Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I am glad that at least you say that Republicans have done their part. How much is certainly debatable. There's a reason both presidential candidates are saying nothing about the debt, and won't. In terms of programs, the biggest in the Federal budget are Social Security, Medicare (and Medicaid) and Defense. In comparison, the other programs are very small. I have long advocated doing away with cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients. I also have advocated moving the age eligibility for Social Security to 70 for anyone to collect any benefit.. That way everybody suffers. I am undecided on moving the age eligibility for Medicare up from 65. And I dare not give out my address because I know I will have a bounty put on my head.

What do you mean none are talking about the debt? Have you seen the proposals from Kennedy or Trump on this entire issue?

The only candidate not talking about it is Harris because he doesn't know a thing about anything and her handlers are the same people who want to fleece you.

You really need to wake up if you believe they are all the same. That's a new talking point from the corrupt party to deflect their devious policies.

Read the outlined plans from each candidate and tell us that it's all the same. Trump isn't even a Republican. He's just on that ticket because Americans need these rodents out of DC and he's a celebrity who can win. That's all it is.
What do you mean none are talking about the debt? Have you seen the proposals from Kennedy or Trump on this entire issue?

The only candidate not talking about it is Harris because he doesn't know a thing about anything and her handlers are the same people who want to fleece you.

You really need to wake up if you believe they are all the same. That's a new talking point from the corrupt party to deflect their devious policies.
I have not heard either Trump nor Harris. If you can point me to something to read about them talking about it, that would be great. Kennedy is a non-factor. Don't waste my time on him.
I honestly wish this was a troll but it legitimately saddens me that you're incapable of comprehending what you're missing in the discussion.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? "
I have not heard either Trump nor Harris. If you can point me to something to read about them talking about it, that would be great. Kennedy is a non-factor. Don't waste my time on him.

I've posted many things from them on the Bitcoin thread alone. Trump this week touched on debt reversal via BTC and GDP infusion. He took some of this from Kennedy's plan but who cares. This is what we need in a big way. You can read everything directly on their campaign websites.
I am glad that at least you say that Republicans have done their part. How much is certainly debatable.

And hence the issue. It's too easy to start arguing about whis "more" responsible, or for one troll, if one side is even responsible at all. You've seen it from both sides in just the last few posts.
I've posted many things from them on the Bitcoin thread alone. Trump this week touched on debt reversal via BTC and GDP infusion. He took some of this from Kennedy's plan but who cares. This is what we need in a big way. You can read everything directly on their campaign websites.
I'd like to know what programs will be eliminated. That is what it will take. I read the Bartiromo interview. He mentions no programs. Just talks about "waste". That's no answer.
And hence the issue. It's too easy to start arguing about whis "more" responsible, or for one troll, if one side is even responsible at all. You've seen it from both sides in just the last few posts.
Why do you want to focus on assigning blame at this conjuncture?

Why not look at those candidates who are proposing viable solutions out of this mess?

There's two that are and then there's one who wants to double down on the madness.

If Kennedy or Trump get in, there's also a very good chance the Senate flips this election cycle and crap actually happens.

It's really that simple.
I'd like to know what programs will be eliminated. That is what it will take.

Not really but I'm sure Trump is also ready to trim government by 30-50%.

Vivek is on his staff and was proposing to kill 70% of government agencies within his first week in office.

Meanwhile, Harris wants to tax you to death and increase big government.

Watson loves this because he's on the nipple - but otherwise knows nothing about policy at all.
Not really but I'm sure Trump is also ready to trim government by 30-50%.

Vivek is on his staff and was proposing to kill 70% of government agencies within his first week in office.

Meanwhile, Harris wants to tax you to death and increase big government.

Watson loves this because he's on the nipple - but otherwise knows nothing about policy at all.
You have to hit Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Defense. That's the only way on the spending side.
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Not really but I'm sure Trump is also ready to trim government by 30-50%.

Vivek is on his staff and was proposing to kill 70% of government agencies within his first week in office.

Meanwhile, Harris wants to tax you to death and increase big government.

Watson loves this because he's on the nipple - but otherwise knows nothing about policy at all
No it's not. Debt service now exceeds all of those combined.
That's why I specifically said "PROGRAMS".
You have to hit Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Defense. That's the only way on the spending side.
I have already specified how I would cut Social Security. Regarding Medicare, I have thought about moving the age eligibility from 65 to 67 or 68. Not sure about that but, something I think needs to be discussed.
Do you want to default on our debts?

You really need to read the proposals. We aren't going to cut SS and things of that nature for Americans who have been contributing for a lifetime of work if we can avoid it.

For example, the US government is the largest holder of BTC in the world today. If Trump or Kennedy's plan goes into action, Bitcoin is going to many million and our $45 trillion in debt is gone. There are similar projects with AI and things like that.

Innovation and investing in America is how you get out of this mess. Not screwing over people who have been working all of their lives to get a check at the end.
You really need to read the proposals. We aren't going to cut SS and things of that nature for Americans who have been contributing for a lifetime of work if we can avoid it.

For example, the US government is the largest holder of BTC in the world today. If Trump or Kennedy's plan goes into action, Bitcoin is going to many million and our $45 trillion in debt is gone. There are similar projects with AI and things like that.

Innovation and investing in America is how you get out of this mess. Not screwing over people who have been working all of their lives to get a check at the end.
Not screwing anyone. Cutting COLAS and increasing the age eligibility is not screwing anyone over. With lifespans being what they are, people are getting back more in Social Security than they are putting in.
Not screwing anyone. Cutting COLAS and increasing the age eligibility is not screwing anyone over. With lifespans being what they are, people are getting back more in Social Security than they are putting in.

Do you realize what a drop in the bucket that is? Did you know we're paying close to a Trillion a month to just maintain the debt?

The idea you're going to cut costs and win is done and has been done for years now. We need innovative ideas or the money printer will continue to run until we turn into Argentina. It's that simple.
Do you realize what a drop in the bucket that is? Did you know we're paying close to a Trillion a month to just maintain the debt?

The idea you're going to cut costs and win is done and has been done for years now. We need innovative ideas or the money printer will continue to run until we turn into Argentina. It's that simple.
ALL the programs need to be cut...SS, Medicare and Defense.
ALL the programs need to be cut...SS, Medicare and Defense.

Agreed. Another problem, after getting mired down in the blame game, the few that make it through that begin to argue WHICH cuts need to happen. And you hit another wall.

There is no decision on what needs cutting, it's only a question of how deep.
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BOTH sides are at fault, Watson. It's attitudes like yours, on BOTH sides, why we can't solve the the debt problem. And you know why I'm right? Neither side has talked about our debt problem in the presidential election. They BOTH know our debt problem is equally THEIR fault. America needs a viable 3rd party. But I suspect that they both work together, in a bipartisan manner to make that difficult.

This a naive argument. The Democrats are definitely willing to raise taxes. They generally include increased taxation with their plans that increase spending.

The other side draws a hard line in the sand about taxation. You can’t blame the Democrats for the Republicans refusing to accept the reality you have to pay for what you spend.
Agreed. Another problem, after getting mired down in the blame game, the few that make it through that begin to argue WHICH cuts need to happen. And you hit another wall.

There is no decision on what needs cutting, it's only a question of how deep.
It will be painful. But the bullet needs to be bit. As Ronald Reagan said, everybody wants to cut except programs they benefit from.
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This a naive argument. The Democrats are definitely willing to raise taxes. They generally include increased taxation with their plans that increase spending.

The other side draws a hard line in the sand about taxation. You can’t blame the Democrats for the Republicans refusing to accept the reality you have to pay for what you spend.
If you have read what I have said, you would know I believe EVERYBODY needs to come to the table.
ALL the programs need to be cut...SS, Medicare and Defense.

Defense? Yes. It needs to be more efficient. The richest country in the world should not live like an undeveloped country though. Quality of life does matter.

A balanced budget needs to be nuanced.
This a naive argument. The Democrats are definitely willing to raise taxes. They generally include increased taxation with their plans that increase spending.

The other side draws a hard line in the sand about taxation. You can’t blame the Democrats for the Republicans refusing to accept the reality you have to pay for what you spend.

Watson, our money is already being triple taxed in some cases.

Please point to a time in history were raising taxes helped anything. It all goes to BS special interest projects and wars. Not to the people who need it.
If you have read what I have said, you would know I believe EVERYBODY needs to come to the table.

This is the same elementary argument Lurker tried to make. You can’t blame someone already at the table for the other person not being there.
Agreed. Another problem, after getting mired down in the blame game, the few that make it through that begin to argue WHICH cuts need to happen. And you hit another wall.

There is no decision on what needs cutting, it's only a question of how deep.

Lurker, lay out your reasoning for why any of that would make even a dent in the debt at this point.

I'd really like to see that analysis in dollar terms.
None of that is going to happen. SS will die before we cut costs. Defense is the reason we still have a big seat at the table on this planet.

None of that is going to happen. SS will die before we cut costs. Defense is the reason we still have a big seat at the table on this planet.

Comeon triple degree guy. You're smarter than this.
It takes leadership and guts that's for sure.
This is the same elementary argument Lurker tried to make. You can’t blame someone already at the table for the other person not being there.

I think it's a bit more simpleton to believe this is a mess only created by one side.

But when you put party before nation, it's easy to see someone thinking the party does no wrong. I mean, the party keeps telling them that, and sheep don't usually question.
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Guys, I've got to to get ready to go to a funeral of someone's son. You see, with all of our discussions and disagreements whether it be about Beamer, our football schedule, our football team, politics, the budget, what have you..... things could be worse for anyone of us.

You guys have a good day.
I think it's a bit more simpleton to believe this is a mess only created by one side.

But when you put party before nation, it's easy to see someone thinking the party does no wrong. I mean, the party keeps telling them that, and sheep don't usually question.

You're the only one putting party before the nation. The problem is it doesn't appear you quite grasp that.

Could the Democrats be better? Absolutely. But they can't fix the problem when the other side isn't actively trying to fix the problem.

That's really the problem here. You guys are so extreme that you can't objectively assess any topics.
You're the only one putting party before the nation. The problem is it doesn't appear you quite grasp that.

Could the Democrats be better? Absolutely. But they can't fix the problem when the other side isn't actively trying to fix the problem.

That's really the problem here. You guys are so extreme that you can't objectively assess any topics.

What a hapless troll. Anytime you want to lay out actual policy arguments and have a discussion we'll be here.

If Stock is going to a funeral, chances are Lurker will tag along. :)
That's really the problem here. You guys are so extreme that you can't objectively assess any topics.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? "

(And yes, I know it'll go over your head.)
Says the guy who just argued babies are born at six weeks. More bad faith arguments.

You're a broken parrot. You've taken other people's remarks and have them on autoplay. (bad faith, semantics, etc.)

There's absolutely no substance to any of your posts anymore.
You're a broken parrot. You've taken other people's remarks and have them on autoplay. (bad faith, semantics, etc.)

There's absolutely no substance to any of your posts anymore.

I actually think you're a pure troll so this is actually pretty hilarious.

It's always a solid troll to accuse the other person of doing what you're actually doing.
Oh, don't worry the Army is still toxic. On my most recent deployment we had guys arguing their CIB was more valid because they got shot at with an AK 47 versus the CSM who got his when his TOC was shot at by rockets.
Good grief! Both can be equally deadly. Perhaps different devises on the CIB for which type of material you were shot at by. 😂😂

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