Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Tim Walz is such a Chinese-obsessed communist, he planned his wedding day on the 5th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

What kind of nutjob does that? And Trump/Vance are weird? Unbelievable.

It would be nice if you guys started advocating some moderate positions to help take the country forward.

Like abortion up until birth? Or tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms? Or men competing in women's sports? Or allowing people to harass Jews in campuses and in cities all over the nation?

Republicans have move to the middle in the last 20 years. Democrat have gone off the deep end. If you don't see that, you went off the deep end with them.
And what kind of woman, when her husband comes to her an says, "I want to get married on a special day, the anniversary of a Chinese communist massacre", says "Sure, that sounds nice." And I want to honeymoon there too. And she's like "Sure, babe."

My wife would have walked away and never spoken to me again. I mean, this is twilight zone level shit. And they've been back over 30 times and taken student there.

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Tim Walz is such a Chinese-obsessed communist, he planned his wedding day on the 5th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

What kind of nutjob does that? And Trump/Vance are weird? Unbelievable.


And read the entire article. At the end it says "A Chinese banner and clippings from news accounts of his trips cover the walls in his office at the high school."

Now, I get "red flags" can be subjective sometimes, but this loony mfer had ACTUAL CHINESE RED FLAGS in his office, and everybody looked at it and said "Hmmm. Nothing to see here."

Again. Insane.
Like what? Get rid of our primaries and install a couple of communists? Because that is EXACTLY what the Dems did.

And I'll be fine, unless Komrad Kalama starts seizing personal accounts and assets like she wants to seize patents. Her Dad was a marxist professor. She was raised in it. I wouldn't put anything past her. I've been fine during Biden's shadow presidency. But I don't live in a vacuum and have compassionate to the people that are hurting. But that compassion has limits. Get fooled one time, and I understand. Vote for the same horrible policies and worse, and at that point you deserve it.

1) Didn't get rid of primaries.
2) This reverence for totally made up systems by political parties is strange.
3) She won't "seize personal accounts or patents"
4) Her dad is an economist. She's not her dad.

your rants are sort of silly.
And what kind of woman, when her husband comes to her an says, "I want to get married on a special day, the anniversary of a Chinese communist massacre", says "Sure, that sounds nice." And I want to honeymoon there too. And she's like "Sure, babe."

My wife would have walked away and never spoken to me again. I mean, this is twilight zone level shit. And they've been back over 30 times and taken student there.


You are losing your mind.

Lots of folks like China. In the 1980s and 1990s, China was one of the most frequently visited Asian country for Americans.

You do realize Trump's buddy Elon Musk is tied to the hip of the Chinese leadership, right? Like every other social media company, Elon censors X users in China at the behest of the government. No one seems to care.
Like abortion up until birth?

The only abortions that take place in the 35th-40th week are ones where the fetus is dead or the mom's life or health is in peril.

In those cases, I prefer a woman and her family along with her doctor made these medical decisions, not politicians, the government, or government bureaucrats.

96% of abortions occur before 15 weeks.
Only 1% of abortions happen after 21 weeks.

0.02% of abortions occur after 26 weeks.
And read the entire article. At the end it says "A Chinese banner and clippings from news accounts of his trips cover the walls in his office at the high school."

Now, I get "red flags" can be subjective sometimes, but this loony mfer had ACTUAL CHINESE RED FLAGS in his office, and everybody looked at it and said "Hmmm. Nothing to see here."

Again. Insane.

He was a high school geography and social studies teacher. I would assume, like many teachers, he'd have flags and items from dozens of countries all over the classroom. He loves the Chinese people and has said so many times. That's a good thing. But he's been very critical of the government.

he hasn't talked about being in love with the Chinese dictator and Putin as much as Trump has. He didn't praise China endlessly at the start of Covid like Trump did.

My wife's college friend majored in Russian and lived there for 2 years after college. She's a big fan of Russian history. She's got friends in Russia to this day and communicates with them. That's a good thing.
Republicans have move to the middle in the last 20 years. Democrat have gone off the deep end. If you don't see that, you went off the deep end with them.

I think you dived head first into the kiddie pool along with the rest of the nutty Republicans who want to tell everyone what do with their bodies.
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Like abortion up until birth? Or tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms? Or men competing in women's sports? Or allowing people to harass Jews in campuses and in cities all over the nation?

Republicans have move to the middle in the last 20 years. Democrat have gone off the deep end. If you don't see that, you went off the deep end with them.

It's pretty wild that you guys have gone so far right, that moderates like Harris, Biden, and Obama are considered "off the deep end."

That should be the sign you guys need some fundamental shift in your positions.
Like abortion up until birth? Or tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms? Or men competing in women's sports? Or allowing people to harass Jews in campuses and in cities all over the nation?

Republicans have move to the middle in the last 20 years. Democrat have gone off the deep end. If you don't see that, you went off the deep end with them.

When someone starts telling you that insane list is "mainstream", and that mainstream is really "radically to the right", you are being trolled. Or you are talking to a radical lunatic.

Neither bodes well for getting any reasonable reply.
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When someone starts telling you that insane list is "mainstream", and that mainstream is really "radically to the right", you are being trolled. Or you are talking to a radical lunatic.

Neither bodes well for getting any reasonable reply.

Agree. It's readily apparent Watson is a single-issue voter.

That single-issue is having someone in the White House who will continue to fund his lifestyle and trolling career.

Kennedy and Trump want no part of the big war machine.

So Watson has attached himself to a woman who isn't fit to run a Foot Locker.
I think you dived head first into the kiddie pool along with the rest of the nutty Republicans who want to tell everyone what do with their bodies.

That was the 1990s and early 2000s, Gomer.

This is just a small sample of why you continue to be on the wrong side of history on most every topic.

The contra-indictor doing his thing.
When someone starts telling you that insane list is "mainstream", and that mainstream is really "radically to the right", you are being trolled. Or you are talking to a radical lunatic.

Neither bodes well for getting any reasonable reply.

He would probably be better off taking advice about radicalism from someone who didn't spent 5 days slut shaming rape victims.
He would probably be better off taking advice about radicalism from someone who didn't spent 5 days slut shaming rape victims.

Can you post a link to where that supposedly happened?

Or are you just making sh!t up again?

Guess the advice hit too close to home to get that sort of crybaby response from you.
Can you post a link to where that supposedly happened?

Or are you just making sh!t up again?

Guess the advice hit too close to home to get that sort of crybaby response from you.

It's always hilarious how the most radical people don't realize they're radical. You fit that mold perfectly.
The only abortions that take place in the 35th-40th week are ones where the fetus is dead or the mom's life or health is in peril.

In those cases, I prefer a woman and her family along with her doctor made these medical decisions, not politicians, the government, or government bureaucrats.

96% of abortions occur before 15 weeks.
Only 1% of abortions happen after 21 weeks.

0.02% of abortions occur after 26 weeks.
I am conservative but I generally support a woman's right to choose alhtough I find the idea of abortion personally abhorrent ethically. I just can't understand the mind set of most libs that it's okay to kill perfectly innocent future children but not support capital punishment to kill what are essentially unredeemable animals in a lot of cases. That is so "weird". Shelter the gulity and kill the innocent, it almost seems like.
I am conservative but I generally support a woman's right to choose alhtough I find the idea of abortion personally abhorrent ethically. I just can't understand the mind set of most libs that it's okay to kill perfectly innocent future children but not support capital punishment to kill what are essentially unredeemable animals in a lot of cases. That is so "weird". Shelter the gulity and kill the innocent, it almost seems like.

The reality is an aborted fetus doesn't know it's being aborted. It's a bit different to kill someone that knows what is happening.

But I tend to support capital punishment for the people who truly deserve it. However, we all know we've executed innocent people which is the worst possible outcome.
I am conservative but I generally support a woman's right to choose alhtough I find the idea of abortion personally abhorrent ethically. I just can't understand the mind set of most libs that it's okay to kill perfectly innocent future children but not support capital punishment to kill what are essentially unredeemable animals in a lot of cases. That is so "weird". Shelter the gulity and kill the innocent, it almost seems like.

I support capital punishment when the evidence is clear and if there is any DNA available, it's been tested. I have concerns about the haphazard nature of it- one person can plan to kill multiple people and get prison. Another person can kill multiple people and get the death penalty. However, I think capital punishment should be an option within the law. If people ask me if I support it, I say "yes" I support it- in the sense that I think it should be an available option.

I know many people think having to spend their lives in prison is worse- and killing them lets them off easy. I can respect that opinion. I also understand some people think the system is unfair - not that a guilty person is executed, but that many guilty of worse crimes aren't.

I don't think it's "ok" to kill children. Heck, I don't even hunt.

But I realize issues surrounding pregnancy or different because a woman's body is involved and her ability to enjoy her own life- and I want her, her family and her medical doctor making those decisions, not government and politicians.

I've always believed if there was an issue that impacted a man's body like the issue of abortion does a woman's body, a lot more men would not want the government involved.
I am conservative but I generally support a woman's right to choose alhtough I find the idea of abortion personally abhorrent ethically.

This is not such an odd stand. The morality of killing kids is not uniform throughout the country, so compromises must be made.

A ban with no exceptions, or no time limit is not a compromise. Nor is allowing kids to be killed at 8 months, 29 days and 23 hours.
1) Didn't get rid of primaries.
2) This reverence for totally made up systems by political parties is strange.
3) She won't "seize personal accounts or patents"
4) Her dad is an economist. She's not her dad.

your rants are sort of silly.

Dems threw out their primary results and selected a candidate after forcing Biden out. That is fact. She already said she will seize patents and "take over". That's on video. And her dad was a Marxist economist. And the first big policy she brings out is price controls. And you think that is just a coincidence?

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You are losing your mind.

Lots of folks like China. In the 1980s and 1990s, China was one of the most frequently visited Asian country for Americans.

You do realize Trump's buddy Elon Musk is tied to the hip of the Chinese leadership, right? Like every other social media company, Elon censors X users in China at the behest of the government. No one seems to care.


So you think it is normal to intentionally plan your wedding on the 5th anniversary of a communist massacre? Because it is so "memorable"? And then honeymoon in the same country?

That is beyond WEIRD. He is a nut job, and his wife might be even nuttier to agree to something like that.
I mean, Walz literally took groups of 6th graders ON HIS HONEYMOOD.

That's not "weird"? WTF. Total nutjob.

Red f'ing flags EVERYWHERE.

From the article:

"Walz has always been fascinated by Communist China. He remembers from his childhood pictures of Mao Tse-tung, hung in public places and carried in parades. The mystery was heightened by the absence of news coming out of the communist country. "

Yeah, that's completely normal. LOL. I mean, all my buddies growing up were fascinated in Mao. LOL. Somebody failed as a parent. Shoulda bought their little nut job some dinosaurs or trains.

VERY OBVIOUS that this guy was targeted and groomed by the Chinese. They have been caught doing this with the military. Now they hit the jackpot with the great Walz of China.
Nor is allowing kids to be killed at 8 months, 29 days and 23 hours.

Except- somewhere in the country is a doctor that is dealing with a pregnant patient- maybe in an emergency situation- where the mother's health is dire- maybe even headed toward a disaster, that if a law was on the books like that- they would stand their ground and refuse to abort the fetus because of their moral belief that the baby's life was as important as the mother's up until it's too late for the mom- and probably both.

I am not saying that would be a lot of doctors. But I am saying there are some out there that extreme. It might not be but a few %- but if that few % were in charge of your daughter or your wife, it wouldn't matter how few there were.

Given only 0.02% of abortions are after 26 weeks (even less at 9 months) that is the concern.

The reason that is a concern is there are a small group of OBGYN physicians and ER doctors in the country that are on record as saying there is never, ever any reason for an abortion. Now, this group is very small. They are very extreme. The great majority of physicians disagree with them in their belief.

But there are a few of them out there and if there is no law to protect these women from such doctors, some of us are concerned that these women could be put in an untenable situation by zealots that would take too much of a risk with the mother's life.

IF - IF- there was a proposed law that said purely elective abortions were against the law after 24 or 26 weeks (or whatever in that realm), I would not oppose that type of law.

The concern would be that way "purely elective" was defined. Because there would be some extremists out there- maybe only a small handful that would say a woman who is clearly in severe distress, maybe even bleeding and going into severe medical distress that would still claim the pregnant woman was trying to have an elective abortion, instead of one to save her health or life.
Dems threw out their primary results and selected a candidate after forcing Biden out. That is fact. She already said she will seize patents and "take over". That's on video. And her dad was a Marxist economist. And the first big policy she brings out is price controls. And you think that is just a coincidence?


The primary results only select delegates. They don't select a candidate. That's always true.

A lot of people put pressure on Biden to bow out. He did. They couldn't make him do it. He had to decide and he did.

She hasn't said she will seize patents and take over. Playing video from years ago or even last year when she wasn't a candidate for President isn't a sign or signal of what she will do as President.

In 2016, Trump told a town hall audience that women who have abortions have to be punished. That never happened. He changed his mind.

Her dad is an economist. I don't know his beliefs, but they don't matter. He's not running for office. Did everyone on here adopt the political views of their parents? I didn't.

A local talk show host in Columbia is a diehard right winger. His wife is a diehard Liberal. Their views aren't the same- at all.

One of Senator Mitch McConnell's daughters is a Liberal activist. Congress is full of politicians and candidates whose family have different views on all sorts of things- like everyone else.

her price gouging proposal will be for emergency situations and very limited. South Carolina has a similar law on the books- passed by Republicans.

So you think it is normal to intentionally plan your wedding on the 5th anniversary of a communist massacre? Because it is so "memorable"? And then honeymoon in the same country?

That is beyond WEIRD. He is a nut job, and his wife might be even nuttier to agree to something like that.

I don't find it odd at all for someone that taught for a year in China out of college and has a history and a lot of documented history caring about the Chinese people.

No, I find it very consistent and shows someone that thinks about such issues very deeply, as his history shows regarding taking school tours to China.

Lots of politicians and their families- both Republicans and Democrats- have traveled to China on tours in the last 30 years, especially in the George W Bush administration.
From the article:

"Walz has always been fascinated by Communist China. He remembers from his childhood pictures of Mao Tse-tung, hung in public places and carried in parades. The mystery was heightened by the absence of news coming out of the communist country. "

Yeah, that's completely normal. LOL. I mean, all my buddies growing up were fascinated in Mao. LOL. Somebody failed as a parent. Shoulda bought their little nut job some dinosaurs or trains.

VERY OBVIOUS that this guy was targeted and groomed by the Chinese. They have been caught doing this with the military. Now they hit the jackpot with the great Walz of China.

I've always been fascinated by North Korea. I read a lot about it, and I watch videos online from citizens in England and Canada that have visited North Korea. They are very interesting videos.

Of course, the Kim family is also fascinating. Trump himself has admitted to having a fascination with the country, and both George Bush and Bill Clinton did as well. Of course, none went as far as trump did when he constantly praised Kim Jong Un or saluted a North Korean General.

So no, I don't find it odd at all that a man who taught in China for one year after college has a deep fondness for Chinese people and led tour groups there. Teachers do that sort of thing.

There is zero evidence- and just lies - that he has some sort of connection to Chinese leadership. Chinese leadership doesn't give a damn about some high school teacher leading school group tours- the same exact thing hundreds of other teachers were doing at the time.

Your accusations are really stupid. My God- probably 25% of high schools in South Carolina have tour groups going to all sorts of countries every summer, including Latin America, Europe, Asia, etc.
The primary results only select delegates. They don't select a candidate. That's always true.

A lot of people put pressure on Biden to bow out. He did. They couldn't make him do it. He had to decide and he did.

She hasn't said she will seize patents and take over. Playing video from years ago or even last year when she wasn't a candidate for President isn't a sign or signal of what she will do as President.

In 2016, Trump told a town hall audience that women who have abortions have to be punished. That never happened. He changed his mind.

Her dad is an economist. I don't know his beliefs, but they don't matter. He's not running for office. Did everyone on here adopt the political views of their parents? I didn't.

A local talk show host in Columbia is a diehard right winger. His wife is a diehard Liberal. Their views aren't the same- at all.

One of Senator Mitch McConnell's daughters is a Liberal activist. Congress is full of politicians and candidates whose family have different views on all sorts of things- like everyone else.

her price gouging proposal will be for emergency situations and very limited. South Carolina has a similar law on the books- passed by Republicans.

Just stop. You are looking like a fool. Biden was 100% pushed out. Nobody believes he decided that on his own. He was forced.

And her Dad was a Marxist economist hired to teach "alternative" economic policies at Stanford. That is fact.
Her first big policy announcement was about as Marxist as it could be. Not a coincidence if you have a brain.

And she absolutely DID SAY SHE WOULD SEIZE PATENTS. And look how crazy-eyed this nut job is when she talked about it and her having the will to do it.

And she said she would take on price gouging DAY 1. Is she predicting an "emergency situation" on Day 1? How is that "very limited"?

Total Nutjob.
I've always been fascinated by North Korea. I read a lot about it, and I watch videos online from citizens in England and Canada that have visited North Korea. They are very interesting videos.

Of course, the Kim family is also fascinating. Trump himself has admitted to having a fascination with the country, and both George Bush and Bill Clinton did as well. Of course, none went as far as trump did when he constantly praised Kim Jong Un or saluted a North Korean General.

So no, I don't find it odd at all that a man who taught in China for one year after college has a deep fondness for Chinese people and led tour groups there. Teachers do that sort of thing.

There is zero evidence- and just lies - that he has some sort of connection to Chinese leadership. Chinese leadership doesn't give a damn about some high school teacher leading school group tours- the same exact thing hundreds of other teachers were doing at the time.

Your accusations are really stupid. My God- probably 25% of high schools in South Carolina have tour groups going to all sorts of countries every summer, including Latin America, Europe, Asia, etc.

What North Korean massacre of their citizens anniversary did you plan your wedding on?

How many 6th graders did you take on your honeymoon to North Korea with you?

Nut. Job.
I don't find it odd at all for someone that taught for a year in China out of college and has a history and a lot of documented history caring about the Chinese people.

No, I find it very consistent and shows someone that thinks about such issues very deeply, as his history shows regarding taking school tours to China.

Lots of politicians and their families- both Republicans and Democrats- have traveled to China on tours in the last 30 years, especially in the George W Bush administration.

Yeah, nothing says caring about the Chinese people like worshipping Mao and intentionally scheduling your wedding day on the 5th anniversary of Communist party massacre of their own citizens. And then honeymooning there.

Dude, you are an absolute FOOL.
And I saw that clown Walz run out on the stage like a male cheerleader waving his hands like a buffoon.

And when his wife came out, he gave her a high 10 like he just scored a touchdown or something.

WHO DOES THAT? Total. Nut. Job.
It's pretty wild that you guys have gone so far right, that moderates like Harris, Biden, and Obama are considered "off the deep end."

That should be the sign you guys need some fundamental shift in your positions.

Yeah, nothing says "moderate" like putting tampons in the 4th grade BOY'S bathroom. LOL

If you think those clowns are moderate, I'll hate to see what you consider a left wing radical.

In summary, y'all are f'ing crazy.
I think you dived head first into the kiddie pool along with the rest of the nutty Republicans who want to tell everyone what do with their bodies.

Yeah, I must be nutty by Democrat standards. I didn't take ANYBODY else's middle school kids with me on my honeymoon. LOL

And thank you US Supreme Court for overruling Biden's abusive use of OSHA to try to force vaccine mandates on the entire country. You know, because Democrats don't want to tell people what to do with their bodies. Body autonomy is only for people that want to kill their unborn children.

Disgusting, corrupt, morally bankrupt clowns.
Yeah, nothing says "moderate" like putting tampons in the 4th grade BOY'S bathroom. LOL

If you think those clowns are moderate, I'll hate to see what you consider a left wing radical.

In summary, y'all are f'ing crazy.

Honestly, if you find tampons being in a boys bathroom that upsetting you have issues.

You afraid someone is going to start menstruating that shouldn’t?
The reality is an aborted fetus doesn't know it's being aborted. It's a bit different to kill someone that knows what is happening.

But I tend to support capital punishment for the people who truly deserve it. However, we all know we've executed innocent people which is the worst possible outcome.

What a load of misplaced virtue.

A baby doesn't know it's about to be eliminated just like a man doesn't know he's about to get shot in the back.

If you're actually concerned about the plight of the innocent, why are you supporting our actions in Ukraine?

It's not like the left wing rags haven't been hypercritical of our role in the war.
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