Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Where have you been? The first week in office Biden/Harris removed all of the sanctions Trump had put on Iran, including allowing allies to buy Iranian oil. Iran was broke until Biden/Harris enriched them, which means enriching Hamas and Hezhbola
Biden withdrew 3 letters from the Trump administration to the UN that restored UN Sanctions on Iran as listed in the JCPOA agreement.

However, the UN had already ignored the Trump administration letters because Trump had pulled us out of the JCPOA. So they didn't abide by it anyway.

The United States itself has had sanctions on Iran for decades.

Biden imposed other sanctions on Iran, primarily specific to individuals.
Biden withdrew 3 letters from the Trump administration to the UN that restored UN Sanctions on Iran as listed in the JCPOA agreement.

However, the UN had already ignored the Trump administration letters because Trump had pulled us out of the JCPOA. So they didn't abide by it anyway.

The United States itself has had sanctions on Iran for decades.

Biden imposed other sanctions on Iran, primarily specific to individuals.

Facts are irrelevant to these guys. The Oil exports significantly increased for Iran in 2020 under Trump.

I always forgot that Trump served a 3 year term for some reason...
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Biden withdrew 3 letters from the Trump administration to the UN that restored UN Sanctions on Iran as listed in the JCPOA agreement.

However, the UN had already ignored the Trump administration letters because Trump had pulled us out of the JCPOA. So they didn't abide by it anyway.

The United States itself has had sanctions on Iran for decades.

Biden imposed other sanctions on Iran, primarily specific to individuals.

I'm not sure what's worse - You freelancing or you trying to pass off cherry-picked AI bits as your own thoughts.

Biden's foreign policy has been horrible and everyone knows it.

His re-engaging with JCPOA opened up the door to hand them $16 billion -- because they will only do good things with that money. :)

You conveniently left that part out.
Facts are irrelevant to these guys. The Oil exports significantly increased for Iran in 2020 under Trump.

I always forgot that Trump served a 3 year term for some reason...

Below is AI in response to your trolling:

Did Oil exports significantly increase for Iran in 2020 under Trump?


The information available up to 2024 suggests that there was no significant increase in Iranian oil exports in 2020 under the Trump administration. Here's a breakdown based on the context provided:

Sanctions Impact: The Trump administration implemented a "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran, which included severe sanctions aimed at reducing Iran's oil exports. This policy led to a significant drop in Iran's oil exports in previous years.

2020 Data: From published government data, it's clear that while there might have been fluctuations, Iran's oil exports did not significantly increase in 2020.

Revenue and Export Levels: According to the information from X posts, Iran's oil export revenue in 2020 was reported at about $7.9 billion, which is significantly lower than in subsequent years under the Biden administration, suggesting that the Trump-era policies kept Iran's oil exports under pressure.

Sanction Waivers and Oil Exports: Although Trump's policy did allow for some waivers, these were designed to manage global oil supply rather than to increase Iranian exports significantly. The waivers were temporary and came with conditions that restricted the volume of oil sales Iran could make.

Market Reaction and Policy Effects: Despite these waivers, the overall trend showed a constrained export capability for Iran due to the sanctions regime. The market reactions, as noted in some analyses, didn't see a significant uptick in Iranian oil exports that could be attributed to policy changes in 2020.
Below is AI in response to your trolling:

Did Oil exports significantly increase for Iran in 2020 under Trump?


The information available up to 2024 suggests that there was no significant increase in Iranian oil exports in 2020 under the Trump administration. Here's a breakdown based on the context provided:

Sanctions Impact: The Trump administration implemented a "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran, which included severe sanctions aimed at reducing Iran's oil exports. This policy led to a significant drop in Iran's oil exports in previous years.

2020 Data: From published government data, it's clear that while there might have been fluctuations, Iran's oil exports did not significantly increase in 2020.

Revenue and Export Levels: According to the information from X posts, Iran's oil export revenue in 2020 was reported at about $7.9 billion, which is significantly lower than in subsequent years under the Biden administration, suggesting that the Trump-era policies kept Iran's oil exports under pressure.

Sanction Waivers and Oil Exports: Although Trump's policy did allow for some waivers, these were designed to manage global oil supply rather than to increase Iranian exports significantly. The waivers were temporary and came with conditions that restricted the volume of oil sales Iran could make.

Market Reaction and Policy Effects: Despite these waivers, the overall trend showed a constrained export capability for Iran due to the sanctions regime. The market reactions, as noted in some analyses, didn't see a significant uptick in Iranian oil exports that could be attributed to policy changes in 2020.
Thanks for posting the correct situation Ward. Dems just lie and think people will automatically believe it. Those people have no shame in lying as long as a Republican is not elected.
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Thanks for posting the correct situation Ward. Dems just lie and think people will automatically believe it. Those people have no shame in lying as long as a Republican is not elected.

lol he literally used chatgpt and you're taking it as the correct situation.

In late 2020, firms monitoring the global oil trade reported significant jumps in Iran’s exports. Three prominent firms that monitor the global energy trade reported to the Wall Street Journal that Iran’s oil exports in the fall of 2020 had more than doubled from earlier that year— although their estimates varied widely—as Iran developed more sophisticated evasion capacities and Chinese demand grew.

Iran quit reporting their actual production levels when Trump initiated the sanctions.
lol he literally used chatgpt and you're taking it as the correct situation.

In late 2020, firms monitoring the global oil trade reported significant jumps in Iran’s exports. Three prominent firms that monitor the global energy trade reported to the Wall Street Journal that Iran’s oil exports in the fall of 2020 had more than doubled from earlier that year— although their estimates varied widely—as Iran developed more sophisticated evasion capacities and Chinese demand grew.

Iran quit reporting their actual production levels when Trump initiated the sanctions.

Watson - Look at the subheading of that WSJ story. Your trolling knows no boundaries.

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