Game Thread: Georgia

Lots of issues with blocking for sure, but I do think there are other factors. Having a QB that isn't mobile makes the D lines job a lot easier. Also, playcalling makes a difference too. I don't think the play calling or our QB situation has done the oline any favors.
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Lots of issues with blocking for sure, but I do think there are other factors. Having a QB that isn't mobile makes the D lines job a lot easier. Also, playcalling makes a difference too. I don't think the play calling or our QB situation has done the oline any favors.
Other than the play to end the half, I didn't have a problem with the play calling tonight. ECU game was another matter, however.
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I saw them playing hard ALL GAME LONG. No matter the talent level, you have to start with that. Played probably the best defense in the nation. That’s versus a totally rebuilding team with a brand new coach.
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Can you not tell with your own two eyes? We don’t have players being dragged down the field or multiple players missing tackles for big gains. The defense swarms to the ball and our open field tackling is much better.
On their 5 touchdowns, how may times did we even touch the player? Once

Yeah I'm not seeing that as an improvement. Would rather miss a tackle than not even touch them.
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Any data to source this or just the "eye test"?

The eye test is going to be relied heavily on by both camps this whole year and off-season.

Both sides will point to it as absolute proof of progress or lack of. And each side will proclaim the other side as stupid for not seeing it the way they do.
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The pass coverage is non existent. Any time they wanted a completion the receiver was usually wide open in the middle. I still see our LB's, instead of reading the play, run into the line and get blocked leaving the middle open.
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,The pass coverage is non existent. Any time they wanted a completion the receiver was usually wide open in the middle. I still see our LB's, instead of reading the play, run into the line and get blocked leaving the middle open.
We were allowing way too much cushion in the first half. The coverage scheme changed in the second half and was much better....the DBs were able to challenge more passes.

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