Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

If you recall, Trump continually argued to reopen schools and businesses after the first month of the shutdown, but Dem governors and the teachers Union fought him tooth and nail ever single day. Red state governors refused to play the Dem’s game to crater the economy. Many businesses in blue states defied their governors and were prosecuted, ultimately closing down.
You all can try to blame others. But, I repeat what Truman said: the buck stops at the Oval Office.
Trump would not only balloon federal spending but, his tariff proposals would cost us thousands of dollars. Trump was fired as President for good reason.

The trade deficit that he promised to eliminate also skyrocketed.

Trump and his cult worshippers are liars.

The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016.
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The trade deficit that he promised to eliminate also skyrocketed.

Trump and his cult worshippers are liars.

The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016.
Very factual and true.
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The experimental COVID shots were actually made by military contractors and Pfizer and Moderna just stuck their labels on them for marketing. Otherwise, everything seems just fine.

If you recall, Trump continually argued to reopen schools and businesses after the first month of the shutdown, but Dem governors and the teachers Union fought him tooth and nail ever single day. Red state governors refused to play the Dem’s game to crater the economy. Many businesses in blue states defied their governors and were prosecuted, ultimately closing down.

The revisionist history of Trumpers is always interesting.

From Trump bragging about how great China was doing with COVID in early 2020, to Ron DeSantis actually shutting down some beaches and telling Floridians to stay off of beaches during COVID.

Lying to yourself is fine. But when you lie others, you are going to get called out.

The truth is - Trump was all over the place. I'm not going to post all the quotes here (at least not yet). He was telling some to close, some they should re-open, some others - including Dem governors they were doing it right.

In other words, he was covering all his bases like he normally does- saying everything and anything.
They want to ignore 2020- as if it didn't happen and - in typical Trump fashion- they want to offer excuses for Trump

excuses they'd never offer or accept for anyone else.

Hypocrites - all of them
When they want to ignore Trump's last year in office, they know they are arguing for a "loser".
I'm still waiting for that "great healthcare plan" Trump promised for 5 years but never offered. LOL

Now he wants the federal government to pay for all IVF treatment (which will never happen). Can't make this crazy stuff up.
And it's obvious they are pissed off at Dick Cheney. I have gotten a good laugh at their Cheney responses. It warms my heart.

And they are obviously too stupid to figure out that Cheney is not talking to Democrats. He is talking to REPUBLICANS who don't like Trump and are on the fence in this election.
And it's obvious they are pissed off at Dick Cheney. I have gotten a good laugh at their Cheney responses. It warms my heart.

And they are obviously too stupid to figure out that Cheney is not talking to Democrats. He is talking to REPUBLICANS who don't like Trump and are on the fence in this election.

No doubt. Democrats don't -or shouldn't- care a bit about Dick Cheney.

I agree with you- the people he's talking to are 70-75 year old traditional Republicans or independents that traditionally lean Republican but don't really like Trump or want to vote for him.
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No doubt.
Not only is Trump a proven failure as President who was fired by the people, but:
he is a convicted felon;
he has been found by the judicial system to be a sexual predator;
he has been found by the judicial system to be a business fraud:
he has been found by the judicial system to be one who defames; and
he has been found by the judicial system to be a con artist who ran a scam university.

What's there not to like and defend? LOL
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No doubt. Democrats don't -or shouldn't- care a bit about Dick Cheney.

I agree with you- the people he's talking to are 70-75 year old traditional Republicans or independents that traditionally lean Republican but don't really like Trump or want to vote for him.
Did you hear Trump's response to what specific piece of legislation he would advance to make child care more affordable? The undecideds, those on the fence, will be made aware of his answer. It showed the 78 year old Trump's cognitive decline. He rambled and made no sense. And he did not mention any legislation. Yeah, that 78 year-old is mentally fit. LOL. Would he have the mental capacity to finish out a term? Diehard Republicans will be OK with this 78 year-olds incoherence. But undecideds and Republicans on the fence??????????????? Time will tell.
Did you hear Trump's response to what specific piece of legislation he would advance to make child care more affordable? The undecideds, those on the fence, will be made aware of his answer. It showed the 78 year old Trump's cognitive decline. He rambled and made no sense. And he did not mention any legislation. Yeah, that 78 year-old is mentally fit. LOL. Would he have the mental capacity to finish out a term? Diehard Republicans will be OK with this 78 year-olds incoherence. But undecideds and Republicans on the fence??????????????? Time will tell.
I read about it then watched the video. It was evidence of someone talking about an issue when he has no clue about it.

didn't he try to link higher tariffs and that would pay for child care for moms across America? LOL. Yep- he didn't mention any specifics at all. I am sure Republicans in Congress had their collective faces in their palms.

it reminded me of the new employee that's never spoke in front of an audience being asked a question at the company meeting and is obviously lost.
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We all knew it was going to happen. Dems don’t seem to care that foreign invaders are determining our country’s future. But then again I’m beginning to think most of the Dems are on the drug cartel payrolls — they sure act and vote like it.

You live in an alternate reality. That must stink to live as a perpetual victim of everyone else.
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My wife and I met some friends to watch the game over the weekend and two of the couples were big Harris supporters so I asked them what they liked about her in terms of policy. Each of the women immediately spoke for their respective husbands which was to be anticipated.

One said "It's just time." I said time for what? She said "it's time for a woman to lead this country." I asked if policy mattered to her and she responded. "Not really."

The second stated "She's far more accepting of all people than Donald Trump." I asked why she believed this and whether that was her sole criteria for the selection. She responded that Harris has been very supportive of the Trans community and that was one of the most important topics for her.

I then pointed out that while Harris might come across as very pro-Trans, she's also backing the same corporations who have created these gender-bending chemicals and people's suffering in the first place. I also mentioned that's what Trump and RFKJr want to put a stop to. She followed up with a blank look and went back to her drink.

I've done this many times before and it's always a similar result. We have a lot of very weak minded individuals in America at the moment.
My wife and I met some friends to watch the game over the weekend and two of the couples were big Harris supporters so I asked them what they liked about her in terms of policy. Each of the women immediately spoke for their respective husbands which was to be anticipated.

One said "It's just time." I said time for what? She said "it's time for a woman to lead this country." I asked if policy mattered to her and she responded. "Not really."

The second stated "She's far more accepting of all people than Donald Trump." I asked why she believed this and whether that was her sole criteria for the selection. She responded that Harris has been very supportive of the Trans community and that was one of the most important topics for her.

I then pointed out that while Harris might come across as very pro-Trans, she's also backing the same corporations who have created these gender-bending chemicals and people's suffering in the first place. I also mentioned that's what Trump and RFKJr want to put a stop to. She followed up with a blank look and went back to her drink.

I've done this many times before and it's always a similar result. We have a lot of very weak minded individuals in America at the moment.

What a stupid discussion at a gathering to watch a football game. It's quite possible they don't offer much in the way of answers to you because they don't want to talk or argue about politics- and likely know your stance already. That's often the way it works, especially given you stated you asked them about Harris. They likely saw that coming.

Either way, the likelihood they want to talk politics, especially women at a gathering of people watching football, is quite low. Our lives are obviously very different but when I am a gathering to watch a football game, we don't spend time talking about politics. We are usually talking about our families.

As someone who actually has a trans family member, this sounds about as ignorant as could be. It's one of the problems the trans community has (as small as it is) is dealing with idiots who think that "gender bending chemicals" made someone have gender dysphoria. My God, how stupid. These are the same type of dim-witted buffoons that believe something in the water makes people gay.

and Trump and RFK won't do a damn thing to "stop" anything. Trump doesn't give a damn about the issue other than for the fringe fools that will give him a vote over such an issue- which is almost no one.

Good for her though. She is correct. The few times Harris has mentioned trans individuals, she talks about them as human beings deserving of all the rights to liberty and freedom as anyone else.

Regarding "weak minded" individuals. Maybe they consider you the weak-minded one. It's a good bet. Especially if you reflexively regurgitate right wing talking points like many do.

It's a reality that half the country hates Donald Trump enough to want to spew chunks when they think about him. That likely means they are smart. There are also plenty of people that will actually vote for Trump because they consider him 1% better than Harris, but they still can't stand him.
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OT: I'm a member of an Elliott Wave Trading site. I just want to pass along something someone posted today:

"23 years ago today on a Monday my wife called and was sad as she thought she lost her job that day. I said don't worry I'll work from home tomorrow Tuesday and take you out to lunch. And that's how I avoided going to the World Trade Center the next day".

No question that "KevinC", who relayed this story, still had/has work to do on this earth.
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What a stupid discussion at a gathering to watch a football game. It's quite possible they don't offer much in the way of answers to you because they don't want to talk or argue about politics- and likely know your stance already. That's often the way it works, especially given you stated you asked them about Harris. They likely saw that coming.

Either way, the likelihood they want to talk politics, especially women at a gathering of people watching football, is quite low. Our lives are obviously very different but when I am a gathering to watch a football game, we don't spend time talking about politics. We are usually talking about our families.

As someone who actually has a trans family member, this sounds about as ignorant as could be. It's one of the problems the trans community has (as small as it is) is dealing with idiots who think that "gender bending chemicals" made someone have gender dysphoria. My God, how stupid. These are the same type of dim-witted buffoons that believe something in the water makes people gay.

and Trump and RFK won't do a damn thing to "stop" anything. Trump doesn't give a damn about the issue other than for the fringe fools that will give him a vote over such an issue- which is almost no one.

Good for her though. She is correct. The few times Harris has mentioned trans individuals, she talks about them as human beings deserving of all the rights to liberty and freedom as anyone else.

Regarding "weak minded" individuals. Maybe they consider you the weak-minded one. It's a good bet. Especially if you reflexively regurgitate right wing talking points like many do.

It's a reality that half the country hates Donald Trump enough to want to spew chunks when they think about him. That likely means they are smart. There are also plenty of people that will actually vote for Trump because they consider him 1% better than Harris, but they still can't stand him.

Congratulations. Literally everything you've wrote here is totally incorrect. At least you're consistent.

But you keep defending Blackrock Corporations, Gomer.

Just a sampler platter below.

1. Environmental Chemicals and Gender Development
  • Study: "Endocrine Disruptors and Gender Development: Impact on Sexual Differentiation and Reproduction"
  • Source: Reproduction and Health Journal (2017)
  • Findings: This study examined the influence of exposure to various EDCs, including phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA), on sexual differentiation. Researchers found that prenatal and early-life exposure to these chemicals could disrupt hormone levels, leading to altered genital development and changes in gender-related behaviors.
  • Conclusion: Exposure to certain endocrine disruptors may contribute to atypical development of gender characteristics and reproductive health disorders.

2. Phthalates and Hormone Regulation

  • Study: "Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Effects on Sexual Differentiation in Humans"
  • Source: Environmental Health Perspectives (2018)
  • Findings: This study analyzed the effects of prenatal exposure to phthalates, a group of chemicals commonly found in plastics. The results showed a decrease in testosterone levels in male fetuses, resulting in altered anogenital distance, a marker for reproductive health. The research suggested that phthalate exposure may influence the development of male gender characteristics.
  • Conclusion: Prenatal exposure to phthalates may interfere with male reproductive development, potentially contributing to gender dysphoria or other gender-related issues.

3. Bisphenol A (BPA) and Hormonal Disruption

  • Study: "The Impact of Bisphenol A on Sex Hormones and Developmental Outcomes"
  • Source: Endocrinology Journal (2016)
  • Findings: This review article discussed evidence that BPA, a known endocrine disruptor, can mimic estrogen and bind to hormone receptors. The study highlighted that BPA exposure is linked to disrupted sexual differentiation in animal models and has been correlated with behavioral changes related to gender identity in human studies.
  • Conclusion: BPA exposure can mimic estrogenic activity and disrupt normal sexual development and behavior, with potential implications for gender identity.

4. Atrazine Exposure and Gender

  • Study: "Atrazine-Induced Sexual Differentiation Changes in Amphibians: Implications for Humans"
  • Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010)
  • Findings: This study focused on the herbicide atrazine and its effects on amphibians, specifically causing male frogs to develop female reproductive organs. While this study was on non-human species, it raised concerns about similar disruptions in human hormonal systems due to environmental exposure to atrazine.
  • Conclusion: Atrazine exposure may disrupt sexual differentiation in humans as it does in amphibians, potentially contributing to issues related to gender identity and reproductive development.

5. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Gender Identity

  • Study: "Persistent Organic Pollutants and Their Effects on Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review"
  • Source: Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (2021)
  • Findings: This review examined the potential effects of persistent organic pollutants, such as dioxins and PCBs, on hormone regulation and gender dysphoria. The study suggested that these chemicals could disrupt the endocrine system, leading to altered gender identity development in some individuals.
  • Conclusion: Persistent exposure to certain endocrine disruptors may play a role in the etiology of gender dysphoria by disrupting hormonal signaling during critical periods of development.

6. Endocrine Disruptors and Transgender Identity

  • Study: "Endocrine Disruptors, Puberty Timing, and Transgender Identity: Is There a Link?"
  • Source: The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (2020)
  • Findings: This study explored the hypothesis that exposure to endocrine disruptors may shift the timing of puberty and alter hormone levels, potentially influencing transgender identity. While the study found correlations between EDC exposure and hormonal imbalances, it noted that more research is needed to fully understand the relationship.
  • Conclusion: Endocrine disruptors could play a role in altering hormonal balance during critical periods, which may affect gender identity development.
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