Athlon Sports is a joke !


May 22, 2016
Athlon came out with their rankings of all 128 college coaches, guess who was #9? Dumbo Swinney, do any of yall believe only 8 coaches in all of college football are better than this guy?This is a complete joke.Meanwhile Champ came in at lowly 79,unreal.
Athlon came out with their rankings of all 128 college coaches, guess who was #9? Dumbo Swinney, do any of yall believe only 8 coaches in all of college football are better than this guy?This is a complete joke.Meanwhile Champ came in at lowly 79,unreal.
I'll let you answer your question with this question, How many teams came after Dabo with offers during coaching Vacancies?
Athlon came out with their rankings of all 128 college coaches, guess who was #9? Dumbo Swinney, do any of yall believe only 8 coaches in all of college football are better than this guy?This is a complete joke.Meanwhile Champ came in at lowly 79,unreal.
Take off the blinders. ok, where would you have dabo ?
Athlon came out with their rankings of all 128 college coaches, guess who was #9? Dumbo Swinney, do any of yall believe only 8 coaches in all of college football are better than this guy?This is a complete joke.Meanwhile Champ came in at lowly 79,unreal.

Champ has proven nothing. No problem him being ranked at 79. No problem with Dabo at 9. He has Clemson going in a Championship direction. Sporting News has him at the #4 coach overall.
Hey facts are facts. He's beat a lot of good football teams the last few years. Oklahoma, OSU, LSU, to name a few. He came way to close to beating Bama as well. If we'd had that run the last few years regardless of the Conference We'd be jacked no doubt.
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I think the joke is on folks like me who shelled out a few bucks for Athlon's magazine. I won't make that mistake again. Bye bye Athlon.
Champ has proven nothing. No problem him being ranked at 79. No problem with Dabo at 9. He has Clemson going in a Championship direction. Sporting News has him at the #4 coach overall.
Agree, BUT that should mean Smart is ranked too high. Champ has a +.500 record in the SEC...Smart has done nothing and he is at 54. DJ Durkin is also above Champ and done nothing so far.
His contract details explains all. Nobody will touch him
Bullcrap. Everyone with a brain knows he is a great recruiter but has NO head coaching ability. Thats why they pay the OC and DC more then anyone in the country.
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Agree, BUT that should mean Smart is ranked too high. Champ has a +.500 record in the SEC...Smart has done nothing and he is at 54. DJ Durkin is also above Champ and done nothing so far.

I can agree with that. Maybe the writers thought process was that Muschamp has been a coach and got fired and the other two coaches you mention have more optimism surrounding them? Other than that, they have done nothing.
How about take off your orange glasses. Why isn't dumbo considered for any coaching vacancies?

Because his buy out is 5 million and he is getting paid close to that now. So that means that the first year the team would have to fork out 10 million dollars. Most teams can't do that. Plus believe it or not he is not just leaving to go anywhere. You don't hear about so and so calling and his response being in not interest. Hang up. Offers have to gain traction before they are reported on.
Because his buy out is 5 million and he is getting paid close to that now. So that means that the first year the team would have to fork out 10 million dollars. Mteams can't do that.
Nobody gave him a thought even before that contract buyout. Nice try, though. Hilarious that clemsux would give him that kind of contract.
Agree, BUT that should mean Smart is ranked too high. Champ has a +.500 record in the SEC...Smart has done nothing and he is at 54. DJ Durkin is also above Champ and done nothing so far.

True Smart has done nothing as a head coach in the SEC. But there are other truths here too, if UGA hadn't hired Smart as head coach before Carolina did, he would be the coach at USC. This place was upset because USC had a 2 month head start in the hiring process and let UGA come in and hire Smart. It was really only a couple weeks, Richt was gone after the UF game, he just didn't know it yet. Another is, he has yet to be fired in his only gig as head coach. Both have alot to prove, Smart that he can run a program and Muschamp needs to prove that as well. Both could be complete flops or both could end up being homerun hires, but just like Smart, Muschamp hasn't proved he can run a successful program, to say he has after his time at UF is having your head in the sand.
Nobody gave him a thought even before that contract buyout. Nice try, though. Hilarious that clemsux would give him that kind of contract.

The contract before that was 3.5 million and he was paid three. That's at least 7 to leave because it would have to be a pay raise. You are fooling yourself if you think there are teams out here that would not take a guy who just went to a national championship. Further more whether you chose to admit it or not college football is changing. Head coaches are giving more calls to there assistants and they are he CEO so to say. Even nick Saban has changed in the last couple years.
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The contract before that was 3.5 million and he was paid three. That's at least 7 to leave because it would have to be a pay raise. You are fooling yourself if you think there are teams out here that would not take a guy who just went to a national championship. Further more whether you chose to admit it or not college football is changing. Head coaches are giving more calls to there assistants and they are he CEO so to say. Even nick Saban has changed in the last couple years.
dumbo is definitely a CEO type, because he's not a coach. You're fooling yourself if you think Texas and other schools dont have the money to get any coach they want. Especially a clemsux coach. Nobody else wanted him. He had a good year last year. But remember, he's in the a c c and we're just 2 years out from the 5 year beat down by Carolina. Let's see how he does when his all universe qb leaves.
Dumbo being successful is the greatest evidence there is against the stars don't matter crowd. If you recruit stars even dablo can win with them.

And if Muschamp can't recruit them after a few years here he won't win either.
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Hey facts are facts. He's beat a lot of good football teams the last few years. Oklahoma, OSU, LSU, to name a few. He came way to close to beating Bama as well. If we'd had that run the last few years regardless of the Conference We'd be jacked no doubt.

What game were you watching? It was over when 'Bama ran it back and went up two scores ... clemson finished with trash-points and Alabama playing 15-yards off the ball. The game was NEVER in doubt after the 3rd-Q. It wasn't even close.
dumbo is definitely a CEO type, because he's not a coach. You're fooling yourself if you think Texas and other schools dont have the money to get any coach they want. Especially a clemsux coach. Nobody else wanted him. He had a good year last year. But remember, he's in the a c c and we're just 2 years out from the 5 year beat down by Carolina. Let's see how he does when his all universe qb leaves.

Never said all schools could not afford it I said most. There are only a couple that have I can think of that would and have had coaching openings.
Dabo would rank that high as a recruiter. I don't really think of him as a coach. He has done really well at Clemson though. He has gotten some top players to go there (regardless of the means). He has brought in the right coaches for their situation. He has a kool aid crowd that believes his bs. So it really is a perfect situation for him.

I wouldn't want his as my coach or for my team but I will admit that he has done a good job there. #9 as a true coach ,,,,, not even close.
Clemson played a great game against Bama. Imo Bama played a little conservative thinking that their overall talent would wear them down at the end but Bama hung with them.

Also my opinion is that what makes the SEC so special is that an SEC team will be playing another tough team the next week and then another and another. Not spacing the hard games 3 or 4 games apart.
Clemson played a great game against Bama. Imo Bama played a little conservative thinking that their overall talent would wear them down at the end but Bama hung with them.

Also my opinion is that what makes the SEC so special is that an SEC team will be playing another tough team the next week and then another and another. Not spacing the hard games 3 or 4 games apart.
That's what makes Bama so special.
Of present coaches I would take Saban, Meyer, Harbaugh, Briles, Dantoni, Stoops, Patterson, Sumlin, Hugh Freeze, Miles (although it may be talent) (controversy excluded), Shaw, Dan Mullen, Ferentz, Richt, Cutcliffe, Petrino (football only), Fisher, Muschamp (just my opinion), over Dabo
Never said all schools could not afford it I said most. There are only a couple that have I can think of that would and have had coaching openings.
So if big schools with a football history can afford dumbo, why hasn't he been offered?
I have no idea, but you could say the same thing about coach Tanner nobody came after him either .Clemson is paying him a lot of money. Ok, where would you put him on that list ?

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So if big schools with a football history can afford dumbo, why hasn't he been offered?
How do you know he hasn't. if they call his agent and he says he's not interested period then do you really think that would be reported on. That's not a story. Have you ever thought that he likes coaching there and has no desire to leave. Further more there was a story about Baylor contacting but it quickly died.
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