Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Man, as time goes on the more optimistic I am about Trump winning. If he's within one point in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, he will probably win most, if not all of them. Also, Tester is toast in Montana, which means a GOP majority in the Senate. Worst case scenario, it means a check on the Marxo-fascist administration of Kamalastalin and Minnesota Mussolini. Best case, it means several more years of judicial appointments that don't have the temperament of and understanding of the law of a freshman sociology student. With luck, Sotamayor will pull a Ginsburg. Unfortunately, I think Kagan and Jackson are too healthy.

I've also seen some polling suggesting Trump getting support from the mid-teens to the 20 percents from black voters. That can't be right, can it? If he were to even get 10% of black voters, the deploracrat terrorist ticket would have zero chance. I don't know if I believe that.

Certainly, the GOP is far from perfect, but it is far superior to the party of racism, war, vengeance, suppression that (d)'s have been since that party's inception.
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There isn't one person that isn't already a Trumper that would listen to Kristi Noem, knowing about her story, and say, "I am going listen to her and follow her advice"

There is a reason she didn't even make the list for Trump's final VP picks. Even Trump knew better.
Either she is a moron and thus did not know she could take the pup to a shelter or was too lazy to do so and thus decided to blow its brains away. Either way, not a good look for a Trump surrogate. LOL
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I know any men I knew were doing this with a woman they weren't married to, it would be a major problem.

Not surprised. After all, that's someone who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. And that led to him becoming a convicted felon. He is the scum of the earth. If Trump loses in November, I hope that the Reagan-wing of the Republican base takes back its party. I certainly did not always agree with the late Gipper. But, I did respect him.
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Not surprised. After all, that's someone who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. And that led to him becoming a convicted felon. He is the scum of the earth. If Trump loses in November, I hope that the Reagan-wing of the Republican base takes back its party. I certainly did not always agree with the late Gipper. But, I did respect him.

So now Democrats are concerned about people's sex lives? What an interesting twist of fate.

This is what happens when you don't have a leg to stand on policy-wise.

Instead, you end up starting a Teen Magazine to deflect.
Not surprised. After all, that's someone who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. And that led to him becoming a convicted felon. He is the scum of the earth. If Trump loses in November, I hope that the Reagan-wing of the Republican base takes back its party. I certainly did not always agree with the late Gipper. But, I did respect him.

Oh of course. In a normal world, people aren't voting for someone that proudly commits adultery and sounds like an ignorant fool every single time he stands on a stage.

Also, I think some folks have convinced themselves that America is the worst place in the world. It likely comes from Trump repeating how awful our country is every single day (and his cult cheers him when he talks about how awful America is)

We live in the greatest, most prosperous country on the planet and these morons have convinced themselves we are 100 times worse than Haiti.

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So now Democrats are concerned about people's sex lives? What an interesting twist of fate.

This is what happens when you don't have a leg to stand on policy-wise.

Instead, you end up starting a Teen Magazine to deflect.
Jr., I was just commenting on the video that Dave posted. Did I say that was my sole reason for voting against Trump? Of course not.
LOL. Trumpers will believe any damn thing they see out there. More importantly, Trump and Vance will too. They are like 12 years old signing onto the internet for the first time.

No, Jr., I will let the votes speak for themselves. Like I said, go try to sell "crazy" elsewhere. We have plenty of your "crazy" on this site, as is.

Ward likes to post a lot of X posts so might as well return the favor.

Most of the stuff he posts is fake - like yesterday- X posts linking to websites that call their "news" fake. It's pretty fun.

He's just an idiot, he thinks he's going to convince you to bend over for Trump like he does by posting X posts. LOL
Ward likes to post a lot of X posts so might as well return the favor.

Most of the stuff he posts is fake - like yesterday- X posts linking to websites that call their "news" fake. It's pretty fun.
And most of that stuff are from right-wing radicals, which fits Jrs. profile.
And most of that stuff are from right-wing radicals.
Or posts that are clearly fake or satire. He just can't tell the difference or doesn't take 4 seconds to find out if the person is linking to something that is clearly fake.

Ward is a conspiracy nut and he's attracted to that stuff.
Or posts that are clearly fake or satire. He just can't tell the difference or doesn't take 4 seconds to find out if the person is linking to something that is clearly fake.

Ward is a conspiracy nut and he's attracted to that stuff.
He must room with Lauran Loomer. LOL

No one gets "elected" President receiving zero votes. That's a mind-numbingly stupid thing to say and post.

It's even dumber seeing that post and thinking "yeah, this makes sense."

It's hilarious watching morons complain about how Democrats nominate their candidate for President as if they have a say in the process, or there is something in the constitution about how a political party does anything.

Fools that think that are fools. Ward is a liar and a fool.

You are as dumb as a box of rocks. Listening to a cat turd is perfect for you. LOL

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