Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I actually think you're a pure troll so this is actually pretty hilarious.

It's always a solid troll to accuse the other person of doing what you're actually doing.

This gave me a GREAT laugh. Thank you.

I wonder if you reread that and if it's other meaning dawned on you.

Self awareness is just so close, if you only reached out.
Self awareness is just so close, if you only reached out.

It’s unfortunate that you don’t quite grasp that your self awareness is the issue here.

I’ve already explained why what you’re doing is extremely partisan. But you’re either unable or unwilling to accept that reality.

You can’t take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
It’s unfortunate that you don’t quite grasp that your self awareness is the issue here.

I’ve already explained why what you’re doing is extremely partisan. But you’re either unable or unwilling to accept that reality.

You can’t take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.


It's even funnier that it went over your head.
The cost of a mortgage has more than doubled under Biden. More than double -- The same house.

The cost of groceries is up over 40% and over 70% in certain food areas.

The cost of gas is up over 40% under Biden..but has been as bad as 300% up at times what is was under Trump.

Credit card debt is up over 44% under Biden.


"But it's all the same..." :)

Joe Biden is now considered to be the 1st or 2nd worst president in the history of our country by Historians.

Kamala would be even worse. Even though Biden was walking dead, did had moments of brain power. She does not.

The people who have actually been running the country are poised to continue the largest wealth transfer in history from the middle/lower class and into their pockets.

The data doesn't lie.

Liberal OGs need to wake up before they are completely priced out.
My car insurance has tripled while my home insurance has doubled since Biden/Harris took office. I quit going to all restaurants because the prices for a meal and tip are no longer affordable. This economy is horrible.
My car insurance has tripled while my home insurance has doubled since Biden/Harris took office. I quit going to all restaurants because the prices for a meal and tip are no longer affordable. This economy is horrible.

and they will continue to increase no matter who is elected. Rising healthcare costs impacting the car insurance market is a big driver right now. This is also a HUGE issue in with health insurance companies at present. Many are not doing that well.

Just look at Florida, where a dominant Republican legislature has been dealing (and failing to fix) a broken insurance market, coupled with weather disasters that are impossible to fix.

I disagree that the economy is horrible. I just walked in the door from a local restaurant in my small town and it was- as it always is- packed. Absolutely jammed with customers.

So, I think it's all relative. But it might be awful for you though.
and they will continue to increase no matter who is elected. Rising healthcare costs impacting the car insurance market is a big driver right now. This is also a HUGE issue in with health insurance companies at present. Many are not doing that well.

Just look at Florida, where a dominant Republican legislature has been dealing (and failing to fix) a broken insurance market, coupled with weather disasters that are impossible to fix.

I disagree that the economy is horrible. I just walked in the door from a local restaurant in my small town and it was- as it always is- packed. Absolutely jammed with customers.

So, I think it's all relative. But it might be awful for you though.
“But it might be awful for you though”.

What a snide, condescending little fuqn remark.
It didn't go over my head. You're just not making the point you think you are. That's the lack of self awareness that matters.

I honestly wish this was a troll but it legitimately saddens me that you're incapable of comprehending what you're missing in the discussion.
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and they will continue to increase no matter who is elected. Rising healthcare costs impacting the car insurance market is a big driver right now. This is also a HUGE issue in with health insurance companies at present. Many are not doing that well.

Just look at Florida, where a dominant Republican legislature has been dealing (and failing to fix) a broken insurance market, coupled with weather disasters that are impossible to fix.

I disagree that the economy is horrible. I just walked in the door from a local restaurant in my small town and it was- as it always is- packed. Absolutely jammed with customers.

So, I think it's all relative. But it might be awful for you though.
I am eating breakfast at my local Metro Diner. It's packed.
and they will continue to increase no matter who is elected. Rising healthcare costs impacting the car insurance market is a big driver right now. This is also a HUGE issue in with health insurance companies at present. Many are not doing that well.

Just look at Florida, where a dominant Republican legislature has been dealing (and failing to fix) a broken insurance market, coupled with weather disasters that are impossible to fix.

I disagree that the economy is horrible. I just walked in the door from a local restaurant in my small town and it was- as it always is- packed. Absolutely jammed with customers.

So, I think it's all relative. But it might be awful for you though.

It turned out Obamacare wasn't a great idea.

The economy is still far below pre-COVID numbers -- especially if you pay attention figures other than what the Biden Administration is releasing.

Your local restaurant is not an economic indicator. You can still pack the house during a downturn if you serve quality.
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People having health care is just terrible isn't it.

As it turns out, it's slightly more complicated that just handing it out. The numbers don't work and it's failing.

We could have given everyone free healthcare and also provide homes to all of the homeless in this country with the money we've spent on a war which has caused over 600,000 in causalities and absolutely zero net gain.

But you don't want to think or talk about that.
As it turns out, it's slightly more complicated that just handing it out. The numbers don't work and it's failing.

We could have given everyone free healthcare and also provide homes to all of the homeless in this country with the money we've spent on a war which has caused over 600,000 in causalities and absolutely zero net gain.

But you don't want to think or talk about that.

Remind me who got us involved in Iraq? Remind me which side of the aisle refused to work with the other to make Obamacare more efficient?
Remind me who got us involved in Iraq? Remind me which side of the aisle refused to work with the other to make Obamacare more efficient?

I was 100% against the Iraq war and was voting against it. The difference between us is that I'm not married to any party.

You can tell when they have sold out and it's your job to put that together and pivot. The party you vote for is not your family.
I was 100% against the Iraq war and was voting against it. The difference between us is that I'm not married to any party.

It's easy to lie on the internet 20 years later. If this was 2002 to early 2003 you would be ranting and raving about about how weapons of mass destruction are all over Iraq.

The same way you believe in all the covid conspiracies.
It's easy to lie on the internet 20 years later. If this was 2002 to early 2003 you would be ranting and raving about about how weapons of mass destruction are all over Iraq.

The same way you believe in all the covid conspiracies.

Nice try. It's not like the first time I've mentioned this.

You mean the COVID conspiracies which our government has now admitted to?

If you took a breather on Beamer, you could start getting caught up on a wider variety of topics.
People having health care is just terrible isn't it.
No... you are right, we should give Healthcare to Illegals, Wait, Why not call Venezuela and give all their citizens healthcare?? WAIT. Lets just give EVERYONE in the WORLD free healthcare, I have plenty of Money!! Mu Tax Money can Give Germans and Russians Healthcare!!
Nice try. It's not like the first time I've mentioned this.

How bold of you to admit something multiple times after the fact.

I have no doubt you're one of these people who refuses to acknowledge how wrong your earlier opinions were. But those of us who are reasonable can see your extremism and laugh at you claiming you wouldn't have been an extremist then as well.
How bold of you to admit something multiple times after the fact.

I have no doubt you're one of these people who refuses to acknowledge how wrong your earlier opinions were. But those of us who are reasonable can see your extremism and laugh at you claiming you wouldn't have been an extremist then as well.

You're trolling really has taken a hit this past year. You used to be a little more clever with how you crafting your faux arguments. And to think our government is scrolls out a check for this? Just further confirmation that wide-sweeping change is desperately needed.
No... you are right, we should give Healthcare to Illegals, Wait, Why not call Venezuela and give all their citizens healthcare?? WAIT. Lets just give EVERYONE in the WORLD free healthcare, I have plenty of Money!! Mu Tax Money can Give Germans and Russians Healthcare!!
Don’t give them any ideas COD — that’s exactly what the libs will do. I once had a tenured faculty member for one of my master’s classes who thought it imperative for the U.S. to pay health care costs for all the citizens of Somalia. She insisted that our wealthy nation should pay for the well being of the most impoverished nation in the world. Typical guilt ridden white woman.
“But it might be awful for you though”.

What a snide, condescending little fuqn remark.

It's not a condescending remark. I can deliver those quite well. But that wasn't this one.

The economy can be good for some people and awful for others. That's reality.
It's easy to lie on the internet 20 years later. If this was 2002 to early 2003 you would be ranting and raving about about how weapons of mass destruction are all over Iraq.

That was the Conservative position at the time. The sad part was, they convinced many (not all) Democrats of the same thing.

A LONG, LONG list of Fox News hosts can still be seen online when looking backwards - including folks like Tucker Carlson- making fun of anyone that questioned the Republican led government position at the time that evidence was lacking, non-existent, or seemed fabricated.

To refresh my memory, I just went back and looked at an "interview" that Tucker Carlson was doing with some actress where she was arguing against the Iraq war and stating we shouldn't trust the government position and Carlson was arguing for it saying we had no reason to doubt the Bush administration and of course making fun of her for doubting we could achieve any meaningful goals, and that Iraq was a threat to us to the point where thousands of our young people needed to die. She was right. Carlson was wrong- not a surprise.
Hey Liberal OGs - Doesn't most of this read exactly like a liberal agenda pre-2008 before your party got captured?

Now you're a party of war mongering, immigration running amuck, censorship, weaponized DOJ, mandates, pushing harmful medical products, no voter ID, CBDCs, stifling innovation policies, etc.

Any liberal OGs still on board are very slow on the uptake.

president trump's 20 core promises to make america great again!
  1. Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
  2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
  3. End inflation, and make america affordable again
  4. Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
  5. Stop outsourcing, and turn the united states into manufacturing superpower
  6. Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
  7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
  8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in america
  9. End the weaponization of government against the american people
  10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
  11. Rebuild and secure U.S. cities, including Washington DC.
  12. Strengthen and modernize the military to ensure it's the most powerful globally.
  13. Maintain the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
  14. Protect Social Security and Medicare without cuts or raising the retirement age.
  15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and eliminate burdensome regulations.
  16. Cut federal funding for schools that promote controversial ideologies.
  17. Prevent men from competing in women's sports.
  18. Deport radicals and ensure safety on college campuses.
  19. Secure elections with measures like same-day voting, voter ID, and proof of citizenship.
  20. Unite the country by achieving new levels of success and prosperity.
That was the Conservative position at the time. The sad part was, they convinced many (not all) Democrats of the same thing.

A LONG, LONG list of Fox News hosts can still be seen online when looking backwards - including folks like Tucker Carlson- making fun of anyone that questioned the Republican led government position at the time that evidence was lacking, non-existent, or seemed fabricated.

To refresh my memory, I just went back and looked at an "interview" that Tucker Carlson was doing with some actress where she was arguing against the Iraq war and stating we shouldn't trust the government position and Carlson was arguing for it saying we had no reason to doubt the Bush administration and of course making fun of her for doubting we could achieve any meaningful goals, and that Iraq was a threat to us to the point where thousands of our young people needed to die. She was right. Carlson was wrong- not a surprise.

I just went back and looked at the voting, and i'm honestly surprised as many Democrats voted against it at the time. It was kind of the peak of American patriotism and belief in Bush in the post 9-11 era.

Those with the guts to vote no were definitely making an unpopular stand overall at the time.

But of course people like @Ward Jr won't own their mistakes. Which is typical of extremists.
That was the Conservative position at the time. The sad part was, they convinced many (not all) Democrats of the same thing.

A LONG, LONG list of Fox News hosts can still be seen online when looking backwards - including folks like Tucker Carlson- making fun of anyone that questioned the Republican led government position at the time that evidence was lacking, non-existent, or seemed fabricated.

To refresh my memory, I just went back and looked at an "interview" that Tucker Carlson was doing with some actress where she was arguing against the Iraq war and stating we shouldn't trust the government position and Carlson was arguing for it saying we had no reason to doubt the Bush administration and of course making fun of her for doubting we could achieve any meaningful goals, and that Iraq was a threat to us to the point where thousands of our young people needed to die. She was right. Carlson was wrong- not a surprise.

Unlike the Sociopaths you prop up, Carlson has apologized profusely for his position on the Iraq War.

Intelligent people know when they need to lay on the sword and pivot.
I just went back and looked at the voting, and i'm honestly surprised as many Democrats voted against it at the time. It was kind of the peak of American patriotism and belief in Bush in the post 9-11 era.

Those with the guts to vote no were definitely making an unpopular stand overall at the time.

But of course people like @Ward Jr won't own their mistakes. Which is typical of extremists.

Get some sleep Watson.
Now you're a party of war mongering,

Liberals aren't war mongering. We just realize you can't create a problem then run away from it and pretend it won't have long term effects.

But you guys are good at sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not your fault.
Liberals aren't war mongering. We just realize you can't create a problem then run away from it and pretend it won't have long term effects.

But you guys are good at sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not your fault.

You need some new phrases Watson. And of course you're war mongering.

The Ukraine War totally on the Biden and Obama admin. Even the god awful New York Times has written pieces on this.
You need some new phrases Watson. And of course you're war mongering.

The Ukraine War totally on the Biden and Obama admin. Even the god awful New York Times has written pieces on this.

Ah yes, all Biden and Obama's fault. No blame whatsover for the guy who encouraged Russia to invade NATO countries...

The intellectual dissonance it takes to be a far right conservative is phenomenal. Not even an ounce of questioning why Russia was attempting to help Trump get reelected...
I just went back and looked at the voting, and i'm honestly surprised as many Democrats voted against it at the time. It was kind of the peak of American patriotism and belief in Bush in the post 9-11 era.

Those with the guts to vote no were definitely making an unpopular stand overall at the time.

But of course people like @Ward Jr won't own their mistakes. Which is typical of extremists.

At the time, I was driving a lot on my job and I would tune into several NPR radio shows. One of them was OnPoint out of Boston with Tom Ashbrook. Tom was great at having one Liberal guest and one Conservative guest. They screwed up letting Tom go years ago. He was a fair host.

I remember the long parade of right leaning guests parroting the Bush administration's talking points on the Iraq war. I actually got tired of the show at the time because it was the same thing all the time- with the same arguments on both sides.

As a reminder, 6 House Republicans and 1 Independent joined 126 Democratic members of the House of Representatives in voting NAY. In the Senate, 21 Democrats, one Republican, and one Independent voted NAY.

and on 9/11/2002 - Trump responded, “Yeah, I guess so" when he was asked if he supported it. Then he added, "I wish the first time it was done correctly.” - which of course would have been possibly an even bigger mess.
Ah yes, all Biden and Obama's fault. No blame whatsover for the guy who encouraged Russia to invade NATO countries...

The intellectual dissonance it takes to be a far right conservative is phenomenal. Not even an ounce of questioning why Russia was attempting to help Trump get reelected...

If Trump keeps being Trump, he's going to destroy his own campaign. He keeps stepping in it. His personsal grievances are overwhelming him.

He's really looking like an old man lately and that's only getting worse.

I was listening to WVOC over the weekend just for a few mins while driving. They had 2 hosts on some show, clear Trump supporters, and they were fussing about him. Both ripping into him for not being able to stay focused and repeatedly screwing up by focusing on himself. It was pretty funny.
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Ah yes, all Biden and Obama's fault. No blame whatsover for the guy who encouraged Russia to invade NATO countries...

The intellectual dissonance it takes to be a far right conservative is phenomenal. Not even an ounce of questioning why Russia was attempting to help Trump get reelected...
Hmmm….. Crimea invaded and taken by Russia during Obama years. Ukraine invaded during Biden years. Russia smart enough not to invade anybody during Trump years. So who would Putin really want as the U.S. President?
If Trump keeps being Trump, he's going to destroy his own campaign. He keeps stepping in it. Her personsal grievances are overwhelming him.

He's really looking like an old man lately and that's only getting worse.

I was listening to WVOC over the weekend just for a few mins while driving. They had 2 hosts on some show, clear Trump supporters, and they were fussing about him. Both ripping into him for not being able to stay focused and repeatedly screwing up by focusing on himself. It was pretty funny.

Now do Kamala.
Hmmm….. Crimea invaded and taken by Russia during Obama years. Ukraine invaded during Biden years. Russia smart enough not to invade anybody during Trump years. So who would Putin really want as the U.S. President?

This is a superficial take and your logic makes sense at that level.

But when you dive deeper into the situation you’ll understand that Russian got the concessions they wanted under Trump so there was no need for them to do anything. Under Biden, Russia was not getting the concessions they wanted. They were legitimately afraid that Biden would force Ukraine into NATO so they invaded to prevent that from occurring.

Russia was much more afraid of a Biden administration because they felt their power would weaken. Under Trump, Russia feels much more powerful. It certainly wasn’t an issue that they felt Trump would engage Russia militarily.
In a way, Trump is now the incumbent. And Harris is the agent of change. I know that Harris is surging in the polls and even ahead in battleground states. I'm not sure that's going to last as I expect a barrage of attack ads on Harris from the Trump campaign. Time will tell. It should be interesting.

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