Game thread

Is shi smith trying to catch the ball?????
It absolutely looks like he isn,t on any ball that isn,t right in his hands...of course the sunshine pumpers here will find"0" fault in him and will continue to say "lay of these"kids" last time i checked,we have 18 year olds defending our country with live ammunition...i,m tired of calling 18-23 year olds children...they are men,but ours don,t act like it
It absolutely looks like he isn,t on any ball that isn,t right in his hands...of course the sunshine pumpers here will find"0" fault in him and will continue to say "lay of these"kids" last time i checked,we have 18 year olds defending our country with live ammunition...i,m tired of calling 18-23 year olds children...they are men,but ours don,t act like it

Not pumping....but open your eyes....his left hand was being held down by the db. Go check your dvr. Don’t let your realism get in the way of your coaching staff hate. We have so called fans on here saying Edwards is sitting out on purpose. Yeah....real fans that know nothing about his knee.
I do feel bad for Mukuamu. He is giving Clemson penalty after penalty. But he's just not very good and for some reason is being tasked with covering Higgins, one of the top 5 receivers in football. Every play he has to make a choice between allowing a touchdown or giving up 15 and a first (I do think he should be benched though).
I agree with everything you said...but he sure did TALK like an All-American during summer/pre-season.
Quarterback comparison

Wow what a imaginative play call on 3rd and 4. Who would have thought we would run up the middle - clemsons DC is the only one cause I was totally caught off guard

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