Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

During Harris's acceptance speech she received a gasp from the audience when she mentioned the repub's plan to hire a national anti-abortion commissar. This person would require reports and personal information on all abortions and miscarriages in the US. Republicans were once guardians of limited government and personal freedoms. What happened?

We've seen banning of books and CRT but so far no bonfire burning of books like prewar Germany. I understand an attack on birth control is in the works.
Do you really believe that crap? Good lord, Democrats will make any kind of garbage they can think of because they know their constituents will swallow it all hook, line, sinker , rod and reel, and the entire boat.
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During Harris's acceptance speech she received a gasp from the audience when she mentioned the repub's plan to hire a national anti-abortion commissar. This person would require reports and personal information on all abortions and miscarriages in the US. Republicans were once guardians of limited government and personal freedoms. What happened?

We've seen banning of books and CRT but so far no bonfire burning of books like prewar Germany. I understand an attack on birth control is in the works.

LOL. More nutty lies from the Dems. The party of hate and fear.

And yes, they should bonfire burn those smut book and the crt propaganda materials that liberals try to push on underage kids in schools. Our public schools are not the place for that.
LOL. More nutty lies from the Dems. The party of hate and fear.

And yes, they should bonfire burn those smut book and the crt propaganda materials that liberals try to push on underage kids in schools. Our public schools are not the place for that.

Democrats are the party of unity not division and chaos. Democrats are the party of inclusion not exclusion. Democrats are the party of love and joy not hate. Democrats are the party that will raise up the middle class not the party that will make the rich richer. Few if any on this forum earn $400,000+ a year yet you repubs don't support raising taxes on that group instead you support raising taxes on yourself - the middle class. Republicans have always identified as the party of the rich. My father, a life long democrat, and legislator contrary to republican dogma believed "the fat must fry the lean".

In 1948 Dad was a delegate to the DNC. When Thurmond formed the segregationist dixiecrat party and walked out of the convention my father did something I'm proud of to this day. As an early supporter of civil rights he was one of the few from the SC delegation to stay behind and cast a vote for Truman. Truman of course won the election while Thurmond carried four deep south states.
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Dear Useless Idiots,

Policy matters more than personality.

Do you think Trump can pull himself away from Hannibal Lector and shark attacks vs electrocution discussions to give us a glimmer of policies?

Trump says he uses names like Obama, Biden, and Pelosi interchangeably for fun just to throw us off.

Psycho-babble is not to be confused with policy unless you're DT.
What happened to the COVID vaccination program?

They had to dump hundreds of millions of vials of the MRNA which were scheduled to be injected into arms through 2026.

It's not like COVID went away.

What happened to Fauci and Welensky?

Did they just decide they were sick of collecting big royalty checks for spouting lies?

The CDC, NYT and Washington Post have all written articles on the vaccine issues.

There are studies showing tens of millions of people have been injured or killed by the vaccine.

I personally know of at least 7 people who have been injured and two who have died.

Many more have experienced accelerated pre-disposed health symptoms they carried before the vaccine.

What about all of the studies on accelerated cancer and myocarditis as a result of the vax?

Why has Kennedy won so many cases over Big Pharma during his 40-year law career?

Why didn't Pharma, Fauci and the US government sue him for slander/defamation when he hung them out to dry with a 2-year best selling book which completely detailed the fraud and had over 2200 legal citations?

mRNA has a shelf life of 3 years. As far as the other statements - "the juice ain't worth the squeezing"
Do you really believe that crap? Good lord, Democrats will make any kind of garbage they can think of because they know their constituents will swallow it all hook, line, sinker , rod and reel, and the entire boat.

Millions heard Harris's acceptance speech but you obviously did not. Book banning by conservatives is rampant. Do you live in a cave with no contact from the outside world?
Democrats are the party of unity not division and chaos. Democrats are the party of inclusion not exclusion. Democrats are the party of love and joy not hate. Democrats are the party that will raise up the middle class not the party that will make the rich richer. Few if any on this forum earn $400,000+ a year yet you repubs don't support raising taxes on that group instead you support raising taxes on yourself - the middle class. Republicans have always identified as the party of the rich. My father, a life long democrat, and legislator contrary to republican dogma believed "the fat must fry the lean".

In 1948 Dad was a delegate to the DNC. When Thurmond formed the segregationist dixiecrat party and walked out of the convention my father did something I'm proud of to this day. As an early supporter of civil rights he was one of the few from the SC delegation to stay behind and cast a vote for Truman. Truman of course won the election while Thurmond carried four deep south states.

In before they call the Democrats the true racists and telling you that the racists like Thurmond didn't become modern Republicans.
Democrats are the party of unity not division and chaos. Democrats are the party of inclusion not exclusion. Democrats are the party of love and joy not hate. Democrats are the party that will raise up the middle class not the party that will make the rich richer. Few if any on this forum earn $400,000+ a year yet you repubs don't support raising taxes on that group instead you support raising taxes on yourself - the middle class. Republicans have always identified as the party of the rich. My father, a life long democrat, and legislator contrary to republican dogma believed "the fat must fry the lean".

In 1948 Dad was a delegate to the DNC. When Thurmond formed the segregationist dixiecrat party and walked out of the convention my father did something I'm proud of to this day. As an early supporter of civil rights he was one of the few from the SC delegation to stay behind and cast a vote for Truman. Truman of course won the election while Thurmond carried four deep south states.

What a crock of shit. Some of that might have been true 50 years ago, but the Democrats of today are nothing more than hate-filled, divisive pre-Communist. They divide us in any way possible with their identity politics, because their success rides on people being angry and afraid and jealous. The party of the lazy and the stupid who think the government is their Mommy and Daddy. There is nothing on earth more miserable, vile, filled with hate and hypocrisy than a liberal Democrat.
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Millions heard Harris's acceptance speech but you obviously did not. Book banning by conservatives is rampant. Do you live in a cave with no contact from the outside world?

Really? What book am I banned from owning? What book are you banned from owning?

Just a lie.
In before they call the Democrats the true racists and telling you that the racists like Thurmond didn't become modern Republicans.
You people are racist. Look at Ilham, Tlaib, the stupid chick who stole 4,000,000 from a town in Illinois. Your party preaches unity, but the only thing you do is spread hate! Your party does exactly what it says the other “thinks it does”.
Really? What book am I banned from owning? What book are you banned from owning?

Just a lie.

Forever Troll has resorted to the same tactics as DeeDave and Watson.

Fundamentally, it's not their fault.

It's impossible to provide any meaningful discussion when you're trying to support policy that's clearly not in the best interests of anyone but the people involved in the power grab.

Sadly, they view politics like a football game and will continue to push propaganda because their TV set told them to do so.

The very definition of a useful Idiot.
You people are racist. Look at Ilham, Tlaib, the stupid chick who stole 4,000,000 from a town in Illinois. Your party preaches unity, but the only thing you do is spread hate! Your party does exactly what it says the other “thinks it does”.

The difference of course being I don't defend Ilhan Omar when she's being ridiculous.
The difference of course being I don't defend Ilhan Omar when she's being ridiculous.
But you’ll defend your party? Because I can post tons of other things from your “so-called, INCLUSIVE party.” Imagine following people or someone who DIDNT even get elected! Your party didn’t even hold a vote for Kamala! This woman has been in office for FOUR YEARS! She’s talking or making “vin diagrams” about how she will do ALL OF THESE great things. She’s in office now, why wait? Your party literally is Communism 101…..
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You people are racist. Look at Ilham, Tlaib, the stupid chick who stole 4,000,000 from a town in Illinois. Your party preaches unity, but the only thing you do is spread hate! Your party does exactly what it says the other “thinks it does”.

Nah, they are "inclusive" sometimes. Ask Hamas.

But not so much when it comes to picking a VP. No Jews allowed.
Democrats are the party of unity not division and chaos. Democrats are the party of inclusion not exclusion. Democrats are the party of love and joy not hate. Democrats are the party that will raise up the middle class not the party that will make the rich richer. Few if any on this forum earn $400,000+ a year yet you repubs don't support raising taxes on that group instead you support raising taxes on yourself - the middle class. Republicans have always identified as the party of the rich. My father, a life long democrat, and legislator contrary to republican dogma believed "the fat must fry the lean".

In 1948 Dad was a delegate to the DNC. When Thurmond formed the segregationist dixiecrat party and walked out of the convention my father did something I'm proud of to this day. As an early supporter of civil rights he was one of the few from the SC delegation to stay behind and cast a vote for Truman. Truman of course won the election while Thurmond carried four deep south states.
Democrats always use the line “make the rich pay their fair share” and it always works on their economically illiterate rubes. There are hundreds of thousands of research papers that conclude tax increases on the wealthy ALWAYS result in tax decreases on the rich while actually increasing taxes on the group it was meant to help. The research papers include one of my own where every paper I examined for the literature review found that same result. Republicans and the wealthy merely shrug their shoulders at the idea of raising taxes on them because if enacted they will find a way to pass those taxes onto someone else — specifically the lower income classes. The rich don’t become wealthy by being stupid.
Democrats always use the line “make the rich pay their fair share” and it always works on their economically illiterate rubes. There are hundreds of thousands of research papers that conclude tax increases on the wealthy ALWAYS result in tax decreases on the rich while actually increasing taxes on the group it was meant to help. The research papers include one of my own where every paper I examined for the literature review found that same result. Republicans and the wealthy merely shrug their shoulders at the idea of raising taxes on them because if enacted they will find a way to pass those taxes onto someone else — specifically the lower income classes. The rich don’t become wealthy by being stupid.
Yes! People don’t understand TRICKLE DOWN
Democrats are the party of unity not division and chaos. Democrats are the party of inclusion not exclusion. Democrats are the party of love and joy not hate. Democrats are the party that will raise up the middle class not the party that will make the rich richer. Few if any on this forum earn $400,000+ a year yet you repubs don't support raising taxes on that group instead you support raising taxes on yourself - the middle class. Republicans have always identified as the party of the rich. My father, a life long democrat, and legislator contrary to republican dogma believed "the fat must fry the lean".

Fowl, I believe I understand you a lot better since you revealed your age.

I will simply politely say that this Democrat party is not the party from your youth.
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Lying Koconut Tree Komrad Kamala has NO SHAME. Pathetic.

"My mother tells the story about how I'm fussing and she's like, 'Baby, what do you want? What do you need?' And I just looked at her and I said, 'Fweedom.'" - Kamala Harris 2010

“I will never forget a moment in Birmingham when a White policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother. What do you want?’ the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked at him straight in the eye and answered, ‘Fee-dom,'” -MLK Jr in 1965

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Then why did Trickle Down economics fail?
Because you were told that it did by Democrats and the lying media. Trickle down as explained by Adam Smith (he didn’t call it that name though) works wonderfully until government intervenes to alter it in the name of “Fairness.” By doing so, Crony Capitalism takes over and makes the middle class even poorer. Any “Fairness” legislation Democrats put forth is only meant to advantage one group over another, which ultimately squanders national resources and harms the lower classes.
Because you were told that it did by Democrats and the lying media. Trickle down as explained by Adam Smith (he didn’t call it that name though) works wonderfully until government intervenes to alter it in the name of “Fairness.” By doing so, Crony Capitalism takes over and makes the middle class even poorer. Any “Fairness” legislation Democrats put forth is only meant to advantage one group over another, which ultimately squanders national resources and harms the lower classes.

How did the lying media cause tax revenue not to offset tax cuts?

These posts just show how out of touch you guys are with reality.
Because you were told that it did by Democrats and the lying media. Trickle down as explained by Adam Smith (he didn’t call it that name though) works wonderfully until government intervenes to alter it in the name of “Fairness.” By doing so, Crony Capitalism takes over and makes the middle class even poorer. Any “Fairness” legislation Democrats put forth is only meant to advantage one group over another, which ultimately squanders national resources and harms the lower classes.

Saw an interesting debate where people were arguing what trickle down even meant. It apparently meant different things to different people.
Another Walz lie

New poll that came out this morning from Farleigh Dickinson University:

Harris 50%
Trump 43%.

I'm for Harris. Regardless I stick to what I said the other day: this race is a "coin toss". That being said, Trump definitely needs to get his act together. If he does not have a good debate against Harris ....... well, you know. And he better have a good ground game. This race will not be won by TV ads.
Even better the Republicans will cut taxes and increase spending to then argue that government doesn't work.

Watson - The Democrats have held office for the last 12 of 16 years.

Trump's administration experienced the most job growth and faster wage increases, particularly for lower-income workers, before the pandemic disrupted the economy.

Please explain to us why continuing to raise taxes on the middle, upper-middle class is a good idea?
New poll that came out this morning from Farleigh Dickinson University:

Harris 50%
Trump 43%.

I'm for Harris. Regardless I stick to what I said the other day: this race is a "coin toss". That being said, Trump definitely needs to get his act together. If he does not have a good debate against Harris ....... well, you know. And he better have a good ground game. This race will not be won by TV ads.

Stock - Can you provide any reasons why you're for Harris from an economic and foreign policy standpoint?

Also please explain your stance on things like immigration and the Ukraine War.
Watson - The Democrats have held office for the last 12 of 16 years.

Trump's administration experienced the most job growth and faster wage increases, particularly for lower-income workers, before the pandemic disrupted the economy.

A reasonable person might wonder if the 8 years prior to the Trump administration had a lot to do with the economy he inherited.
Please explain to us why continuing to raise taxes on the middle, upper-middle class is a good idea?

Who is arguing to raise taxes on the middle class? That's a republican strategy. The democrats prefer to tax the wealthy.
A reasonable person might wonder if the 8 years prior to the Trump administration had a lot to do with the economy he inherited.

Who is arguing to raise taxes on the middle class?

Haha. So Obama was responsible for Trump's era even though he had 8 years and policy was completely opposite? How does that work exactly?

Are you saying you don't believe you'll be taxed more under Harris than Trump?
Haha. So Obama was responsible for Trump's era even though he had 8 years and policy was completely opposite? How does that work exactly?

I think only a fool would think Trump's policies made a drastic change to the economy in a short period of time. That would mean you must believe that Biden's policies were even better than Trump's. Which I have a feeling you don't actually believe.
Are you saying you don't believe you'll be taxed more under Harris than Trump?
Considering my household income is in the 90ish percentile, I should pay more.
I think only a fool would think Trump's policies made a drastic change to the economy in a short period of time. That would mean you must believe that Biden's policies were even better than Trump's. Which I have a feeling you don't actually believe.

Considering my household income is in the 90ish percentile, I should pay more.

If you don't believe an economy can be turned around in 6-12 months, you're trolling again or profoundly uninformed.

For reference, please note even extreme examples like Argentina and El Salvador of recent. They got rid of longstanding progressive economic policies and both of their countries have done a 180.
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