours with them in person on Capitol Hill and on the phone hashing out the details

Nope. Democrat leadership wasn't "angered" about no plan to pay for it. They knew there was no way to pay for it, just like THEIR infrastructure bill isn't paid for. The only difference is that Republicans allowed the Democrats to blow all that money without paying for it, and Democrats wouldn't do the same for Trump.

Democrats NEVER negotiate in good faith. They even screwed over fellow Democrat Joe Mansion with the green energy inflation increasing act. He promised to cast the tying vote so Commie Kamala could vote to break the tie, as long as they would bring up a vote on permitting reform. He did and then House Natural Resources Committee Chair Raul Grijalva said "We didn't shake hands on it". and they double crossed him.

Just like Biden was given money for Ukraine and Israel, and then decided to spend the money for Ukraine immediately and then slow walk the weapons to Israel. Gotta keep the antisemites happy.

NEVER, EVER, EVER trust a Democrat. Liars. Cheats. Scoundrels. I'm just glad Biden got a knife in the back as they push him out the door. Karma. I hope he takes that hate and anger with him for the rest of his life. I hope it eats away at his black soul forever. Never been a more destructive, corrupt politician in the history of the US. 50 years of lying, cheating, and scamming. But it turns out, there is no honor among thieves.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Curious who you consider good, young Republicans?
When I say "good, young", I'm referring to who the REPUBLICAN BASE would like: Youngkin, Haley, Cotton. I personally like Christie. But is he young? No. Would the base go for him? I'm not sure. I could vote for him. And on this site last year when he was in the race, I said I would vote for him over Biden.

One I like a lot is Chris Sununu. I could vote for him or Christie. I could vote for Haley. She was VERY nice and hugged a member of my family in a press conference giving credit for a job well done., when she was Governor. If I could get past her Clemson allegiance, I might could vote for her. And she certainly came off moderate conservative in the debates.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Your melt down has been phenomenal to watch and it doesn't even sound like you realize its happening.

Says the person that spend 99% of his pathetic existence crying about Beamer while giving NOTHING to the program to help.

Explains your liberalism. You want success, with other people's money. And you want make decisions, while contributing nothing.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I call bullshit. Everything you've posted here before has been left wing opinion and in defense of Democrats. Never for a Republican.
If you think I'm with the liberals on every issue, you are mistaken. Wake up. I have posted on the presidency. You were obviously snoozing when I posted on this site last year of my support for Christie. I have never made any secret of my opposition to Trump over the years. Believe what you want. I believe what I know.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I'm conservative on a lot of issues. I'm a strong "law and order" type. I have little sympathy for those who run from the cops on a "stop" and then claim "police brutality". I say "keep your hands on the steering wheel and do what they tell you. If afterwards you feel there has been brutality, that's one of the things lawyers and courts are for. If you are right, you might then win 'life changing money'".

I'm against Affirmative Action and DEI.

I'm against letting people off from paying back their student loans. If you borrow, you have to pay back (hope I'm not stepping on any toes here; but it's how I feel).

I don't like debt, for myself nor the government.

I'm against "Medicare For All".

Right now, that's what quickly comes to mind.

I voted for Reagan twice. I voted for Mitt Romney (not anti-Obama but more pro-Romney). I liked Mark Sanford a lot. I always voted for Molly Spearmen when she ran for State Superintendent of Education. Locally, I tend to vote Republican. I supported John Kasich for President in 2016 and Chris Christie last year. I will admit that prior to supporting Kasich in 2016, I liked and was for Trump. But, I changed my mind on him fairly quickly.

I call bullshit. Everything you've posted here before has been left wing opinion and in defense of Democrats. Never for a Republican.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Well, I don't agree with that. We will see. I think IF Trump loses, it depends what the margin of loss is. But, that's a big IF regarding him losing. Hypothetically, IF there was to be a blow out, I believe you'd see a lot of Republican pols stepping up to put a knife in Trump.

Obviously if he wins, but I think if he loses, he won't run again. Maybe he'd prove me wrong, but I don't think he runs in 4 years.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump could do a great deal of damage by executive order and sadly the only checks would be through the courts. He also has immunity in the performance of any activity construed as job related. When he says "you won't have to vote for me again" he means he plans to stay in power. I don't understand how anyone can vote for a person who wants to throw out the constitution and states he will be a dictator from day one. When I entered the army I took an oath to support and defend the constitution. It's similar to the President's Oath of Office but it means nothing to him. He disrespects military service by calling us losers and suckers. He only cares for himself and said as much during one of his rallies. "I don't care about you, I only want your vote". I truly believe Trump is the greatest threat to our democracy since WWII.

The full "dictator" comments that you are the left keep LYING about:

“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa on Tuesday.

Except for day one,” Trump responded. Trump said on the “day one” he referred to, he would use his presidential powers to close the southern border with Mexico and expand oil drilling

Not "dictator from day one". It was a tongue and cheek comment about fixing the border and gas prices immediately.

But he should know better at the point. The left is nothing but a lie. Inflation is transitory. The border is secure. Joe is sharp as a tack.

It's like the left eats lies and their bodies turn them in riboflavin.
