Athlon Sports is a joke !

Miami would be lateral at best with the shape of there stadium situation. Texas would have been hard to follow brown and Georgia is also a laterial move. Just because they are in the sec that does not make them a better job. Dabo is a southern born people like us don't fit in in California and Michigan.
You asked, I told you. Just cause it didn't fit your narrative doesnt mean its wrong.
You asked, I told you. Just cause it didn't fit your narrative doesnt mean its wrong.
I think he (and others) have been trying to provide a reasoned argument as to why there has not been a lot of "noise" about other teams outwardly wanting to hire Dabo.
Michigan, Texas, Southern Cal,Georgia,Miami just off the top of my head.
Miami ?????? And their 14,000 screaming fans. Well 150 screaming fans around the 2nd quarter against clemson.
I think he (and others) have been trying to provide a reasoned argument as to why there has not been a lot of "noise" about other teams outwardly wanting to hire Dabo.
And I'm telling you that the reason for the "not a lot of noise" is he isnt respected as a top flight HC. Recruiter yes, HC, no.
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You don't understand the U is not the U anymore and nobody watches them.
I understand completely but if you want to continue to say UM isnt a Major D-1 school then carry on and look stupid.
Michigan, Texas, Southern Cal,Georgia,Miami just off the top of my head.

Alabama, Florida, LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Tennessee, to add a few more.

2 years ago, the same AthlonSports rated Clemson's head job as #20, FWIW.
I understand completely but if you want to continue to say UM isnt a Major D-1 school then carry on and look stupid.

Honestly, it probably wouldn't be considered a top job, lately.
Honestly, it probably wouldn't be considered a top job, lately.
Well heres the point, he didnt have to turn it down because he was never offered or considered. That was my contention to begin with, nobody sought him out regardless if Miami is thought to be a good job or not. Just like he wasnt sought out by any other school with a HC vacancy.
Yes, you have been trending up the last 5 years and we were beating your team more often then not. Keep dreaming if you think its going back to the days of the 70's and 80's where you won most of the games, its not ever going back there.
Carolina has not finished a decade with a winning record against Clemson since 1950's
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Carolina has not finished a with a winning record against Clemson since 1950's
And? Point is it will never be like that again. Too much has changed. Spurrier came in a built a foundation that will succeed for years to come.
Well heres the point, he didnt have to turn it down because he was never offered or considered. That was my contention to begin with, nobody sought him out regardless if Miami is thought to be a good job or not. Just like he wasnt sought out by any other school with a HC vacancy.
Just like none of those schools went after any other high profile coach that was still employed. You could say teams went after Herman but he is just one year on the job at non power 5 team. You didn't hear any of them trying to get Meyer, Saban, LeS Miles because they won't leave to take a job that is not greater than where they are at. You keep mentioning he wasn't named in searches but neither was any of the coaches I mentioned.
Just like none of those schools went after any other high profile coach that was still employed. You could say teams went after Herman but he is just one year on the job at non power 5 team. You didn't hear any of them trying to get Meyer, Saban, LeS Miles because they won't leave to take a job that is not greater than where they are at. You keep mentioning he wasn't named in searches but neither was any of the coaches I mentioned.
Thats Alabama, LSU and Ohio State bud. You are in denial if you think you rank up there with them. Complete denial.
And I'm telling you that the reason for the "not a lot of noise" is he isnt respected as a top flight HC. Recruiter yes, HC, no.
Perhaps you need to shake the sand from your ears.Swinney was named Associated Press Coach of Year, Walter Camp Coach of the Year, Home Depot Coach of the Year, and the Paul "Bear" Bryant Award. He also was awarded Coach of the year by CBS sports. You may be the only one not hearing the "noise". Hope you are comfortable in your bubble.
Perhaps you need to shake the sand from your ears.Swinney was named Associated Press Coach of Year, Walter Camp Coach of the Year, Home Depot Coach of the Year, and the Paul "Bear" Bryant Award. He also was awarded Coach of the year by CBS sports. You may be the only one not hearing the "noise". Hope you are comfortable in your bubble.
So what? Do you think they are gonna give that to an assistant over the HC? lol
Texas apparently wanted Saban recently but other than that you are correct. S Carolina fans can argue all day long he's not head coach material but the facts are the facts. He won coach of year awards from several organizations. He's had multiple 10+ wins seasons. 2 conference championships, multiple bowl wins and a playoff win and appeared in the National Championship game. Any program in the country short of possibly Alabama would be happy with the results and throw money at the person. Ifhe said he was looking there would be plenty of offers. But no self respecting SC fan will ever admit this. But some of y'all just look stupid saying the guy can't coach a lick. He's so obviously doing something right.
Texas apparently wanted Saban recently but other than that you are correct. S Carolina fans can argue all day long he's not head coach material but the facts are the facts. He won coach of year awards from several organizations. He's had multiple 10+ wins seasons. 2 conference championships, multiple bowl wins and a playoff win and appeared in the National Championship game. Any program in the country short of possibly Alabama would be happy with the results and throw money at the person. Ifhe said he was looking there would be plenty of offers. But no self respecting SC fan will ever admit this. But some of y'all just look stupid saying the guy can't coach a lick. He's so obviously doing something right.
He's a recruiter and a cheerleader. My son is a Clemson fan and buries his head at the shit Dabo does on TV lol
You do realize that the head coach finds and hires and is the boss of the assistants, don't you? You should.
I realize he hired very good OC and DC (after a few tries) and he has nothing to do with calling plays and schemes.
Miami would be lateral at best with the shape of there stadium situation. Texas would have been hard to follow brown and Georgia is also a laterial move. Just because they are in the sec that does not make them a better job. Dabo is a southern born people like us don't fit in in California and Michigan.
Lol. UGA is a better job!
I realize he hired very good OC and DC (after a few tries) and he has nothing to do with calling plays and schemes.
You don't really believe that the success or failure of a football team (or any team for that matter) relies only on the play-calling and schemes, do you? Who do you think organizes and controls the overall philosophy of the team along with all the practices, meetings, etc? If you think the head coach has nothing to do with the play-calling and schemes then you know little of organization and "chain of command". Oh, and did you think that the offense of Clemson would not skip a beat when Chad Morris left and his title and responsibility was granted to two former players as Co-coordinators? Be honest.
You don't really believe that the success or failure of a football team (or any team for that matter) relies only on the play-calling and schemes, do you? Who do you think organizes and controls the overall philosophy of the team along with all the practices, meetings, etc? If you think the head coach has nothing to do with the play-calling and schemes then you know little of organization and "chain of command". Oh, and did you think that the offense of Clemson would not skip a beat when Chad Morris left and his title and responsibility was granted to two former players as Co-coordinators? Be honest.
Didnt think they would skip a beat with Watson at QB, and bailed you out many times, hes very good. Reminds me of Connor Shaw. With that said I understand Administration, he is very good at Organization but to say the success or failure of a team doesnt rely on play calling and schemes is like ridiculous.
Based on results, I dont see how you DON'T put him in the top 10...yeah it's the ACC, but it's just my own personal opinion and watching or listening to the guy makes my skin crawl every time.

Here is the main thing I respect about what Dabo has done...we kicked his rear 5 years in a row and I really thought that might be enough to sort of turn the tide for good but he overcame all that and has beat us 2 years in a row now. It really pisses me off that we let them outwork us in the off-season with recruting and such - Spurrier wasn't as bad as some make out to be at recruiting but his plan the last few years with that were just TERRIBLE and it's cost our program dearly.
I think his style (Dabo) - as stupid or dishonest as it may seem - resonates with kids today. it's just the truth. I think Muschamp is a bit more like Dabo in some respects - a little bit of a rah rah recruiter type, promoting the "family" culture, etc...
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Thats Alabama, LSU and Ohio State bud. You are in denial if you think you rank up there with them. Complete denial.
I would say we are up there with those schools because we have beat 2 of those schools in the past five years in bowl games and lost to the other one in the NC game. So I would say based off of that we are up there close. You can live in denial all you want but Sc would give anything to be where Clemson is at right now
All the schools you mentioned are all traditional powers,you are kidding yourself if you think Clemson is a better job.Clemson is just 1 of 20 something teams to achieve 700 or more wins and they just accomplished that last year.But thinking your in the same class as Michigan is foolishness, you do know Michigan has the most all time wins don't you?
You are right about traditional powers but what has Michigan done in the last 10 years before last year. I can answer for you, nothing. I can name a few others that are in that same boat. It's not about 20 years ago it's about the here and now. Dabo is winning at a high clip so yeah that makes Clemson one of the better programs in college football right now
I'm amazed at the mindset of many on this forum. Not being able to recognize (make that admit) that Clemson has a very good football team and a forward moving program is evidence of a myopic outlook. Not having respect for the accomplishments of your opponent means that you deserve no respect yourself. Its no fun and little honor in beating the little guys of the sports world but beating the better ones is great. That is why I and most here had a field day with our 5 victories in a row over Clem5on. I don't like Dabo or his methods but I also don't have intimate knowledge of his football IQ and neither do those who like to claim that he is only a cheerleader.

Whatever, it makes no difference as they have been the better team in SC for a couple years. Those who dump hate on Muschamp aren't helping things either. He is our coach and our performance for at least a few years depends on him and the other coaches. Get behind him and offer your support or get out.

Before some bring out the tater howl, I will say that I am probably the Gamecock fan of longest standing here. Lived 2 blocks from the Horseshoe in the 1940's and knew how to gain entry into and play with the equipment in all the USC sports arenas of the time, partly by knowing and helping the caretakers. Also alumni of USC as is one of my offspring.

Reality is a hard taskmaster but learning how to deal with it is the first step toward maturity or you can remain immature all your life. Aging is unavoidable but gaining maturity is optional.
I like your comment. I will say I will not pull for Carolina but playing a 3 and 9 team does not help us either. I like when games are competitive and there is something to play for at the end of the year besides bragging rights
I realize he hired very good OC and DC (after a few tries) and he has nothing to do with calling plays and schemes.

Really you work for the team. You know what goes on. The fact of the matter is you don't know jack crap about what goes on.

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