Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I don't care who the candidate is. I have to vote Republican this time. I care about my lifestyle.
I care about how expensive groceries have gotten. the most expensive vehicle today is a grocery cart.
I care about how expensive gas has gotten. I never would have imagined having to budget $300 a month for gas.
I care about how high interest rates have gone. The American dream is gone with the Democrats in office.
I care about how many illegal immigrants are coming into our country. And our country giving millions of them welfare that comes from the taxes I pay every paycheck.
I care about how stupid total electric vehicles are and the fact they ignore how much it cost to keep them charged.

I have heard Kamala lie more the last 3 weeks than Trump did in 4 years. And she has changed her positions dozens of times already. They will say whatever they feel will get them more votes. She is a pathological liar herself.

She has had 3-1/2 years and neither her nor Joe have made anything Build Back Better. She has accomplished absolutely nothing. And together they have ruined our economy. They lied so much before they got elected, and still lie more today. What has gotten better?
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
I do not watch much regular TV. I think candidates should always run ADs on both what they have done and what they will do. Being she was a partner of Bidens, I would be reminding people of all the bipartisan legislation they got passed. There was a lot of that, probably the most since LBJ. Attacks ads are part of the game.I expect a lot of that by Trump after the DNC convention, if his campaign people have any smarts. But I have seen Trump attack ads on Harris when in the rare times I have watched TV. But I expect a lot more from both sides.

I find myself watching less and less regular TV as well. But you can't escape the ads.

As for the positive vs negative? I tell my kids, everyone seems to not like the negative campaigning, but everyone does it. And unfortunately, it's because it works.

Gone are the days when we can expect a good debate on ideals, imo.
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I get it if you do not like Trump himself, but at least his policies made our life a whole lot better and safer.

When he was in office, we did not have this crazy economy / inflation.
When he was in office, we did not have all the riots going on and our own VP was not posting Bail for the culprits.

We did not have all these foreign wars going on. We did not give the Taliban millions of dollars' worth of military equipment. He would never ignore the troops that had been killed in Afghanistan.
He went over and kept "little missile man" in check and he would have kept Russia and Hamas in check.

No way I could vote for 4 more years of this disaster we have had in our country.

I hate Donald Trump. It's not a matter of not "liking him." I think he's a idiot- idiot personally and professionally.

He's now just a pathetic old man sounding like an obsessive fool.

I thought he was a damn fool when he was president- and made a fool of himself more times than I can count. I hate his divisive soul and everything about him. I especially hated his focus on cultural issues that only divide people.

We didn't have a post-covid economy when Trump was in office- but we sure had a hell of a supply chain problem in 2020 when he was in office. Do I blame that all on him? No. But I sure don't think he could have solved it with his scatter-brain approach to everything.

I happen to realize that the United States has recovered from COVID much better than most of the rest of the developed world. So I hvae to compare us to other developed countries- not a Pre-Covid period.

I don't think Donald Trump could have done any better and I happen to believe he would have been much worse.

Trump focuses on divisive topics and issues because he knows his base thrives on cultural war topics. It's the only way he can win.

I hope he loses his ass in the election, disappears from public life and goes off and hides out in Florida somewhere. He'll scream and cry and allege corruption because he's a 3 year old child and a lying fool.

Those are the positives I can say about him.

What people don't get is the number of folks like me that vote against someone as divisive and corrupt as Trump- more than we support anyone else on any side.
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I find myself watching less and less regular TV as well. But you can't escape the ads.

As for the positive vs negative? I tell my kids, everyone seems to not like the negative campaigning, but everyone does it. And unfortunately, it's because it works.

Gone are the days when we can expect a good debate on ideals, imo.

The ads influence people that don't pay attention to politics 99% of the time. That's more people than we think.

It's the people that see a commercial and believe most everything they see. Sadly, that's a lot of people.

All such ads are stupid, even the ones that are half way decent. Anyone being influenced at all by a radio ad, a tv ad, a social media ad is sad sack.
I hate Donald Trump. It's not a matter of not "liking him." I think he's a idiot- idiot personally and professionally.

He's now just a pathetic old man sounding like an obsessive fool.

I thought he was a damn fool when he was president- and made a fool of himself more times than I can count. I hate his divisive soul and everything about him. I especially hated his focus on cultural issues that only divide people.

We didn't have a post-covid economy when Trump was in office- but we sure had a hell of a supply chain problem in 2020 when he was in office. Do I blame that all on him? No. But I sure don't think he could have solved it with his scatter-brain approach to everything.

I happen to realize that the United States has recovered from COVID much better than most of the rest of the developed world. So I hvae to compare us to other developed countries- not a Pre-Covid period.

I don't think Donald Trump could have done any better and I happen to believe he would have been much worse.

Trump focuses on divisive topics and issues because he knows his base thrives on cultural war topics. It's the only way he can win.

Trump's IQ is more than double yours on his worst day.

He definitely has his faults.

But to say he's an idiot just makes you look like an idiot.

How did you get into this endless infatuation of fury over him?

I hate Donald Trump. It's not a matter of not "liking him." I think he's a idiot- idiot personally and professionally.

He's now just a pathetic old man sounding like an obsessive fool.

I thought he was a damn fool when he was president- and made a fool of himself more times than I can count. I hate his divisive soul and everything about him. I especially hated his focus on cultural issues that only divide people.

We didn't have a post-covid economy when Trump was in office- but we sure had a hell of a supply chain problem in 2020 when he was in office. Do I blame that all on him? No. But I sure don't think he could have solved it with his scatter-brain approach to everything.

I happen to realize that the United States has recovered from COVID much better than most of the rest of the developed world. So I hvae to compare us to other developed countries- not a Pre-Covid period.

I don't think Donald Trump could have done any better and I happen to believe he would have been much worse.

Trump focuses on divisive topics and issues because he knows his base thrives on cultural war topics. It's the only way he can win.

I hope he loses his ass in the election, disappears from public life and goes off and hides out in Florida somewhere. He'll scream and cry and allege corruption because he's a 3 year old child and a lying fool.

Those are the positives I can say about him.

What people don't get is the number of folks like me that vote against someone as divisive and corrupt as Trump- more than we support anyone else on any side.
When Biden was the candidate and the day he dropped out, I thought Trump would win. I'm not as sure today. It's a "coin toss".

I was surprised that the rank-in-file Republican voter went for him again, after he was fired by the people in 2020. It's exactly like Ray Tanner hiring Will Muschamp after he failed at Florida. It makes no sense. I don't get the appeal. His business failures have long been documented. And he is not as rich as he tried to make out he was. So, why go with him when there are so many good Republicans available? What is the appeal? If he loses, I hope that the Reagan-wing of the Republican party will take back their party from the Trump-wing.

You mention covid. His mismanagement, incompetence and lying (he is on tape to Bob Woodward saying how much more serious and deadly covid was than he was telling the public) is in the public record. Remember how it would go away with warm weather? Remember about taking disinfectant to kill covid? The U.S. has 4% of the world's population but had 20% of the world's deaths due to covid under Trump's watch. As I said, may the Reagan-wing of the Republican party come back. By the way, I voted for Reagan, twice, supported John Kasich in 2016, and on THIS site, I advocated for Chris Christie hoping to vote for him this year.
I do not think "conclusive" means what you think it means.

But after badgering you to go back and actually find this supposedly horrible quote, you finally went and tried. And exposed the entire problem with your whining.


When a girl starts taking her clothes off for me, I assume she wants "more".

"More" does not mean rape, it does not mean I think she should be raped, or I think some other guy should come by and rape her. It might mean kissing, it might mean heavy petting, sex or some light bondage involving barn animals.

You assumed it meant rape and ran with it. And given ample opportunity to own up to your mistake, you refused, doubled down and just tried to insult your way out of it.

You are worthless.

This logical reasoning is just so pathetically bad. It literally misses the entire conversation.

If a girl claims someone raped her after she took her top off. Is it possibly rape or is it not rape?
Watson, if a girl takes off her top in front of you, what are you thinking? Wait a minute. You called me homophobic. If a girl or a boy take off their shirt in front of you, what are you thinking?
I also said a girl should never take her clothes off in front of a man. All you could mention was women's right. Yes, she has rights, but she sure should not temp a man unless she expects more.

If a girl takes her top off and then tells me no, I’m not a rapist. So I will stop.

You on the other hand are saying you will continue.
This logical reasoning is just so pathetically bad. It literally misses the entire conversation.

If a girl claims someone raped her after she took her top off. Is it possibly rape or is it not rape?

Doubling down and just hurling more insults doesn't change what was never said. No matter how much you want it to.

Maybe you need to beg for more help from other posters.
If a girl takes her top off and then tells me no, I’m not a rapist. So I will stop.

You on the other hand are saying you will continue.

Can you provide a link to the post where he said that?

Or are you just making sh!t up again?
Doubling down and just hurling more insults doesn't change what was never said. No matter how much you want it to.

Maybe you need to beg for more help from other posters.

Not even responding to the question because you don’t even have a legitimate argument.

You're pathetic.
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You mention covid. His mismanagement, incompetence and lying (he is on tape to Bob Woodward saying how much more serious and deadly covid was than he was telling the public) is in the public record. Remember how it would go away with warm weather? Remember about taking disinfectant to kill covid? The U.S. has 4% of the world's population but had 20% of the world's deaths due to covid under Trump's watch. As I said, may the Reagan-wing of the Republican party come back. By the way, I voted for Reagan, twice, supported John Kasich in 2016, and on THIS site, I advocated for Chris Christie hoping to vote for him this year.

True. My goodness, just look back at all Trump's comments praising China and their dictator. He was talking about how smart he was with COVID, and how well Xi was handling COVID, and how it wasn't going to be a problem and they had it all under control. These were public comments. All total lies. China and Xi were lying and are still lying. But Trump was praising them and lying to the American people too.

And - yes- we know from Woodward's book and Trump's own comments to him that he knew it was more serious. But he was still kissing China's backside and praising them when he knew it likely came from there and China had covered it up for awhile.

And his own Republican House and Senate members covered for him for praising China.

It's fruit-cake level crazy stuff.

All politicans lie. Trump knows his supporters don't care if he lies. As he said, he could shoot someone on the street and they wouldn't care.

That's a hell of a lot of power that someone knows they have when they can lie and even kill someone and supporters won't care at all. I think that is why Trump is the way he is- he knows the folks around him- and his supporters give him no guardrails.

Imagine if you had a boss at your company that knew no one at the company cared if the boss lied to them. I would imagine most people would be scared of what that boss might do. But the boss knows he's been empowered to do whatever he wants and no one will ever care.

I mean, Trump had women at his rallies- grandmothers- most of them clearly women in their 50's and 60's with kids or grandkids at home- while they wore shirts out in public to a political rally saying they were ok with Donald Trump- a politician- grabbing them by their genitalia.

Imagine how depraved you have to be to wear a shirt like that in public? These are some of the same people accusing teachers of grooming children to "be gay" by having a book in their classroom that mentions some children might have 2 moms or 2 dads and we should understand the idea that their families- fellow classmates in some cases- might have families that look different to some people.
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Not even responding to the question because you don’t even have a legitimate argument.

You're pathetic.

Of course you won't respond. You cant even provide a quote because he never said it. And you made sh!t up again.

Like usual.
Of course you won't respond. You cant even provide a quote because he never said it. And you made sh!t up again.

Like usual.

This is legitimately sad. You’re so afraid of admitting something wrong with your side you keep pretending the clear evidence isn’t there.

It’s legitimately pathetic you’re defending a rape denier.
This is legitimately sad. You’re so afraid of admitting something wrong with your side you keep pretending the clear evidence isn’t there.

It’s legitimately pathetic you’re defending a rape denier.

Try coming up with some "clear evidence" first.

So far, you've misread someones post, refused to acknowledge your mistake and tried to get out of it by just throwing out insults.

(Actually pretty typical for you come to think of it)

I forgot, you also whined and cried for other posters to come rescue you.

You, are worthless and pathetic.
Try coming up with some "clear evidence" first.

So far, you've misread someones post, refused to acknowledge your mistake and tried to get out of it by just throwing out insults.

(Actually pretty typical for you come to think of it)

I forgot, you also whined and cried for other posters to come rescue you.

You, are worthless and pathetic.

There was no misreading of a post.

This isn’t even funny. Legitimately go ask someone with intelligence why it’s wrong to say it’s not rape if a girl takes her top off.

This is legitimately awful and makes you appear as a terrible human being.
There was no misreading of a post.

Well, I was giving you credit for it being a mistake on your part. It's no secret you'll never admit to anything, and just double down.

But if you're arguing that you're lying about his posts on purpose, just to call some anonymous poster a rapist, that's even a step lower than I thought of you.

But you do you. Even if your worthless.
Well, I was giving you credit for it being a mistake on your part. It's no secret you'll never admit to anything, and just double down.

But if you're arguing that you're lying about his posts on purpose, just to call some anonymous poster a rapist, that's even a step lower than I thought of you.

But you do you. Even if your worthless.

Seriously, go to work and tell your female coworkers it isn’t rape if they take their top off.

If you’re so certain it’s acceptable behavior.

His post was clearly an attack on rape victims and you’re disgusting to defend it.
If you had a daughter, would you want a person with a penis in the same restroom as her?

Depends. I have a trans family member. She looks very much like a woman. It would cause panic if she walked into a men's bathroom given she's been on hormones for over 5 years and doesn't look like a man.
I heard a Republican operating on Sirius radio this morning say the same thing- that Trump was really more like the incumbent. He mentioned that anything the Biden administration did will really be hung on Biden's head, not hers. She was his VP. It's not her policies that the Biden administration was implementing. He said that is what she was trying to show people on the campaign trail and Trump was so poor at sticking to a message, that he was actually helping her.

He then said Trump's campaign was falling back into 2020 mistakes. That Trump was uncontrollable and reportedly more angry than ever behind the scenes at his own staff. He wants to insult and attack Harris and his campaign wants him to talk issues- which isn't something he is interesting in doing.

The best thing Harrs has going for her- like Joe Biden did in 2020- is Donald Trump and his lack of discipline and his personality.

Wrong. The best thing Harris has going for her is a media that will cover up all of her nutty policies and lie for her. Fortunately, she's got a big mouth and there is plenty of video out there stating EXACTLY what that worthless commie believes.
Seriously, go to work and tell your female coworkers it isn’t rape if they take their top off.

If you’re so certain it’s acceptable behavior.

His post was clearly an attack on rape victims and you’re disgusting to defend it.

Who said it isn't rape if they take their top off?

No one

Why would I go tell my coworkers some pathetic lie a loser on the internet posted?

You truly are a worthless waste of a human.
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Wrong. The best thing Harris has going for her is a media that will cover up all of her nutty policies and lie for her. Fortunately, she's got a big mouth and there is plenty of video out there stating EXACTLY what that worthless commie believes.

I disagree that the videos are enough. Trumps best chance is if she has to speak publicly off teleprompter. (Soumd familiar?)

The press will ensure they minimize that, and few of these videos will be shown outside of conservative news.

She's been the nominee for how many weeks? She promises a press conference " near the end of the month" which is weeks away, and no one calls her on it?

It's the bunker candidacy all over again.

But to be honest, they're smart to do it, because it's got a good chance of working.
He dwells on Biden because he can't get over that he lost to him. He can't imagine someone picked Biden over him.

He dwells on things like crowd sizes. He gets mad and insulted if someone even says someone else had a big crowd, or had as big a crowd as he did.

He spends the weekend lying about going down in a helicopter with Willie Brown- when he clearly didn't- and another black man spoke out saying it was actually him (who looks nothing like Wille Brown) and saying Trump "can't tell us apart"

He's a damn child. It's bananas type stuff.

But I sure hope he keeps it up. People think I hate Donald Trump - and I do- but people like my wife hate him a lot more. The more he does this, the more he's going to hurt himself and I sure hope he keeps it up.

Knowing he is a 100% narcissist, we all know he won't stop. He doesn't have the personal discipline.

He's like an untrained dog who can't focus, can't police himself. It actually explains a lot of his life- his lack of discipline with finances, the lack of discipline in his marriages, and the lack of discipline with women.

Get over losing to Biden?

Trump just beat Biden. Without one single vote being cast. Made his own party turn on him and humiliate him. Ended his career.
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Who said it isn't rape if they take their top off?

No one

Why would I go tell my coworkers some pathetic lie a loser on the internet posted?

You truly are a worthless waste of a human.

This is honestly one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen in my life.

What is wrong in your life that you would be be willing to lie about something so awful ?
This is honestly one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen in my life.

What is wrong in your life that you would be be willing to lie about something so awful ?

Funny. I'm thinking the exact thing about you.

But honestly, it's par for the course for you, and not at all surprising.
I disagree that the videos are enough. Trumps best chance is if she has to speak publicly off teleprompter. (Soumd familiar?)

The press will ensure they minimize that, and few of these videos will be shown outside of conservative news.

She's been the nominee for how many weeks? She promises a press conference " near the end of the month" which is weeks away, and no one calls her on it?

It's the bunker candidacy all over again.

But to be honest, they're smart to do it, because it's got a good chance of working.
The debates will cure that. Neither one will be able to use a teleprompter. As Warren Buffett has said,
"It's only when the tide goes out that you know who's been swimming naked".
Thinking about the sight of that makes me nauseated.
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The debates will cure that. Neither one will be able to use a teleprompter. As Warren Buffett has said,
"It's only when the tide goes out that you know who's been swimming naked".
Thinking about the sight of that makes me nauseated.

I do wonder about the debates. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling there will be some squabbling over details and we might not get more than 1.
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Obviously your brain is broken then.

Because every sane person can read the above quote and know you’re disgusting.

I don't think you should make comments about people's sanity while you're on the internet lying about people supporting rape.

But doubling down and just hurling more insults doesn't change what was never said either. No matter how much you want it to.

Isn't it about time you cried for someone to come save you again?
I don't think you should make comments about people's sanity while you're on the internet lying about people supporting rape.

But doubling down and just hurling more insults doesn't change what was never said either. No matter how much you want it to.

Isn't it about time you cried for someone to come save you again?

Notice you’re continuing to ignore his direct quote that completely contradicts you.
You know, if Biden and Trump never debated, Biden would still be in the race. I bet both regret agreeing to a debate.

I wonder if that just bothers the crap out if Trump.

There's a babylon bee article that says something like "Trump worried if he wins the debate, the democrats will nominate someone better" or competent or something. But the jist is there.
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Can you provide a quote for when he denied rape?

Or is it just you making up sh!t again?

I literally posted it a few posts ago.

There is no way you can sanely argue that someone saying it’s not rape if x happens that isn’t meant to deny a rape accusation.

Your only defense is to continue to ignore the quote.

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