Game thread

Enagbre playing dirty. Finished Lawrence on the no call and then comes back with the blatant late hit, spearing him in the lower back. Totally uncalled for and embarrassing.
Oh deserved a penalty and it got one. It wasn't anything egregious. Heck, 10 years ago it wouldn't have drawn a second look.
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Not pumping....but open your eyes....his left hand was being held down by the db. Go check your dvr. Don’t let your realism get in the way of your coaching staff hate. We have so called fans on here saying Edwards is sitting out on purpose. Yeah....real fans that know nothing about his knee.
Buddy you are assuming i,m talking about that one play,i,m talking about all season...he doesn,t seem to attempt a catch unless its thrown perfectly...if not he looks as if he is playing defense istead of attempting a catch.
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At least the cheer leaders had some energy there, even if the players are thinking about ending this early so they can watch iron bowl. Next game I guarantee a Cocks win, either garnet or black.
I don't think that's a question. That's why Tanner and Caslen have supported him. South Carolina doesn't have the money to buy Muschamp out. They may not have the money to buy him out next season either.

I am so sick and f’ing tired about hearing how we don’t have any money to buy him out. You scrap the $22 million East Lodge improvement and put that $ toward the buyout.
Well, I doubt I even go to a baseball game this year. Thoroughly soured on everything SC right now. I really think the whole UofSC logo BS started it. I knew then the whole damn school had went to shit. I honestly just can't believe supposedly educated people can be this damn dumb.

The sad thing is I think by keeping this staff you actually lose a ton of money for the future. I see way more younger Clemson fans than I do Gamecock fans. Times aren't like they used to be. Kids have tons of other options now. I really think our fanbase shrinks.
I don't think that's a question. That's why Tanner and Caslen have supported him. South Carolina doesn't have the money to buy Muschamp out. They may not have the money to buy him out next season either.
That is not how a buy out works. They happen over time. Tennessee will be paying Butch for a couple of years. They are still paying Dooley.
Announcers making me psyched about the future. It was just bad luck this year guys. And our new facilities will have us competing soon!Sick
Say bye to Etienne and Lawrence. Their day is done
I get what you are trying to say, but they are in there until there's 60+ on the board. Spurrier still lives in Dabo's head, that why we've seen two needless trick plays from them and a 4th down conversion attempt.
Since we are all on the "can Tanner, can Muschamp, can McClendon" talk....for the love of all things garnet...can Coleman Hutzler while we are at it. Our special teams are a disaster.
Why cant we catch a punt
As many things as we do bad.... Not fricken having anyone who will catch a punt is the one that get me frustrated more than anything..... Why even put anyone back there....
Our million dollar OC has put a total of 3 Field goals on the board in the last 7 quarters of football and scored 3 touchdowns in the last FOUR GAMES - how do you justify keeping him?
I hope Muschamp is gone. I will day this however, I do not think he is the issue with the offense as he has been in the past. He has allowed BM to go tempo and throw it around; totally anti defensive guy. If Muschamp stays, BM can not return as OC.
ESPN: "If you make a move, there's no guarantee you can get a better coach."
Jon Snow: "If you don't make a move, you are guaranteed to be stuck with a crap coach."

So Mr. Snow (it all) - what exactly did the announcers say that was true. What is your recommendation for a coach since you such a great prognosticator and have better football knowledge than those 2 announcers. I would certainly like to hear your infinite wisdom. Are you willing to put up $1000s more to pay off coaches and pay $10M per year for the absolute best proven coach in the USA.