Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

This is where someone starts listing all the things that ID's are required for, and how amazingly rare it is to be a functioning member of society without one.
I try to be fair. I never ask anyone of anything I don't ever expect from myself. Another example is student loan forgiveness. I am totally against it. I never borrowed to go to school. I worked summer jobs in textile mills, all shifts and a job while attending school. But, as an adult, I have borrowed to buy homes and automobiles. I paid off all my loans. Never was easy nor fun. But, it built character.
Save the cats!

Georgia is Trump's most important state. He was just short last election. If he wins Georgia, it opens up a couple of paths for him, because he will win all the other states he won in 2020. Win Georgia and Pennsyvania, and it's over. Alternatively, win Georgia and maybe Arizona and Wisconsin. Or Arizona, Nevada, and get that stray electoral vote back from Nebraska. His best bet is to attack Georgia and Pennsylvania.
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I'll save us two or three pages of childish insults.

You'll demand that its negligible. I'll ask how you know if you insist on not verifying. Any number i put out will be dismissed, because again, it's not really verified.

I'll simply say that we require ID for everday activities that are much less important than verifying a proper vote.

You can now call me racist or some other "phobe" based off nothing that i actually said, but something you mistakenly read into one of my comments.

The wild thing is you know voter fraud is in fact negligible and still want to implement voter id.
I never borrowed to go to school. I worked summer jobs in textile mills, all shifts and a job while attending school.

This just speaks to someone not really understanding or appreciating the current higher education system.

Back in the 70s when I’m assuming you went to school, you could work in the textile mill over the summer and afford to go to school without student loans. You just can’t do that anymore.

Undergraduate tuition at the university of South Carolina is $12,668 a year. Even if you made $12 an hour over the summer you would need to work over 1,000 hours during the summer just to earn gross amount of tuition. Then you add taxes, living expenses, etc.

It’s just not possible today.

Even when I was a summer associate at a large law firm that paid us a first year salary as a recruiting inducement, I barely made enough money that summer to cover my law school tuition.
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Georgia is Trump's most important state. He was just short last election. If he wins Georgia, it opens up a couple of paths for him, because he will win all the other states he won in 2020. Win Georgia and Pennsyvania, and it's over. Alternatively, win Georgia and maybe Arizona and Wisconsin. Or Arizona, Nevada, and get that stray electoral vote back from Nebraska. His best bet is to attack Georgia and Pennsylvania.

All he can do is hold rallies. They have no ground game.
Tell me WHY wouldnt you want Voter ID? That doesnt make sense. You need an ID to bank, an ID to buy Cigarettes, etc etc etc. ONLY one reason, So you can tell them ANY NAME you want and vote!!

Because voter ID laws exist to prevent citizens from voting.

There is a legitimate threat of underage kids buying cigarettes. It actually happens. Even still those laws only target those who look younger than 40 generally. Voter fraud is incredibly rare and last election mostly occurred by republicans. There is no benefit from keeping legal citizen from voting in the election.
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This just speaks to someone not really understanding or appreciating the current higher education system.

Back in the 70s when I’m assuming you went to school, you could work in the textile mill over the summer and afford to go to school without student loans. You just can’t do that anymore.

Undergraduate tuition at the university of South Carolina is $12,668 a year. Even if you made $12 an hour over the summer you would need to work over 1,000 hours during the summer just to earn gross amount of tuition. Then you add taxes, living expenses, etc.

It’s just not possible today.

Even when I was a summer associate at a large law firm that paid us a first year salary as a recruiting inducement, I barely made enough money that summer to cover my law school tuition.
Oh I do understand and know that. Parents have to step up. Part of a parents responsibility is to sacrifice for their children and help them out.
Georgia is Trump's most important state. He was just short last election. If he wins Georgia, it opens up a couple of paths for him, because he will win all the other states he won in 2020. Win Georgia and Pennsyvania, and it's over. Alternatively, win Georgia and maybe Arizona and Wisconsin. Or Arizona, Nevada, and get that stray electoral vote back from Nebraska. His best bet is to attack Georgia and Pennsylvania.
I would not take North Carolina for granted. NC would, in essence, cancel out GA. North Carolina will be tough.
You wouldn't be suggesting voter ID laws if it was really easy to obtain for all. The only benefit for voter ID laws is to prevent poor people from voting who are more likely to vote Democrat.
Those poor people who have violated U.S. laws by entering the country illegally. You can put up a fight against voter ID all you want but don’t base it on a stupid Dem talking point. Under your conclusion, why won’t Dems give free passports to poor people? Why won’t state DMVs make driver’s licenses free to poor people. Be honest, you know Dems fight voter ID because they WANT illegals to vote in our elections. You yourself want that to happen if you fight voter ID.
So you punish students for having bad parents?
There are always excuses. One does what he/she has to do. We all wish we were born in wealth. We all have roadblocks. I was a senior in high school when my Dad unexpectedly passed away. Nothing is given to most of us. You make a plan and carry it out. I remember when summer jobs were hard to find when I was in school. I traveled across nearly 2 states just to get a summer job. Like I said, you do what you have to do.
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The wild thing is you know voter fraud is in fact negligible and still want to implement voter id.

I already covered that:

You'll demand that its negligible. I'll ask how you know if you insist on not verifying. Any number i put out will be dismissed, because again, it's not really verified.

The intent was to skip over the inane back and forth, but you seem to really enjoy that.

Probably just seeking attention that you never got from a father figure.
There are always excuses. One does what he/she has to do. We all wish we were born in wealth. We all have roadblocks. I was a senior in high school when my Dad unexpectedly passed away. Nothing is given to most of us. You make a plan and carry it out. I remember when summer jobs were hard to find when I was in school. I traveled across nearly 2 states just to get a summer job. Like I said, you do what you have to do.

But you just agreed that it was impossible to do what you suggested. You’re just contradicting yourself and digging into an illogical position.
Those poor people who have violated U.S. laws by entering the country illegally. You can put up a fight against voter ID all you want but don’t base it on a stupid Dem talking point. Under your conclusion, why won’t Dems give free passports to poor people? Why won’t state DMVs make driver’s licenses free to poor people. Be honest, you know Dems fight voter ID because they WANT illegals to vote in our elections. You yourself want that to happen if you fight voter ID.

This is why voter ID laws are so dangerous. You’re now accusing a poor person born in the US of being an illegal alien?
Because voter ID laws exist to prevent citizens from voting.

There is a legitimate threat of underage kids buying cigarettes. It actually happens. Even still those laws only target those who look younger than 40 generally. Voter fraud is incredibly rare and last election mostly occurred by republicans. There is no benefit from keeping legal citizen from voting in the election.
You Honestly think that someone needing an ID to vote, Restricts Citizens?? WOW, you watch WAY TOO much of "the View" and MSNBC!! You honestly want illegals to vote dont you?? Hell they were given free phones, free food, free housing, etc etc from the Demonrats, You know good and well they will vote for Democrat's free handouts from MY TAX dollars!! Admit it!! At least be an honest person once and admit it!!
Those poor people who have violated U.S. laws by entering the country illegally. You can put up a fight against voter ID all you want but don’t base it on a stupid Dem talking point. Under your conclusion, why won’t Dems give free passports to poor people? Why won’t state DMVs make driver’s licenses free to poor people. Be honest, you know Dems fight voter ID because they WANT illegals to vote in our elections. You yourself want that to happen if you fight voter ID.

Everyone pretty much knows why voter ID laws are pushed, and why they are fought so hard against by some.

But those radicals who put party before anything else will follow the party line and scream "voter suppression". Even if it makes no sense.
You Honestly think that someone needing an ID to vote, Restricts Citizens?? WOW, you watch WAY TOO much of "the View" and MSNBC!! You honestly want illegals to vote dont you?? Hell they were given free phones, free food, free housing, etc etc from the Demonrats, You know good and well they will vote for Democrat's free handouts from MY TAX dollars!! Admit it!! At least be an honest person once and admit it!!

How would an illegal register to vote? You need a SSN to even register to vote.

Your argument is nonsensical. I often wonder if you guys even understand how voting works.
Parents paid my way at Wofford but today that would be impossible. The current Wofford tuition for two semesters + on campus residence is $72,225.
My first 2 years in college, I went to a regional campus of USC, lived at home while doing that to cut down on the costs of going to college. My Dad unexpectedly passed away 2 years earlier. In the summer of 1971, summer jobs were hard to find where I lived. I had a friend whose brother lived in Columbus, Georgia, near the Alabama border. We both went out there and lived with his brother. The 2 of us got summer jobs at the Fort Benning military base. Life is going to throw you a curve ball. I know that better than most. You either adjust or strike out.
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My first 2 years in college, I went to a regional campus of USC, lived at home while doing that to cut down on the costs of going to college. In the summer of 1971, summer jobs were hard to find where I lived. I had a friend whose brother lived in Columbus, Georgia, near the Alabama border. We both went out there and lived with his brother. The 2 of us got summer jobs at the Fort Benning military base. Life is going to throw you a curve ball. I know that better than most. You either adjust or strike out.

A similar situation worked well for my daughter who stayed home for two years at Midlands Tech, two years at USC and two years of USC grad school. For much of it she worked at Mid. Tech's bookstore and I covered her tuition.
My first 2 years in college, I went to a regional campus of USC, lived at home while doing that to cut down on the costs of going to college. My Dad unexpectedly passed away 2 years earlier. In the summer of 1971, summer jobs were hard to find where I lived. I had a friend whose brother lived in Columbus, Georgia, near the Alabama border. We both went out there and lived with his brother. The 2 of us got summer jobs at the Fort Benning military base. Life is going to throw you a curve ball. I know that better than most. You either adjust or strike out.

You’re generally reasonable so I’m honestly surprised by this take.

You found jobs hard to find in 1971, but in 2021 there are 14 million more college students trying to find a jobs.

In 1971, a college student would need to work 300 hours to afford his college tuition on minimum wage.

In 2021, a USC student would need to work need to work 1,689 hours of minimum wage.

The numbers really speak for themselves on this one.
A similar situation worked well for my daughter who stayed home for two years at Midlands Tech, two years at USC and two years of USC grad school. For much of it she worked at Mid. Tech's bookstore and I covered her tuition.

My children are looking at a similar solution as well.
You’re generally reasonable so I’m honestly surprised by this take.

You found jobs hard to find in 1971, but in 2021 there are 14 million more college students trying to find a jobs.

In 1971, a college student would need to work 300 hours to afford his college tuition on minimum wage.

In 2021, a USC student would need to work need to work 1,689 hours of minimum wage.

The numbers really speak for themselves on this one.
I know I'm coming across as heartless. Things have worked out OK for me. I got lucky and married a girl who is 10x smarter than me (I can just hear some folks here saying that's not difficult). We are doing OK. We try to give back as much as we can. 90% of our charitable donations are to help children, the elderly poor and to those devastated by natural disasters. If family members need financial help, we will step up. That's what families do. All that being said, we are not rich.
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I know I'm coming across as heartless. Things have worked out OK for me. I got lucky and married a girl who is 10x smarter than me (I can just hear some folks here saying that's not difficult). We are doing OK. We try to give back as much as we can. 90% of our charitable donations are to help children, the elderly poor and to those devastated by natural disasters. If family members need financial help, we will step up. That's what families do. All that being said, we are not rich.

It’s not the heartless part that bothers me. It’s the illogical part.

You’re saying it was tough for you, but you’re expecting others to do just as well as you did even though the numbers show it’s 6 times harder for them.
I’m not at all surprised by your reply — it’s typical of liberals. You could really use a Logic course. You could also benefit greatly with a reading comprehension course.

My earlier post about working for a large law firm should have been a subtle hint that I excel at both logic and reading comprehension.
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How would an illegal register to vote? You need a SSN to even register to vote.

Your argument is nonsensical. I often wonder if you guys even understand how voting works.
In your world, he can say he is Tom Jones and go vote, Even though his real name is Pedro Gonzalez!! I KNOW exactly how voting works. Anyone, not just illegals, could look at an obituary, see someone just died, go say he is him and Vote.. WITHOUT AN ID!! If he needed an ID he would be SOL!!
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I’m not at all surprised by your reply — it’s typical of liberals. You could really use a Logic course. You could also benefit greatly with a reading comprehension course.
I can not even believe some of these Posters defending NO ID to vote, by saying they are old and impoverished so they cant get an ID?? WOW. I cant even comment on the ignorance!
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