Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

This is as fake as the Steele Dossier.

They know they are lying.

They know you know they are lying.

And they simply don't care.

Here we go again. Trump has publicly stated he had no part in developing Project 2025 and disavows many of the parts of it, but the media continues to push the lie. When anyone continues to push the lie it demonstrates a willingness to intentionally lie to peers. Perpetuate a lie and that person is also a liar.
Here we go again. Trump has publicly stated he had no part in developing Project 2025 and disavows many of the parts of it, but the media continues to push the lie. When anyone continues to push the lie it demonstrates a willingness to intentionally lie to peers. Perpetuate a lie and that person is also a liar.

I don't think Trump thinks deeply enough to work on or publish a policy paper on anything. He usually listens to the last person he talked to and goes along with them.

Vance wrote the Forward for the book of the Project architect. Obviously, it's important to him.

Numerous people close to Trump worked on the blueprint like Johnny McEntee, a close personal advisor to Trump. Reportedly, he's one of Trump's closest personal friends. He was fired from the White House due to having a personal problem with gambling losses.

This was interesting about McEntee

McEntee worked with Douglas Macgregor to draft a brief document ordering swift withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan and Somalia. The president signed it and it was forwarded to Kash Patel at the Pentagon without any review by the legal, military or national security apparatus, nor it being recorded by Derek Lyons, the White House staff secretary responsible for filing and transmitting official presidential orders. After acting defense secretary Christopher Miller and Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley went to the White House to inquire about the order, it was rescinded.
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“Graham also noted Loomer “actually called for Kellyanne Conway’s daughter to hang herself.” Meanwhile, Trump [is] hosting her on his plane & the NRSC is sharing her clips online.”

Loomer was photographed leaving Trump’s plane ahead of Tuesday’s debate and traveled with Trump on September 11th as he attended memorial ceremonies for the victims of the terror attacks, which Loomer has cast doubt on and suggested were a false flag.

Yes, she has shown she has very socialistic policies... Hell Bernie was one of her Mentors..


he was not one of her "mentors." They were Senators together.

Harris was fond of Bernie and he was fond of her. They haven't always agreed. That's not new either.
Everyone pretty much knows why voter ID laws are pushed, and why they are fought so hard against by some.

But those radicals who put party before anything else will follow the party line and scream "voter suppression". Even if it makes no sense.

As I have said many times, I don't care about voter ID one way or another.

I don't think they keep people from cheating at all. They seem to be a feel good measure for some people. The small number of people who cheat don't seem to have any issue with the ID part. It's almost always something even nuttier.

Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and a conservative talk show host, was fined $5,000 for voting illegally and registering to vote while serving a sentence for a felony conviction.

For example,

These folks had IDs - and showed them.

Problem wasn't the ID. Problem is they voted multiple times

For example,

These folks had IDs - and showed them.

Problem wasn't the ID. Problem is they voted multiple times

VOTER ID on an open ledger solves all of these issues. Stop with the nonsense. We're not living in ancient times.
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“Graham also noted Loomer “actually called for Kellyanne Conway’s daughter to hang herself.” Meanwhile, Trump [is] hosting her on his plane & the NRSC is sharing her clips online.”

Loomer was photographed leaving Trump’s plane ahead of Tuesday’s debate and traveled with Trump on September 11th as he attended memorial ceremonies for the victims of the terror attacks, which Loomer has cast doubt on and suggested were a false flag.

Lindsay Graham might be this state's biggest embarrassment in modern history. It's not a secret.
This is what happens when you have self-serving corporations running the country.

Ala COVID, they'll literally do anything to prevent Trump from winning.

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Okay, this was kind of funny.

I just saw the most blatantly false and disgusting Harris/Walz ad trying to link Trump to Project 25. Did you know that Trump wants to monitor pregnancies nationwide? That terrorist duo of deplorocrat despots need to be defeated. The abundant stupidity of a large portion of the electorate is appalling, and the disregard for individual liberty and civil rights by so many others is chilling. But how else would the deploracrat party remain relevant?
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I don't think Trump thinks deeply enough to work on or publish a policy paper on anything. He usually listens to the last person he talked to and goes along with them.

Vance wrote the Forward for the book of the Project architect. Obviously, it's important to him.

Numerous people close to Trump worked on the blueprint like Johnny McEntee, a close personal advisor to Trump. Reportedly, he's one of Trump's closest personal friends. He was fired from the White House due to having a personal problem with gambling losses.

This was interesting about McEntee

McEntee worked with Douglas Macgregor to draft a brief document ordering swift withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan and Somalia. The president signed it and it was forwarded to Kash Patel at the Pentagon without any review by the legal, military or national security apparatus, nor it being recorded by Derek Lyons, the White House staff secretary responsible for filing and transmitting official presidential orders. After acting defense secretary Christopher Miller and Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley went to the White House to inquire about the order, it was rescinded.
Authors of Project 2025 include Trump's former Cabinet Secretaries, top White House officials and senior aides--- including former Trump appointees to EPA, the Interior Department and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission---- dozens of contributors formerly served in the Trump Administration.
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You may be right about a lagging ground game, but how do you mean?

The Democrats put their money on a ground game with hundreds of local headquarters fully staffed and scores of volunteers going house to house knocking on doors. The Republican efforts pale in comparison. When Trump was asked about getting out the vote, he said he could do it himself. Reports say that decision was based on not wanting to spend campaign funds which he believes are rightfully his.
I will never understand Republicans going for Trump. They had good, reasonable alternatives: Christie, Haley, Hutchinson. The people fired Trump because he was an unmitigated failure as President. So, the Republican base goes for him again? The world outside the Republican base is laughing at him. Germany released a statement saying Trump's remarks, in the debate about their renewable energy program was wrong. Then, they added the quip, "we don't eat cats and dogs either". :D Trump is an international laughingstock.
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I will never understand Republicans going for Trump. They had good, reasonable alternatives: Christie, Haley, Hutchinson. The people fired Trump because he was an unmitigated failure as President. So, the Republican base goes for him again? The world outside the Republican base is laughing at him. Germany released a statement saying Trump's remarks, in the debate about their renewable energy program was wrong. Then, they added the quip, "we don't eat cats and dogs either". :D Trump is an international laughingstock.

They are idiots? It sure explains the ones here.

If Trump were to win, the best thing our allies across the globe could do would be to tell him to go screw himself.
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I will never understand Republicans going for Trump. They had good, reasonable alternatives: Christie, Haley, Hutchinson. The people fired Trump because he was an unmitigated failure as President. So, the Republican base goes for him again? The world outside the Republican base is laughing at him. Germany released a statement saying Trump's remarks, in the debate about their renewable energy program was wrong. Then, they added the quip, "we don't eat cats and dogs either". :D Trump is an international laughingstock.
Does anyone care what Germany or any European country thinks? All of Europe is on the U.S. teat. Trump wants to put an end to that — so do I. Europe countries are for the most part socialist in nature so it stands to reason they would love for Harris to win.
If the Trump campaign can successfully get that no tax on overtime out there, I think it could help him substantially.

No way even Republicans approve of it in Congress given he didn't mention how he'd pay for it.

He wants the government to pay for expensive IVF treatments too- and hasn't mentioned how he's pay for it (this proposal would be dead before arrival given how many Republicans in Congress have expressed a skeptical view of this already)

Trump, when in office, actually proposed an exemption on overtime pay - but it was less generous than an Obama proposal that never got any traction.

Plus, I'm not sure it's all that popular to basically incentivize working even longer hours for people with full time jobs.

He's getting a little desperate with some of these proposals.
Does anyone care what Germany or any European country thinks? All of Europe is on the U.S. teat. Trump wants to put an end to that — so do I. Europe countries are for the most part socialist in nature so it stands to reason they would love for Harris to win.
Trump loves the poorly educated. Comments like this can be used as evidence.

Yes, we should care what our allies think.
Does anyone care what Germany or any European country thinks? All of Europe is on the U.S. teat. Trump wants to put an end to that — so do I. Europe countries are for the most part socialist in nature so it stands to reason they would love for Harris to win.
Agreed, Noone cares what they think, Hell this socialized Healthcare in England has Bankrupted the Country. And Harris wants to bring it here?? Us Taxpayers can pay for the healthcare of Millions of Illegals and Those that REFUSE to work.. NICE!!
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I just saw the most blatantly false and disgusting Harris/Walz ad trying to link Trump to Project 25. Did you know that Trump wants to monitor pregnancies nationwide? That terrorist duo of deplorocrat despots need to be defeated. The abundant stupidity of a large portion of the electorate is appalling, and the disregard for individual liberty and civil rights by so many others is chilling. But how else would the deploracrat party remain relevant?

I often wonder how many of you hypocrites would read a "blueprint" for Democrat administration that was written and put together by numerous Democrat advisors and friends- accept the argument that the Democrat nominee had nothing to do with it.

you hypocrite fools can ignore it all you like.

We have a "blueprint" for a 2nd Trump administration that was written by personal friends of Trump- and former campaign members and advisors.

Of course he's going to be rightfully linked to it.

One component of the "blueprint"

2025 would remove this requirement giving emergency rooms at hospitals the ability to turn these women away.

It would also remove coverage for emergency contraception from the Affordable Care Act’s no-cost coverage mandate.

Personally, I prefer women be able to use emergency contraception versus having to consider an abortion. But that's me.