Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Mike Pence
Mark Esper
James Mattis
John Kelly
Mark Milley
John Bolton
Cassidy Hutchinson
Stephanie Grisham
Sarah Matthews
Anthony Scaramucci
Alysa Farah Griffin

A list of just SOME former Trump administration employees refusing to endorse Trump. When Republican former Trump administration employees, who witnessed Trump up close and personal, warn you about the danger of a sequel Trump administration, you should probably listen.
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Do you personally anticipate any shift with today's news?
Some INITIALLY. But insignificant.

I maintain what I said a couple of weeks ago: this election is a coin toss.

The election will come down to "on the ground infrastructure".

As I said the other day, I believe this election will mirror 1980 in terms of time line. In 1980, the Carter-Reagan election was tight until a few days before the final weekend of that election. On that weekend, Carter campaign operatives broke the news to Carter. Final results: Reagan 50.7%
Carter 41%

This election will turn out not to be close. I'm not saying the winner will win by nearly 10 points. But, it won't be close, imho.
Trump opposed it because it was a bad bill. The Dems would take all that money and fly in more illegals and still treat border patrol like they are the klan.

And Biden lied. He said there was nothing he could do. But then, knowing he HAD to at least temporarily get the numbers down before the election because it was the #1 election issue, he used executive action to slow down the slow. Just like he could have the entire time. Just like Trump did.

But it didn't matter. Dems couldn't even get all the Dems to vote for it, and it was dead on arrival in the House. Senate had an immigration bill for almost a year sitting around (HR2) that passed the House. They refused to even look at it.

Dems want open borders. Period. They are lying when they say they don't. Kamala will flood even more illegal in. People better wake up, because we are about to lose this country to central and south american immigrants. And we see what they turned their countries into.

Putting his selfish political wishes above a bi-partisan border bill is already coming back to haunt Trump. I'm wondering if you understand what bi-partisan means? Had you watched the DNC you would have heard how he squashed that bill and it was repeated often. All in the context of it's all about him and not what's best for our country. It will cost him dearly and thousands of votes in an election he already trails. Do you ever get tried of covering for a criminal? He won't sniff the White House but the Big House is a different story.
Putting his selfish political wishes above a bi-partisan border bill is already coming back to haunt Trump. I'm wondering if you understand what bi-partisan means? Had you watched the DNC you would have heard how he squashed that bill and it was repeated often. All in the context of it's all about him and not what's best for our country. It will cost him dearly and thousands of votes in an election he already trails. Do you ever get tried of covering for a criminal? He won't sniff the White House but the Big House is a different story.

This sounds like the point of view of someone who wanted the border open. To others, that was not a good bill and needed to be squashed.
Mike Pence
Mark Esper
James Mattis
John Kelly
Mark Milley
John Bolton
Cassidy Hutchinson
Stephanie Grisham
Sarah Matthews
Anthony Scaramucci
Alysa Farah Griffin

A list of just SOME former Trump administration employees refusing to endorse Trump. When Republican former Trump administration employees, who witnessed Trump up close and personal, warn you about the danger of a sequel Trump administration, you should probably listen.
I'm sure Barr won't endorse him. JD Vance even called Trump an American Hitler. You can't make this crap up.
This sounds like the point of view of someone who wanted the border open. To others, that was not a good bill and needed to be squashed.
It was not a good bill for Trump because he wanted to claim credit rather than Biden.

If it's not good for Trump it's not good for his baseless base.
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It was not a good bill for Trump because he wanted to claim credit rather than Biden.

If it's not good for Trump it's not good for his baseless base.

I was under the impression that it was a bad bill for some people because it allowed a massive number of illegal aliens to enter the country before any enforcement would supposedly even start.

It set "acceptable limits" at 5000 per day, meaning almost 2 million illegal immigrants a year.

I think that helped convince some people it wasn't a good bill.
This sounds like the point of view of someone who wanted the border open. To others, that was not a good bill and needed to be squashed.
Regarding the border bill, forget that one of the most conservative Senators in Congress (James Lankford) got just about everything he wanted. To me what's more important is that the bill was endorsed by the U.S. Border Patrol union. The National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Trump in 2020, said the bill would drop illegal border crossings. This is a group that repeatedly criticized Biden's handling of the border. They said the bill was far better than the current status quo. Those guys and gals are on the front line of the border. They know what it takes to fix it.
It was not a good bill for Trump because he wanted to claim credit rather than Biden.

If it's not good for Trump it's not good for his baseless base.

Credit? Biden had 3.5 years and did nothing but destroy border security. There is no credit for him anywhere in any of this. Him and Coconut Tree Kamala are the reason it is broken today.

Trump isn't like the other Republicans that get repeatedly Charlie Browned by the Lucy Dems. He knew what would happen. Biden would take the money, keep lying that he couldn't do anything, and fly more illegals in all day and all night. And the border patrol would continue to only be allowed to act like the border version of WalMart greeters.

Trump is a better President than Biden and he's not even in office right now.
Regarding the border bill, forget that one of the most conservative Senators in Congress (James Lankford) got just about everything he wanted. To me what's more important is that the bill was endorsed by the U.S. Border Patrol union. The National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Trump in 2020, said the bill would drop illegal border crossings. This is a group that repeatedly criticized Biden's handling of the border. They said the bill was far better than the current status quo. Those guys and gals are on the front line of the border. They know what it takes to fix it.

You literally have Kamala saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally.

So you think they were going to enforce any of this? They don't enforce the laws now. They went to Texas and cut razor wire. They fly people in overnight into airports everywhere.

They would have taken the money and flooded more people into the US. Period.
You literally have Kamala saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally.

So you think they were going to enforce any of this? They don't enforce the laws now. They went to Texas and cut razor wire. They fly people in overnight into airports everywhere.

They would have taken the money and flooded more people into the US. Period.
I cannot read someone's mind. We can go back and forth about what might and might not happen.And I don't think you want to talk about things that Trump said one thing and then reversed himself. What's indisputable is that the National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Trump in 2020 and has been critical of Biden, came out strongly for this bill. And I am absolutely certain that support for the bill will be repeated over, and over and over again to the public in the next few months. Period.
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I cannot read someone's mind. We can go back and forth about what might and might not happen. What's indisputable is that the National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Trump in 2020 and has been critical of Biden, came out strongly for this bill. And I am absolutely certain that support for the bill will be repeated over, and over and over again to the public in the next few months.

I don't care who endorsed it. The facts are the facts. Biden refused to enforce the laws we have now. That is a fact. And he lied when he said there was nothing else he could do. Fact, because he eventually did. It would be stupid to give him more money and expect him to start. Lankford is an idiot that tried to pull a Marco Rubio trying to make a name for himself.

If we had a law on the books RIGHT NOW stating that all guns were illegal to own, Dems wouldn't be negotiating shit. There would be no allowed number of gun owners per day. They would be locking gun owners left and right and throwing the book at them as hard as they could.

I'm glad it was killed. Terrible deal for Republicans and all American citizens.
I don't care who endorsed it. The facts are the facts. Biden refused to enforce the laws we have now. That is a fact. And he lied when he said there was nothing else he could do. Fact, because he eventually did. It would be stupid to give him more money and expect him to start. Lankford is an idiot that tried to pull a Marco Rubio trying to make a name for himself.

If we had a law on the books RIGHT NOW stating that all guns were illegal to own, Dems wouldn't be negotiating shit. There would be no allowed number of gun owners per day. They would be locking gun owners left and right and throwing the book at them as hard as they could.

I'm glad it was killed. Terrible deal for Republicans and all American citizens.
Biden is not running for re-election. That is a fact. It does not matter that YOU don't care who endorsed it. The independent, swing voters are another matter.
Same ole same ole form the Trump cultists who try so hard to defend the un-defendable. When their hero is trounced by Harris and ends up in jail they'll blame it on the Dems. After all didn't they hire Stormy to go undercover? :p
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Biden is not running for re-election. That is a fact. It does not matter that YOU don't care who endorsed it. The independent, swing voters are another matter.

True. Let's see what independents say when they see video of her lying about the border being secure. Or saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally. Or that she wants to close illegal alien detentions centers on Day 1.

Anybody that believes she wants to close the border is an idiot. She. Is. Lying.
True. Let's see what independents say when they see video of her lying about the border being secure. Or saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally. Or that she wants to close illegal alien detentions centers on Day 1.

Anybody that believes she wants to close the border is an idiot. She. Is. Lying.
Lets see what Trump has said on video about many issues and then reversed himself. There's a treasure chest of that. I don't think that lies want to be compared.
True. Let's see what independents say when they see video of her lying about the border being secure. Or saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally. Or that she wants to close illegal alien detentions centers on Day 1.

Anybody that believes she wants to close the border is an idiot. She. Is. Lying.

We need to save some these posts and repost them after the election.
We need to save some these posts and repost them after the election.

Yeah, let's repost them when she lets another 10 or 20 or 30 million people in the country. And then tries to make the citizens and give them all the benefits of our social programs, including social security.

Yeah, let's repost then.
True. Let's see what independents say when they see video of her lying about the border being secure. Or saying on video that she wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally. Or that she wants to close illegal alien detentions centers on Day 1.

Anybody that believes she wants to close the border is an idiot. She. Is. Lying.

Those Big Agri repubs need illegals otherwise their crops rot in the fields. Not advertising jobs might reduce the border traffic but they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Lets see what Trump has said on video about many issues and then reversed himself. There's a treasure chest of that. I don't think that lies want to be compared.

So Gamecock Stock, let's see if you are dumb enough to vote for an idiot that wants to tax unrealized gains.

Kamala Harris Supports Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains: What It Means for Wealthy Households (

Well, are you dumb enough to vote for that? You dumb enough to think it will stop at just rich people?
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So Gamecock Stock, let's see if you are dumb enough to vote from an idiot that wants to tax unrealized gains.

Kamala Harris Supports Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains: What It Means for Wealthy Households (

Well, are you dumb enough to vote for that? You dumb enough to think it will stop at just rich people?

Agree. That's the ultimate litmus test.

Even if you hate Trump with every ounce of your being, voting for that measure is a red herring for stupidity on every level.
Yeah, let's repost them when she lets another 10 or 20 or 30 million people in the country. And then tries to make the citizens and give them all the benefits of our social programs, including social security.

Yeah, let's repost then.

She's far more intelligent than Trump. You know Trump's dad paid a smart kid to sit from his SAT. Otherwise Trump would never have gotten into college. Harris will tackle the border head on but if the Dems don't take the House and keep the Senate she'll be hamstrung. If that happens she still will have saved our democracy. That's far more important than any border.
She's far more intelligent than Trump. You know Trump's dad paid a smart kid to sit from his SAT. Otherwise Trump would never have gotten into college. Harris will tackle the border head on but if the Dems don't take the House and keep the Senate she'll be hamstrung. If that happens she still will have saved our democracy. That's far more important than any border.

Aren't you supposed to be old and wise? Your content is embarrassing. Please spare us the "Son, blah, blah, blah..." routine.

You sound like a pink-haired 15-year old hyped up on Adderall contemplating their gender.
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She's far more intelligent than Trump. You know Trump's dad paid a smart kid to sit from his SAT. Otherwise Trump would never have gotten into college. Harris will tackle the border head on but if the Dems don't take the House and keep the Senate she'll be hamstrung. If that happens she still will have saved our democracy. That's far more important than any border.

She is dumber than a stump. Actually thinks "the cloud" is above us.

She will do with the border what she did with the border the last 3 years. Leave it wide open.

Yeah, a communist that got exactly ZERO primary votes and was installed to save our democracy. LOL
You dumb enough to think the direct impact and many indirect impacts of such a policy will be limited to just the "wealthy"?
And you are dumb enough to think everybody falls for fear tactics? smh. I remember how the $400,000 fear tactic was brought up in the last election. Project 2025 is not a fear tactic. It's on paper.
And you are dumb enough to think everybody falls for fear tactics? smh. I remember how the $400,000 fear tactic was brought up in the last election. Project 2025 is not a fear tactic. It's on paper.

Trump didn't have shit to do with Project 2025. Trump has not endorsed it and claimed it was his policy. Just a lie.

I mean, I remember Trump was going to destroy the economy and start a nuclear war. Instead, he got us through the worst national emergency of the last century intact and started no new wars. Putin didn't dare screw with us. There was peace in the Middle East. NATO finally had somebody will balls telling them to pay their f'ing bills instead of mooching of us. Inflation was under 2%. Gas was $2.39 a gallon. And mortgage rates were at 2.75%.

How's all that working out now?
Trump didn't have shit to do with Project 2025. Trump has not endorsed it and claimed it was his policy. Just a lie.

I mean, I remember Trump was going to destroy the economy and start a nuclear war. Instead, he got us through the worst national emergency of the last century intact and started no new wars. Putin didn't dare screw with us. There was peace in the Middle East. NATO finally had somebody will balls telling them to pay their f'ing bills instead of mooching of us. Inflation was under 2%. Gas was $2.39 a gallon. And mortgage rates were at 2.75%.

How's all that working out now?
And of course Trump never lies.
Regarding the border bill, forget that one of the most conservative Senators in Congress (James Lankford) got just about everything he wanted. To me what's more important is that the bill was endorsed by the U.S. Border Patrol union. The National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Trump in 2020, said the bill would drop illegal border crossings. This is a group that repeatedly criticized Biden's handling of the border. They said the bill was far
better than the current status quo. Those guys and gals are on the front line of the border. They know what it takes to fix it.

None of this really makes ot a good bill,imo. Having sections of both parties is bipartisan, but sometimes, both of those parties are working for other interests.

The bill could have dropped illegal crossings because it wanted to "limit" them to 1.8 million a year, which is in fact less than was going on at the time.

I don't think that's a good idea though. I don't believe you compromise to stop a flood of illegal immigration by agreeing that a lower, but still unsustainable flood is okay.

And this is based on the idea that 1.8 million a year, as a starting point, is not a good idea. But, jmo.

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