Businesses shutdown for over 100 cases per day of covid19 now we

Many businesses are being forced to shut down again already here in Columbia... I am still on the side of this whole lockdown being a bunch of BS, but it is mildly concerning that multiple restaurants I visited in recent weeks are now closed because of Covid outbreaks!
Many businesses are being forced to shut down again already here in Columbia... I am still on the side of this whole lockdown being a bunch of BS, but it is mildly concerning that multiple restaurants I visited in recent weeks are now closed because of Covid outbreaks!
Testing has unearthed more cases. Shutdown protocols might have to be revisited, and I'm not talking about more restrictive, either.
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Events of this week, cause and affect.
One of my first thoughts as well. Every single restaurant or business I have attended in recent weeks was taking drastic steps to keep people safe- wearing masks, limiting capacity, no self serve options, disposable plates and silver wear.. Yet I am sure that increases in cases popping up in the coming weeks will be met with a resounding call for more draconian lockdown measures and blamed on those businesses instead of the THOUSANDS of people flocking together in the streets, holding hands and yelling right in each other’s faces.... Go figure.

Personally I think people should be allowed to do it all- protest? Sure! Go to a restaurant- Hell
Yeah! Go shopping/get your hair cut/go to work... Yes yes and more yes... (well pretty much all of it- Rioting, looting, attacking innocent people and burning buildings= NO)... What I don’t get is how people can rationalize supporting police action to shut down a hair salon one day that maybe had 3-4 people in it at the same time and then a day later without any change in regulations they support people gathering en masse to protest in the streets and get upset when the police take action to break THAT up? We are getting some polar opposite reactions to this covid situation suddenly and it seems very few are willing to call people out on it for fear of being called insensitive to the plight of black people or something? Which is it? Did we RUIN our economy and livelihoods in a worthwhile effort to save lives? Or was it political grand standing that all disappeared as soon as there was a more toxic issue to latch onto? This country is messed up right now man... Makes my damn head hurt.
One of my first thoughts as well. Every single restaurant or business I have attended in recent weeks was taking drastic steps to keep people safe- wearing masks, limiting capacity, no self serve options, disposable plates and silver wear.. Yet I am sure that increases in cases popping up in the coming weeks will be met with a resounding call for more draconian lockdown measures and blamed on those businesses instead of the THOUSANDS of people flocking together in the streets, holding hands and yelling right in each other’s faces.... Go figure.

Personally I think people should be allowed to do it all- protest? Sure! Go to a restaurant- Hell
Yeah! Go shopping/get your hair cut/go to work... Yes yes and more yes... (well pretty much all of it- Rioting, looting, attacking innocent people and burning buildings= NO)... What I don’t get is how people can rationalize supporting police action to shut down a hair salon one day that maybe had 3-4 people in it at the same time and then a day later without any change in regulations they support people gathering en masse to protest in the streets and get upset when the police take action to break THAT up? We are getting some polar opposite reactions to this covid situation suddenly and it seems very few are willing to call people out on it for fear of being called insensitive to the plight of black people or something? Which is it? Did we RUIN our economy and livelihoods in a worthwhile effort to save lives? Or was it political grand standing that all disappeared as soon as there was a more toxic issue to latch onto? This country is messed up right now man... Makes my damn head hurt.
You feel better?
Testing has unearthed more cases. Shutdown protocols might have to be revisited, and I'm not talking about more restrictive, either.
That’s right. Much more testing. MD I know has been saying for two months there are far more cases than have been tested. This means the death rate is even smaller. Get the country going. Just use common sense especially for elderly and pre existing.
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Saw that in Florida the cases are going up greatly due to more testing, but the hit rate was only 4%. 5% positive test rate was supposed to be what states should be down to in order to open up (according to guidelines).

so at least for Florida, opening hasn’t seemed too bad even with higher cases. Perhaps SC is experiencing the same thing?
Saw that in Florida the cases are going up greatly due to more testing, but the hit rate was only 4%. 5% positive test rate was supposed to be what states should be down to in order to open up (according to guidelines).

so at least for Florida, opening hasn’t seemed too bad even with higher cases. Perhaps SC is experiencing the same thing?
SC is roughly 8.5%. You might want to check on hospitalization rate that's the one I keep checking. If infection numbers go up like ours have I would be interested in hospital capacity in about a week. That will tell true story. Right now we go between 68% and 70% hospital capacity.
SC is roughly 8.5%. You might want to check on hospitalization rate that's the one I keep checking. If infection numbers go up like ours have I would be interested in hospital capacity in about a week. That will tell true story. Right now we go between 68% and 70% hospital capacity.

Where do you find that info? I agree that the infection numbers are starting to be meaningless with more testing (we could have had the same infection rate all this time - but now that we're finally getting numbers with many asymptomatic people included we can't really compare today to one month ago when the only people being tested for the most part felt sick).
The stock market resurging doesn’t suddenly put money back in the pockets of the millions of ordinary folks who lost their jobs or got furloughed.
Agree....but the economy is not in ruins as some would suggest. I only know a few people who have lost their jobs and some of them made more on unemployment than working.
Seems some just want a bad situation to be worse.
It should go up for a while because of the tourist coming into the state and as businesses open some employers are mandating that their employees get tested before they come back to work.
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Where do you find that info? I agree that the infection numbers are starting to be meaningless with more testing (we could have had the same infection rate all this time - but now that we're finally getting numbers with many asymptomatic people included we can't really compare today to one month ago when the only people being tested for the most part felt sick).
A quick look at testing shows it's been consistent in its numbers across the last four weeks. No, testing is not driving these numbers. That's a convenient out for folks who don't want to distance, wear masks, etc. We reopened on May 4. The big rise in cases started 20-25 days later. We will find out in a week or so if protests spread it. Cases reflect actual sickness in the carrier, infections are often asymptomatic. There have always been more infections, probably 700 for each sick case. The IFR is probably around .00145 and the CFR coming down to around or below 3%. Just my viewpoints, but well researched ones BTW....if protests do not grow the epidemic, why?

Masks, the only thing they used?
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So, what business have closed in the past week..

I now some had to close early because of peaceful riots...
Cantina 76 on Main St in Columbia and Market on Main are two I frequent that both had to close due to covid outbreaks. They are right across the street from each other and TBH, not a surprise as I know the staff of Cantina frequent MOM and vice versa... Hope they are all doing ok. On my way back tk work today from linch I drove by and saw people that appeared to be doing something at Market so maybe they are reopening soon? Many restaurants I love here have never reopened- smaller places cannot make money with limited capacity and some are having trouble finding all the meats they need. We really screwed things up with this shut down!
I think we are at the point of no return as far as the businesses go. We won't close again. The CDC knew the numbers were going to go up simply because more testing and most of the businesses are now open.
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Cantina 76 on Main St in Columbia and Market on Main are two I frequent that both had to close due to covid outbreaks. They are right across the street from each other and TBH, not a surprise as I know the staff of Cantina frequent MOM and vice versa... Hope they are all doing ok. On my way back tk work today from linch I drove by and saw people that appeared to be doing something at Market so maybe they are reopening soon? Many restaurants I love here have never reopened- smaller places cannot make money with limited capacity and some are having trouble finding all the meats they need. We really screwed things up with this shut down!

Thanks for the update...

I think the second time around, it will be the owners who will decide to stay open or close down..

At some point, we'll have to treat this like the flu and if you're sick, stay home...

I heard the National Guard in DC have tested for COVID19...

I wonder when we'll heard about the protesters coming down with COVID 19...
A quick look at testing shows it's been consistent in its numbers across the last four weeks. No, testing is not driving these numbers. That's a convenient out for folks who don't want to distance, wear masks, etc. We reopened on May 4. The big rise in cases started 20-25 days later. We will find out in a week or so if protests spread it. Cases reflect actual sickness in the carrier, infections are often asymptomatic. There have always been more infections, probably 700 for each sick case. The IFR is probably around .00145 and the CFR coming down to around or below 3%. Just my viewpoints, but well researched ones BTW....if protests do not grow the epidemic, why?

Masks, the only thing they used?

Keep in mind the CDC just admitted that it is very difficult for asymptomatic carriers to transmit the disease.

They have also shown in multiple studies that dramatically more people are and have been infected with it than previously thought. Basically this means that the two main reasons they told us about for why the whole world needed to shit down were BS. 2% death rate? WAYYY lower in reality and going down as the virus mutates it has become less dangerous. A symptomatic carriers spreading it? Not so much according to recent News... So... Why did we do all this again? Can we just admit it was an overreaction now and get back to business? Sure, if you are high risk- be careful. I have never felt this was any more dangerous to healthy middle aged and young people than the flu and every data point that comes out seems to reinforce that.
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Thanks for the update...

I think the second time around, it will be the owners who will decide to stay open or close down..

At some point, we'll have to treat this like the flu and if you're sick, stay home...

I heard the National Guard in DC have tested for COVID19...

I wonder when we'll heard about the protesters coming down with COVID 19...
Probably won’t- doesn’t fit the narrative most of America is trying to force down our throats.
I'm reading accounts of many asymptomatic positive cases. And I'm seeing that such cases rarely spread the virus to others. The hospital occupancy rate is going to tell the tale.
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I'm reading accounts of many asymptomatic positive cases. And I'm seeing that such cases rarely spread the virus to others. The hospital occupancy rate is going to tell the tale.
The other piece to all this is that the virus has been around for WAYY longer than people realize- satellite images in China show people in Wuhan prepping for a pandemic as early as AUGUST. That means they knew of this thing for 4-5 months before they even told anybody about it! It has been in the Us since AT LEAST December, maybe earlier and we did nothing to combat it until March. So, this virus that was supposed to be so dangerous and spread so fast, and kill tens of millions and overwhelm the hospitals... spread UNCHECKED for at least 4 months before enough people got sick that we even NOTICED it was here?? THAT is what we shut down the whole world for? Gimme a break...
The only positive is that SC will reach herd immunity faster.

Herd immunity without a vaccine is impossible. This is a very infectious disease, but not as infectious as we once thought. Certainly not enough to infect 70% of people at once.
"The governor has no intention of reinstating restrictions on businesses," Communications Director Brian Symmes said. "Every time he’s made a decision to lift restrictions, it was accompanied by guidelines for businesses to follow that will help protect South Carolinians. With those recommended guidelines still in place, there’s no reason to close businesses again."
What criteria are lockdown and regulation decisions being made on? I have yet to see this explanation.

The numbers are worse now than they were during the peak of lockdowns. Why are we open now and not then? What "science" are the "experts" basing this on?

I have seen "experts" and Governor's support the recent protests but claimed anyone else prior were murderers and insane.

This is perhaps the largest example of double think and gaslighting since WMDs in Iraq which is one of the main reasons I trust nothing this same group have said since.

This is truly fascinating to witness
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What criteria are lockdown and regulation decisions being made on? I have yet to see this explanation.

The numbers are worse now than they were during the peak of lockdowns. Why are we open now and not then? What "science" are the "experts" basing this on?

I have seen "experts" and Governor's support the recent protests but claimed anyone else prior were murderers and insane.

This is perhaps the largest example of double think and gaslighting since WMDs in Iraq which is one of the main reasons I trust nothing this same group have said since.

This is truly fascinating to witness
More tests - a lot more tests - have raised the number of cases. You don't have to be symptomatic to get one now.
Herd immunity without a vaccine is impossible. This is a very infectious disease, but not as infectious as we once thought. Certainly not enough to infect 70% of people at once.

You only need 70% to 90% of a population that are immune to achieve herd immunity. If the virus has no host and no one to pass it on it can't spread.
You only need 70% to 90% of a population that are immune to achieve herd immunity. If the virus has no host and no one to pass it on it can't spread.

Correct. What we don’t know is how long immunity will last after infection. Doctors suspect this will act like various other virus and people will have immunity for some time after infection, but even that will vary by the load of infection they received. So someone could have the infection now, but in 6 months they no longer have immunity as others are just getting it.

more than anything, if you look at Sweden as the test case of how infectious this is without any lockdown procedures - as of a week ago antibody tests show that they’ve only had about a 7.3% infection rate In the country after three months of no lockdowns. This is still highly infectious, but not enough that 70% will have immunity at the same time. A vaccine is the only way herd immunity is achieved.
Correct. What we don’t know is how long immunity will last after infection. Doctors suspect this will act like various other virus and people will have immunity for some time after infection, but even that will vary by the load of infection they received. So someone could have the infection now, but in 6 months they no longer have immunity as others are just getting it.

more than anything, if you look at Sweden as the test case of how infectious this is without any lockdown procedures - as of a week ago antibody tests show that they’ve only had about a 7.3% infection rate In the country after three months of no lockdowns. This is still highly infectious, but not enough that 70% will have immunity at the same time. A vaccine is the only way herd immunity is achieved.
There is a massive number of positives in Greenville.

The positives are not from restaurants. they are from "first week"....tons on teenagers getting tested...most minimally symptomatic or contact tracing.

I just tested negative. The lady who called said that she was calling 30 positive results a day and most were kids.
SC is roughly 8.5%. You might want to check on hospitalization rate that's the one I keep checking. If infection numbers go up like ours have I would be interested in hospital capacity in about a week. That will tell true story. Right now we go between 68% and 70% hospital capacity.

I saw yesterday SCDHEC posted the SC infection rate was just over 14%.

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