Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Watson - Your troll has gotten so weak.

The season is two-weeks out and you're putting out things like this?

We're concerned for you.
the fact of giving Tampons to little boys is okay with him, WOW, he cant even try and justify that. as a little boy I was worried about making the Little league all stars and Safety patrol when i was 9, Now these woke demoncrat idiots want to give the little boys Tampons.
the fact of giving Tampons to little boys is okay with him, WOW, he cant even try and justify that. as a little boy I was worried about making the Little league all stars and Safety patrol when i was 9, Now these woke demoncrat idiots want to give the little boys Tampons.

Who is giving tampons to little boys? Are they menstruating?
It just shows how out of touch your party is when providing free menstrual products to K-12 students is considered radical.

Except their BOYS.

It just shows how out of touch your party is when they want to provide free menstrual products to K-12 BOYS.
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Except their BOYS.

It just shows how out of touch your party is when they want to provide free menstrual products to K-12 BOYS.

They're provided to all K-12 students. If a boy is menstruating, he deserves free products as well.

For someone who always claims others are misrepresenting something, you sure do it frequently.
"So Joe Biden left the national stage the same way he has always stood on it: as a coward, as a bully, as a lying fabulist. His speech last night was one long paean to the aggressive, fist-shaking hate and vicious slander against his opponents that have been his trademark for the half a century he has been a giant boil on the political buttocks of the great American experiment. The man never created a penny of wealth in his life, but he did dedicate himself for 50 years to sucking at the teat of the wealth we taxpayers created.

"He wasted the lives of America’s service members in useless conflicts that he later claimed to oppose. He acted in the most un-American manner possible by using the courts to persecute his political opponents for the high crime of mere dissent. He made himself and his entire family wildly rich through graft and the sale of America’s foreign policy to the highest bidder. A low-IQ, ignorant plagiarist whose entire life was recounted as one long distortion and made-up story, he succeeded through sheer animal cunning and a willingness to say or do anything to advance his narcissistic self-interest. He is immoral, he is a compulsive liar, and he is evil to his rotten core.

"At the very last, he had a chance to redeem himself and speak straight to America about how he was deposed in a Beltway coup, but he stayed true to his craven nature and capitulated in a shameful display of propaganda designed to appease his torturers.

"In a few years, Joe will be in the ground and Jill will write her tell-all book about what actually happened when Craven Joe was forced to step aside through blackmail and extortion. The media savants will all shake their heads as if “How could we have known?” You know now. We all know now. Joe knows now. And just like that, to the bitter end, we’re supposed to believe something about Joe Biden that is obviously untrue.

"Good riddance Joseph Robinette Biden, you political whore. You have damaged this country in profound and despicable ways from which we may never recover. Wherever it is you end up, I hope you suffer for your sins."

They're provided to all K-12 students. If a boy is menstruating, he deserves free products as well.

For someone who always claims others are misrepresenting something, you sure do it frequently.

Not misrepresenting at all. They are providing products to BOYS. You said so yourself.

"If a boy is menstruating" is the key to whole debate, and shows how out of touch you are with reality.
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Watson - Your troll has gotten so weak.

The season is two-weeks out and you're putting out things like this?

We're concerned for you.

Trolling would be pointing out that having tampons in the boys bathroom would save lives when used as a bandage to stop the bleeding caused by your lax gun control laws.

Wait, that's sadly a real benefit and can't be considered trolling.
Not misrepresenting at all. They are providing products to BOYS. You said so yourself.

"If a boy is menstruating" is the key to whole debate, and shows how out of touch you are with reality.

At least you're being honest now. The issue isn't that tampons being in a boys bathroom.

It's that you have an issue for providing products to trans students.
Trolling would be pointing out that having tampons in the boys bathroom would save lives when used as a bandage to stop the bleeding caused by your lax gun control laws.

Wait, that's sadly a real benefit and can't be considered trolling.

I don't believe you care about a transexual's access to tampons in a bathroom which is not their gender designated one.

Trolling is what keeps you up at night. Not this.
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Looks like DeeDave himeslf put together last night's agenda.


Mentions at night one of the DNC:

TRUMP: 147 times

ECONOMY: 27 times

BORDER: 8 times

CRIME: 6 times

PRICES: 5 times

INFLATION: 3 times

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I don't believe you care about a transexual's access to tampons in a bathroom which is not their gender designated one.

Trolling is what keeps you up at night. Not this.

As a moderate, I tend to rate policies based on their rationale and benefit.

I don't have a real care about bathroom selection, but when I hear free menstrual products are provided to all k-12 students from the fourth grade on. That's such a reasonable and good policy it's impossible not to agree with it.
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And rape victims don't take off their clothes according to you.

Might want to reevaluate your beliefs and cut out the hate.

Can you point to where i supposedly said that?

Or are you just making sh!t up again?

The fact you had to dodge, and that you think reality is "hate", is also very telling.
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As a moderate, I tend to rate policies based on their rationale and benefit.

I don't have a real care about bathroom selection, but when I hear free menstrual products are provided to all k-12 students from the fourth grade on. That's such a reasonable and good policy it's impossible not to agree with it.

I just hope you can recover for the season.

You've called for rain everyday for many years on end.

I would think you would want to be present if it actually rains so your static umbrella can actually serve a purpose.
I just hope you can recover for the season.

You've called for rain everyday for many years on end.

I would think you would want to be present if it actually rains so your static umbrella can actually serve a purpose.

Changing the discussion I see because even you realize providing k12 students free menstruation products is a good policy.

Sure would be nice if you guys would come back to the middle so we could start effectively governing again.
I liked the last debate as far as moderation, but I don't put too much stock in them.

The candidates do know the questions ahead of time, and rehearse answers for weeks.

I would like to see some more "confrontational" interviewing.
The good news is that voters already have a contrast: 2017-2021 vs 2021 to the present. Obviously I vote for 2021 to present. As the old adage goes: "To each their own".
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It just shows how out of touch your party is when providing free menstrual products to K-12 students is considered radical.
I'm voting for Harris. But, on that I agree with the right. I don't believe in giving out for free. I don't believe in forgiving student loans. On the later I may be stepping on toes. So be it.
The good news is that voters already have a contrast: 2017-2021 vs 2021 to the present. Obviously I vote for 2021 to present. As the old adage goes: "To each their own".

There is that giant asterisk for the 2020-2021 finish. I often wonder what would have been had covid not happened.

But that's obviously just musings.
There is that giant asterisk for the 2020-2021 finish. I often wonder what would have been had covid not happened.

But that's obviously just musings.
If Trump had confronted covid head on, been honest with the public, I think he would have won. Either he got terrible advise or his intuition betrayed him.
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There is that giant asterisk for the 2020-2021 finish. I often wonder what would have been had covid not happened.

But that's obviously just musings.
I still think the 2024 election is a coin toss. Ironically, if Trump loses, I believe it will be because of his 2020 handling of covid. Obviously, there are other factors (Project 2025) that could be in play. BUT, in my opinion, it will be memories of his handling/approach to covid.
I'm voting for Harris. But, on that I agree with the right. I don't believe in giving out for free. I don't believe in forgiving student loans. On the later I may be stepping on toes. So be it.

I agree on student loans but hygiene products should be a no brainer.

It’s just the right thing to do. We are talking about children. Conflating them with adults who went to college is nonsensical.
I agree on student loans but hygiene products should be a no brainer.

It’s just the right thing to do. We are talking about children. Conflating them with adults who went to college is nonsensical.
It's not that you don't make a good point. You do.
I still think the 2024 election is a coin toss. Ironically, if Trump loses, I believe it will be because of his 2020 handling of covid. Obviously, there are other factors (Project 2025) that could be in play. BUT, in my opinion, it will be memories of his handling/approach to covid.

I will say one thing about project 2025. I never heard a single conservative discuss it except to answer a liberals questions about it. And usually it's a "what is that?" type thing.

Meaning, I don't think it's the master blue print to some evil conservative future that a lot of people are painting it to be.
I agree on student loans but hygiene products should be a no brainer.

It’s just the right thing to do. We are talking about children. Conflating them with adults who went to college is nonsensical.
I made donations early this month to 5 charities. I will be making donations to 5 more (10 is my limit for the year) in September. One of the 5 next month will be to the "No Kid Hungry" charity. I wonder if there's a charity to provide funding for hygiene products.
I will say one thing about project 2025. I never heard a single conservative discuss it except to answer a liberals questions about it. And usually it's a "what is that?" type thing.

Meaning, I don't think it's the master blue print to some evil conservative future that a lot of people are painting it to be.
The problem is that many ex-Trump White House employees contributed (wrote) chapters to it. And J.D. Vance wrote the Foreword to it.
The problem is that many ex-Trump White House employees contributed (wrote) chapters to it. And J.D. Vance wrote the Foreword to it.

Are these employees working on his campaign or slated for his second term? (Not sure we can know the second term question)

Would you be concerned to know that some ex biden staffers (or harris) wrote some proposal? Would it move the needle for you?

And as a secondary question, what is the issue with project 2025? Is it typical conservative talking points that would be targets of liberal scorn anyway? Or a collection of ideas to take over the country and place Trump as emperor?

Edit: Did vance write the forward to it? One article I saw said he wrote the forward to a book written by the head of the heritage foundation, who were the people who wrote the project 2025 thing.
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Are these employees working on his campaign or slated for his second term? (Not sure we can know the second term question)

Would you be concerned to know that some ex biden staffers (or harris) wrote some proposal? Would it move the needle for you?

And as a secondary question, what is the issue with project 2025? Is it typical conservative talking points that would be targets of liberal scorn anyway? Or a collection of ideas to take over the country and place Trump as emperor?

Edit: Did vance write the forward to it? One article I saw said he wrote the forward to a book written by the head of the heritage foundation, who were the people who wrote the project 2025 thing.
No way to know for sure on the first question. There is talk about one of the main forces behind it becoming Trump's Chief Of Staff. On the 2nd question: yes it would. Move the needle? Being that Project 2025 is coming from the conservative Heritage Foundation and that Trump has shared private flights with Heritage leader Kevin Roberts, no it would not move the needle.
I will say one thing about project 2025. I never heard a single conservative discuss it except to answer a liberals questions about it. And usually it's a "what is that?" type thing.

Meaning, I don't think it's the master blue print to some evil conservative future that a lot of people are painting it to be.
When it comes to politics, each side will paint the other in the worst light. Republicans are doing that with Harris referring to her as a "communist". That's part of the game. You know that.

The question is do the people believe the Democrats? Do people believe the Republicans?
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No way to know for sure on the first question. There is talk about one of the main forces behind it becoming Trump's Chief Of Staff. On the 2nd question: yes it would. Move the needle? Being that Project 2025 is coming from the conservative Heritage Foundation and that Trump has shared private flights with Heritage leader Kevin Roberts, no it would not move the needle.

Yeah, I'm doing a few searches. I'm getting everything from it s a doomsday plan, to it's basically a conservative wish list.

It can be made to sound tremendously ominous. But I think any proposal Trump makes is met with the same.
Yeah, I'm doing a few searches. I'm getting everything from it s a doomsday plan, to it's basically a conservative wish list.

It can be made to sound tremendously ominous. But I think any proposal Trump makes is met with the same.
The questions come down to do the people believe the Democrats? Do people believe the Republicans? Your guess is as good as mine.
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Are these employees working on his campaign or slated for his second term? (Not sure we can know the second term question)

Would you be concerned to know that some ex biden staffers (or harris) wrote some proposal? Would it move the needle for you?

Come on- if a bunch of Biden/Harris staffers had worked on some scheme pushed by a very Liberal organization, and Harris distanced herself from it, you wouldn't be accepting someone claiming it was "ex-staffers" and it was just a proposal.

You'd be blasting the heck out of it and calling anyone that used he excuse you offered above as "naive" and "head in the sand" ignorance.

That's one of our main problems these days: (and both sides do this all the time)

When it's your own side, they are given every benefit of the doubt

When it's the other side, they are offered no benefit of the doubt.

With both sides saying they have plenty of reasons for not offering the other any benefit of the doubt.
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That's one of our main problems these days: (and both sides do this all the time)

When it's your own side, they are given every benefit of the doubt

When it's the other side, they are offered no benefit of the doubt.
That's the political game. It's a con game, from both sides.

I've said this before and I will say it again: unless you work for one of the candidates, a win or loss won't significantly alter your quality of life. It's just like winning or losing to Clemson. It won't significantly alter the quality of your life.

Local elections more than Federal and even State have more of an impact on your quality of life. But most people don't give a damn about local elections. Go figure.
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If Trump had confronted covid head on, been honest with the public, I think he would have won. Either he got terrible advise or his intuition betrayed him.

This is comedy?

He did not feed into the fear.

He didn't impose disastrous lockdowns and mandates.

He was recommending two drugs that are now being used readily to treat COVID and COVID Vaccine injuries.

What else do you believe he should have done?
Changing the discussion I see because even you realize providing k12 students free menstruation products is a good policy.

Sure would be nice if you guys would come back to the middle so we could start effectively governing again.

Watson - You've had another nice run, but I'm calling troll on all of your Liberal OG crap.

Outside of your recent pivot of late, there's nothing I see in your timeline that would indicate you suffer from the same intellectual disability as DeeDave.

You pivoted to feed the fetish b/c the Beamer troll had stalled.

I laughed at the huge Biden tax plan that’s going to raise a mere 2 trillion over a decade.
That's the political game. It's a con game, from both sides.

I've said this before and I will say it again: unless you work for one of the candidates, a win or loss won't significantly alter your quality of life. It's just like winning or losing to Clemson. It won't significantly alter the quality of your life.

Local elections more than Federal and even State have more of an impact on your quality of life. But most people don't give a damn about local elections. Go figure.

You might have said this before. However, you'd be dead wrong in any instance.

You have actually looked at the economic plans?

Do you understand the peril we are in because of debt?

$34 million a month in debt service and it's compounding exponentially.

That's more that our defense budget spending.

Kennedy and Trump have put forth plans to reverse this and they have been lauded.

Harris wants the exact opposite and a central bank digital currency.

You don't see that as important, Mr. Investment Guy?

This is even before we start talking about the insane immigration and foreign policies, etc.

You might not be interested in National Politics; However, it's now interested in you.
If Trump had confronted covid head on, been honest with the public, I think he would have won. Either he got terrible advise or his intuition betrayed him.

It's hard to know. Even without COVID, I think a good Democrat candidate could have beat him. It's hard to beat an incumbent no matter what given their inherit advantages.

Yes, Trump angered a lot of the extreme right because Trump- in their mind- had Dr. Fauci in his role (a good decision in my view) and Trump was one the one rushing the vaccines, etc. These are things the extreme right couldn't stomach and so they just didn't vote. They are 100% nuts, but they were part of Trump's cult.

Trump's personal favorability- as Karl Rove said last week- has always been poor. He's never been a popular national candidate.

Many Democrats figured it was Biden's turn and even as poor as he was- and the fact he barely campaigned, and was able to beat Trump anyway, I think a good Democrat candidate with an aggressive approach could have beat Trump worse.

Now, the Trump butt lickers on this page won't admit it- but Trump actually lucked out he only had to face Biden.
It's hard to know. Even without COVID, I think a good Democrat candidate could have beat him. It's hard to beat an incumbent no matter what given their inherit advantages.

Yes, Trump angered a lot of the extreme right because Trump- in their mind- had Dr. Fauci in his role (a good decision in my view) and Trump was one the one rushing the vaccines, etc. These are things the extreme right couldn't stomach and so they just didn't vote.

He's personal favorability- as Karl Rove said last week- has always been poor.

Many Democrats figured it was Biden's turn and even as poor as he was- and the fact he barely campaigned, and was able to beat Trump anyway, I think a good Democrat candidate with an aggressive approach could have beat Trump worse.

Now, the Trump butt lickers on this page won't admit it- but Trump actually lucked out he only had to face Biden.

God forbid if he had to face someone as daunting as Kamala Harris. :)

Gomer, you are one of a kind.