Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

This is a superficial take and your logic makes sense at that level.

But when you dive deeper into the situation you’ll understand that Russian got the concessions they wanted under Trump so there was no need for them to do anything. Under Biden, Russia was not getting the concessions they wanted. They were legitimately afraid that Biden would force Ukraine into NATO so they invaded to prevent that from occurring.

Russia was much more afraid of a Biden administration because they felt their power would weaken. Under Trump, Russia feels much more powerful. It certainly wasn’t an issue that they felt Trump would engage Russia militarily.

Thanks, that was a GREAT laugh.

Russia was afraid of Biden! That had to be it.
This is a superficial take and your logic makes sense at that level.

But when you dive deeper into the situation you’ll understand that Russian got the concessions they wanted under Trump so there was no need for them to do anything. Under Biden, Russia was not getting the concessions they wanted. They were legitimately afraid that Biden would force Ukraine into NATO so they invaded to prevent that from occurring.

Russia was much more afraid of a Biden administration because they felt their power would weaken. Under Trump, Russia feels much more powerful. It certainly wasn’t an issue that they felt Trump would engage Russia militarily.
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Now do Kamala.

She seems to be doing quite well. Trump is raging and all over the place, throwing out all the personal insults that don't get him anywhere and make women and independents recoil. Same mistake he made in 2020 because he can't get out of his own way.

Plus, he now looks older and sounds older. The campaign stuff is just repeating himself over and over and over, 98% of which is just attacks and complaints about 4 years ago.

Even a Fox News segment at the top of the hour mentioned her polling. I don't think she's making any real mistakes right now in her campaign. Trump is the one that had the lead over the last several months and has seen that all disappear.

In a way, Trump is now the incumbent. And Harris is the agent of change. I know that Harris is surging in the polls and even ahead in battleground states. I'm not sure that's going to last as I expect a barrage of attack ads on Harris from the Trump campaign. Time will tell. It should be interesting.

I heard a Republican operating on Sirius radio this morning say the same thing- that Trump was really more like the incumbent. He mentioned that anything the Biden administration did will really be hung on Biden's head, not hers. She was his VP. It's not her policies that the Biden administration was implementing. He said that is what she was trying to show people on the campaign trail and Trump was so poor at sticking to a message, that he was actually helping her.

He then said Trump's campaign was falling back into 2020 mistakes. That Trump was uncontrollable and reportedly more angry than ever behind the scenes at his own staff. He wants to insult and attack Harris and his campaign wants him to talk issues- which isn't something he is interesting in doing.

The best thing Harrs has going for her- like Joe Biden did in 2020- is Donald Trump and his lack of discipline and his personality.
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If Trump keeps being Trump, he's going to destroy his own campaign. He keeps stepping in it. His personsl grievances are overwhelming him.

He's really looking like an old man lately and that's only getting worse.

I was listening to WVOC over the weekend just for a few mins while driving. They had 2 hosts on some show, clear Trump supporters, and they were fussing about him. Both ripping into him for not being able to stay focused and repeatedly screwing up by focusing on himself. It was pretty funny.
If Trump is smart, he will focus on the issues. Does he have the discipline to do that? I THINK he has that in him. But I'm not sure.

He is the old person now in the campaign. Cannot escape that. I watched his press conference last week. He looked terrible, not so much because of his age but maybe the stress of the campaign.

Trump needs to grow like he did in the last month of the 2016 campaign. Harris has definitely grown from her 2020 campaign. I thought she would be a terrible candidate. But, she has surprised me.

One other thing: from my experience, the "optimistic" candidates normally win in the end. Watch for that. Who will exude optimism?
I heard a Republican operating on Sirius radio this morning say the same thing- that Trump was really more like the incumbent. He mentioned that anything the Biden administration did will really be hung on Biden's head, not hers. She was his VP. It's not her policies that the Biden administration was implementing. He said that is what she was trying to show people on the campaign trail and Trump was so poor at sticking to a message, that he was actually helping her.

He then said Trump's campaign was falling back into 2020 mistakes. That Trump was uncontrollable and reportedly more angry than ever behind the scenes at his own staff. He wants to insult and attack Harris and his campaign wants him to talk issues- which isn't something he is interesting in doing.

The best thing Harrs has going for her- like Joe Biden did in 2020- is Donald Trump and his lack of discipline and his personality.
I wrote my prior comment before I read yours. You and I are on the same page.
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Trump called Harris supporters "perverts". And then said photos of Harris supporters at her campaign spots were "AI-generated". That kind of talk is no way to win a campaign. He needs to get a hold of himself.
Trump called Harris supporters "perverts". And then said photos of Harris supporters at her campaign spots were "AI-generated". That kind of talk is no way to win a campaign. He needs to get a hold of himself.

Agreed. He needs to swing back to hammering her on issues. Will he?

He's always going to go for laughs with jabs, but he can't rely on that now.

Kamala needs to stay as quiet as possible.
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One other thing: from my experience, the "optimistic" candidates normally win in the end. Watch for that. Who will exude optimism?

I agree. I think we know Donald is going to Donald. He's going to insult, attack, call names, and spend a lot of time talking about how great he is and how unfair everyone is to him.

We will see how that works out with women and independents.
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Agreed. He needs to swing back to hammering her on issues. Will he?

He's always going to go for laughs with jabs, but he can't rely on that now.

Kamala needs to stay as quiet as possible.
I went to USC-Aiken for my first 2 years in college. It became a 4-year institution after I had left there. Tomorrow, I will be signing up for an "Adult Learning Class" on the "2024 General Election Expectations and Results". It will finish right after the election. I'm really, really looking forward to that. When I get there, I will probably feel like I have fallen into a black hole time warp being exported back in time. It should be a fun experience. If only it made me younger.
I went to USC-Aiken for my first 2 years in college. It became a 4-year institution after I had left there. Tomorrow, I will be signing up for an "Adult Learning Class" on the "2024 General Election Expectations and Results". It will finish right after the election. I'm really, really looking forward to that. When I get there, I will probably feel like I have fallen into a black hole time warp being exported back in time. It should be a fun experience. If only it made me younger.



That actually sounds like it could be interesting. I'll reach out to discuss.
I went to USC-Aiken for my first 2 years in college. It became a 4-year institution after I had left there. Tomorrow, I will be signing up for an "Adult Learning Class" on the "2024 General Election Expectations and Results". It will finish right after the election. I'm really, really looking forward to that. When I get there, I will probably feel like I have fallen into a black hole time warp being exported back in time. It should be a fun experience. If only it made me younger.

When I was at USC, one of my classes had Governor John West come and speak to us. I don't remember the talk- something generic about political campaigns. Good class. Pretty liberal professor but I didn't know that until years later because he never offered his personal opinion, contrary to the attacks people offer.
She seems to be doing quite well. Trump is raging and all over the place, throwing out all the personal insults that don't get him anywhere and make women and independents recoil. Same mistake he made in 2020 because he can't get out of his own way.

Plus, he now looks older and sounds older. The campaign stuff is just repeating himself over and over and over, 98% of which is just attacks and complaints about 4 years ago.

Even a Fox News segment at the top of the hour mentioned her polling. I don't think she's making any real mistakes right now in her campaign. Trump is the one that had the lead over the last several months and has seen that all disappear.



If only they could just keep her in stone and let her ethnicity/gender play the fiddle instead of her mind/thoughts.

When DeeDave is sitting in his thinking chair drinking Pink Rabbits, he dreams of the first woman President rather than the fact she is completely incompetent and that her party believe so too.

She's just their latest empty vessel to retain power.
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When I was at USC, one of my classes had Governor John West come and speak to us. I don't remember the talk- something generic about political campaigns. Good class. Pretty liberal professor but I didn't know that until years later because he never offered his personal opinion, contrary to the attacks people offer.
I was in a class that West spoke at USC in Columbia. I believe the professor's name was Stoudemire, who was pretty liberal. He never gave his opinion. But based on my knowledge of him...he was liberal.

posting tweets from Greenwald, who lives in Brazil, is as useful as frying a paper towel on the stove. But......

“It just seems like Trump is abandoning the framework that he embraced and gave voice to in 2016, and is returning to this old, stale, archaic, partisan way of talking about politics,” argued Greenwald in July.

What Greenwald and others always seem to forget is that her opponent is Donald Trump, not a smart, creative, inspirational policy driven human being.

Trump, a man who spent time this weekend talking about how his crowd sizes were bigger than Martin Luther King Jr's in 1963. The lunatic is unhinged.

As Dan Abrams said today on his show playing Trump's repeated comments over the weekend about his crowd sizes, "who the hell does he think this appeals to?"

It won't take a lot to beat Trump. Hopefully, Harris will prove that.
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posting tweets from Greenwald, who lives in Brazil, is as useful as frying a paper towel on the stove.

Her opponent is Donald Trump, not a smart, create, inspirational policy driven human being.

Trump, a man who spent time this weekend talking about how his crowd sizes were bigger than Martin Luther King Jr's in 1963. The lunatic is unhinged.

It won't take a lot to beat Trump. Hopefully, Harris will prove that.

Speaking of unhinged....Gomer is going to be special going into Q3/Q4 this year.

His TDS is as bad as at gets thanks to people like Chris Cuomo.

Although Cuomo was able to break free of his mind virus to some extent.
posting tweets from Greenwald, who lives in Brazil, is as useful as frying a paper towel on the stove.

Her opponent is Donald Trump, not a smart, create, inspirational policy driven human being.

Trump, a man who spent time this weekend talking about how his crowd sizes were bigger than Martin Luther King Jr's in 1963. The lunatic is unhinged.

It won't take a lot to beat Trump. Hopefully, Harris will prove that.
Trump can't get his mind off Biden. I have learned in my life that you have to put the past behind you, not dwell on it. Trump is dwelling on Biden. I know he listens to Ivanka. She needs to talk to him.
Trump can't get his mind off Biden. I have learned in my life that you have to put the past behind you, not dwell on it. Trump is dwelling on Biden.

He dwells on Biden because he can't get over that he lost to him. He can't imagine someone picked Biden over him.

He dwells on things like crowd sizes. He gets mad and insulted if someone even says someone else had a big crowd, or had as big a crowd as he did.

He spends the weekend lying about going down in a helicopter with Willie Brown- when he clearly didn't- and another black man spoke out saying it was actually him (who looks nothing like Wille Brown) and saying Trump "can't tell us apart"

He's a damn child. It's bananas type stuff.

But I sure hope he keeps it up. People think I hate Donald Trump - and I do- but people like my wife hate him a lot more. The more he does this, the more he's going to hurt himself and I sure hope he keeps it up.

Knowing he is a 100% narcissist, we all know he won't stop. He doesn't have the personal discipline.

He's like an untrained dog who can't focus, can't police himself. It actually explains a lot of his life- his lack of discipline with finances, the lack of discipline in his marriages, and the lack of discipline with women.
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I'm hearing that Kelly Ann Conway may be joining the Trump campaign. She is good. I like her. That would boost the Trump campaign, imho.

She and George were quite a pair. :D
He dwells on Biden because he can't get over that he lost to him. He can't imagine someone picked Biden over him.

He dwells on things like crowd sizes. He gets mad and insulted if someone even says someone else had a big crowd, or had as big a crowd as he did.

He spends the weekend lying about going down in a helicopter with Willie Brown- when he clearly didn't- and another black man spoke out saying it was actually him (who looks nothing like Wille Brown) and saying Trump "can't tell us apart"

He's a damn child. It's bananas type stuff.

But I sure hope he keeps it up. People think I hate Donald Trump - and I do- but people like my wife hate him a lot more. The more he does this, the more he's going to hurt himself and I sure hope he keeps it up.

Knowing he is a 100% narcissist, we all know he won't stop. He doesn't have the personal discipline.

He's like an untrained dog who can't focus, can't police himself. It actually explains a lot of his life- his lack of discipline with finances, the lack of discipline in his marriages, and the lack of discipline with women.

Talk about dwelling on someone and narcissistic behavior.

I've never seen someone so fixated on another individual in my life.

This has been going on for almost a decade now.

You need help, Gomer.
I'm hearing that Kelly Ann Conway may be joining the Trump campaign. She is good. I like her. That would boost the Trump campaign, imho.

She and George were quite a pair. :D

I doubt she helps- but who knows. After all, no one can control a pathological liar like Trump.
It will just as likely create some internal chaos given the two very strong personalities running his campaign.

I mean, here is a candidate for President and a former President running his lying mouth about how he went down in a helicopter with a man who says it never happened- with another man saying Trump is confused.

He's old now and looks even older. Especially compared to 2016. He just looks tired and it's going to get worse. That isn't going to improve.

He's probably one of the most insecure men (or humans in general) in public life.
I don't care who the candidate is. I have to vote Republican this time. I care about my lifestyle.
I care about how expensive groceries have gotten. the most expensive vehicle today is a grocery cart.
I care about how expensive gas has gotten. I never would have imagined having to budget $300 a month for gas.
I care about how high interest rates have gone. The American dream is gone with the Democrats in office.
I care about how many illegal immigrants are coming into our country. And our country giving millions of them welfare that comes from the taxes I pay every paycheck.
I care about how stupid total electric vehicles are and the fact they ignore how much it cost to keep them charged.

I have heard Kamala lie more the last 3 weeks than Trump did in 4 years. And she has changed her positions dozens of times already. They will say whatever they feel will get them more votes. She is a pathological liar herself.

She has had 3-1/2 years and neither her nor Joe have made anything Build Back Better. She has accomplished absolutely nothing. And together they have ruined our economy. They lied so much before they got elected, and still lie more today. What has gotten better?
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But I sure hope he keeps it up. People think I hate Donald Trump - and I do- but people like my wife hate him a lot more. The more he does this, the more he's going to hurt himself and I sure hope he keeps it up.

Knowing he is a 100% narcissist, we all know he won't stop. He doesn't have the personal discipline.

He's like an untrained dog who can't focus, can't police himself. It actually explains a lot of his life- his lack of discipline with finances, the lack of discipline in his marriages, and the lack of discipline with women.
I get it if you do not like Trump himself, but at least his policies made our life a whole lot better and safer.

When he was in office, we did not have this crazy economy / inflation.
When he was in office, we did not have all the riots going on and our own VP was not posting Bail for the culprits.

We did not have all these foreign wars going on. We did not give the Taliban millions of dollars' worth of military equipment. He would never ignore the troops that had been killed in Afghanistan.
He went over and kept "little missile man" in check and he would have kept Russia and Hamas in check.

No way I could vote for 4 more years of this disaster we have had in our country.
I don't care who the candidate is. I have to vote Republican this time. I care about my lifestyle.
I care about how expensive groceries have gotten. the most expensive vehicle today is a grocery cart.
I care about how expensive gas has gotten. I never would have imagined having to budget $300 a month for gas.
I care about how high interest rates have gone. The American dream is gone with the Democrats in office.
I care about how many illegal immigrants are coming into our country. And our country giving millions of them welfare that comes from the taxes I pay every paycheck.
I care about how stupid total electric vehicles are and the fact they ignore how much it cost to keep them charged.

I have heard Kamala lie more the last 3 weeks than Trump did in 4 years. And she has changed her positions dozens of times already. They will say whatever they feel will get them more votes. She is a pathological liar herself.

She has had 3-1/2 years and neither her nor Joe have made anything Build Back Better. She has accomplished absolutely nothing. And together they have ruined our economy. They lied so much before they got elected, and still lie more today. What has gotten better?

Like every other time in your adult life?

You guys are so far right that it cracks me up that you feel the need to hide it, but you just can't actually hide it because of your far right stances.
We did not give the Taliban millions of dollars' worth of military equipment. He would never ignore the troops that had been killed in Afghanistan.

As someone that had friends fighting until the last moment in Afghanistan, you couldn't be more wrong about it. Trump was the one who made the peace deal with the Taliban that reduced the number of servicemembers in Afghanistan to where we couldn't sustain our operations in the country. His decision making literally made it where guys had to fight their way out of the country while withdrawing.

Trump was the one who backed down to Turkey and pulled the green berets off the mountain to let Turkey invade into Syria.

Your last post talked about pathological liars. You might want to look in the mirror.
Like every other time in your adult life?

You guys are so far right that it cracks me up that you feel the need to hide it, but you just can't actually hide it because of your far right stances.
If far right means cheaper groceries and cheaper gas, then yes I am far right.
If it means a country that is energy independent, then yes, I am far right.
I am also a Christian. So that may make me even further far right.
What stances are you so against?
Are you against my stances on Gays, etc.?
Why do the LEFT try to throw all the LGBTQXXX stuff at us.?
A man should not be allowed to compete against a woman.
If they just started a new division, it would be great. Men's sports, women's sports, and other sports.
Then build new restrooms. Men's, Women's, & Other. They can even call their room "better' as long as they do not allow men in a lady's restroom. I am not against someone wanting change, just do not force it on me.
What about Abortion?
Abortion in not a Reproductive Right. The reproductive right is to use protection.
Reproduction = producing more. If you do not want to produce more, don't do it or get protection.

Most states allow abortion if you were actually raped. If you helped take your own clothes off, that is not rape. If you don't go to the hospital and let them get the sperm sample to prove it happened, that is not rape.

I guess that makes me FAR RIGHT.
As someone that had friends fighting until the last moment in Afghanistan, you couldn't be more wrong about it. Trump was the one who made the peace deal with the Taliban that reduced the number of servicemembers in Afghanistan to where we couldn't sustain our operations in the country. His decision making literally made it where guys had to fight their way out of the country while withdrawing.

Trump was the one who backed down to Turkey and pulled the green berets off the mountain to let Turkey invade into Syria.

Your last post talked about pathological liars. You might want to look in the mirror.
Trump had a Peace deal, and it WAS standing until Biden got in office and the Taliban were not afraid of Biden, so they attacked our troops that were still there.
Trump saw no reason for us to be at war with Turkey. Trump was not going to start that war, so he pulled them out. But if you notice, he pulled them out without any deaths which Biden couldn't do in Afghanistan against a far weaker army than the one Turkey has. I don't need to look in a mirror. I actually just look beyond the media BS at what actually was happening.
Trump had a Peace deal, and it WAS standing until Biden got in office and the Taliban were not afraid of Biden, so they attacked our troops that were still there.
Trump saw no reason for us to be at war with Turkey. Trump was not going to start that war, so he pulled them out. But if you notice, he pulled them out without any deaths which Biden couldn't do in Afghanistan against a far weaker army than the one Turkey has. I don't need to look in a mirror. I actually just look beyond the media BS at what actually was happening.

This post just epitomizes that republican ideology only works if you ignore reality.

People in the future are going to look back and wonder how people were so dumb.
If far right means cheaper groceries and cheaper gas, then yes I am far right.
If it means a country that is energy independent, then yes, I am far right.
I am also a Christian. So that may make me even further far right.
What stances are you so against?
Are you against my stances on Gays, etc.?
Why do the LEFT try to throw all the LGBTQXXX stuff at us.?
A man should not be allowed to compete against a woman.
If they just started a new division, it would be great. Men's sports, women's sports, and other sports.
Then build new restrooms. Men's, Women's, & Other. They can even call their room "better' as long as they do not allow men in a lady's restroom. I am not against someone wanting change, just do not force it on me.
What about Abortion?
Abortion in not a Reproductive Right. The reproductive right is to use protection.
Reproduction = producing more. If you do not want to produce more, don't do it or get protection.

Most states allow abortion if you were actually raped. If you helped take your own clothes off, that is not rape. If you don't go to the hospital and let them get the sperm sample to prove it happened, that is not rape.

I guess that makes me FAR RIGHT.

Impressive. Openly admitting to being racist, sexist, and homphobic. I should have read this post before your hot takes on war.

You would have been quite the leader in civil rights movement just for the wrong side.
In a way, Trump is now the incumbent. And Harris is the agent of change. I know that Harris is surging in the polls and even ahead in battleground states. I'm not sure that's going to last as I expect a barrage of attack ads on Harris from the Trump campaign. Time will tell. It should be interesting.
In Charlotte the ONLY "ATTACK ADS" i see are many attack ads toward Donald Trump by "I refuse to talk to media" Harris.. But then again, that is all the Left Has, they cant run on their record only run on HOW BAD they can make Donald Trump Look.
She will and is using the "Stay In basement Strategy" that Pedo Joe used. It may (Along with the creative vote counting) just win it for her/

It is astounding to me that we sem to be giving her a pass on campaigning, or speaking in public.

When she went weeks without talking to the press and followed it up with a comment t that she might "ina few weeks", I expected a bit more push back. But outside of conservative media, no one seems to care.
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If far right means cheaper groceries and cheaper gas, then yes I am far right.

It may take a few posts, but you'll figure out that this clowns definition of "far right" doesn't really mesh with reality. When he calls you "far right", he means anything from slightly liberal, to mainstream to radical right. It's all just "far right" to him.

But enjoy.