Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Just quoting what Graham said, a die hard Trump supporter.

Trump's media stock is down 13.63% pre-market, as I type. Investors were not happy with Trump's debate performance either.
Ummh…so is the entire stock market today. Many of the companies in my portfolio have lost a lot more percentage-wise than DJT. The stock market downturn is due more to the fact that investors were anticipating a half-point cut by the Fed, but today’s CPI number indicates more of a quarter-point cut, if a cut at all, in September.
"transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison"


It's not a football game, Flames. You might want to keep up with policy since it will impact your family directly.
All they care about is electing the first woman president, and a woman of color at that. Thomas Sowell wrote about the phenomenon in several of his books. He says it’s the main reason Blacks can never get ahead as a demographic. He says they are more interested in electing one of their own instead of electing someone else whose policies would likely increase their standard of living. In his view, Black leaders exploit Black voters while making the lives of those voters worse.
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All they care about is electing the first woman president, and a woman of color at that. Thomas Sowell wrote about the phenomenon in several of his books. He says it’s the main reason Blacks can never get ahead as a demographic. He says they are more interested in electing one of their own instead of electing someone else whose policies would likely increase their standard of living. In his view, Black leaders exploit Black voters while making the lives of those voters worse.

It's exactly what the corporations who are running this country are hoping for.

Winning the vote of those who can't or don't think for themselves.
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Why dance around the edges when you can put your money where your mouth is?

Anyone with a USC MIB degree would be proud to tell us the name of the Dean on their diploma. You can't because you don't have an USC MIB. A wager is a pathetic and juvenile off-ramp but it's all you've got.
Anyone with a USC MIB degree would be proud to tell us the name of the Dean on their diploma. You can't because you don't have an USC MIB. A wager is a pathetic and juvenile off-ramp but it's all you've got.

I want a couple of your Social Security Checks before I continue this silly game. As it stands, there's zero incentive to jump through hoops for a grown man who is fixated on Women's College Basketball in the offseason.
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All they care about is electing the first woman president, and a woman of color at that. Thomas Sowell wrote about the phenomenon in several of his books. He says it’s the main reason Blacks can never get ahead as a demographic. He says they are more interested in electing one of their own instead of electing someone else whose policies would likely increase their standard of living. In his view, Black leaders exploit Black voters while making the lives of those voters worse.



Thomas Sowell is 94 years old and doesn’t like and attacks any ideology that doesn’t vote for right wingers.

many Americans as did quite well under Bill Clinton, including black Americans. Sowell did nothing but attack him because he wasn’t a right winger.

People are going to vote for who they like and prefer. More nights like last night won’t help Trump.


Thomas Sowell is 94 years old and doesn’t like and attacks any ideology that doesn’t vote for right wingers.

many Americans as did quite well under Bill Clinton, including black Americans. Sowell did nothing but attack him because he wasn’t a right winger.

People are going to vote for who they like and prefer.

How did they do under Biden and Harris? The answer is that they are completely underwater because of inflation and immigration.

However, we always love your logic on this forum. We will wait right here until you produce something very special.
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I'm sorry but your posts are not consistent for someone claiming an MIB degree from USC which is one of the most competitive grad school programs in the nation. The USC MIB grad program accepts less than 50 students each year and more than half are from other countries. Entrance requirements are steep and include high GRE scores as well as excellent academic achievement. It shouldn't take long for you to look at your diploma and tell us the name of your grad school Dean.

Apparently their esteemed supposed “grads” spend all day on gamecocks message board carrying Trump’s penis around in their pocket for him.
Anyone with a USC MIB degree would be proud to tell us the name of the Dean on their diploma. You can't because you don't have an USC MIB. A wager is a pathetic and juvenile off-ramp but it's all you've got.
I don’t even follow him but he is a liar. You know that.
If there was a "mercy" rule in debates, they would have called it for Harris after the first 20 minutes.

It was bad for him.. When you are reading comments from Fox hosts talking about how it was a bad night for Trump, you know it is a bad night. LOL

All their whining is hilarious. There are no bigger snowflakes than that scum.
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I don’t even follow him but he is a liar. You know that.

Sure - you don't follow me, Gomer. All of these responses are telepathic.

Feel free join the bet too. You and Fowl can form "Idiots, LLC" and get a tax write off from your losses.

Please tell us about your whirlwind trip throughout Europe this Summer. :)

Just added a trip to Europe for the family to catch up with my in-laws who are there for the summer.
Didn't think I'd have time but worked it out. Been on the move all summer.

I was in California, Nevada, New York, Eastern Canada most of June. I like to travel. My daughter had been wanting to go out to California so we spent some time there. Then spent some time in Vegas with my wife and daughter.

Also cruised some of the intracoastal, and hit Lake Keowee, Lake Greenwood, Murray, and Hartwell for some extended weekends in May and early June.

My in laws are travelling in France and Germany this summer and I wanted to try to catch up with them but doesn't look favorable at this point.
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What a stupid discussion at a gathering to watch a football game. It's quite possible they don't offer much in the way of answers to you because they don't want to talk or argue about politics- and likely know your stance already. That's often the way it works, especially given you stated you asked them about Harris. They likely saw that coming.

Either way, the likelihood they want to talk politics, especially women at a gathering of people watching football, is quite low. Our lives are obviously very different but when I am a gathering to watch a football game, we don't spend time talking about politics. We are usually talking about our families.

As someone who actually has a trans family member, this sounds about as ignorant as could be. It's one of the problems the trans community has (as small as it is) is dealing with idiots who think that "gender bending chemicals" made someone have gender dysphoria. My God, how stupid. These are the same type of dim-witted buffoons that believe something in the water makes people gay.

and Trump and RFK won't do a damn thing to "stop" anything. Trump doesn't give a damn about the issue other than for the fringe fools that will give him a vote over such an issue- which is almost no one.

Good for her though. She is correct. The few times Harris has mentioned trans individuals, she talks about them as human beings deserving of all the rights to liberty and freedom as anyone else.

Regarding "weak minded" individuals. Maybe they consider you the weak-minded one. It's a good bet. Especially if you reflexively regurgitate right wing talking points like many do.

It's a reality that half the country hates Donald Trump enough to want to spew chunks when they think about him. That likely means they are smart. There are also plenty of people that will actually vote for Trump because they consider him 1% better than Harris, but they still can't stand him.
Yeah Bud. I should have consulted you before I did something so stupid. Your football knowledge and etiquette are unmatched. :rolleyes:

Actually wIsh you had been there. You could have been that 3rd female voice they needed to really bring it all home.
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Moron now admits to losing the '20 election by a "whisker".
That should make all those 1/6 attackers (who are now in prison) happy. 😲

Yeah Bud. I should have consulted you before I did something so stupid. Your football knowledge and etiquette are unmatched. :rolleyes:

Actually wIsh you had been there. You could have been that 3rd female voice they needed to really bring it all home.
You are too stupid to listen anyway. What a damn moron. At least your “friends” have enough sense to ignore your political views.
Ummh…so is the entire stock market today. Many of the companies in my portfolio have lost a lot more percentage-wise than DJT. The stock market downturn is due more to the fact that investors were anticipating a half-point cut by the Fed, but today’s CPI number indicates more of a quarter-point cut, if a cut at all, in September.
My portfolio as I type , is up today 3.89%. The S&P 500 is down very little at .31%. The Trump stock (DJT) has imploded, currently down 12.77%. If your stocks have lost a lot more percentage-wise than DJT, I feel bad for you and sincerely hope you see a turnaround soon. Why the large difference between the Trump stock and the rest of the market? Obviously, Trump investors were VERY disappointed in Trump's performance last night. There is no other explanation for the Trump stock cratering. I suppose one can talk themselves into believing it's a coincidence, if you believe in coincidences. By the way, the reason my portfolio is up so much is because I'm in sectors that will greatly benefit from a FED interest rate cut.
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My portfolio as I type , is up today 3.89%. The S&P 500 is down very little at .31%. The Trump stock (DJT) has imploded, currently down 12.77%. Why the large difference between the Trump stock and the rest of the market? Obviously, Trump investors were VERY disappointed in Trump's performance last night. There is no other explanation for the Trump stock cratering. I suppose one can talk themselves into believing it's a coincidence, if you believe in coincidences. By the way, the reason my portfolio is up so much is because I'm in sectors that will greatly benefit from a FED interest rate cut.

You sound ridiculous as you type.
My portfolio as I type , is up today 3.89%. The S&P 500 is down very little at .31%. The Trump stock (DJT) has imploded, currently down 12.77%. If your stocks have lost a lot more percentage-wise than DJT, I feel bad for you and sincerely hope you see a turnaround soon. Why the large difference between the Trump stock and the rest of the market? Obviously, Trump investors were VERY disappointed in Trump's performance last night. There is no other explanation for the Trump stock cratering. I suppose one can talk themselves into believing it's a coincidence, if you believe in coincidences. By the way, the reason my portfolio is up so much is because I'm in sectors that will greatly benefit from a FED interest rate cut.
Good for you. I was hoping you would understand that individual stock movements are systemically related to market dynamics but you were focused on bashing Trump and his investment in DJT.
My portfolio as I type , is up today 3.89%. The S&P 500 is down very little at .31%. The Trump stock (DJT) has imploded, currently down 12.77%. If your stocks have lost a lot more percentage-wise than DJT, I feel bad for you and sincerely hope you see a turnaround soon. Why the large difference between the Trump stock and the rest of the market? Obviously, Trump investors were VERY disappointed in Trump's performance last night. There is no other explanation for the Trump stock cratering. I suppose one can talk themselves into believing it's a coincidence, if you believe in coincidences. By the way, the reason my portfolio is up so much is because I'm in sectors that will greatly benefit from a FED interest rate cut.

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These hypocrites are interesting.

Trump advisor Jason Miller on CNN this morning

and also

The claims were made in court documents filed on Sept. 14 by A.J. Delgado, also a former Trump staffer, whom Miller impregnated during an extramarital affair that took place during the 2016 presidential campaign. Delgado claims prior to their affair, Delgado also impregnated a different woman after meeting her at an Orlando, Fla. strip club back in 2012.

According to Delgado, when the woman found out she was pregnant, Miller gave her a smoothie dosed with an abortion pill without her knowledge, leading to the pregnancy’s termination. The court documents, filed in Miami-Dade Circuit Court, were first obtained by Splinter.



Former Reagan speechwriter on debate: Trump ‘cleaned his own clock’​

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Good for you. I was hoping you would understand that individual stock movements are systemically related to market dynamics but you were focused on bashing Trump and his investment in DJT.
No, that was not my point. Even with Republican and conservative individuals criticizing Trump's performance last night, a few on here disagreed with those Republican and conservatives' evaluation of his performance. It was my intent to show that disapproval was not in just a handful of individuals. On the contrary, it's more widespread, as indicated by the DJT stock performance today. Today is the first time in over a month that the stock is down by more than 2 bucks.
No, that was not my point. Even with Republican and conservative individuals criticizing Trump's performance last night, a few on here disagreed with those Republican and conservatives' evaluation of his performance. It was my intent to show that disapproval was not in just a handful of individuals. On the contrary, it's more widespread, as indicated by the DJT stock performance today. Today is the first time in over a month that the stock is down by more than 2 bucks.

Stock - Seriously, where did you manage investment funds as you claim because you're not making any sense whatsoever right now.
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I didn’t know having a “ID” was “limiting” people. Everyone that is a US Citizen can easily obtain an ID CARD/DL. No excuse, if you’re too lazy to not get one, you have no need to vote.

You wouldn't be suggesting voter ID laws if it was really easy to obtain for all. The only benefit for voter ID laws is to prevent poor people from voting who are more likely to vote Democrat.