Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

This current cut of the Democratic Party is a corrupt embarrassment.

It’s become deeply evil and divorced from compassion and morals.

It is in fact a cult.

An army of weak men and angry women.

It’s worse than the early 2000’s neocons which I didn’t think was possible.

Anti-American to the core.
Honestly, if you find tampons being in a boys bathroom that upsetting you have issues.

You afraid someone is going to start menstruating that shouldn’t?

No, comrade, it's about the thought process that allows somebody to do something so galactically stupid and think it's somehow normal. If that is how your f'ed up brain works, you probably shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for yourself, let alone the entire nation.

But you are a good Commucrat. Support moronic policies, and then tell the people that call them moronic that THEY are the ones with issues. Classic projection/gaslighting. WE aren't crazy to put tampons in the 4th grade boys bathroom. It's YOU that's crazy for calling obviously crazy policies crazy.
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No, comrade, it's about the thought process that allows somebody to do something so galactically stupid and think it's somehow normal. If that is how your f'ed up brain works, you probably shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for yourself, let alone the entire nation.

But you are a good Commucrat. Support moronic policies, and then tell the people that call them moronic that THEY are the ones with issues. Classic projection/gaslighting. WE aren't crazy to put tampons in the 4th grade boys bathroom. It's YOU that's crazy for calling obviously crazy policies crazy.

What harm is caused by putting tampons in a boys bathroom?

Is it virtue signaling? Absolutely. But to act like it causes problem is where your extremism shows.

Unlike abortion bans, which cause real harm to women.
What a load of misplaced virtue.

A baby doesn't know it's about to be eliminated just like a man doesn't know he's about to get shot in the back.

If you're actually concerned about the plight of the innocent, why are you supporting our actions in Ukraine?

It's not like the left wing rags haven't been hypercritical of our role in the war.

This really just highlights why you guys are extremists. The world isn't black and white, it's a lot of gray.
Did anyone think this election season would be this exciting? I sure didn't. I am so looking forward to the next 2 1/2 months. I don't think I have ever looked more forward to an election season.
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What harm is caused by putting tampons in a boys bathroom?

Is it virtue signaling? Absolutely. But to act like it causes problem is where your extremism shows.

Unlike abortion bans, which cause real harm to women.

What Harm?? you are kidding?? First off "waste of tax payer money" secondly it would be encouraging MEN to do the Unthinkable and claim they are women.. As far as Harm?? WOW..... It would kill anyone i guess, so i see YOUR point!!
What Harm?? you are kidding?? First off "waste of tax payer money" secondly it would be encouraging MEN to do the Unthinkable and claim they are women.. As far as Harm?? WOW..... It would kill anyone i guess, so i see YOUR point!!

And you guys wonder why your party struggles to get female voters. You're arguing that providing free menstruating products is a waste of taxpayer money?
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Did anyone think this election season would be this exciting? I sure didn't. I am so looking forward to the next 2 1/2 months. I don't think I have ever looked more forward to an election season. And I have seen quite a few, and even participated in some at a high level.
Well if one of the Candidates would get out of the basement and do an Interview or a debate, MAYBE you would be correct. But right now it is like the last (Potus) cycle, ONE hiding in basement and being protected by the Media, and one out campaigning doing interviews, answering questions, stating his platform etc etc etc. But Hey you can not blame the other one i guess, it worked last time...
And you guys wonder why your party struggles to get female voters. You're arguing that providing free menstruating products is a waste of taxpayer money?
I am Far from a genius or all knowing (like you) but i would BET YOU that if you polled all the Moms of young boys out there, they would be overwhelming be in favor of their Sons being BOYS not claiming to be GIRLS!!
Wait, you said Tampons in the Little boys room, not ladies' room didnt you?? Sorry I misunderstood you. Yes Tampons in Ladies room is a good idea..

The bill @GoCocksFight2021 is complaining about was a bill that provided free menstruating products primarily to people who identify as girls in schools. As part of the bill they also give products to anyone who menstruates no matter how they identify. How anyone can be upset about a few trans students getting free products is sad and pathetic.
Well if one of the Candidates would get out of the basement and do an Interview or a debate, MAYBE you would be correct. But right now it is like the last (Potus) cycle, ONE hiding in basement and being protected by the Media, and one out campaigning doing interviews, answering questions, stating his platform etc etc etc. But Hey you can not blame the other one i guess, it worked last time...
I take it a step forward: be interviewed by a segment of the media not sucking up to the views of the particular candidate. It matters not because we will see them debate.
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Well if one of the Candidates would get out of the basement and do an Interview or a debate, MAYBE you would be correct. But right now it is like the last (Potus) cycle, ONE hiding in basement and being protected by the Media, and one out campaigning doing interviews, answering questions, stating his platform etc etc etc. But Hey you can not blame the other one i guess, it worked last time...
And I am correct. This is an exciting campaign. It is to me, anyway. Buckle up chin straps and be sure to wear your jock straps.
Just stop. You are looking like a fool. Biden was 100% pushed out. Nobody believes he decided that on his own. He was forced.

And her Dad was a Marxist economist hired to teach "alternative" economic policies at Stanford. That is fact.
Her first big policy announcement was about as Marxist as it could be. Not a coincidence if you have a brain.

And she absolutely DID SAY SHE WOULD SEIZE PATENTS. And look how crazy-eyed this nut job is when she talked about it and her having the will to do it.

And she said she would take on price gouging DAY 1. Is she predicting an "emergency situation" on Day 1? How is that "very limited"?

Total Nutjob.
She also wants to raise corporate taxes to 28 percent. Being the economically illiterate child she is she doesn’t understand that corporations will merely pass the tax increases on to the consumer. Corporate Finance 101: pass along all taxes to the final consumer. In the end, tax increases only result in higher prices to the consuming public. It ain’t rocket science.
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She also wants to raise corporate taxes to 28 percent. Being the economically illiterate child she is she doesn’t understand that corporations will merely pass the tax increases on to the consumer. Corporate Finance 101: pass along all taxes to the final consumer. In the end, tax increases only result in higher prices to the consuming public. It ain’t rocket science.

But but but capitalism.

The consumers can pick the companies that don't pass along those taxes to the customer right?
Hopefully enough people will also remember their 5 grades social studies and the harsh realities of marxism/communism.

We remember those lessons and the cold war. It's the reason this country will not elect a anti-democracy, Putin loving and from day one dictator.
We remember those lessons and the cold war. It's the reason this country will not elect a anti-democracy, Putin loving and from day one dictator.
People forget that Putin is an ex-Commie KGB agent. And what most don't know: his inner circle of advisers are also ex-KGB agents.
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No, comrade, it's about the thought process that allows somebody to do something so galactically stupid and think it's somehow normal. If that is how your f'ed up brain works, you probably shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for yourself, let alone the entire nation.

But you are a good Commucrat. Support moronic policies, and then tell the people that call them moronic that THEY are the ones with issues. Classic projection/gaslighting. WE aren't crazy to put tampons in the 4th grade boys bathroom. It's YOU that's crazy for calling obviously crazy policies crazy.
☝️☝️ “galacticilly stupid”. That is so funny — but sadly true.
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We remember those lessons and the cold war. It's the reason this country will not elect a anti-democracy, Putin loving and from day one dictator.

Fowl - If you haven't gotten the memo, The Steele Dossier was fake.

It was election inference material paid for by Hillary Clinton and it was treasonous.

Trump served for four years.

The economy was far stronger.

Mortgages and gas were half the price.

Almost zero inflation.

We weren't in BS wars killing the innocent.

Our borders weren't letting in unchecked immigrants at a 10x rate.

We didn't have leaders lying about experimental medical products while trying to shove them down our throats.

There was no weaponizing of the justice system.

No censorship campaign against average Americans.

And that's just for starters.
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People forget that Putin is an ex-Commie KGB agent. And what most don't know: his inner circle of advisers are also ex-KGB agents.

I doubt many forget.

I'd be more worried about the CIA and the FBI activities over the past 50 years than what is going on a world away.
We remember those lessons and the cold war. It's the reason this country will not elect a anti-democracy, Putin loving and from day one dictator.

Then your short term memory must be a little off.

Putin took land from Obama/Biden.
Putin took land from Biden/Harris.
Nothing under Trump.

Trump was the FIRST to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons because Obama/Biden refused.
Trump also stopped Putin's pipeline.

Within 4 months of being in office...
Biden halted shipment of lethal weapons
Biden lifted the ban on Putin pipeline.
Constantly blabbed about Ukraine being allowed in NATO.

You are being gaslighted. Trump and Putin spoke nice in public for diplontic reasons, but Putin respected and feared Trump. He KNOWS Biden and Harris are political cowards that will do whatever is political best for them.
Fowl - If you haven't gotten the memo, The Steele Dossier was fake.

It was election inference material paid for by Hillary Clinton and it was treasonous.

Trump served for four years.

The economy was far stronger.

Mortgages and gas were half the price.

Almost zero inflation.

We weren't in BS wars killing the innocent.

Our borders weren't letting in unchecked immigrants at a 10x rate.

We didn't have leaders lying about experimental medical products while trying to shove them down our throats.

There was no weaponizing of the justice system.

No censorship campaign against average Americans.

And that's just for starters.

Lifetime Democratic voters = political version of battered woman syndrome
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Tim Walz is such a Chinese-obsessed communist, he planned his wedding day on the 5th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

What kind of nutjob does that? And Trump/Vance are weird? Unbelievable.

Your post shows your lack of understanding of what the Tianamen Square massacre meant to Walz. Maybe this quote from the BBC will give you some insight if that's possible.

"The fact that his teaching posting took place in 1989 - the year of the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing - was not lost on some.

The Chinese cannot say much about the massacre for risk of getting censored. They refer to it obliquely - one comment simply said "if you know, you know".

Foreigners who were in China at that time "are the most anti-China", said another user.

Indeed, Mr Walz has often spoken publicly about his horror at the crushing of the Tiananmen protests, and in 2009 he co-sponsored a resolution in Congress marking its 20th anniversary.

His wife Gwen has said that the events had such an effect on Walz, that he chose 4 June - the day Beijing sent the troops in - as the date of their wedding five years later. She said that "he wanted to have a date he'll always remember".
We remember those lessons and the cold war. It's the reason this country will not elect a anti-democracy, Putin loving and from day one dictator.

The funny thing, I couldn't tell which candidate you meant, as that claim has been lodged against both.
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I take it a step forward: be interviewed by a segment of the media not sucking up to the views of the particular candidate. It matters not because we will see them debate.

I liked the last debate as far as moderation, but I don't put too much stock in them.

The candidates do know the questions ahead of time, and rehearse answers for weeks.

I would like to see some more "confrontational" interviewing.
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She also wants to raise corporate taxes to 28 percent. Being the economically illiterate child she is she doesn’t understand that corporations will merely pass the tax increases on to the consumer. Corporate Finance 101: pass along all taxes to the final consumer. In the end, tax increases only result in higher prices to the consuming public. It ain’t rocket science.
There are ways to deal with price gauging, corporate greed and monopoly mergers. Import taxes which Trump supports do indeed pass the cost of the tax increase on to the consumer.
Your post shows your lack of understanding of what the Tianamen Square massacre meant to Walz. Maybe this quote from the BBC will give you some insight if that's possible.

"The fact that his teaching posting took place in 1989 - the year of the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing - was not lost on some.

The Chinese cannot say much about the massacre for risk of getting censored. They refer to it obliquely - one comment simply said "if you know, you know".

Foreigners who were in China at that time "are the most anti-China", said another user.

Indeed, Mr Walz has often spoken publicly about his horror at the crushing of the Tiananmen protests, and in 2009 he co-sponsored a resolution in Congress marking its 20th anniversary.

His wife Gwen has said that the events had such an effect on Walz, that he chose 4 June - the day Beijing sent the troops in - as the date of their wedding five years later. She said that "he wanted to have a date he'll always remember".

His track record in Minnesota is terrible.

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When you are being told that "normal" is giving tampons to little boys, and that you are "weird" for objecting, you have 3 choices.

1. You are being trolled.
2. You are debating a radical liberal with minimal ties to reality.
3. You are being trolled.

It just shows how out of touch your party is when providing free menstrual products to K-12 students is considered radical.