Athlon Sports is a joke !

I would say we are up there with those schools because we have beat 2 of those schools in the past five years in bowl games and lost to the other one in the NC game. So I would say based off of that we are up there close. You can live in denial all you want but Sc would give anything to be where Clemson is at right now
You are out of your mind, but whats new with you delusional taters. lol
Your list is interesting in the fact that of the 6 coaches on that list that Dabo had competed against, he has beaten 5 of them! He has won 10 of more games 5 years in a row, has not lost to a non- top 10 team and won about 6 Coach of the Year awards last year. There are a lot of "ostriches"on or there is a population of those "whistling past the graveyard" here or both. Dabo is the real deal whether people Cock fans wish to believe it or not.

Most Gamecocks would gladly give their left gonad or right ovary for the Gamecocks to have a coach as effective as Dabo.

Dabo's success has been based on his commitment to recruiting. He has done a great job at that. He (and Clemson) have done a good job of having him over seeing the program and especially recruiting and hiring top OC and DC. I actually like that plan. My problem with Dabo is that I don't think he is a true coach and I wouldn't have much respect for him as a player. Danny Ford was a real coach imo.

Dabo moved Clemson into the 21st century version of recruiting. Coach Spurrier was 30 years behind in that regard. imo that caused his career to shorten but Coach Spurrier could still call ball plays with the best of them until the end. I think it is a tad harder to "be as effective" in the SEC compared to the ACC.

But Dabo has done very well at Clemson. I'm not sure he could do that just anywhere. But the Clemson situation was pretty much perfect for him. Part of his success was based on the ACC not being as strong of a conference. He and they have only had to play a few tough games a year and they get to spread them out. They have proven that they can play anyone toe to toe for a game but I personally respect a team that goes through the SEC grind a lot more.
I admit that I thought that the ACC was going to become a top conference when FSU and Miami joined but it didn't really happen. They have added Louisville and part time ND and so their schedules do look a lot better and they move up in conference prestige the way I thought they would but you still have a lot of very easy games to put between the hard ones.
Alabama, Florida, LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Tennessee, to add a few more.

2 years ago, the same AthlonSports rated Clemson's head job as #20, FWIW.
With the exception of Alabama and OHio State, Clemson as of right now is a better program than the schools you have listed. You keep failing to understand that coaches at winning programs don't get mentioned for other jobs because they are at winning programs. They just don't up and leave to go somewhere that is equal or in worse shape Thant there current situation. Herman would not leave Houston to come to Carolina because at this moment he is in a better situation. The only high profile HC I heard mentioned for South Carolina opening was Dantoni. Why would he leave what he has now. I also never heard any mention of any other highly regarded HC for South Carolina. They don't leave for lesser programs.
With the exception of Alabama and OHio State, Clemson as of right now is a better program than the schools you have listed. You keep failing to understand that coaches at winning programs don't get mentioned for other jobs because they are at winning programs. They just don't up and leave to go somewhere that is equal or in worse shape Thant there current situation. Herman would not leave Houston to come to Carolina because at this moment he is in a better situation. The only high profile HC I heard mentioned for South Carolina opening was Dantoni. Why would he leave what he has now. I also never heard any mention of any other highly regarded HC for South Carolina. They don't leave for lesser programs.
Heres what you are missing, those schools never contacted Dabo to even gauge interest. You got it now? They never wanted him so he never had a chance to say no thanks.
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Wake up son, we arent talking head to head a few games we are talking Icons of college football. Clemson AINT one of em.
We are talking about the present. You are talking about Dabo and he is only been head coach for a little while. What he has done in that time has put this program in better situations than some of those traditional powers you speak of. Just because a team was dominate 20 years ago doesn't mean anything when we are talking about the present. Penn State was a power but you don't see many people knocking down the door to go there and coach.
Heres what you are missing, those schools never contacted Dabo to even gauge interest. You got it now? They never wanted him so he never had a chance to say no thanks.
I realize he hired very good OC and DC (after a few tries) and he has nothing to do with calling plays and schemes.
He can squash a play if he does not like it. I can pretty much bet he doesn't just go for a jog when it's time put a game plan together.
The point is Miami didnt even court him.
Why would they because the answer would be no just like they didn't court stoops, Saban, Dantoni, Brian Kelly and whoever else you want to mention. The only reason they got Richt is because he was unemployed. You don't leave for less.
Heres what you are missing, those schools never contacted Dabo to even gauge interest. You got it now? They never wanted him so he never had a chance to say no thanks.
dumbo turned down those jobs....even though they weren't offered to him. LMAO. #clemsuxing
Why would they because the answer would be no just like they didn't court stoops, Saban, Dantoni, Brian Kelly and whoever else you want to mention. The only reason they got Richt is because he was unemployed. You don't leave for less.
lol. Right, you dont go after the "coach of the year" (yeah right) because you know he will say no. lmao Plenty of coaches are offered even though it would be a long shot to get them. Happens all the time, just not in Clempson
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He can squash a play if he does not like it. I can pretty much bet he doesn't just go for a jog when it's time put a game plan together.
Yeah maybe a 4th and 1 and do they go for it or not and kick a field goal. My cat can do that.
lol. Right, you dont go after the "coach of the year" (yeah right) because you know he will say no. lmao Plenty of coaches are offered even though it would be a long shot to get them. Happens all the time, just not in Clempson
Dabo is in the same boat as those coaches. They may call and ask but you would never know because it not put out in the public. I know you may think he is a clown but there a lot of programs that would love to have him.
Dabo is in the same boat as those coaches. They may call and ask but you would never know because it not put out in the public. I know you may think he is a clown but there a lot of programs that would love to have him.
I dont think he is a clown, he acts like a clown and there are numerous instances of him doing it on TV.
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With the exception of Alabama and OHio State, Clemson as of right now is a better program than the schools you have listed. You keep failing to understand that coaches at winning programs don't get mentioned for other jobs because they are at winning programs. They just don't up and leave to go somewhere that is equal or in worse shape Thant there current situation. Herman would not leave Houston to come to Carolina because at this moment he is in a better situation. The only high profile HC I heard mentioned for South Carolina opening was Dantoni. Why would he leave what he has now. I also never heard any mention of any other highly regarded HC for South Carolina. They don't leave for lesser programs.

I think you are confused. I didn't say anything about coaches at winning programs being mentioned for other jobs. I just noted some of the schools, that are widely considered the most desirable jobs. Clemson is not considered #3. Probably not in the top 10. Only people you would hear that from, are Clemson fans. But obviously, you must be smart enough to realize you are biased.
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I dont think he is a clown, he acts like a clown and there are numerous instances of him doing it on TV.
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Dabo is in the same boat as those coaches. They may call and ask but you would never know because it not put out in the public. I know you may think he is a clown but there a lot of programs that would love to have him.
"a lot of programs that would love to have him", yet none ever pursue him-? Very strange.
I think you are confused. I didn't say anything about coaches at winning programs being mentioned for other jobs. I just noted some of the schools, that are widely considered the most desirable jobs. Clemson is not considered #3. Probably not in the top 10. Only people you would hear that from, are Clemson fans. But obviously, you must be smart enough to realize you are biased.
I would agree with you on that traditionally CU would not be considered the most desirable job. I can guarantee a lot of programs wish they had what Clemson has right now. Would you say that UT, UF and UM before last year would have been desirable jobs. I could name more but every coach that has came into these places in recent history have failed. I am keeping my whole argument recent. The past and tradition keeps coming up when this is all about what has happened recently. Nebraska used to be a desirable job but it's not anymore.
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"a lot of programs that would love to have him", yet none ever pursue him-? Very strange.

Thank the Lord fgf has such a great Hall monitor to point out all the Clemson fans and argue with everyone of their posts. You do such a great job logging so many hours doing this, morning noon and night. You must have to clear your schedule everyday because you're always here monitoring the clemson folk. Did you apply for this hall monitor job or did you ask for it like in elementary school? Anyways, you do a great job and keep it up. Nobody monitors the clemson fans like you.
Good grief, take the orange and purple glasses off. Clemson has been at the top of the ACC 1 year in a row, they have a great QB who played out of his mind at the right time last season. Clemson is and should be the favorite to win the ACC this year, but its far from a given they even this year. That great defense of Clemson did give up 40+ points, CU made it close in So don't act like Texas, SoCal, Mich, tOSU, OU, Bama, FSU, LSU are all a step down from Clemson.

Why would Dabo want to leave for any of those, maybe they would expect him not to look like an idiot on the sidelines and know the rules, but that's just a guess. But if and when Bama makes the call, get the search started because he will go home and its the reason he won't entertain other offers. If Bama doesn't call I guess he is Clemson's until he retires or he gets caught. If you been a fan long enough you know the only time Clemson was ever worth a crap they were buying players left and right, no other reason any kid would want to spend 3-4 years there.
What game were you watching? It was over when 'Bama ran it back and went up two scores ... clemson finished with trash-points and Alabama playing 15-yards off the ball. The game was NEVER in doubt after the 3rd-Q. It wasn't even close.

Yea I cant believe we would want to pay the HC good money that took us to the National Title game....
Yeah, you guys are the only ones that will. dumbo's on nobody else's radar. You are in the a c c, and all the stars aligned last year, but it wont be that easy every year. Ya'll are clemsux & you'll pull a clemsux eventually. That's what ya'll do.
Good grief, take the orange and purple glasses off. Clemson has been at the top of the ACC 1 year in a row, they have a great QB who played out of his mind at the right time last season. Clemson is and should be the favorite to win the ACC this year, but its far from a given they even this year. That great defense of Clemson did give up 40+ points, CU made it close in So don't act like Texas, SoCal, Mich, tOSU, OU, Bama, FSU, LSU are all a step down from Clemson.

Why would Dabo want to leave for any of those, maybe they would expect him not to look like an idiot on the sidelines and know the rules, but that's just a guess. But if and when Bama makes the call, get the search started because he will go home and its the reason he won't entertain other offers. If Bama doesn't call I guess he is Clemson's until he retires or he gets caught. If you been a fan long enough you know the only time Clemson was ever worth a crap they were buying players left and right, no other reason any kid would want to spend 3-4 years there.
AL will never call dumbo. If it did happen, they would eat him alive. Do you think Saban acts like dumbo? That golly gee, oh gosh wouldn't work there.
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Yeah, you guys are the only ones that will. dumbo's on nobody else's radar. You are in the a c c, and all the stars aligned last year, but it wont be that easy every year. Ya'll are clemsux & you'll pull a clemsux eventually. That's what ya'll do.
Carolina had plenty of coaches in their radar and y'all had to settle for Muschamp. All the master recruiters y'all have and all they can seem to get is a bunch of diamonds in the rough. It will be tough getting back to yalls "glory days".
Carolina had plenty of coaches in their radar and y'all had to settle for Muschamp. All the master recruiters y'all have and all they can seem to get is a bunch of diamonds in the rough. It will be tough getting back to yalls "glory days".
To use your rationale, how do you know we had to settle for Muschamp? Do you work for the athletic dept at Carolina?

I would take Muschamp any day over the cheerleader idiot dumbo.
The reason why everyone of these dabo thread end up 3,4,5 pages long is some just can't except that dabo has clemson on the upswing big time.
The reason why everyone of these dabo thread end up 3,4,5 pages long is some just can't except that dabo has clemson on the upswing big time.
I had hip surgery so I have plenty of time on my hands to keep it going. I used to just read the threads but I am bored.
You would have that many if you kept your name Cockytop2.
Haha. Idk who they are, but funny you'd think that. I knew you couldn't "stop right now". Maybe you could go nuts in small talk and hit that 28K mark tonight? Or post more messages about how great clemsux is...
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I have no problem with Dabo being called a "CEO" type coach. Or that other schools seem to have little interest in hiring him. He is very good a what he does. He is a VERY good CEO Coach. He has put the pieces together and has done very well. And from everything I see the team and the program seem to be getting even better. I think a CEO coach maybe the coach of the future.
I have no problem with Dabo being called a "CEO" type coach. Or that other schools seem to have little interest in hiring him. He is very good a what he does. He is a VERY good CEO Coach. He has put the pieces together and has done very well. And from everything I see the team and the program seem to be getting even better. I think a CEO coach maybe the coach of the future.

It is the coach of the future even Saban has changed his ratios in the last few years.
He's been lucky & had a good year last year. Again, we're just 2 years away from the 5 year beatdown by The Gamecocks. clemsuxing will raise it's head again soon. Then the clemsux fans will be calling for him to be fired, again.
That's funny, it's partly because you somehow won 5 in a row that helped create what Clemson has become.

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