Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

That's because he is 100% a communist. He has worshipped Mao since he was a kid. And bragged about it. Got married on the 5th anniversary the Tiananmen Square massacre. And he honeymooned in China and took a bunch of 6th graders with him.

You have to be the dumbest person in America to vote this Chinese-loving turd into any office.


50% of members of Congress visited China in the 1980s and 1990s on various tours, school trips, visits, etc.

Your selective memory is interesting. Lying to yourself is pitiful.

It's also an interesting approach given all the Republican members of Congress, who not even 8 years ago were kissing Putin's ass- traveling to Russia to dine with the dictator on July 4th, etc..

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Wrong. The FACT is that he didn't even vote in the 2016 election. Here's a link to the NC state board of election website, where he was living in 2016. He didn't move to Hawaii until 2018.

First name Ryan. Last name Routh. Click the link that is his name and scroll to the bottom and you will see.

He claimed to support Donald Trump in 2016. His statement didn't mention voting.

While you were my choice in 2106, I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone

He claimed to support Donald Trump in 2016. His statement didn't mention voting.

While you were my choice in 2106, I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone

Bull. Shit.

There were a bunch of lying liberals claiming the be enlightened former Trump supporters and virtual signaling their new support for Biden try to convince other to join in their scam.

This lying nutjob is VERY vocal about his activism. You would see a ton of historical stuff about how great Trump was from back in 2016 if he really thought he was going to save the word.

He was, is, and always has been a lying liberal nutjob. Tried to hide it by changing his registration from Democrat to unaffiliated, but he ain't fool nobody except the fools.
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50% of members of Congress visited China in the 1980s and 1990s on various tours, school trips, visits, etc.

Your selective memory is interesting. Lying to yourself is pitiful.

It's also an interesting approach given all the Republican members of Congress, who not even 8 years ago were kissing Putin's ass- traveling to Russia to dine with the dictator on July 4th, etc..

How many of them got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre. Who does that?

Because he wanted it to be a date he would remember? Really? Chinese commies cracking down on their citizens is a memorable date for Tim Walz?

How many of them honeymooned in China?

How many of them took a bunch of middle school kids with them on their honeymoon to China? Really, who does that? Weird as shit.

Walz is a Chinese owned, piece of shit, weirdo, nut job. The fact that he is anywhere close to the Presidency should be setting off alarm bells everywhere. But at least we understand where he got the idea of the COVID snitch line from.
Wrong. The FACT is that he didn't even vote in the 2016 election. Here's a link to the NC state board of election website, where he was living in 2016. He didn't move to Hawaii until 2018.

First name Ryan. Last name Routh. Click the link that is his name and scroll to the bottom and you will see.

ElectionVoted MethodVoted CountyPrimary Election Ballot

Like I said, he was lying. And even though he listed himself as unaffiliated, there are records going back to 1988 where he was registered as a Democrat. Once a lying liberal, always a lying liberal. It's what y'all do best.

NC didn't have a voter ID law in 2016. So we have no idea if he actually voted or not. o_Oo_Oo_O
NC didn't have a voter ID law in 2016. So we have no idea if he actually voted or not.
I just ran a quick check of my cousin that lives in Robeson County, NC, and it shows her voting in the 2016 general election.

THERE you go again, Bringing facts to disprove a Liberal LIE... HOW DARE YOU??
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That's because he is 100% a communist. He has worshipped Mao since he was a kid. And bragged about it. Got married on the 5th anniversary the Tiananmen Square massacre. And he honeymooned in China and took a bunch of 6th graders with him.

You have to be the dumbest person in America to vote this Chinese-loving turd into any office.
But, but, that doesn’t matter, Harris would be the first woman president. That’s what it’s all about for most Dem women.
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The following is NOT meant to make a "political" statement. It's just for informational purposes.

The S&P 500 is a good indicator as to who will win the presidential election. Since 1928, whenever it has been higher from where it was 3 months prior to the election, the incumbent PARTY in the White House has won the election. If it's lower, the incumbent PARTY in the White House loses. The S&P indicator has proven to correctly give the winner 83% of the time. One of the times it was wrong was in 2020. The S&P 500, on Friday August 2, closed at 5346.56.

Another stock indicator, I would keep an eye on is the Trump Media and Technology Group stock (symbol: DJT). Obviously there is no history to go by with that stock. So, with that stock, I would just watch the trend.

Again, all of the above is just FYI, not making a statement.
NC didn't have a voter ID law in 2016. So we have no idea if he actually voted or not. o_Oo_Oo_O


If you didn't have you ID but were still on their list as registered, you could vote, but you would be checked off the list and tracked. There was no way to vote anonymously.
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I don't give a shit whether they were eating cats or not. I'm glad the town got the attention it deserved. The Biden adshitistration had NO BUSINESS dropping 20,000 immigrants into a small town like that. Absolutely destroyed that town.

THAT is the big news that should be coming out of that story. Every American needs to realize that their town could be next.
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How many of them got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre. Who does that?

I think it's fine. I'm sure tons of people got married the same day given it was JUNE 1989, the month where the most weddings take place.

So, let's dive in a bit to see what's he's said and others have said about China- at least more so than he took trips there or got married in the month of June.

Taiwan-based political science professor Lev Nachman also characterized Walz’s experience with China as positive, posting that it “means he is likely to approach U.S.-[China] relations with a much more nuanced point of view, one that humanizes Chinese people and does not equate them to their government.”

That aligns with how Walz himself has described his stance on the country for which he has been consistently critical on a number of issues, particularly human rights, while also expressing hope and optimism about its people and their potential.

“If someone tells you they’re an expert on China they’re probably not telling you the truth because it’s a complex country, but it’s critically important for us,” Walz said in 2016. “I think we need to stand firm on what they’re doing in the South China Sea,” he said, referencing one of the many fronts of the U.S.-China rivalry, “but there’s many areas of cooperation that we can work on.”

Walz’s first international flight was to China. As a fresh college graduate in 1989, “as a part of the first government sanctioned groups of American educators to teach in China through a program at Harvard University,”

“I remember waking up and seeing the news on June 4 that the unthinkable had happened,” he told reporters in 2014 at a White House event commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre, adding that the event prompted many of his American teaching colleagues to leave China. “I felt it was more important than ever to go, to make sure that story was told, and to let Chinese people know we were standing there, we were with them.”

While Walz has spoken fondly of his time in China, during his political career, which began with a run for Congress in 2006, he has both publicly condemned China’s human rights record and backed House resolutions expressing concern on issues from political persecutions to alleged organ harvesting in China.

Walz has consistently supported political freedom in China, including cosponsoring a 2009 resolution recognizing the Tiananmen Square massacre’s 20th anniversary as well as another resolution supporting human rights activists Huang Qi and Tan Zuoren, who were jailed by authorities after investigating the collapse of school buildings in the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

“We cannot believe China is serious about human rights while it flagrantly violates its own laws and its international human rights commitments,”

Walz has also been vocal about his support for Tibetan autonomy—a movement led by the Dalai Lama, the exiled leader whom Chinese authorities have long accused of inciting separatism and unrest in the Himalayan autonomous region of Tibet.

Walz has also expressed support for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and its proponents.

a Republican House member, speaking anonymously, stated that Walz's knowledge of China had been invaluable to various House committees, and he had been a staunch defender of the right of Chinese citizens to live freely and a vocal opponent of the Chinese Communist Party.
I don't give a shit whether they were eating cats or not. I'm glad the town got the attention it deserved. The Biden adshitistration had NO BUSINESS dropping 20,000 immigrants into a small town like that. Absolutely destroyed that town.

THAT is the big news that should be coming out of that story. Every American needs to realize that their town could be next.

It didn't "destroy the town." It has been difficult on the town for sure.

The attention the town has received has been awful, as the mayor, the police chief, and the Republican Governor has stated- with numerous death threats and bomb threats the city officials have had to deal with

Both the Mayor and Republican governor have stated- when questioned - that Vance, their own Senator, has not reached out to them, or contacted them.
How many of them got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre. Who does that?

Because he wanted it to be a date he would remember? Really? Chinese commies cracking down on their citizens is a memorable date for Tim Walz?

How many of them honeymooned in China?

How many of them took a bunch of middle school kids with them on their honeymoon to China? Really, who does that? Weird as shit.

Walz is a Chinese owned, piece of shit, weirdo, nut job. The fact that he is anywhere close to the Presidency should be setting off alarm bells everywhere. But at least we understand where he got the idea of the COVID snitch line from.

The record simply doesn't reflect that- and you can take the word of other House Republicans that have praised Walz in the past about his efforts in the House regarding China.

I know you don't like that reality. But no one gives a damn about you or what you think about it.

He likes the Chinese people and the former students he taught in China just like my French teacher in high school use to go to France every summer and teach in France.

Walz isn't the one that talks about how smart and terrific XI is every chance he gets. That's Trump. Walz has been very critical of Chinese leadership and has supported numerous House measures against them. That's the record.

Jeffrey Ngo, an activist-historian who is a senior policy and research fellow with the Washington-based Hong Kong Democracy Council, said in a post on X on Tuesday that Walz had been instrumental in keeping the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act afloat before it was passed by Congress in 2019. “We knocked on every door when the [bill] lacked momentum. Only Walz answered his: At its absolute lowest point in 2017–18, he was the sole House Democrat willing to keep co-sponsoring the bill—seemingly a fruitless endeavor—with [New Jersey Republican Rep. Christopher] Smith,” Ngo recounted.
How many of them got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre. Who does that?

Because he wanted it to be a date he would remember? Really? Chinese commies cracking down on their citizens is a memorable date for Tim Walz?

How many of them honeymooned in China?

I also have to add- your post is odd given how many of those close to Trump have refused to be overtly critical of Putin or XI and given the fact of the some of Trump's advisors close relationships with people close to Putin (Michael Flynn for one).

Just a few weeks ago Trump, when asked, refused to say he wanted Ukraine to win in their war with Russia. He couldn't even say that. Heck, he couldn't even mention the tragedy of so many of their people being killed in their homes at the hands of Russia.

They say things like "we want to be friendly so we can talk with them and work with them" as if adults can't be critical but also negotiate. Reagan proved long ago you could be a tough talker with foreign countries and still negotiate and get things done. You didn't always have to kiss their backside.

but you are 100% fine with that.

But you are angry as hell about a VP candidate and former high school teacher who- along with hundreds of other teachers at the time back in 1989- visited China to set up learning opportunities with Americans and Chinese high school students- who grew fond of the Chinese students and people- but who was very critical of the Chinese government and leaders. That same man was a vocal opponent of Chinese leadership when he served in the House- so much so that other Republican House members went to him and worked with him given his knowledge of China.

It's a weird -strange-position you put yourself in.
I also have to add- your post is odd given how many of those close to Trump have refused to be overtly critical of Putin or XI and given the fact of the some of Trump's advisors close relationships with people close to Putin (Michael Flynn for one).

Just a few weeks ago Trump, when asked, refused to say he wanted Ukraine to win in their war with Russia. He couldn't even say that. Heck, he couldn't even mention the tragedy of so many of their people being killed in their homes at the hands of Russia.

They say things like "we want to be friendly so we can talk with them and work with them" as if adults can't be critical but also negotiate. Reagan proved long ago you could be a tough talker with foreign countries and still negotiate and get things done. You didn't always have to kiss their backside.

but you are 100% fine with that.

But you are angry as hell about a VP candidate and former high school teacher who- along with hundreds of other teachers at the time back in 1989- visited China to set up learning opportunities with Americans and Chinese high school students- who grew fond of the Chinese students and people- but who was very critical of the Chinese government and leaders. That same man was a vocal opponent of Chinese leadership when he served in the House- so much so that other Republican House members went to him and worked with him given his knowledge of China.

It's a weird -strange-position you put yourself in.

Walz and Gavin Newsom and alot in common.

Here are Walz’s top seven connections to the CCP that demand explanation.

1. The CCP approved and even subsidized Walz’s student exchanges.

After his first trip to China in 1989, Walz returned to his teaching job in America and hung a “Chinese banner” in his school office. By 1993, Walz was taking American students on visits to China where he told his students to “downplay their American-ness.”

When asked about why he was so interested in China so early on, Walz stated “China was coming, and that’s the reason that I went.” According to U.S. national security expert John Schindler, “no American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without [Ministry of State Security] approval. It just wouldn’t happen.”

Shockingly, Chinese authorities reportedly covered “a large part of the cost” of the 1993 summer trip. The next year, Walz and the Chinese government jointly sponsored scholarships for American students to visit China. Between 1989 and 2003, Walz travelled with hundreds of students to China.

Did Walz or his travel company, Education Travel Adventures Inc., receive any money from the Chinese government? His public financial disclosures do not go back far enough to know.

2. A CCP diplomat and other CCP government officials attended Walz’s gubernatorial inauguration in January 2019.

A translation from a Chinese government source reveals that, “Acting Consul General Liu Jun congratulated Governor Waltz and expressed his expectation to strengthen cooperation with the new Minnesota government to jointly promote the friendly and cooperative relations between Minnesota and China.”

Why were CCP members at the inauguration of a Minnesota governor and would Chinese diplomats congratulate a sincere critic of China’s human rights abuses?

3. The CCP Diplomat left the Walz inauguration to meet with Walz cronies at Minnesota’s premier globalist non-governmental organization (NGO), Minnesota Global.

According the translated Chinese government press release, “Acting Consul General Liu congratulated [Global Minnesota] on the successful holding of the China Theme Year event and said that the Consulate General looks forward to continuing to strengthen communication with [Global Minnesota] in the new year to promote friendly cooperation between Minnesota and China.”

Global Minnesota is close with Walz and has sponsored at least one his foreign trips (to Finland). Last December, Walz awarded a Global Minnesota nominee for a business award.

Global Minnesota is affiliated with globalist entities like the United Nations and frequently invites Walz for speaking engagements (in 2020, 2021, and 2022).

4. Walz has close connections to a Twin Cities-based organization that houses an alleged secret CCP police station—one of only seven secret CCP police stations in the U.S.

In 2022, Minnesota Global partnered with group called the Chinese American Association of Minnesota (CAAM) to send delegations to China.

CAAM has been accused of housing a CCP intelligence agency “Service Center” (which is effectively a secret CCP police station) in Minnesota. The Daily Caller reported:

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front Work Department (UFWD) — which at least one U.S. government commission has characterized as a “Chinese intelligence service” — operates so-called “Overseas Chinese Service Centers” (OCSCs) that are housed within various U.S.-based nonprofits. OCSCs were ostensibly set up to promote Chinese culture and assist Chinese citizens living abroad, according to Chinese government records.
In April 2023, the Justice Department busted an alleged CCP Ministry of Public Security outpost, which the DOJ called a “secret police station” used to “monitor and intimidate dissidents” and other critics of Beijing.

Why has Walz failed to shut down this Overseas Chinese Service Center operating out of Minnesota?

5. Then-Congressman Walz praised a CCP-backed event that he attended with CCP diplomats in 2018.

According the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, the event Walz attended was “The Greatest Spirit: Embrace China—Beautiful Sichuan” hosted at Minnesota University’s Northrop Theater.

The event was sponsored by the CCP’s All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC). According to the Chinese government website:

US Congressman Waltz commented that 30 years ago, he celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival for the first time in Foshan, Guangdong. As Mid-Autumn Festival stands out in Chinese culture as a special day of family reunion, it was his pleasure to enjoy this performance with everyone together. China and the US have a solid tradition of cultural exchanges, and hopefully both countries can maintain this tradition and amicable relations.
6. Less than one year into his first gubernatorial term, Walz was an honored guest speaker at multiple CCP-backed influence operation events in 2019.

Ten months after his inauguration, Walz accepted a speaking gig from a CCP-backed event, joining the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) on the short list of speakers.

Walz was invited to “speak about his experiences [in China] and Minnesota’s connections with China.” Walz also was a guest speaker at the U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association convention in 2019 (alongside CPAFFC President Li Xaolin).

The CPAFFC is effectively a CCP “United Front” cutout that is accused of “directly and malignly influencing” state and local politicians in the U.S., according to the State Department. The CCP’s United Front influence operation is specifically tasked with “co-opting and neutralizing threats to the party’s rule and spreading its influence and propaganda overseas.” Beijing view United Front operation “magic weapon” to advance CCP objectives around the world.

Why is Walz so cozy with obvious CCP intelligence operatives and are they paying him for these speeches?

7. Walz has a long history of making outlandishly pro-CCP comments.

Walz has said that “going [to China] was one of the best things I have ever done” and that if the Chinese “had the proper leadership, there are no limits to what they could accomplish.” He claims that his teaching position Macau Polytechnic University “helped develop his knowledge of China’s unique international status.”

In 2011, Walz said he developed “a great admiration for and a close connection with the Chinese people” after teaching there. He indirectly praised the CCP’s brutal police when he said that China had “almost no crime.”

Walz has also claimed the U.S. does not need to have an “adversarial relationship” with China and that “there was no anti-American feeling [in China] whatsoever.”

Notably, Walz’s gentle criticisms often ignore the aspect of the Chinese system responsible for the brutality: communism. And he recently compared socialism to “neighborliness.” Walz seems to view human rights abuses as events that all countries commit from time to time and move on.

On the twentieth anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre, Walz said that “every nation has its dark periods that it must come to grips with.” And that “this Nation [the US] is no exception.” While this is true, Walz refers to events in American history that happened over a century ago with far less bloodshed.

Meanwhile, the CCP’s ongoing “break their lineage, break their roots” persecution of ethnic minorities in China is rightly characterized as a crime against humanity and even a genocide.

Why does Tim Walz seem to downplay the undeniable bloodshed of communism and socialism?

Seamus Bruner is the author of Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life and Peter Schweizer’s Head of Research at the Government Accountability Institute. Follow him @SeamusBruner.
Bull. Shit.

There were a bunch of lying liberals claiming the be enlightened former Trump supporters and virtual signaling their new support for Biden try to convince other to join in their scam.

This lying nutjob is VERY vocal about his activism. You would see a ton of historical stuff about how great Trump was from back in 2016 if he really thought he was going to save the word.

He was, is, and always has been a lying liberal nutjob. Tried to hide it by changing his registration from Democrat to unaffiliated, but he ain't fool nobody except the fools.

I simply quoted what he said about supporting Trump in 2016.

If you think this guy was smart enough to say he supported Trump in 2016 because he wanted to couch his support for Clinton because in 8 years he was going to try to hurt Trump physically, I don't think there is enough psychological medication in South Carolina available to help you.
Ah, and you guys are now saying voter id isn't necessary to know if someone voted.

The records say he didn't vote. You have no evidence to the contrary. Case closed.

And like I said, he was VERY vocal about all his activism. Yet nothing about Trump for years until he decided he wanted to lie about supporting him.

FOS. Just another lying liberal.
We need voter ID to prove only legal residents are allowed to cast a vote.

IDs can be faked.

Someone intent on fraud can find a way to vote.

As I've said before, and as we know from those typically prosecuted, they had IDs. But most of their fraud was voting more than once in different areas.
I simply quoted what he said about supporting Trump in 2016.

If you think this guy was smart enough to say he supported Trump in 2016 because he wanted to couch his support for Clinton because in 8 years he was going to try to hurt Trump physically, I don't think there is enough psychological medication in South Carolina available to help you.

What are you talking about? Nobody said that. Maybe you need to get back on your meds.

I said he was a virtue signaling liar that never showed any support for Trump despite all his activist rants over the years. Lots of liberal lying idiots out there in 2020 claiming that they voted for Trump but "got smart" and were voting for Biden now. Bullshit. Not following anybody.
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What are you talking about? Nobody said that. Maybe you need to get back on your meds.

I said he was a virtue signaling liar that never showed any support for Trump despite all his activist rants over the years. Lots of liberal lying idiots out there in 2020 claiming that they voted for Trump but "got smart" and were voting for Biden now. Bullshit. Not following anybody.

You are having a tough time. I can understand. Trump does that to people- he rots their brains from the inside.

he posted this during the Trump administration.


Other Republicans

“It is time for a rate cut,” said Republican Senator. John Kennedy of Louisiana. “This economy — particularly the labor market — is softening very, very, very quickly.” Kennedy, who also supported a rate cut earlier in the summer, is a member of the Senate Banking Committee

“The time is right,” said Republican Rep. Dan Meuser, a Trump supporter from the battleground state of Pennsylvania. “You’ve got to put the greater good ahead of everything. It’s something that’s needed. It’s a pro-growth initiative.”

“It does look like it's time to cut the rate,” Republican Senator Thom Tillis said of a cut. “That's the way the Fed should operate. People could call it political. All I care about is how it's affecting working families. And they need help right now.”