Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Those Big Agri repubs need illegals otherwise their crops rot in the fields. Not advertising jobs might reduce the border traffic but they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face.

I agree with this. As I said above, the bipartisan nature of the bill didn't impress me in this regard as it was a bunch of rich people importing low wage earners to help suppress wages.

Our elected officials on both sides are earning 100k to 200k a year, and becoming millionaires. Most of them are working for their own wealth first.
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None of this really makes ot a good bill,imo. Having sections of both parties is bipartisan, but sometimes, both of those parties are working for other interests.

The bill could have dropped illegal crossings because it wanted to "limit" them to 1.8 million a year, which is in fact less than was going on at the time.

I don't think that's a good idea though. I don't believe you compromise to stop a flood of illegal immigration by agreeing that a lower, but still unsustainable flood is okay.

And this is based on the idea that 1.8 million a year, as a starting point, is not a good idea. But, jmo.
At the risk of someone saying you and I are the same person, I will say I agree with your sentiment. 😉Was it perfect? No. I have always been an incrementalist. Public policy here moves in an incremental way. We can cite many, many public policy issues that have evolved incrementally over the past 200 years. That bill was opposed by some on BOTH on the left and right. In fact, the left got very little. I believe get what you can get to get it down and then work on getting more. You don't stop working just because you get it down. Believe me, since the left would have gotten very little, they would have all the incentive in the world to keep working with the right.
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It set "acceptable limits" at 5000 per day, meaning almost 2 million illegal immigrants a year.

I think that helped convince some people it wasn't a good bill.

This wasn't true. Despite even some Republicans saying this wasn't true- people keep repeating this lie.

It must be because they simply don't understand what the law allows now

  • The Senate’s immigration bill gives the executive branch emergency authority to bar most migrants from seeking asylum if unauthorized immigration at the border reaches an average of 5,000 encounters a day during seven consecutive days.

  • That does not mean that 5,000 people are allowed to illegally enter the U.S.

  • Encounters track the number of times immigration officials stop people trying to enter the U.S., not the number of people who are released into the country.
Harris - 48.4%
Trump - 46.9%

Harris +1.5%

Harris 46.4%
Trump 44.4%
Kennedy 5.0%
Stein 0.8%
West 0.6%

Harris +2.0%

Source: Real Clear Politics (averaging of polls)

Not making a statement; just relaying information.

I've never met anyone that is supporting Stein or West- ever.

I listen to a lot of independent type shows- and I've never heard a caller call in to voice support for either one. Must be a few blocks in New York City.
None of this really makes ot a good bill,imo. Having sections of both parties is bipartisan, but sometimes, both of those parties are working for other interests.

The bill could have dropped illegal crossings because it wanted to "limit" them to 1.8 million a year, which is in fact less than was going on at the time.

I don't think that's a good idea though. I don't believe you compromise to stop a flood of illegal immigration by agreeing that a lower, but still unsustainable flood is okay.

And this is based on the idea that 1.8 million a year, as a starting point, is not a good idea. But, jmo.
Here is another thing to keep in mind. I know that Harris says she will sign that bill if she is elected. But there's no guarantee she will get that bill. Democrats who supported that bill this year would have no incentive to agree to the same bill. NONE!!!! That's why many Republicans who supported that bill said "Take it " because they might never again get such a lopsided immigration bill in their favor. Look, BOTH sides play "politics" with legislation. But, this was a total Fk up by Republicans. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in order to appease Trump. You can bet your bottom dollar that Democrats are going to try to make Trump and down ballot Republicans pay a price for that this Fall.
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Here is another thing to keep in mind. I know that Harris says she will sign that bill if she is elected. But there's no guarantee she will get that bill. Democrats who supported that bill this year would have no incentive to agree to the same bill. NONE!!!! That's why many Republicans who supported that bill said "Take it " because they might never again get such a lopsided immigration bill in their favor. Look, BOTH sides play "politics" with legislation. But, this was a total Fk up by Republicans. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in order to appease Trump. You can bet your bottom dollar that Democrats are going to try to make Trump and down ballot Republicans pay a price for that this Fall.

I certainly can understand the reasoning. I just don't see that bill as the republican "win" as you do. It seemed more like simply conceding on massive amounts of illegal immigration as the new norm.
She is dumber than a stump. Actually thinks "the cloud" is above us.

She will do with the border what she did with the border the last 3 years. Leave it wide open.

Yeah, a communist that got exactly ZERO primary votes and was installed to save our democracy. LOL
You don't graduate from Cal Law dumber than a stump. Just shows your ignorance. You don't understand the role of a VP nor have you taken the time to read what her border duties were. A communist in your weak mind is anyone you don't like. I studied communism as a requirement of a poly sci minor. I wish you had as then you might have a clue.
Aren't you supposed to be old and wise? Your content is embarrassing. Please spare us the "Son, blah, blah, blah..." routine.

You sound like a pink-haired 15-year old hyped up on Adderall contemplating their gender.

If you're still in high school I'll give you a pass.
Yeah, let's repost them when she lets another 10 or 20 or 30 million people in the country. And then tries to make the citizens and give them all the benefits of our social programs, including social security.

Yeah, let's repost then.

Let's hope Harris is elected otherwise you may not see a Social Security check. Have you read Project 2025?
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During Harris's acceptance speech she received a gasp from the audience when she mentioned the repub's plan to hire a national anti-abortion commissar. This person would require reports and personal information on all abortions and miscarriages in the US. Republicans were once guardians of limited government and personal freedoms. What happened?

We've seen banning of books and CRT but so far no bonfire burning of books like prewar Germany. I understand an attack on birth control is in the works.
During Harris's acceptance speech she received a gasp from the audience when she mentioned the repub's plan to hire a national anti-abortion commissar. This person would require reports and personal information on all abortions and miscarriages in the US. Republicans were once guardians of limited government and personal freedoms. What happened?

We've seen banning of books and CRT but so far no bonfire burning of books like prewar Germany. I understand an attack on birth control is in the works.

Did you see Trump the liar yesterday? Just in the last 2 months, Trump has called RFK Jr.:

"a liberal lunatic"
a “Democrat ‘Plant”
“Radical Left Liberal"
"family is a bunch of lunatics"
"Dumbest member of the Kennedy family"

One of Trump's PACS has attacked Kennedy even more ruthlessly and I can't post that stuff here.

Then yesterday the "liberal lunatic" endorsed Trump and Trump called him

"a great guy"
"very talented"
"very smart"
"very bright."
"I like him a lot. I respect him a lot."

Kennedy, just in the last year, has voiced support for "full-term abortion rights" (stunning his VP pick and blindsiding her) and a national ban on abortions before 3 months.

That worm did eat a lot of his brain.

I feel sorry for Kennedy's wife in this. He's hinted that this has put a severe strain on her. I can't imagine the conversations and arguments they are having. I have to believe she didn't want any of this.
During Harris's acceptance speech she received a gasp from the audience when she mentioned the repub's plan to hire a national anti-abortion commissar. This person would require reports and personal information on all abortions and miscarriages in the US. Republicans were once guardians of limited government and personal freedoms. What happened?

We've seen banning of books and CRT but so far no bonfire burning of books like prewar Germany. I understand an attack on birth control is in the works.

Most of this sounded like boogeyman kind of talk. A national abortion commissar? We know that nobody is banning books. That's the overblown description of saying some books shouldn't be available to small children.

I can see some groups going after birth control, but I doubt much comes of it, personally.
Did you see Trump the liar yesterday? Just in the last 2 months, Trump has called RFK Jr.:

"a liberal lunatic"
a “Democrat ‘Plant”
“Radical Left Liberal"
"family is a bunch of lunatics"
"Dumbest member of the Kennedy family"

One of Trump's PACS has attacked Kennedy even more ruthlessly and I can't post that stuff here.

Then yesterday the "liberal lunatic" endorsed Trump and Trump called him

"a great guy"
"very talented"
"very smart"
"very bright."
"I like him a lot. I respect him a lot."

Kennedy, just in the last year, has voiced support for "full-term abortion rights" (stunning his VP pick and blindsiding her) and a national ban on abortions before 3 months.

That worm did eat a lot of his brain.

I feel sorry for Kennedy's wife in this. He's hinted that this has put a severe strain on her. I can't imagine the conversations and arguments they are having. I have to believe she didn't want any of this.

All the Kennedy's ( his extended family ) have rejected his politics and vaccine craziness. He's already the black sheep of the family so selling out to Trump for the promise of a job is no big deal.
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Most of this sounded like boogeyman kind of talk. A national abortion commissar? We know that nobody is banning books. That's the overblown description of saying some books shouldn't be available to small children.

I can see some groups going after birth control, but I doubt much comes of it, personally.

Well, they are banning some books.

That might be proper in some cases for elementary schools students (and middle school in some cases).

Now, banning a book that mentions some children have 2 dads, or 2 moms? That's over the top. Plenty of kids have family situations like that and under no circumstances should public schools be banning books that talk about them if they are simply talking about them in a routine manner.
Did you see Trump the liar yesterday? Just in the last 2 months, Trump has called RFK Jr.:

"a liberal lunatic"
a “Democrat ‘Plant”
“Radical Left Liberal"
"family is a bunch of lunatics"
"Dumbest member of the Kennedy family"

One of Trump's PACS has attacked Kennedy even more ruthlessly and I can't post that stuff here.

Then yesterday the "liberal lunatic" endorsed Trump and Trump called him

"a great guy"
"very talented"
"very smart"
"very bright."
"I like him a lot. I respect him a lot."

Kennedy, just in the last year, has voiced support for "full-term abortion rights" (stunning his VP pick and blindsiding her) and a national ban on abortions before 3 months.

That worm did eat a lot of his brain.

I feel sorry for Kennedy's wife in this. He's hinted that this has put a severe strain on her. I can't imagine the conversations and arguments they are having. I have to believe she didn't want any of this.
I don't want to use the word "love" because that's too strong a word. But I really, really liked Robert F. Kennedy, probably more than I did his brother Jack. To see what's happened to Junior, not just because of the Trump thing, but over the years before Trump, I find sad for that family. I can only imagine their anguish over the son, brother, uncle.

From what I read last year, Cheryl Hines, Jrs wife, gave her "OK" for him to run. She is no fan of Trump and will not support him. She says that during Junior's campaign, she has met a lot of good Republicans, Democrats and independents. Hines is really a good actress. I liked her in Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm". I hope that the Hollywood bigwigs don't blackball her because of Kennedy.
All the Kennedy's ( his extended family ) have rejected his politics and vaccine craziness. He's already the black sheep of the family so selling out to Trump for the promise of a job is no big deal.

What happened to the COVID vaccination program?

They had to dump hundreds of millions of vials of the MRNA which were scheduled to be injected into arms through 2026.

It's not like COVID went away.

What happened to Fauci and Welensky?

Did they just decide they were sick of collecting big royalty checks for spouting lies?

The CDC, NYT and Washington Post have all written articles on the vaccine issues.

There are studies showing tens of millions of people have been injured or killed by the vaccine.

I personally know of at least 7 people who have been injured and two who have died.

Many more have experienced accelerated pre-disposed health symptoms they carried before the vaccine.

What about all of the studies on accelerated cancer and myocarditis as a result of the vax?

Why has Kennedy won so many cases over Big Pharma during his 40-year law career?

Why didn't Pharma, Fauci and the US government sue him for slander/defamation when he hung them out to dry with a 2-year best selling book which completely detailed the fraud and had over 2200 legal citations?
Did you see Trump the liar yesterday? Just in the last 2 months, Trump has called RFK Jr.:

"a liberal lunatic"
a “Democrat ‘Plant”
“Radical Left Liberal"
"family is a bunch of lunatics"
"Dumbest member of the Kennedy family"

One of Trump's PACS has attacked Kennedy even more ruthlessly and I can't post that stuff here.

Then yesterday the "liberal lunatic" endorsed Trump and Trump called him

"a great guy"
"very talented"
"very smart"
"very bright."
"I like him a lot. I respect him a lot."

Kennedy, just in the last year, has voiced support for "full-term abortion rights" (stunning his VP pick and blindsiding her) and a national ban on abortions before 3 months.

That worm did eat a lot of his brain.

I feel sorry for Kennedy's wife in this. He's hinted that this has put a severe strain on her. I can't imagine the conversations and arguments they are having. I have to believe she didn't want any of this.

You sound very nervous, Gomer.

I do agree with you though that Trump has done alot of double talking when it comes to Kennedy.

It isn't as two-faced as what the Democrats have done with Harris.

However, it has been a bunch of needless and petty exchanges on Trump's part to curry favor.

Anyone know how RFK Jrs voice turned out as it did (no worm jokes, please)? Did he have an illness? I've heard other members of his family; they sound nothing like him. In fact I don't hear anyone (non-Kennedy) that sound like him.
Anyone know how RFK Jrs voice turned out as it did (no worm jokes, please)? Did he have an illness? I've heard other members of his family; they sound nothing like him. In fact I don't hear anyone (non-Kennedy) that sound like him.

Autoimmune condition of the throat triggered by a virus.

It happens to people who have careers where they have to speak alot.

The average American is so stupid they view it has a weakness b/c they are so caught up in appearance vs. what an individual brings to the table intellectually.

Kennedy is the inverse of Kamala Harris.
I don't want to use the word "love" because that's too strong a word. But I really, really liked Robert F. Kennedy, probably more than I did his brother Jack. To see what's happened to Junior, not just because of the Trump thing, but over the years before Trump, I find sad for that family. I can only imagine their anguish over the son, brother, uncle.

From what I read last year, Cheryl Hines, Jrs wife, gave her "OK" for him to run. She is no fan of Trump and will not support him. She says that during Junior's campaign, she has met a lot of good Republicans, Democrats and independents. Hines is really a good actress. I liked her in Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm". I hope that the Hollywood bigwigs don't blackball her because of Kennedy.

Yes, I like her in the things I've seen her in. I think she will be fine. It would be nuts to penalize her.

Robert Jr. is hungry for attention and it's been said he's very transactional like Trump. If you do something for him, he loves you. If you don't, he doesn't like you at all.
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Anyone know how RFK Jrs voice turned out as it did (no worm jokes, please)? Did he have an illness? I've heard other members of his family; they sound nothing like him. In fact I don't hear anyone (non-Kennedy) that sound like him.

Yes, he has spasms in his vocal cords. It's a disease. Sometimes he sounds awful. The problem is some people think it has something to do with his intellect even though that's not true and that was always going to hurt him. Now, a worm getting into your brain might explain some of his issues.
Yes, I like her in the things I've seen her in. I think she will be fine. It would be nuts to penalize her.

Robert Jr. is hungry for attention and it's been said he's very transactional like Trump. If you do something for him, he loves you. If you don't, he doesn't like you at all.

You seem to always have your finger on the pulse of personalities you've never met and will never know.

Is this depth from Teen People Magazine or CNN?
Yes, he has spasms in his vocal cords. It's a disease. Sometimes he sounds awful. The problem is some people think it has something to do with his intellect even though that's not true and that was always going to hurt him. Now, a worm getting into your brain might explain some of his issues.

Parasitic infections of the brain are not uncommon.

What happened in your case?
All the Kennedy's ( his extended family ) have rejected his politics and vaccine craziness. He's already the black sheep of the family so selling out to Trump for the promise of a job is no big deal.

Everyone has a family member or two like that.
His nephew really doesn't like him and routinely blasts him publicly (and supposedly privately).
From what I read last year, Cheryl Hines, Jrs wife, gave her "OK" for him to run. She is no fan of Trump and will not support him. She says that during Junior's campaign, she has met a lot of good Republicans, Democrats and independents. Hines is really a good actress. I liked her in Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm". I hope that the Hollywood bigwigs don't blackball her because of Kennedy.

I would not be shocked if this doesn't cause some major issues with his wife. He's hinted that she finds Trump objectionable in a strong way.

Might end up being another Kellyanne Conway deal- where she ended up with a divorce- but more privately. I noticed Kellyanne's daughter, now 19- is supporting Harris.
Everyone has a family member or two like that.
His nephew really doesn't like him and routinely blasts him publicly (and supposedly privately).

Only 50+% of Americans disagree.

The old ladies of Nantucket still want to be welcomed at their social hour for corrupt elitists.
I would not be shocked if this doesn't cause some major issues with his wife. He's hinted that she finds Trump objectionable in a strong way.

Might end up being another Kellyanne Conway deal- where she ended up with a divorce- but more privately. I noticed Kellyanne's daughter, now 19- is supporting Harris.

You keep us up date to on all the Hollywood gossip, Gomer.
Forget the polls. Hillary was 4 pts. up on the eve of the 2016 election. Then the Deplorables showed up at the voting booth.
Forget the polls. Hillary was 4 pts. up on the eve of the 2016 election. Then the Deplorables showed up at the voting booth.

That's what we heard before the 2020 and 2022 elections

and Democrats did better than expected in both.

Time will tell. Anything can happen.
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