Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

At least one got to be a selection because voters selected him. The other was more anointed, you know, to save Democracy with price controls and the government takeover of healthcare. lol

Yet millions more Americans will vote for Harris than vote for Trump...
Yet millions more Americans will vote for Harris than vote for Trump...

Nobody said all voters were smart. Biden got millions more votes than Trump. Where is he now?

The only question is how many people are stupid enough to vote for Biden wearing lipstick with worse policies and half the IQ?
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Nobody said all voters were smart. Biden got millions more votes than Trump. Where is he now?

President of the United States of America
The only question is how many people are stupid enough to vote for Biden wearing lipstick with worse policies and half the IQ?
If Trump had better policies, he wouldn't be losing the popular vote by millions of voters.
Glad to confirm you think Republican voters are sheep.

Can you point to where I said that?

There's a large section of both that are though. Patting ourselves on the back for fooling more sheep is hardly a thing to be celebrating. At least it shouldn't be.

It's a good "bipartisan" exercise to recognize the faults on both sides instead of just saying they lie on one side.
President of the United States of America

Not really. He is a powerless lame duck that was stabbed in the back and humiliated by his own party. And he is mad about it.

Trump had a term, and might get another. Biden is going out like a bitch back to Delaware.
Not really. He is a powerless lame duck that was stabbed in the back and humiliated by his own party. And he is mad about it.

Trump had a term, and might get another. Biden is going out like a bitch back to Delaware.

He's not powerless. Any president has a lot of power. So that is a really poor misconception.

He's not humiliated. He did the right thing and will always be remembered for doing something that almost no one in his position would ever do- but was clearly the right thing to do.

He'll be fine if he lives for long enough for some reflection on his term and to appreciate that he will go down in history as giving his party the best chance possible to stay in the White House.

He's won't humiliate himself by acting like Donald Trump and whining like a sore loser bitch- like Trump and millions of his cult that couldn't accept a loss.
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If Trump had better policies, he wouldn't be losing the popular vote by millions of voters.

People were stupid enough to vote for Hiding Biden and got what they vote for. A moron in mental decline with bad economic policies and giggling DEI understudy what was even dumber. We will see if people learned something, or if the beating have to continue.
People were stupid enough to vote for Hiding Biden and got what they vote for. A moron in mental decline with bad economic policies and giggling DEI understudy what was even dumber. We will see if people learned something, or if the beating have to continue.

Like tens of millions, a fool like Trump wasn't going to get their vote.

The most damning thing regarding Trump was - that a man who spent most of his time not actually campaigning beat him. That was a big burn on Trump. But, a lot of people could have beat Trump in 2020- and the guy who did it didn't even work hard doing it.

I don't think most of those people regret that vote.

Harris seems to be doing quite fine against Trump so far. Even he knows it. That's why he's scrambling to hire people.
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He's not powerless. Any president has a lot of power. So that is a really poor misconception.

He's not humiliated. He did the right thing and will always be remembered for doing something that almost no one in his position would ever do- but was clearly the right thing to do.

He'll be fine if he lives for long enough for some reflection on his term and to appreciate that he will go down in history as giving his party the best chance possible to stay in the White House.

He's won't humiliate himself by acting like Donald Trump and whining like a sore loser bitch- like Trump and millions of his cult that couldn't accept a loss.

HE didn't decide anything. It was decided for him, like most things in his presidency. He and Pelosi aren't even speaking now.

Trump humiliated him at the debate. The Dems humiliated him even more afterwards. History will prove him a nutless coward that bowed to big money donors and the extreme lunatics of his party. And unlike Trump, he is too weak and powerless to fight.
Like tens of millions, a fool like Trump wasn't going to get their vote.

The most damning thing regarding Trump was - that a man who spent most of his time not actually campaigning beat him. That was a big burn on Trump. But, a lot of people could have beat Trump in 2020- and the guy who did it didn't even work hard doing it.

I don't think most of those people regret that vote.

Harris seems to be doing quite fine against Trump so far. Even he knows it. That's why he's scrambling to hire people.

Obviously, most did regret it, or his own party wouldn't have taken him out behind the barn because they were sure he couldn't beat Trump again because he was such a failure.

And it's no "burn" on Trump that Hiding Biden won. No Democrat has to work hard. The lying media does the work for them. That's why Biden's toughest question was "What flavor of ice cream are you eating?" until it was clearly that Trump was going to beat him. Then, they jumped in with the Dem elites to kick him out.

The only question now is are those voters stupid enough to make an even worse decide than they did in 2020? If not, the beatings will continue.
HE didn't decide anything. It was decided for him, like most things in his presidency. He and Pelosi aren't even speaking now.

Trump humiliated him at the debate. The Dems humiliated him even more afterwards. History will prove him a nutless coward that bowed to big money donors and the extreme lunatics of his party. And unlike Trump, he is too weak and powerless to fight.

He did- he's said he did. No one could force him out. He made that decision when he saw there was no way to win and no way out of this- and it was the right thing to do- the only right thing to do.

Biden and Pelosi will be fine. Thank God she had the guts to talk to him and tell him the truth. Biden will get over it. One of his best friends in the Senate, Chris Coons, said this past week it will take him a little time as it always does but he's a forgiving person. That's his personality. Always has been. He doesn't hold grudges and he just needs a little time.

Biden humiliated himself at the debate. Trump was busy telling even more lies than Biden.

History will clearly prove he did the right thing- the only thing he really could do- and most fair-minded people (you aren't in that group)- even some Republicans- have already said this publicly.

Trump is a coward and a fool. That's clear and will remain so no matter how much you worship the POS.
Obviously, most did regret it, or his own party wouldn't have taken him out behind the barn because they were sure he couldn't beat Trump again because he was such a failure.

your post is stupid. We were proud he beat Trump in 2020. But it was time to go and he did the right thing.

And it's no "burn" on Trump that Hiding Biden won. No Democrat has to work hard. The lying media does the work for them. That's why Biden's toughest question was "What flavor of ice cream are you eating?" until it was clearly that Trump was going to beat him. Then, they jumped in with the Dem elites to kick him out.

The only question now is are those voters stupid enough to make an even worse decide than they did in 2020? If not, the beatings will continue.

Sure it's a "burn' on Trump.

It's why Mark Meadows, his own chief of staff- and Mick Mulvaney- his acting chief of staff- have both said Trump knew he lost the election but told Mark Meadows that he didn't want "people to think I am a loser"

For a fool ego like Trump to lose to someone that didn't campaign that hard was a gut punch. His own advisors have said so.

Biden made a great decision- a tough one. I was glad to see it. That right wing-nuts like you keep whining about it proves it was the right decision even more.

And with Trump making his usual world class stupid comments and illogical comparsons about things that aren't necessary, it gives Harris a great chance.

Obviously, most did regret it, or his own party wouldn't have taken him out behind the barn because they were sure he couldn't beat Trump again because he was such a failure.

And it's no "burn" on Trump that Hiding Biden won. No Democrat has to work hard. The lying media does the work for them. That's why Biden's toughest question was "What flavor of ice cream are you eating?" until it was clearly that Trump was going to beat him. Then, they jumped in with the Dem elites to kick him out.

The only question now is are those voters stupid enough to make an even worse decide than they did in 2020? If not, the beatings will continue.

Someone is really upset that Biden isn't running...

It's hilarious. So predictable too. They sure are mad about it.

You would think they would take some ownership of the fact they nominated a candidate who can't even beat someone who was a last minute swap on the ticket.
Someone is really upset that Biden isn't running...

Nobody is upset that idiot isn't running. Harris is a FAR WORSE candidate than Biden. She couldn't even win ONE delegate in 2020. The only issue is the timing. She is hiding like Biden and the media is trying to run out the clock.

Typical douchebaggery from the Dems. Gotta overrule voters and anoint a closet communist in lipstick to "save Democracy". Even you should be smart enough to see the irony in that.
What's funny is that laughing idiot FINALLY comes out with an "economic policy", and it's stolen from the Soviet Union. And she can't even pronounce it correctly. She called it "price gauging". lol

Man, what crazy times we live in. Some don't want the guy that built a multi billion dollar fortune running economic policy. Nope. They want the communist, former-milk shake machine girl from McDonald's with the crazy laugh who already help run prices up 20% running things.

Hilarious how stupid people are. Maybe we deserve it.
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He did- he's said he did. No one could force him out. He made that decision when he saw there was no way to win and no way out of this- and it was the right thing to do- the only right thing to do.

Biden and Pelosi will be fine. Thank God she had the guts to talk to him and tell him the truth. Biden will get over it. One of his best friends in the Senate, Chris Coons, said this past week it will take him a little time as it always does but he's a forgiving person. That's his personality. Always has been. He doesn't hold grudges and he just needs a little time.

Biden humiliated himself at the debate. Trump was busy telling even more lies than Biden.

History will clearly prove he did the right thing- the only thing he really could do- and most fair-minded people (you aren't in that group)- even some Republicans- have already said this publicly.

Trump is a coward and a fool. That's clear and will remain so no matter how much you worship the POS.

LOL Trump a coward? When Trump got shot by an assassin, he stood up, put his fist in the air, and yelled "FIGHT".

Biden got kicked out of the entire election by donors and an 84 year old former House Speaker that tucks her boobs in her pants.
LOL Trump a coward? When Trump got shot by an assassin, he stood up, put his fist in the air, and yelled "FIGHT".

Biden got kicked out of the entire election by donors and an 84 year old former House Speaker that tucks her boobs in her pants.

Trump is a coward's coward. He's the coward that the coward's are concerned about might be too cowardly. LOL

He's such a weak snowflake, he has folks like you whining about him and carrying his jock around your nose.
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Man, what crazy times we live in. Some don't want the guy that built a multi billion dollar fortune running economic policy.

some don't want a pathological liar, a scumbag, who can't get out of his own way long enough to make any sense.

A man who INCREASED the trade deficit while in office- while running around lying that he decreased it.

A damn coward if there ever was one. If he loses- IF- I hope some walks up to him and hands him a shirt with the word "LOSER" spelled out and gives it to him as soon as he finds out.

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show​

At least we got to vote for ours. You got told who to vote for. Now be a good little bitch and do as you are told.

The great thing about it was- anyone would have been fine except for Trump. ANYONE.

Sorry that ticks you off- well - not really. Not sorry at all actually. You can stew about it all day if you like..
The great thing about it was- anyone would have been fine except for Trump. ANYONE.

Sorry that ticks you off- well - not really. Not sorry at all actually. You can stew about it all day if you like..

Really? ANYONE "would have been fine" except Trump? That shows an extra special level of crazy. You literally have someone spouting communist economic policies and all your brain can come up with is "orange man bad" because of your "feelings".

And I'm not going to "stew". Seems that what you want for some weird reason. As a man, I actually feel sorry for you. No way a man comes to the conclusions you do on his own. Something went really wrong somewhere. It's like a cult or a dominant liberal spouse or maybe even mental illness. I've seen it before. Pretty pathetic. I'd be angry and self-loathing too. Sad. Hope you get the help you need.
There is "sheep voting" on both sides. I wish there "non-partisan" labels forcing people to think before voting. A "rank" system would be a good alternative. But we have the system we have.
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There is "sheep voting" on both sides. I wish there "non-partisan" labels forcing people to think before voting. A "rank" system would be a good alternative. But we have the system we have.

The two party system is really doing us no favors. But we're stuck with it, as they both agree to step on 3rd parties.
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Not screwing anyone. Cutting COLAS and increasing the age eligibility is not screwing anyone over. With lifespans being what they are, people are getting back more in Social Security than they are putting in.
It should be more. The money you worked for was taken from you and used for other things like a bank would do. Getting more back than you put in would account for the time value of money and opportunities lost.
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Hopefully enough people will also remember their 5 grades social studies and the harsh realities of marxism/communism.

Feels like this L is going to really break you.

Wish you guys would realize what changes you need to make if you want to be competitive again.
Feels like this L is going to really break you.

Wish you guys would realize what changes you need to make if you want to be competitive again.
Hey, Comrade Kamala just said it won’t be an L. She says a team can be undefeated even if it doesn’t win every game. WOW, such stupidity. With that kind of thinking it’s no wonder young men are such wusses these days.
Feels like this L is going to really break you.

Wish you guys would realize what changes you need to make if you want to be competitive again.

Like what? Get rid of our primaries and install a couple of communists? Because that is EXACTLY what the Dems did.

And I'll be fine, unless Komrad Kalama starts seizing personal accounts and assets like she wants to seize patents. Her Dad was a marxist professor. She was raised in it. I wouldn't put anything past her. I've been fine during Biden's shadow presidency. But I don't live in a vacuum and have compassionate to the people that are hurting. But that compassion has limits. Get fooled one time, and I understand. Vote for the same horrible policies and worse, and at that point you deserve it.
Like what? Get rid of our primaries and install a couple of communists? Because that is EXACTLY what the Dems did.

And I'll be fine, unless Komrad Kalama starts seizing personal accounts and assets like she wants to seize patents. Her Dad was a marxist professor. She was raised in it. I wouldn't put anything past her. I've been fine during Biden's shadow presidency. But I don't live in a vacuum and have compassionate to the people that are hurting. But that compassion has limits. Get fooled one time, and I understand. Vote for the same horrible policies and worse, and at that point you deserve it.

It would be nice if you guys started advocating some moderate positions to help take the country forward.

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