Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Ha. Have you seen the UK lately? That's a terrible example. Their citizens would love to be able to defend themselves right now. Same with Aussies.

Mass stabbing are quite rare and difficult to pull off. Bump stop assault rifles ( approved by the Trump's supreme court ) I hope you would agree are a diffident matter.
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John Kelly said Trump turned towards him on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery in 2017 and said “I don’t get it, what’s in it for them”.

(Pretty damn nutty thing to say)

He also told how Trump insulted former Senator John McCain and former president George Bush because they are veterans and were shot down during Vietnam and World War II respectively.

(Trump famously said about McCain "He’s not a war hero. I like people that weren’t captured.") Later the same day, Trump retweeted a post that said McCain was a loser.

He added, Trump did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because it didn’t look good for him.

Last week, Trump, in a bizarre rant, described how he considered the Presidential Medal of Freedom "Much better" than the Medal of Honor.

"[The] civilian version, it’s actually much better because everyone [who] gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they're soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. “She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman,” he added, referring to the 78 year old Adelson

Again, I call bullshit.

  • Zach Fuentes, former deputy to Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly: “I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?” (Breitbart, 9/7/20)
  • John Bolton, former National Security Advisor: “I didn't hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them. I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly's recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do.” (Fox News, 9/4/20)
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House press secretary: “The Atlantic story on @realDonaldTrump is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion - this never happened … I am disgusted by this false attack.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Hogan Gidley, former White House deputy press secretary: “These are disgusting, grotesque, reprehensible lies. I was there in Paris and the President never said those things … These weak, pathetic, cowardly background ‘sources’ do not have the courage or decency to put their names to these false accusations because they know how completely ludicrous they are. It's sickening that they would hide in the shadows to knowingly try and hurt the morale of our great military simply for an attack on a political opponent.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Dan Scavino, White House deputy chief of staff for communications: “I was with POTUS in France, with Sarah, and have been at his side throughout it all. Complete lies by ‘anonymous sources’ that were ‘dropped’ just as he begins to campaign (and surge). A disgraceful attempt to smear POTUS, 60 days before the Presidential Election! Disgusting!!” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Jordan Karem, former personal aide to President Trump: “This is not even close to being factually accurate. Plain and simple, it just never happened.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Johnny DeStefano, former counselor to President Trump: “I was on this trip. The Atlantic bit is not true. Period.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump: “[A] despicable lie ... The president deeply wanted to attend the memorial event in question and was deeply displeased by the bad weather call." (Washington Examiner, 9/3/20)
  • Derek Lyons, former staff secretary and counselor to President Trump: “I was with the President the morning after the scheduled visit. He was extremely disappointed that arrangements could not be made to get him to the site, and that the trip had been cancelled.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Dan Walsh, former White House deputy chief of staff: “I can attest to the fact that there was a bad weather call in France, and that the helicopters were unable to safely make the flight.” (White House Press Briefing, 9/4/20)
  • First Lady Melania Trump: “@TheAtlantic story is not true. It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, & no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism - It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Jamie McCourt, former U.S. Ambassador to France and Monaco: “In my presence, POTUS has NEVER denigrated any member of the U.S. military or anyone in service to our country. And he certainly did not that day, either. Let me add, he was devastated to not be able to go to the cemetery at Belleau Wood. In fact, the next day, he attended and spoke at the ceremony in Suresnes in the pouring rain.” (Breitbart, 9/7/20)
  • Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House chief of staff: “These claims are simply outrageous. I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Maj. Gen. Bill Maz, secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission: “I was the host of the event discussed by the false and despicable article published in The Atlantic magazine on 3 September … when the President’s visit was appropriately canceled due to weather, I received word also that he was upset he would not be able to make the wreath-laying visit…” (X, 9/8/20)
  • Tony Ornato, former deputy White House chief of staff, denied the report. (X, 9/3/20)
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Mass stabbing are quite rare and difficult to pull off. Bump stop assault rifles ( approved by the Trump's supreme court ) I hope you would agree are a diffident matter.

I don't like a bunch of guns on our streets either. However, the genie is out of the bottle. Work around the edges and stop the high powered stuff is the best we can do at this point.

Aside from that, why not impose real Law & Order on the streets of our cities and see what happens? Look at what Desantis has done in places like Miami. Look at El Salvador, Argentina, etc. They brought in serious people to run their governments and turned those places around very quickly. Stop kicking criminals back onto the streets.
Again, I call bullshit.


This brings a question to mind though. Trump speaks off the top of his head, and he rambles. He says enough things for plenty of people to pick and choose what they want to whine about.

So why try to propagate an unverified, obviously fake quote to attack him with? It only gives the appearance that something needs to be made up in the first place to attack him.
I doubt anyone will change their mind. But I disagree on banning "assault rifles" as it's a half measure. There are other rifles that are functionally the same, but not cosmetically the same. People will just move to the next model rifle or pistol, and then we'll have to move to ban the next thing. (And that's even if you accept that "assault rifles" are the issue when handgun violence is much worse.)

We can also point to our immediate neighbors to the south where gun violence is rampant where guns are basically banned. There's always an example to prove or disproves our notions.

In truth though, this discussion has happened many times over the years on this board and others. And it generally boils down to the same talking points, and then degrades into name calling.

Oh well.

Assault rifles like the AR-15 are a different breed and its military equivalent M-16 it's designed to inflect maximum damage on the human body. While in the army I qualified on the M-16 and understand its purpose and witnessed it's capability. You would not want to deer hunt with one as it literally destroys flesh. A small hole on entry but the exit wound is huge. If Trump's ear had been hit full on I doubt if he would have an ear left.
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Assault rifles like the AR-15 are a different breed and its military equivalent M-16 it's designed to inflect maximum damage on the human body. While in the army I qualified on the M-16 and understand its purpose and witnessed it's capability. You would not want to deer hunt with one as it literally destroys flesh. A small hole on entry but the exit wound is huge. If Trump's ear had been hit full on I doubt if he would have an ear left.

Yep. And mostly criminals have them. So before you place ban on these weapons, you need to go door to door and round them up from these people. Otherwise, they'll hang onto them and we'll have slingshots to defend ourselves.

Put the criminals in jail and keep them there Fowl. That's the best solution.
These people have no shame.

The Obamas and Oprah talking about these issues is the height of hypocrisy.

They do nothing but enrich themselves off of empty promises and virtue signaling.

Your point?

The criminals go get guns from other locations.

An even worse scenario for law abiding citizens in these cities who don't have access.

Guns are a lot harder to access if the entire country and surrounding countries ban them.
Assault rifles like the AR-15 are a different breed and its military equivalent M-16 it's designed to inflect maximum damage on the human body. While in the army I qualified on the M-16 and understand its purpose and witnessed it's capability. You would not want to deer hunt with one as it literally destroys flesh. A small hole on entry but the exit wound is huge. If Trump's ear had been hit full on I doubt if he would have an ear left.

There are rifles that are not considered "assault rifles" that fire that exact ammunition.

As far as I've heard, the ammunition has never been a determining factor for what is or isn't an "assault rifle" .

So that is a novel argument, as far as I'm concerned.
It certainly isn’t the first time you’ve been wrong about something and it unfortunately won’t be the last.

I completely believe you when you lie.

I understand it's probably rooted in having your childhood traumatized by being abandoned by your father.
That post came from NBC which you should automatically distrust like all the other mainstream medias. Am I right in the way you see it?
That’s the way they do it. One liberal publication prints a story and all of the other liberal publications print it as fact. By the way, others that were in the room with Kelly and Trump at the time say it never happened.
Nothing to see here but the candidate running from The Green Party setting the record straight.

LIberal OGs - Your party is not liberal anymore. In fact, it's the opposite. It's captured.

Why didn't you get the memo?

Again, I call bullshit.

  • Zach Fuentes, former deputy to Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly: “I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?” (Breitbart, 9/7/20)
  • John Bolton, former National Security Advisor: “I didn't hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them. I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly's recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do.” (Fox News, 9/4/20)
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House press secretary: “The Atlantic story on @realDonaldTrump is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion - this never happened … I am disgusted by this false attack.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Hogan Gidley, former White House deputy press secretary: “These are disgusting, grotesque, reprehensible lies. I was there in Paris and the President never said those things … These weak, pathetic, cowardly background ‘sources’ do not have the courage or decency to put their names to these false accusations because they know how completely ludicrous they are. It's sickening that they would hide in the shadows to knowingly try and hurt the morale of our great military simply for an attack on a political opponent.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Dan Scavino, White House deputy chief of staff for communications: “I was with POTUS in France, with Sarah, and have been at his side throughout it all. Complete lies by ‘anonymous sources’ that were ‘dropped’ just as he begins to campaign (and surge). A disgraceful attempt to smear POTUS, 60 days before the Presidential Election! Disgusting!!” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Jordan Karem, former personal aide to President Trump: “This is not even close to being factually accurate. Plain and simple, it just never happened.” (X, 9/3/20)
  • Johnny DeStefano, former counselor to President Trump: “I was on this trip. The Atlantic bit is not true. Period.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump: “[A] despicable lie ... The president deeply wanted to attend the memorial event in question and was deeply displeased by the bad weather call." (Washington Examiner, 9/3/20)
  • Derek Lyons, former staff secretary and counselor to President Trump: “I was with the President the morning after the scheduled visit. He was extremely disappointed that arrangements could not be made to get him to the site, and that the trip had been cancelled.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Dan Walsh, former White House deputy chief of staff: “I can attest to the fact that there was a bad weather call in France, and that the helicopters were unable to safely make the flight.” (White House Press Briefing, 9/4/20)
  • First Lady Melania Trump: “@TheAtlantic story is not true. It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, & no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism - It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Jamie McCourt, former U.S. Ambassador to France and Monaco: “In my presence, POTUS has NEVER denigrated any member of the U.S. military or anyone in service to our country. And he certainly did not that day, either. Let me add, he was devastated to not be able to go to the cemetery at Belleau Wood. In fact, the next day, he attended and spoke at the ceremony in Suresnes in the pouring rain.” (Breitbart, 9/7/20)
  • Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House chief of staff: “These claims are simply outrageous. I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid.” (X, 9/4/20)
  • Maj. Gen. Bill Maz, secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission: “I was the host of the event discussed by the false and despicable article published in The Atlantic magazine on 3 September … when the President’s visit was appropriately canceled due to weather, I received word also that he was upset he would not be able to make the wreath-laying visit…” (X, 9/8/20)
  • Tony Ornato, former deputy White House chief of staff, denied the report. (X, 9/3/20)

There are pictures with Kelly standing next to Trump during this trip and near the cemetary- none of the people above are standing there with them.
That’s the way they do it. One liberal publication prints a story and all of the other liberal publications print it as fact. By the way, others that were in the room with Kelly and Trump at the time say it never happened.

One difference- many of the people you listed above still work for Trump- or his campaign, or PACS related to his campaign.

John Kelly doesn't.

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

In the statement, Kelly is confirming, on the record, a number of details in a 2020 story in The Atlantic by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, including Trump turning to Kelly on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”
That’s the way they do it. One liberal publication prints a story and all of the other liberal publications print it as fact. By the way, others that were in the room with Kelly and Trump at the time say it never happened.

Trump is garbage. He's a POS. He is a pathological liar and adulterer.

Whether he wins or loses, the above is always true about him. He's dog feces and never anything better. That's all he will ever be, no matter what he does.
Trump is garbage. He's a POS. He is a pathological liar and adulterer.

Whether he wins or loses, the above is always true about him. He's dog feces and never anything better. That's all he will ever be, no matter what he does.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than inflation.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than open borders.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than our children being killed by illegals.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than the criminal they are following back on the streets each day.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than the homelessness epidemic.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than the possibility of nuclear war.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than their reckless COVID response.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than their corporate grift.

~ G.B.
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Yep. And mostly criminals have them. So before you place ban on these weapons, you need to go door to door and round them up from these people. Otherwise, they'll hang onto them and we'll have slingshots to defend ourselves.

Put the criminals in jail and keep them there Fowl. That's the best solution.
On the CPD buy back program I turned in 4 "Saturday Night Specials" for a couple of hundred. My father-in-law collected them from his days of running a liquor store. They were all "throw downs" with ID numbers filed off. The CDP asked no questions as they just wanted them off the street. You would be surprised at how many guns were turned in.
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There are rifles that are not considered "assault rifles" that fire that exact ammunition.

As far as I've heard, the ammunition has never been a determining factor for what is or isn't an "assault rifle" .

So that is a novel argument, as far as I'm concerned.
Here's an interesting read on the AR-15 but it doesn't mention the fact that the Trump loaded Supreme Court refused to ban bump stops which in effect turns an ordinary AR-15 into an automatic M-16. A bump stop AR-15 was the weapon used in the largest mass shooting in US history.

Here's an interesting read on the AR-15 but it doesn't mention the fact that the Trump loaded Supreme Court refused to ban bump stops which in effect turns an ordinary AR-15 into an automatic M-16. A bump stop AR-15 was the weapon used in the largest mass shooting in US history.

I admit to breezing through it. But I did note that they brought up your point of ammunition.

Given that more guns than "assault rifles" can fire that ammunition, I don't believe it's a good argument for banning "assault rifles". My opinion, I know.

But ban one rifle because the ammo is so deadly, and not the rifle next to it that fires the same deadly ammo? It does not seem reasonable to me.
I admit to breezing through it. But I did note that they brought up your point of ammunition.

Given that more guns than "assault rifles" can fire that ammunition, I don't believe it's a good argument for banning "assault rifles". My opinion, I know.

But ban one rifle because the ammo is so deadly, and not the rifle next to it that fires the same deadly ammo? It does not seem reasonable to me.

They should all be banned.

Simple solution.
One difference- many of the people you listed above still work for Trump- or his campaign, or PACS related to his campaign.

John Kelly doesn't.

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

In the statement, Kelly is confirming, on the record, a number of details in a 2020 story in The Atlantic by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, including Trump turning to Kelly on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

Like I said, just a butthurt clown regurgitating Democrat talking points. Literally said he was adding nothing.

If there is one thing we do know for SURE about Trump, he has ZERO problem saying exactly what he thinks to ANYBODY. If this was truly what he believed or what he said, he would for sure repeat it and defend it.
I don't like a bunch of guns on our streets either. However, the genie is out of the bottle. Work around the edges and stop the high powered stuff is the best we can do at this point.

Aside from that, why not impose real Law & Order on the streets of our cities and see what happens? Look at what Desantis has done in places like Miami. Look at El Salvador, Argentina, etc. They brought in serious people to run their governments and turned those places around very quickly. Stop kicking criminals back onto the streets.
The problem with "passing Laws" to keep normal citizens from owning certain "Guns" or "Accessories" is, the LAW BREAKERS have them and could not care less there are "LAWS" against them!! Do you honestly think the Cartel, Gangs and Crooks are gonna just Hand Over their guns?? LOL
The problem with "passing Laws" to keep normal citizens from owning certain "Guns" or "Accessories" is, the LAW BREAKERS have them and could not care less there are "LAWS" against them!! Do you honestly think the Cartel, Gangs and Crooks are gonna just Hand Over their guns?? LOL

One could point out that an easy solution to our drug problem would be to simply ban them. That should end the drug problem, right?

We just need a law or two to clean up that problem?
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The problem with "passing Laws" to keep normal citizens from owning certain "Guns" or "Accessories" is, the LAW BREAKERS have them and could not care less there are "LAWS" against them!! Do you honestly think the Cartel, Gangs and Crooks are gonna just Hand Over their guns?? LOL

No. But if there are fewer guns manufactured there are fewer guns they can use to replace their guns that get confiscated by the police.
One could point out that an easy solution to our drug problem would be to simply ban them. That should end the drug problem, right?

We just need a law or two to clean up that problem?

Interesting. So you're one of the people who believes we should just legalize drugs and usage would go down?

Or is this a bad faith attempt to ignore the reality that drugs and guns are different products with different demands.
Can you point to where I said anything resembling that?

This is the problem you don't understand when you make arguments that they have larger implications. It's the equivalent of saying, "I just pulled a trigger." Yeah, but when you pulled the trigger a chain reaction occurred and you don't get to pretend you didn't shoot the bullet. But logic mistake is what you do, over and over again. "Show me where I shot the bullet!!! I just pulled the trigger!!!!'

You're trying to argue gun laws won't work because people still do drugs with existing drug laws. However, fewer people do drugs because of drug laws than if they were legal like in the case of guns.

The same way with more stringent gun laws people will still illegally possess guns, but at a much lower instance than in the present. Most reasonable people would consider that fewer gun crimes would be a good thing.
This is the problem you don't understand when you make arguments that they have larger implications. It's the equivalent of saying, "I just pulled a trigger." Yeah, but when you pulled the trigger a chain reaction occurred and you don't get to pretend you didn't shoot the bullet. But logic mistake is what you do, over and over again. "Show me where I shot the bullet!!! I just pulled the trigger!!!!'

You're trying to argue gun laws won't work because people still do drugs with existing drug laws. However, fewer people do drugs because of drug laws than if they were legal like in the case of guns.

The same way with more stringent gun laws people will still illegally possess guns, but at a much lower instance than in the present. Most reasonable people would consider that fewer gun crimes would be a good thing.

OR, a simpler explanation is that people make statements and you wish to argue things they didn't say. So you ASSUME they meant something else and start arguing that point. (Perhaps the connections between what people said and your "logical" leaps to what you think they meant aren't as solid as you think)

I never suggested we should legalize drugs, that was you reading what you wanted to read in my statement.

I would suggest that, like drugs, stiffer gun laws would do a very good job of reducing the use by law abiding citizens, but not so much by people who are going to break the law regardless.

I understand you can't really think along lines more complicated than "guns bad, ban all guns, then no more guns". I also understand that it doesn't matter what I or anyone else types, you'll pick something to melt down over whether it was actually said or not.

Then it'll be a few post of insults with you repeating "cognitive dissonance" or "bad faith" as if that helps your tirade, and then we move on with any sensible discussion of the topic being impossible.

Should we skip ahead or do you want to go through your regular playbook again?
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OR, a simpler explanation is that people make statements and you wish to argue things they didn't say. So you ASSUME they meant something else and start arguing that point. (Perhaps the connections between what people said and your "logical" leaps to what you think they meant aren't as solid as you think)

I never suggested we should legalize drugs, that was you reading what you wanted to read in my statement.

No, I was mocking you because you didn't see the big picture. Of course I know you don't want to legalize drugs. It's the very fact you don't want to legalize drugs that made your comment about drug laws irrelevant.

It's unfortunate you don't understand how logic works. A rational person would be like, "Oh I now see why my point was moot." Instead you just want to argue and refuse to change your incorrect beliefs.

I would suggest that, like drugs, stiffer gun laws would do a very good job of reducing the use by law abiding citizens, but not so much by people who are going to break the law regardless.

Except every western country similar ot the US that's banned guns has indeed seen a significant decrease in gun violence. So you're arguing something that's completely unsupported.

Maybe it's just time to own you're the one that struggles with complex matters.
No, I was mocking you because you didn't see the big picture. Of course I know you don't want to legalize drugs. It's the very fact you don't want to legalize drugs that made your comment about drug laws irrelevant.

It's unfortunate you don't understand how logic works. A rational person would be like, "Oh I now see why my point was moot." Instead you just want to argue and refuse to change your incorrect beliefs.

Except every western country similar ot the US that's banned guns has indeed seen a significant decrease in gun violence. So you're arguing something that's completely unsupported.

Maybe it's just time to own you're the one that struggles with complex matters.

Okay, so you've chosen your standard, make up sh!t, then move to insult stage.

Before I continue though, I should point out that this attention you so desperately crave by trolling message boards will never be a replacement for the attention you lost when your father abandoned you. You should work towards coming to terms with that.

It's the very fact you don't want to legalize drugs that made your comment about drug laws irrelevant.

It's unfortunate you don't understand how logic works.

It's amazing that you can put those two sentences next to each other and still pretend to have a point.
Okay, so you've chosen your standard, make up sh!t, then move to insult stage.

Before I continue though, I should point out that this attention you so desperately crave by trolling message boards will never be a replacement for the attention you lost when your father abandoned you. You should work towards coming to terms with that.

I like how this has become your new defense mechanism when you're proven wrong.

I want the world to be a better place. It's unfortunate you don't share the same desire.

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