Athlon Sports is a joke !

Of present coaches I would take Saban, Meyer, Harbaugh, Briles, Dantoni, Stoops, Patterson, Sumlin, Hugh Freeze, Miles (although it may be talent) (controversy excluded), Shaw, Dan Mullen, Ferentz, Richt, Cutcliffe, Petrino (football only), Fisher, Muschamp (just my opinion), over Dabo
Your list is interesting in the fact that of the 6 coaches on that list that Dabo had competed against, he has beaten 5 of them! He has won 10 of more games 5 years in a row, has not lost to a non- top 10 team and won about 6 Coach of the Year awards last year. There are a lot of "ostriches"on or there is a population of those "whistling past the graveyard" here or both. Dabo is the real deal whether people Cock fans wish to believe it or not.

Most Gamecocks would gladly give their left gonad or right ovary for the Gamecocks to have a coach as effective as Dabo.
I have no problem with either ranking, looking at what Dabo has done at Clemson and what Will did at Florida. It will be interesting to see what Dabo and Clemson do in the next few years now that many ACC schools have significantly upgraded their Head Coach position with proven winners....Miami, Syracuse, Virginia Tech Virginia. It will be interesting to see if Will learned from his Florida mistakes.
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If Swinney had his successes at say UCLA or Arizona or somewhere else he might be rated fairly here. To get a legitimate and unbiased opinion go to a neutral board and ask the question of where he ranks and how he compares to Muschamp. I think we know how that would go.

Now, I'm glad we have Muschamp. But he has a career and reputation to rebuild. I won't bitch about his rating until he does.
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How do you know he hasn't. if they call his agent and he says he's not interested period then do you really think that would be reported on. That's not a story. Have you ever thought that he likes coaching there and has no desire to leave. Further more there was a story about Baylor contacting but it quickly died.
Ah, the clemsux spin. There have been "secret interests". Haha. Anytime there's a coaching vacancy, sports analysts come up with a list of qualified coaches. dumbo is never on them.
It might be because he's where he wants to be and nobody is going to change that.
Thanks, new member. Makes sense. Just like Saban said he was happy at Miami. That didn't stop AL from pursuing him. dumbo has it made in his easy conference, that's for sure. He's a talker & can recruit, but he's not some genius mastermind head coach.
Ah, the clemsux spin. There have been "secret interests". Haha. Anytime there's a coaching vacancy, sports analysts come up with a list of qualified coaches. dumbo is never on them.
You do notice that most of those list are made up of coordinators or coaches moving up to take HC position or moving to better programs. Dabo is not going to leave Clemson to go to Miami, VT, Virginia, UGA, Etc. It makes no since for his name to be on those list when the so called experts are trying to make a list of candidates. If coaches move they move up not down or laterally. Also when South Carolina was looking for a coach I heard a lot of fans saying they wanted a young energetic coach that could recruit and understands the new generation. I do believe that sounds a lot like DAbo. I also hear about this awesome staff Musschamp has put together. Once again sound a lot like Dabo.
You do notice that most of those list are made up of coordinators or coaches moving up to take HC position or moving to better programs. Dabo is not going to leave Clemson to go to Miami, VT, Virginia, UGA, Etc. It makes no since for his name to be on those list when the so called experts are trying to make a list of candidates. If coaches move they move up not down or laterally. Also when South Carolina was looking for a coach I heard a lot of fans saying they wanted a young energetic coach that could recruit and understands the new generation. I do believe that sounds a lot like DAbo. I also hear about this awesome staff Musschamp has put together. Once again sound a lot like Dabo.
I've got nothing against Dabo, he seems like a nice enough guy and is absolutely a great recruiter. But Dabo is only as good as his assistant Head coaches and coordinators. he has nothing to do with play calling or scheme of the offense or defense. Spurrier on the other hand was a Master at offensive play calling, you dont think Dabo was better then him do you?
I've got nothing against Dabo, he seems like a nice enough guy and is absolutely a great recruiter. But Dabo is only as good as his assistant Head coaches and coordinators. he has nothing to do with play calling or scheme of the offense or defense. Spurrier on the other hand was a Master at offensive play calling, you dont think Dabo was better then him do you?
Interestingly, at least at Carolina, Spurrier had his best results when his defense was good. Rarely did his offense "carry the day" over the course of a season (Conner Shaw, in several instances did, but his accomplishments were, largely, Shaw and not Spurrier). Had he lost his "Master at offensive play calling". One could argue "yes".
You do notice that most of those list are made up of coordinators or coaches moving up to take HC position or moving to better programs. Dabo is not going to leave Clemson to go to Miami, VT, Virginia, UGA, Etc. It makes no since for his name to be on those list when the so called experts are trying to make a list of candidates. If coaches move they move up not down or laterally. Also when South Carolina was looking for a coach I heard a lot of fans saying they wanted a young energetic coach that could recruit and understands the new generation. I do believe that sounds a lot like DAbo. I also hear about this awesome staff Musschamp has put together. Once again sound a lot like Dabo.

There are plenty of young, energetic coaches that aren't douche bags. o_O
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You do notice that most of those list are made up of coordinators or coaches moving up to take HC position or moving to better programs. Dabo is not going to leave Clemson to go to Miami, VT, Virginia, UGA, Etc. It makes no since for his name to be on those list when the so called experts are trying to make a list of candidates. If coaches move they move up not down or laterally. Also when South Carolina was looking for a coach I heard a lot of fans saying they wanted a young energetic coach that could recruit and understands the new generation. I do believe that sounds a lot like DAbo. I also hear about this awesome staff Musschamp has put together. Once again sound a lot like Dabo.
Thanks for joining your rival's board. The list of potential coaches include current coaches and coordinator or coaches. dumbo has it made at clemsux, but if he was that amazing, but time programs with a huge wallet would come calling. There's a reason they don't. You can think it's because of the secret meetings or the excuse that everyone knows he's not going anywhere. That's just your excuse. Otherwise it would make clemsux look foolish to pay him so much when it's obvious nobody else wants him and he's overpaid.
Thanks for joining your rival's board. The list of potential coaches include current coaches and coordinator or coaches. dumbo has it made at clemsux, but if he was that amazing, but time programs with a huge wallet would come calling. There's a reason they don't. You can think it's because of the secret meetings or the excuse that everyone knows he's not going anywhere. That's just your excuse. Otherwise it would make clemsux look foolish to pay him so much when it's obvious nobody else wants him and he's overpaid.
If you (or anyone) bases the worth of a coach on their results, Dabo is a very valuable commodity. That cannot be disputed by anyone with any rational thought process. The vitriol spewed about around here on Dabo is either sour grapes, envy or just pure, out and out, hatred.
Agree, BUT that should mean Smart is ranked too high. Champ has a +.500 record in the SEC...Smart has done nothing and he is at 54. DJ Durkin is also above Champ and done nothing so far.
I would say that Smart and Durkin's unknowns work in their favor in this ranking. Champs failure at UF (specifically how inept his offenses were, at Florida, where he has direct access to the best players in the country) hurt him significantly.

But its a list, in a Athlon magazine ... who cares?
How do you know he hasn't. if they call his agent and he says he's not interested period then do you really think that would be reported on. That's not a story. Have you ever thought that he likes coaching there and has no desire to leave. Further more there was a story about Baylor contacting but it quickly died.

I actually like Dabo as a person VERY much and sincerely admire his personal story - he ain't a bad guy!!! - he's just full of sh*t.

The Baylor rumor's completely believable considering Dabo's experience with sexual assault by his players and his perchance for praying given Baylor's association with the Baptists - but he's not going to Waco with the wacko's ... that's tumbleweed country and Dabo's a deep woods kinda' guy. His mother lives in Alabama, his brothers are in 'bama and Georgia and his step-mother's in 'bama, too - a lady he's gotten close to over the last decade, as have his children.

Dabo MAY grow old at clemson, he'll SOON become FULLY content to take the money he gets, which is excellent. The ONLY other job he'd ever take is Alabama so, like the 'Bear' he could say "when momma calls you home you have to go."

His age bodes well for that occurrence given Saban's age and if he keeps winning I think he'll be offered the 'Bama job in 2-3 years and take it. Otherwise he's clemson's huckleberry for a LONG time, which is fine by me.

Who or what coaches at clemson matters little ... he ain't coming here and we already KNOW he's beatable at his very best surrounded by his very best - so, why worry about it? Dabo will continue to kick Wake's ass and NC State, Boston College, etc. - but he'll continue to get his licks from FL State and now has to worry about Miami, too. The Ga Tech's and Va Tech's are on the wane, while the UNC's and Pittsburgh's are trending 'bout even or a little under what he's done at clemson - that translates to a chance for a bunch of 10-win seasons.

Dabo's a big fish in a little pond and he's done an excellent job. I hope he stays a LONG time 'cause - THAT bodes well for our chances when we play clemson IMHO. The guy has a knack for making bonehead calls at just the wrong moment - at least that's been our experience playing against him the majority of the time.
I've got nothing against Dabo, he seems like a nice enough guy and is absolutely a great recruiter. But Dabo is only as good as his assistant Head coaches and coordinators. he has nothing to do with play calling or scheme of the offense or defense. Spurrier on the other hand was a Master at offensive play calling, you dont think Dabo was better then him do you?

How exactly do you know what he does and does not do.
Thanks for joining your rival's board. The list of potential coaches include current coaches and coordinator or coaches. dumbo has it made at clemsux, but if he was that amazing, but time programs with a huge wallet would come calling. There's a reason they don't. You can think it's because of the secret meetings or the excuse that everyone knows he's not going anywhere. That's just your excuse. Otherwise it would make clemsux look foolish to pay him so much when it's obvious nobody else wants him and he's overpaid.

Please give me a list of teams that would be a step up for him. I'm not saying there are not any. please just name them I can think of three. That are above a lot that are on the same level. Coaches don't move laterally.
Interestingly, at least at Carolina, Spurrier had his best results when his defense was good. Rarely did his offense "carry the day" over the course of a season (Conner Shaw, in several instances did, but his accomplishments were, largely, Shaw and not Spurrier). Had he lost his "Master at offensive play calling". One could argue "yes".
When Spurrier first came into the SEC it was a ground and pound league. He had the uniqueness of the scheme and willingness to throw it around.

When he came back everybody and his brother adopted his formations and variations on what he did before. The uniqueness was gone but he still could dail up the right play when he had to.

I totally agree with you though. His best teams here were primarily due to good to great defenses .
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If you (or anyone) bases the worth of a coach on their results, Dabo is a very valuable commodity. That cannot be disputed by anyone with any rational thought process. The vitriol spewed about around here on Dabo is either sour grapes, envy or just pure, out and out, hatred.
He's been lucky & had a good year last year. Again, we're just 2 years away from the 5 year beatdown by The Gamecocks. clemsuxing will raise it's head again soon. Then the clemsux fans will be calling for him to be fired, again.
I've got nothing against Dabo, he seems like a nice enough guy and is absolutely a great recruiter. But Dabo is only as good as his assistant Head coaches and coordinators. he has nothing to do with play calling or scheme of the offense or defense. Spurrier on the other hand was a Master at offensive play calling, you dont think Dabo was better then him do you?
Spurrier was a Hall of Fame coach so at this point I do not think Dabo is a better coach. Spurrier was an offensive mastermind at UF. With that I do believe Dabo has proven he can teach young men. Look at the success of WR at Clemson and the next level. I would say he has had a lot to do with that. I will say this as well. Nick Saban has had Kirby Smart and Lane kiffin recently and both are good at what they do. Most successful teams have good coordinators and the head coach is like a CEO.
Thanks for joining your rival's board. The list of potential coaches include current coaches and coordinator or coaches. dumbo has it made at clemsux, but if he was that amazing, but time programs with a huge wallet would come calling. There's a reason they don't. You can think it's because of the secret meetings or the excuse that everyone knows he's not going anywhere. That's just your excuse. Otherwise it would make clemsux look foolish to pay him so much when it's obvious nobody else wants him and he's overpaid.
What big programs have had changes at the HC position. Texas may be one but why would he want to go there. Penn state once again why would anyone want to follow that dumpster fire. No matter how you want to spin, at this point Clemson is in the upper tier college football programs. The facilities being built are great and we just played for NC. It's hard to find a better place to coach at the moment
He's been lucky & had a good year last year. Again, we're just 2 years away from the 5 year beatdown by The Gamecocks. clemsuxing will raise it's head again soon. Then the clemsux fans will be calling for him to be fired, again.
I hear this all the time about the five wins in a row. It was a great time for South Carolina but let's not pretend that those five years are the norm. I keep reading stuff about getting back to the way it was. Just know that it is now back the way it was. Five years of winning does not make the history of Carolina football. I know what you will say Clemson has had one good year. We did have an exceptional year. Look at the last five years and you can say that Clemson football has been trending in an upward. We do lose Deshaun after this year but with how well we have been recruiting I think we will be just fine.
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When Spurrier first came into the SEC it was a ground and pound league. He had the uniqueness of the scheme and willingness to throw it around.

When he came back everybody and his brother adopted his formations and variations on what he did before. The uniqueness was gone but he still could dail up the right play when he had to.

I totally agree with you though. His best teams here were primarily due to good to great defenses .
His teams were great because of Both.
Well, it's that time of year again ... tigers coming here to pontificate 'bout their cesspool of throw 'em off the bridge, hit the gals in the head and dig up the dead so their dope head players got something to rape besides an unwilling horrified freshman or barnyard animal.

Very soon clemson's biggest problem ain't gonna' be Florida State or South Carolina it's gonna be PETA 'cause dating tiger football players is a fate worse than death for those poor penned-up animals.

Bunch of buggers. Have you ever noticed that even your best 'tiger' friends have that distinct, slightly offensive odor of 'dung' if they spent any significant amount of time on clemson's campus? Cow patty Patti and Cow chip Chuck ... a constant reminder of the slight hint of 'poot' ... makes you want to run away like a gazelle, which is the worst thing you could do - they'ed attack like a tiger and hope to buck with you, too. Eeeeeugh !!!

That gene pool's gonna' continue to decompose so badly that one day 'fore you know it we'll all be able to identify a clemson person by their one-eye.
What big programs have had changes at the HC position. Texas may be one but why would he want to go there. Penn state once again why would anyone want to follow that dumpster fire. No matter how you want to spin, at this point Clemson is in the upper tier college football programs. The facilities being built are great and we just played for NC. It's hard to find a better place to coach at the moment
Michigan, Texas, Southern Cal,Georgia,Miami just off the top of my head.
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I hear this all the time about the five wins in a row. It was a great time for South Carolina but let's not pretend that those five years are the norm. I keep reading stuff about getting back to the way it was. Just know that it is now back the way it was. Five years of winning does not make the history of Carolina football. I know what you will say Clemson has had one good year. We did have an exceptional year. Look at the last five years and you can say that Clemson football has been trending in an upward. We do lose Deshaun after this year but with how well we have been recruiting I think we will be just fine.
Yes, you have been trending up the last 5 years and we were beating your team more often then not. Keep dreaming if you think its going back to the days of the 70's and 80's where you won most of the games, its not ever going back there.
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OP is just another in denial USC fan boy who can't be objective about anything Clemson related. Which in my book is the worst kind of USC fan. Dabo is a no doubt top 10 college head coach right now. Muschamp failed at Florida where everything a coach could possibly need to be successful is at his fingertips. His mid 70's ranking is deserved at this point in his head coaching career. I hope in 5 years we look up at Muschamp has brought USC to the height's that Clemson is currently enjoying, until then take the blinders off and give credit where credit is due.
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Thanks for joining your rival's board. The list of potential coaches include current coaches and coordinator or coaches. dumbo has it made at clemsux, but if he was that amazing, but time programs with a huge wallet would come calling. There's a reason they don't. You can think it's because of the secret meetings or the excuse that everyone knows he's not going anywhere. That's just your excuse. Otherwise it would make clemsux look foolish to pay him so much when it's obvious nobody else wants him and he's overpaid.

I'm sorry but your in denial. Not Everything Clemson sucks. They have good players and good coaches. Watson doesn't suck at QB, they have other kids that just went 1st and 2nd round and have kids that would easily start for us. Heck if you combined the teams there currently there would be more orange out there on the first team then Garnet.

Also a coach avg 11+ wins a year over the last 5 yrs winning his conference, a playoff game as well as playing in a national championship I can promise is a guy that a lot of schools would want. It sucks but that's just the truth. Someone has to want to leave though to really be a option and I think he made it clear he would be there unless Alabama calls. No reason for him to go anywhere cause he owns the place now and gets paid well and has built a pretty good team. We just have to put our heads down get to work and get back on top.
Michigan, Texas, Southern Cal,Georgia,Miami just off the top of my head.
All the ones you have mentioned at this point in time is not a better job. Miami step down, Georgia would be lateral, Michigan before last year step down, Texas has done nothing. You also have to look at, Dabo has been here along time and has built what we currently have. I will ask you this did you hear any other high profile established coaches that still had a jones named for any of the recent jobs?
All the ones you have mentioned at this point in time is not a better job. Miami step down, Georgia would be lateral, Michigan before last year step down, Texas has done nothing. You also have to look at, Dabo has been here along time and has built what we currently have. I will ask you this did you hear any other high profile established coaches that still had a jones named for any of the recent jobs?
All the schools you mentioned are all traditional powers,you are kidding yourself if you think Clemson is a better job.Clemson is just 1 of 20 something teams to achieve 700 or more wins and they just accomplished that last year.But thinking your in the same class as Michigan is foolishness, you do know Michigan has the most all time wins don't you?
All the schools you mentioned are all traditional powers,you are kidding yourself if you think Clemson is a better job.Clemson is just 1 of 20 something teams to achieve 700 or more wins and they just accomplished that last year.But thinking your in the same class as Michigan is foolishness, you do know Michigan has the most all time wins don't you?
I'm amazed at the mindset of many on this forum. Not being able to recognize (make that admit) that Clemson has a very good football team and a forward moving program is evidence of a myopic outlook. Not having respect for the accomplishments of your opponent means that you deserve no respect yourself. Its no fun and little honor in beating the little guys of the sports world but beating the better ones is great. That is why I and most here had a field day with our 5 victories in a row over Clem5on. I don't like Dabo or his methods but I also don't have intimate knowledge of his football IQ and neither do those who like to claim that he is only a cheerleader.

Whatever, it makes no difference as they have been the better team in SC for a couple years. Those who dump hate on Muschamp aren't helping things either. He is our coach and our performance for at least a few years depends on him and the other coaches. Get behind him and offer your support or get out.

Before some bring out the tater howl, I will say that I am probably the Gamecock fan of longest standing here. Lived 2 blocks from the Horseshoe in the 1940's and knew how to gain entry into and play with the equipment in all the USC sports arenas of the time, partly by knowing and helping the caretakers. Also alumni of USC as is one of my offspring.

Reality is a hard taskmaster but learning how to deal with it is the first step toward maturity or you can remain immature all your life. Aging is unavoidable but gaining maturity is optional.
Michigan, Texas, Southern Cal,Georgia,Miami just off the top of my head.
Miami would be lateral at best with the shape of there stadium situation. Texas would have been hard to follow brown and Georgia is also a laterial move. Just because they are in the sec that does not make them a better job. Dabo is a southern born people like us don't fit in in California and Michigan.
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