Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I'm not here to question what's in your heart, Watson.

However, it's very self-evident that you're also here to scratch a chronic, painful itch deep in your soul.

I think it's pretty obvious this is something you tell yourself instead of having to admit you're wrong about things.

Admitting you're wrong is one of the hardest things to do. It's also why people who skew republican aren't as successful in academia because they lack the ability do it. People who excel at questioning their own beliefs tend to skew liberal.
I think it's pretty obvious this is something you tell yourself instead of having to admit you're wrong about things.

Admitting you're wrong is one of the hardest things to do. It's also why people who skew republican aren't as successful in academia because they lack the ability do it. People who excel at questioning their own beliefs tend to skew liberal.

Republicans typically have real jobs. Liberals hide in academia because they have no real skills and it's the best was to indoctrinate others. Gotta get them early. Easier that way.
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I like how this has become your new defense mechanism when you're proven wrong.

I want the world to be a better place. It's unfortunate you don't share the same desire.

Yeah, no one else wants the world to be a better place unless they completely agree with everything you say.

And you're still pretending to be debating in "good faith"?

Yeah, no one else wants the world to be a better place unless they completely agree with everything you say.

You don't have to agree with me. You just have to quit making false and irrational statements.

You're welcome to think school shootings are acceptable behavior, but you can't say stricter gun laws wouldn't limit the number of school shootings. The first is just an opinion that makes you a bad person but isn't per se wrong. The second is just plain wrong.
I think it's pretty obvious this is something you tell yourself instead of having to admit you're wrong about things.

Admitting you're wrong is one of the hardest things to do. It's also why people who skew republican aren't as successful in academia because they lack the ability do it. People who excel at questioning their own beliefs tend to skew liberal.

Thanks Confucius. The difference between you and most every other poster on this site is that you never provide any content outside of the troll.
Thanks Confucius. The difference between you and most every other poster on this site is that you never provide any content outside of the troll.

I provide plenty of content. It's why posters like @Lurker123 can't actually debate the merit of the argument. He has to run to this weird attack on single moms. It's also why you just call it trolling so you don't have to admit you were wrong.
Well, big cities have become overwhelmingly liberal. None are a better place for it.

Doesn't demand (and cost) for housing in those cities versus republican strongholds indicate they're more enjoyable places to live?

Or is the market getting it wrong somehow?
I provide plenty of content. It's why posters like @Lurker123 can't actually debate the merit of the argument. He has to run to this weird attack on single moms. It's also why you just call it trolling so you don't have to admit you were wrong.

You're unstoppable. Should we set up a Patreon account since we've become your defacto therapist?
You don't have to agree with me. You just have to quit making false and irrational statements.

You're welcome to think school shootings are acceptable behavior, but you can't say stricter gun laws wouldn't limit the number of school shootings. The first is just an opinion that makes you a bad person but isn't per se wrong. The second is just plain wrong.

I can say that. Gun laws HAVE gotten stricter. How has that worked out?
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You don't have to agree with me. You just have to quit making false and irrational statements.

You're welcome to think school shootings are acceptable behavior, but you can't say stricter gun laws wouldn't limit the number of school shootings. The first is just an opinion that makes you a bad person but isn't per se wrong. The second is just plain wrong.

Again, please show where I ever said school shootings were acceptable.

A link? A post number?

Because if you can't, and we all know you can't, you just cement the fact that you're a liar. You can't make a coherent argument so you have to make up sh!t instead of addressing what other people actually say. And you actually whine about false and irrational statements? Lmao

Once again, proving you a worthless person, and a worthless troll.

Your dad was right about you.
I provide plenty of content. It's why posters like @Lurker123 can't actually debate the merit of the argument. He has to run to this weird attack on single moms. It's also why you just call it trolling so you don't have to admit you were wrong.

Your content is garbage lies followed up by nonsensical attempts to insult someone else for faults you yourself excel at.

And who's attacking single moms?
Again, please show where I ever said school shootings were acceptable.

A link? A post number?

Because if you can't, and we all know you can't, you just cement the fact that you're a liar. You can't make a coherent argument so you have to make up sh!t instead of addressing what other people actually say. And you actually whine about false and irrational statements? Lmao

Once again, proving you a worthless person, and a worthless troll.

Your dad was right about you.

Where did I say you said it?

Maybe it's time to just admit that you have same limited brain capacity as my father.
Up until this year, Shanahan was one of the biggest voices and contributors to the Democratic Party.

Then suddenly like many other billionaire virtue signalers -- she had an epiphany and was able to recognize the complete corporate takeover of her party.

She's no longer a useful idiot.


Maybe it's time to just admit that you have same limited brain capacity as my father.

Your dad made the right choice.

You keep crying that I'm attacking single moms, but I feel bad for your mom. She was abandoned too. And she was stuck with the absolute worthless offspring, and no male role model to help raise him.

Come to think of it, no male role model is probably why you ended up the beta male cuck you are today.

I'm pretty sure, out of earshot of you, your mom and dad would agree on one thing, that the world would be a better place if he had not trusted that faulty condom and went ahead and pulled out.
Doesn't demand (and cost) for housing in those cities versus republican strongholds indicate they're more enjoyable places to live?

Or is the market getting it wrong somehow?

Nope. Having to live somewhere and wanting to live somewhere are two very different things. People usually bail once retirement come around. I alone in looking forward to watching Rocket Sanders at Running Back? Could be a "difference maker". If he can help us keep our defense off the field (and the defense should be good on its own anyway), could be a surprising year. GO COCKS.
Your dad made the right choice.

You keep crying that I'm attacking single moms, but I feel bad for your mom. She was abandoned too. And she was stuck with the absolute worthless offspring, and no male role model to help raise him.

Come to think of it, no male role model is probably why you ended up the beta male cuck you are today.

I'm pretty sure, out of earshot of you, your mom and dad would agree on one thing, that the world would be a better place if he had not trusted that faulty condom and went ahead and pulled out.

Hmm. Notice someone is hiding from admitting they're wrong.
Nope. Having to live somewhere and wanting to live somewhere are two very different things. People usually bail once retirement come around.

Which is why southern states are turning purple...

You still need to close this logic gap of why all these hard working republicans place their businesses in cities?
Which is why southern states are turning purple...

You still need to close this logic gap of why all these hard working republicans place their businesses in cities?
Southern states, especially those bordering water, are definitely becoming more purple. South Carolina and Alabama are a little behind. inland Southern states are not as close as South Carolina and Alabama.
More people are killed by knives every year than the scary looking rifle you mentioned.
Did it occur to you that the limited availability of guns and more stringent gun ownership laws are probably the reason ?

China is the most populated country in the world and all guns are banned. Handguns are banned in the UK. In India 5 guns are allowed per 100 people. In less developed countries where guns are legal many people can't afford one. Knives OTOH are cheap and plentiful.
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Did it occur to you that the limited availability of guns and more stringent gun ownership laws are probably the reason ?

It's the biggest issue on the board at the moment. The conservative contingent don't think about the bigger implications of what they're saying.
I admit to breezing through it. But I did note that they brought up your point of ammunition.

Given that more guns than "assault rifles" can fire that ammunition, I don't believe it's a good argument for banning "assault rifles". My opinion, I know.

But ban one rifle because the ammo is so deadly, and not the rifle next to it that fires the same deadly ammo? It does not seem reasonable to me.

While ammunition certainly affects rifle power there are other contributing factors but you'll have to google those. The AR-15 uses the NATO 5.56 round. I haven't found anything other than "assault" rifles that use that round.
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Did it occur to you that the limited availability of guns and more stringent gun ownership laws are probably the reason ?

China is the most populated country in the world and all guns are banned. Handguns are banned in the UK. In India 5 guns are allowed per 100 people. In less developed countries where guns are legal many people can't afford one. Knives OTOH are cheap and plentiful.

No. Those stats I gave you are for the US. And it's been that way for as long as I can remember. Handguns are, by far, the weapon of choice when it comes to homicide using a gun.

You want ban those? Or are you virtual signaling with the big, scary gun that is rarely used?
No. Those stats I gave you are for the US. And it's been that way for as long as I can remember. Handguns are, by far, the weapon of choice when it comes to homicide using a gun.

You want ban those? Or are you virtual signaling with the big, scary gun that is rarely used?

Handguns should be the very first firearms banned.
And law-abiding gun owners will be left defenseless.

Surely you don't think a homeowner needs an assault rifle to protect his property? A single round from an AR-15 will kill an intruder as well as a sleeping child two bedrooms away or maybe even the neighbor next door. Although I have easy access to a handgun, anyone in law enforcement will tell you the best deterrent to a home invasion is a barking dog.

Murder victims by weapon used in the U.S 2022

Jul 5, 2024 — Handguns are by far the most common murder weapon used in the United States, accounting for 7,936 homicides in 2022.

Fowl - So this your concern?

There were over 130,000 deaths because of Fentanyl last year. Where do you think that comes from? I've never heard you say a peep about the free-for-all border under the Biden Administration.

There were close to 1,000,000 deaths because of abortion last year. Sure, some of it is pure social-economic, but only a fraction. I've never hear you say a peep about people using it as a form of contraception?

According to VAERs - The Government Website on Vaccine Injuries - There have been at least 37,500 deaths from the COVID vaccine and potentially up to 400,000 just in the US alone. At least 50x more have been injured seriously. I've never hear you say a peep about your concern over this? Many of the deaths have been young people who never needed it in the first place.
Fowl - So this your concern?

There were over 130,000 deaths because of Fentanyl last year. Where do you think that comes from? I've never heard you say a peep about the free-for-all border under the Biden Administration.

There were close to 1,000,000 deaths because of abortion last year. Sure, some of it is pure social-economic, but only a fraction. I've never hear you say a peep about people using it as a form of contraception?

According to VAERs - The Government Website on Vaccine Injuries - There have been at least 37,500 deaths from the COVID vaccine and potentially up to 400,000 just in the US alone. At least 50x more have been injured seriously. I've never hear you say a peep about your concern over this? Many of the deaths have been young people who never needed it in the first place.

Lord. That last paragraph. Oof.
I believe strongly in the right to carry firearms. My Beagle and Yorkie Terrier can be mean things. But they are not enough. That being said, I have no problem with an assault weapon ban.