You're missing that Kentucky had a black coach 25 years ago in Tubby Smith and he won a National Championship. What a lot of guys are not seeing in these coaching hires is that it is about a PR battle more than race. What infuriates me is that we always allow Clemson to win the PR battle when it comes to sports. Our Black alumni base dwarfs Clemson's, but they constantly win the PR battle when it comes to them either hiring a minority coach first or have a minority at a position like QB that excels. As a result, the majority of the Black community does what? Favor Clemson over us the majority of the time. Our Black Alumni base just sake our heads and say how do we keep allowing Clemson to get away with this. You think Pastor Darrell Jackson's son is some aberration that we can just work around? No, that is train of thought in the Black community when it comes to USC and when people in our alumni base try to talk to you, it's usually dismissed as just us whining about race. So, we just sit back watch us beat our heads up against the wall. It's not as bad with the football program, because our success during Spurrier gave us a brief national profile. However, when it comes to the basketball program, all we (Black Alumni) would ever hear is South Carolina will never hire a Black basketball coach and everyone in the country has done that. Don't think that hurt us P.R. wise or in recruiting? Yes, it does. At least now, our Black alumni base will have something to fight these forces. Before, we were just out there fighting with our hands and while everyone else had weapons.