Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Then what is the quote I posted saying?

Which one? You've lied about a few quotes. There was the on where you said "more" has to mean rape and there's no way it could possibly mean anything else.

Then there was the one where he said she was a willing participant (taking off her own clothes) but you had to alter that quote and add "and she said no" to it, to alter its meaning. Since he never said that part.

I'm not really willing to go line by line through the whole thread and explain things to you like a two year old.

Maybe you should ask your parents....sorry, I mean mom, to have the consent talk with you.
Then there was the one where he said she was a willing participant (taking off her own clothes) but you had to alter that quote and add "and she said no" to it, to alter its meaning. Since he never said that part.

So you can imply that he meant she was consenting without saying it. But then you’re ignoring the clear implication that she then alleged rape because he didn’t explicitly say it?

Why would there be any discussion of rape if she consented?

Thats why your comments are so vile. They’re not even a good faith attempt of reading comprehension.
Why would there be any discussion of rape if she consented?

Exactly. Read that again. He's saying there is no rape if she's consenting. Joining in. Willing participant.

That doesn't equate to rape. That is what he said. If she's willing, then it's not rape. But you knew that.

You're the only one who got bent out of shape and started demanding he meant that when he said it wasn't rape that he meant it was rape.

The very first post that that you said he justified rape was:
"Most states allow abortion if you were actually raped. If you helped take your own clothes off, that is not rape."

So he's talking about abortion exceptions, and you had to twist it into something else so you could hurl lame name calling at him.

If his quote was so bad, you wouldn't have had to LIE and add "and she said no" to it later to try and make it sound bad.

If a girl takes her top off and then tells me no, I’m not a rapist. So I will stop.
Exactly. Read that again. He's saying there is no rape if she's consenting. Joining in. Willing participant.

That doesn't equate to rape. That is what he said. If she's willing, then it's not rape. But you knew that.

But taking off your clothes isn’t consent.

That’s why when you actually read his comment critically you will realize what he’s actually saying.

He’s saying that a girl who takes off her clothes consented. She then cannotclaim rape because it was consensual
If his quote was so bad, you wouldn't have had to LIE and add "and she said no" to it later to try and make it sound bad.

If his quote isn’t so bad, go tell it to your female coworkers at work. But we both know his comment is saying a girl claiming to be raped is lying. And that will get you fired from any respectful company.
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But taking off your clothes isn’t consent.

He’s saying that a girl who takes off her clothes consented. She then cannotclaim rape because it was consensual

Taking off your own clothes certainly implies consent. Hence the willingly joining in part.

He's saying the girl who consents shouldn't get an abortion, because it wasn't rape.

But you know this. That's why you had to LIE, and change his quote to make it seem different.

Taking off your own clothes certainly implies consent. Hence the willingly joining in part.

But it isn't consent is it? A girl can take off her clothes and not want to have sexual intercourse with a person. Correct?
He's saying the girl who consents shouldn't get an abortion, because it wasn't rape.

No, he's saying that a girl who takes off her clothes consented. But we know taking your clothes off isn't actual consent, right?
But you know this. That's why you had to LIE, and change his quote to make it seem different.

You're so focused on trying to accuse someone of lying, you don't even understand what's being said. You've literally spent all day arguing someone can't be raped if they take their clothes off.

It's vile and disgusting.
You're so focused on trying to accuse someone of lying, you don't even understand what's being said. You've literally spent all day arguing someone can't be raped if they take their clothes off.

I'm not arguing that at all. That's just more made up lies by you.

Like you had to LIE and alter his quote to make it mean what you want.

All day, lie after lie so you can call some anonymous poster that you've never met a supporter of rape. Talk about vile and disgusting.

What a pathetic way to get your jollies.

Anyway, off to bed. You can get your precious last word in. (It's all your really after now)

Tomorrow's another day for you to spread lies, and me to laugh at you.
I'm not arguing that at all. That's just more made up lies by you.

Like you had to LIE and alter his quote to make it mean what you want.

All day, lie after lie so you can call some anonymous poster that you've never met a supporter of rape. Talk about vile and disgusting.

What a pathetic way to get your jollies.

Interesting, notice how you quit responding to the relevant stuff again. Is it because you now understand that taking off your clothes isn't consent?

And that it really isn't cool to spend all day telling someone who was raped that they couldn't have been raped because they took their clothes off?

This is one of those times it's better to admit you were wrong than to knowingly defend "slut shaming"
Interesting, notice how you quit responding to the relevant stuff again. Is it because you now understand that taking off your clothes isn't consent?

And that it really isn't cool to spend all day telling someone who was raped that they couldn't have been raped because they took their clothes off?

This is one of those times it's better to admit you were wrong than to knowingly defend "slut shaming"

You'd have to come up with something relevant for me to respond to.

Can you post a link to where i told a rape victim she wasn't raped? Or addresssd a rape victim at all? Because you keep making up these lies, and then never back them up.
You'd have to come up with something relevant for me to respond to.

Can you post a link to where i told a rape victim she wasn't raped? Or addresssd a rape victim at all? Because you keep making up these lies, and then never back them up.

You would think after sleeping on it, you would want to be a decent human being.

But I guess not.
You would think after sleeping on it, you would want to be a decent human being.

But I guess not.

I'm not the one needing to crawl out of the gutter. You know that, but it's funny how desperately you'll cling to your lies rather than just admit you made a mistake.
But it isn't consent is it? A girl can take off her clothes and not want to have sexual intercourse with a person. Correct?

No, he's saying that a girl who takes off her clothes consented. But we know taking your clothes off isn't actual consent, right?

It's vile and disgusting.
Like I stated, you are obviously not qualified to even comment any more. Why on earth would a girl take her clothes off in front of a man? TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF IS CONSENT. Go ask a judge how he sees it? I do not know where you were raised to think otherwise. That is what you would understand if you had ever raised a girl. I pray you never have to raise one.
I'm not the one needing to crawl out of the gutter. You know that, but it's funny how desperately you'll cling to your lies rather than just admit you made a mistake.

I've already proven my point. That's why you can't address the substance. You keep saying it doesn't exist.

You're the one lying to yourself and lying to others.
Like I stated, you are obviously not qualified to even comment any more. Why on earth would a girl take her clothes off in front of a man? TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF IS CONSENT. Go ask a judge how he sees it? I do not know where you were raised to think otherwise. That is what you would understand if you had ever raised a girl. I pray you never have to raise one.

Taking your clothes off is absolutely not consent. Can it be an indicator of consent? Yes

But just because someone took their clothes off does not mean they weren't raped.

Your posts highlight how useless praying is, but I hope you don't have any daughters you would "slut shame" if she was raped.
I've already proven my point. That's why you can't address the substance. You keep saying it doesn't exist.

You're the one lying to yourself and lying to others.

You have to provide something of substance. So far you e provided a quote about misreading the word "more", and then altered another quote.

Maybe you just don't understand it, but that's not substance.
You have to provide something of substance. So far you e provided a quote about misreading the word "more", and then altered another quote.

Maybe you just don't understand it, but that's not substance.

I love that the dude you've spent two days defending is already back again doubling down that

I look forward to your posts alleging I'm somehow misrepresenting a direct quote.

He even used all caps and bold to highlight his hatred of women.
Like I stated, you are obviously not qualified to even comment any more. Why on earth would a girl take her clothes off in front of a man? TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF IS CONSENT. Go ask a judge how he sees it? I do not know where you were raised to think otherwise. That is what you would understand if you had ever raised a girl. I pray you never have to raise one.

It's pretty obvious he has no leg to stand on. You can explicitly tell him one thing, and he'll claim you're saying the opposite.

Forgive me for coming across condescending, but you're new. This is Watson, and this is what he does. It's normal and expected.

And I just love rubbing his nose in it.
Like I stated, you are obviously not qualified to even comment any more. Why on earth would a girl take her clothes off in front of a man? TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF IS CONSENT. Go ask a judge how he sees it? I do not know where you were raised to think otherwise. That is what you would understand if you had ever raised a girl. I pray you never have to raise one.

You guys are delving into some pretty far-fetched hypotheticals with this one. '

However, if a woman takes her clothes off and then expressly indicates she doesn't want to proceed, that's her right.

Who knows what her background is and what's she's been through previously? Maybe she thought she was ready but she isn't?

An analogy might be -- Imagine roughhousing with one of your buddies and it gets a little too rough and you say "that's it" and he then proceeds to throw a punch a knock you out. That's assault.

As far interpretation from a court of law, it would depend whether the party who wanted the action to stop was clear about that.

She'll likely say she was crystal clear. He'll probably adamantly deny it.

So it ultimately turns into a "He said - She said" case and it will be the nuisances of the situation judge/jury will use to in quest for their decision.
He even used all caps and bold to highlight his hatred of women.

His hatred of women? That would be comedy gold if it wasn't so pathetic.

He says he's talking about a girl giving consent, and you insist that giving consent means rape.

Typical Watson. Worthless.
TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF IS CONSENT. Go ask a judge how he sees it? I do not know where you were raised to think otherwise. That is what you would understand if you had ever raised a girl. I pray you never have to raise one.

legally that wouldn't necessarily be true.

That would imply if say a woman takes her shirt off that she can't then change her mind, when she clearly can. Because she could at some point choose to put it back on, or simply say "no" and not want to proceed further- or at all.

I feel pretty confident that there are many women - like men- who have started to do something but changed their mind at the last minute. I can't see a jury or judge saying "well, too late. You had removed some of your clothing so you couldn't change your mind and I'm not going to hold the man accountable for proceeding against your wishes"

It's important for any guy or any woman to remember that anyone can change their mind at the last second and that matters. It matters personally and legally.

and yes, I have a daughter who is 16 and we have a great relationship, just dropped her off at school.
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You guys are delving into some pretty far-fetched hypotheticals with this one. '

However, if a woman takes her clothes off and then expressly indicates she doesn't want to proceed, that's her right.

Who knows what her background is and what's she's been through previously? Maybe she thought she was ready but she isn't?

An analogy might be -- Imagine roughhousing with one of your buddies and it gets a little too rough and you say "that's it" and he then proceeds to throw a punch a knock you out. That's assault.

As far interpretation from a court of law, it would depend whether the party who wanted the action to stop was clear about that.

She'll likely say she was crystal clear. He'll probably adamantly deny it.

So it ultimately turns into a "He said - She said" case and it will be the nuisances of the situation judge/jury will use to in quest for their decision.

I have to give you credit for being reasonable on this one. It gives more credibility that your other stances are in good faith.

This discussion has had the opposite reaction for @Lurker123.
I have to give you credit for being reasonable on this one. It gives more credibility that your other stances are in good faith.

This discussion has had the opposite reaction for @Lurker123.

I'd like to say you lost credibility in this discussion. But you had none at the beginning.
I have to give you credit for being reasonable on this one. It gives more credibility that your other stances are in good faith.

This discussion has had the opposite reaction for @Lurker123.

The challenge with situations like this is that there's typically alcohol and/or drugs involved which muddies up what actually happened and/or was expressed.

It is not uncommon for women to have 'buyer's remorse" once they sober up and attempt to assuage their guilt through legal action at the guy's expense. This cases are more common with college kids.
The challenge with situations like this is that there's typically alcohol and/or drugs involved which muddies up what actually happened and/or was expressed.

It is not uncommon for women to have 'buyer's remorse" once they sober up and attempt to assuage their guilt through legal action at the guy's expense.

Of course. There certainly are false allegations of rape.

But at the end of the day @AikenGameFan unprompted statements that taking your clothes off is irrevocable consent is unhinged.
Except when you lied to change his quote, because his original quote was a bit to benign for you.

When did I change his quote?

By adding the scenario where the victim says no? That is showing an example of why he was wrong. Thats how logical reasoning works.
When did I change his quote?

By adding the scenario where the victim says no?

Yes, you changed his quote to add that she changes her mind. That is totallly changing the scenario, and he never included that, you did.

But you did it on purpose. Adding that she changes her mind changes it from consent to non consenting. And that was why I say you changed his quote so that you can whine about it.

But again, you know this already, you did it on purpose.
Yes, you changed his quote to add that she changes her mind. That is totallly changing the scenario, and he never included that, you did.
No, he clearly said that if someone takes off their clothes they can't claim rape.

If you couldn't properly interpret that from his comment, you have a reading comprehension deficiency.
No, he clearly said that if someone takes off their clothes they can't claim rape.

If you couldn't properly interpret that from his comment, you have a reading comprehension deficiency.

Well, you've admitted you changed his quote.

You've also admitted it changed the scenario.

That's more then I ever thought I could get out of you.

Proceed with your lies, I will continue to laugh.
Well, you've admitted you changed his quote.

You've also admitted it changed the scenario.

That's more then I ever thought I could get out of you.

Proceed with your lies, I will continue to laugh.

Blaming rape victims for being raped isn't anything to laugh about it.

It's a shame you don't have any integrity.
Blaming rape victims for being raped isn't anything to laugh about it.

It's a shame you don't have any integrity.

Can you point to anywhere where I did that?

Or are you just making sh!t up again?

Because the guy admitting to lying shouldn't be talking about integrity. You have none.
Can anyone explain why the progressive Democrats want abortion to now be allowed all the way up until birth?

In 2020, the US abortion count was 930,000.

Meanwhile, murders in the US totaled 21,570.

I realize there are socio-economic issues at play in cases, but this is getting totally out of hand.

Have you ever wondered why there's no education explaining that a women's fertile period only lasts for 6 days a month.

Why isn't there a simple App to tract it, stay informed, and cut down drastically on the ever-rising abortion rate?

The only logical reason -- Money. The same people pushing abortion the hardest are also the ones profiting from it.
Good Lord.

I think we can all agree on the following:

Rape is bad.

Just because a woman takes off her shirt, doesn't give anyone permission to do anything in and of itself. She very well still might say "no" and that's fine and that should end it.
Good Lord.

I think we can all agree on the following:

Rape is bad.

Just because a woman takes off her shirt, doesn't give anyone permission to do anything in and of itself. She very well still might say "no" and that's fine and that should end it.

The problem is that @Lurker123 liked your post but has spent two days arguing against it.

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