Did anything come out from the USC coaches about Belk going to the quemsum

Agreed ^. I doubt you hear anything from the coaches. I did see earlier where Belk actually put out a tweet saying he went up to see some friends (paraphrasing) and he was ready to get back to work "#spursup". TIFWIW
I suspect they are more adult about this than a lot of posters and have more important things to worry about. Posters. My word. Don't you have things to put your attention than what a 20 year old does on his time off? I've seen posts where players were blasted for smiling/laughing on the sidelines when we were losing. On the other hand Bentley was going all out last week and he was blasted for being phony and calling attention to himself. As the lines from a song go "You can't please everyone" Not on this board for sure.
I don't see it as that big of a deal. He spent a lot of time up there and I'm sure he made some good friends. No need in drawing anymore attention to it in my opinion.

Wha???? He was up there for about 3 months.

And YES! It is a big deal, 'In my opinion'. What about his sickly mother? Better to visit clemson friends than her? HAD TO BE closer to home. What year is he expected to get in football condition? What other BS is he peddling???
Wha???? He was up there for about 3 months.

And YES! It is a big deal, 'In my opinion'. What about his sickly mother? Better to visit clemson friends than her? HAD TO BE closer to home. What year is he expected to get in football condition? What other BS is he peddling???

His Mother is sick, however that was his excuse/way out of there. Wasn't happy in Hooterville, and wanted OUT.

Took retaining an Attorney by his family to get the transfer approved by Clemson.

As to why he was there watching CU play, while his teammates were playing on TV, I guess only he knows why? Personally, I thought it was kind of a cheesy thing to do, but what do I know?
Maybe the posters would consider sending Mr. Belk a letter outlining how he should spend his time.

I don't think that is necessary, if he doesn't know, then there is nothing the posters can do to help him out.
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I don't think that is necessary, if he doesn't know then their is nothing the posters can do to help him out.
Well, judging from the smile on his face on the sidelines after the game, he was not circumspect about being there, and I doubt he is staying up nights worrying about comments on this board. ;)
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His Mother is sick, however that was his excuse/way out of there. Wasn't happy in Hooterville, and wanted OUT.

Took retaining an Attorney by his family to get the transfer approved by Clemson.

As to why he was there watching CU play, while his teammates were playing on TV, I guess only he knows why? Personally, I thought it was kind of a cheesy thing to do, but what do I know?

Yeah if I escaped taterville I wouldn’t go back
game? Sorry, I don't have time to read all the threads on the board at this time.

I don't think Belk visiting Clemson is a big deal at all. I am sure he has a lot of friends and was just hanging out for the weekend. I think the only mistake he really made was being spotted on the field after the game. He would have been better served to not actually go to the game or at least stay in the stands after the win. The appearance of being on the field with the Clemson team is what caused heads to turn. Next time, just stay in the stands or watch the game on TV and hang out with your friends after it is over.
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Respectfully, I don’t like. Wonder how Saban would take if one his guys went to Auburn to hang out while they were playing LSU.
Agree, would like to see this happen with Swearinger, Ingram, or even Connor on the team. Dont recall Bruce Ellington hanging on the sidelines and his cousin was there. Too much Kumbaya going on with clem these days.
During his presser today Muschamp, when asked about this, replied "I have spoken to Josh and we are moving on".
I said this a few weeks ago, but the ones who never see a problem with anything Carolina Football does, who thinks this staff is 100% solid, who thinks certain players have actually improved under this staff, etc....etc.....will always win ultimately. 5 years from now, we will be lamenting the decisions of the new staff, if there even is one. There is an apathy for this program that is palpable, and certainly isn’t being helped by what we heard this summer. Talking about Belk isn’t grown men going crazy, it’s grown men that know the right decision. He could be kicking ass by now if he were truly dedicated. Weight falls off you when you TRULY do the right things, and you have plenty to lose. Speaking from experience. Shula or Tommy might not have cared if went to a rivals game, but Saban and Dabo would’ve. Of course you could argue Dabo “let” him transfer once legal counsel got involved, but if he were a true threat, he wouldn’t be here, or anywhere in the ACC. Kid needs Lawing to show him what time it is. He’s worse off than MI6, and look at him now.
Muschamp didn’t sound happy in the press conference. I can assure you he didn’t have permission by Booms response lack of response and tone.