One other thing. I have said this before and I'll say it again: In all the years I have voted, I have been on some winning sides and some losing sides, at all levels of government. I cannot really say that my life was made significantly better nor significantly worse because of an election. I'd be hard-pressed to say that it even made a slight difference in the quality of my life. Local government elections make more of an impact, if anything, on me. Maybe I'm an exception. I like being on the winning side of an election, just like I prefer to be on the winning side of a Carolina-Clemson football game. If we win, I feel good (or bad) for a few days, but that's it. In neither case (politics nor sports) is my life made significantly better or worse. A lot of emotion is wasted. I suspect if people were put under the spell of a truth serum, they would agree with me.